The Unnamed God. I'm really Not a God You Guys!

Chapter 434: Escaping!

<….!!! How do you know so much?!>

Now that's a very good question. How do I know so much? Also, why is most of my knowledge always superficial? It seems like I've personally experienced trading stocks in the past, but my memory is foggy.

I swear, that Lunar goddess screwed up so much! Involuntary summon plus memory loss! If this was a lawful place, I could definitely bring her to court!

What would such a thing even look like? Are there even laws regarding interdimensional summoning? I feel like people warring wouldn't care about the small details, aka my entire existence. *Sigh*

[Don't worry about it. Anyway, how does your power even work? Is there some stock market somewhere?]

<From where I'm from it's common. But around here, no. Still, you'd be surprised how many people stay awake at night considering how valuable the things they own are becoming. It is that strong intent, released unintentionally, that I draw my power from.>

[That's kinda nice! So, your host can invest then win or lose power accordingly?] 

<Exactly! Ah, I'm getting the urge to convince someone to try his hand at the market now. Why did you guys have to talk about this?!>

<Well, he apparently defeated the God of Order's toe so we should be able to escape soon.>

<What?! He did?! How?!>

[Wow, you guys sound like broken records haha. Alright, shall we get out of here?]

<Yeah, let's hurry before that arrogant, insufferable, antisocial…>

That is when the entire atmosphere changes. The void seems to suddenly be filled with an overwhelming white fog, one that gives an ancient and powerful vibe. Then it slowly congregates taking a human shape. That is when an archaic but playful voice echoes. 

"You guys are having a party and you didn't even invite little old me?! How mean! There is no way that…. wait…a human! How are you here! Ah, never mind. A pleasure to meet you, comrade!"


"Yes, yes. I can recognize a fellow man of culture when I see one!" 

[Y-you! You too are …?!] 

"Yes, just like you I have embraced the nudist way!" 


Not what I expected all!

[I'm no nudist! I simply lost my clothes in a fight!] 

"*Haha! Right, of course! You just happened to lose all your clothes in a fight. You weren't hurt at all in the process either. I understand, don't worry! I too used to feel unjustified shame a long time ago."

[It's really not like that, I …!] 

"There is no shame in being proud of the body you were given and to showcase it for the world to see. Many will misunderstand you as some sort of pervert but do not worry comrade. Just know that you have a friend in me!"

I can't help but cringe a bit. I guess at least he's friendly. 

[Thanks…. I guess. But what are you exactly?]

"I am the magnificent, elegant, loved by all, …*goes on for a few minutes* naked Emperor! I am so great that anyone that even so much as glances in my direction cannot forget my dashing image. People either flush feeling embarrassed about themselves or charge at me excitedly whenever I appear!"

Pretty sure it's not themselves they are embarrassed about. Also, pretty sure the excited people are trying to beat him up. I'm not sure about how powerful he really is but he clearly has a very thick skin, even in soul seems. 

[What happened to your body in the first place?] 

"The God of Order himself became jealous of me. But he didn't have the power to defeat me, so he opted for a seal instead. My soul has been divided into three parts: two essence balls and a stick in between." 

What's with the way he's formulating this?! He could have just said three parts and that would have been fine! 

[What happens when these three parts are freed?] 

"Then I will come back to save the world from itself! My body seemingly devoid of life that is slumbering somewhere will awaken! Then I will roam this world to preach about salvation!" 

I wonder if he'll go from door to door naked akin to a Jehovah's witness… I can only imagine the face of the poor residents. It would be shocking and DISGUSTING! The worst is that to be sealed here he's probably actually strong. 

[Ah, right! If you are truly a strong emperor, can you help me get a footing on this continent?] 

"*Sigh* I would, but this piece of my soul has no offensive capability at all. After all, to be considered naked one has to have the ability to wear clothes in the first place."

Why is it that the only cultivator sounds more gimmicky than the systems themselves?! Then again, I don't even understand mana so I can't judge.

[Alright, let's get the Hell out!]

"Eh, how do you plan on even leaving? We can fly but we are all incorporeal, are you able to fly up? This place is designed to restrain, so even with that guardian gone it will be troublesome."

[Well, can't I just do that?] 

I approach my hand toward the Friendly system. Then I simply grab and hold onto it. 

[Alright, now fly up!] 

"How?! This shouldn't be possible! Only gods should be able to interact with such abstract beings and …. then again there are always exceptions in this world. People also said one couldn't cultivate nakedness haha!"

I like how he went from incredulous to not caring in one go. The Friendly system I'm holding onto seems to be struggling to go up. I grab ahold of more of them. 

[Alright, time to go up! Back to the Earth realm!] 


Surrounded by 5 glowing Systems I slowly ascend. At some point, there is some sort of barrier blocking us. They call it remnant energy. Apparently, we'll have to wait a few years before it clears up. 

Please! As if I'll let some dead remnant energy of some goddamn toe stand in my way! I simply focus all my energy on one punch. BAM! CRACK! 

The barrier simply gives up completely! Then comes the sweet freedom! We exit the abyss, in style! Can't believe I was almost worried. 

I thought there were gonna be real monsters. Turns out it was all a lie! Don't believe everything you hear! As usual, I can't help but roar! 

[Earth realm, I'm back!] 

"AH!! Devils! Devils came out!" 

Ah, there was a random guard that I didn't even notice. He just ran away in fright to sound the alarm. Will I have to fight these guys that call themselves protectors now?! 

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