The Unseen Angel in MHA


After the man we are hunting entered the bar, it took about an hour for Ironside to get 'seduced' or seduce the man. They then headed over to the hotel we are staying at for this moment. The other two inside the bar follow a minute after Ironside and the man left. We three inside the hotel room could hear them walking towards our room, I could feel the demonic energy getting closer to the hotel room.

"Let me grab my things from this room and we can head to the place you want to show me," Ironside says as they are standing outside the door.

As soon as the door opens up we see the Chinese man we are hunting standing behind Ironside. Everyone tenses up as we are hiding from him, but the man's eyes go wide and he turns around immediately running away.

'Shit he probably sensed me being this close,' I think as the demon's senses are lessened it appears if they aren't in full control.

I run after him as the others try to quickly follow behind. I can close the distance easily, but I want to see if the demon will lead me to his hideout. So I make it look like I lost him but in reality, I'm hiding far enough behind for it to not sense me, but I can sense them. The others lost us, as they didn't react in time and the demon seems to be enhancing its host to slightly below superhuman levels.

"Rapture do you have visual?" Exodus asks me over the comms.

"Yes, I will tell you the location he stops at since I want to follow him back to where he may be keeping his victims," I say back over the comms slowly following behind the man.

"Understood," Exodus says back to me.

I follow the man to the outskirts of the city near a run downed apartment complex that seems to be foreclosed. I see him look around making sure he wasn't followed one last time before walking inside calmly. I tell the others where to come and then I leave my hiding spot to enter the place quickly making my way toward the demonic energy. Rushing up the stairs I bust open the door and see the man turned into his demonic form about to tear the hearts out of his current victims. Seems he is leaving this place knowing he is being hunted.

At my entrance and sensing me the man turns around with a growl. I can see he is in his demonic form. The demon is an incubus, as I can see he is a very handsome looking man with two small stubby black horns, much like a goat getting its first horns small. The demon also has a pair of red leathery wings, piercing red eyes, slightly enlarged canines, and long sharp nails.

"Angelus?! Quid est filius summi operantis in campo morali?" the demon says as it turns to me and lets a small growl loose.

"Hic sum ut te restituam ubi es," I say back as the three victims look to be unconscious on the ground.

"Sum Asmodeus dubius sectator, dedit mihi benedictionem suam ut animas illi afferat," the demon says back with a feral chuckle at the end.

"Cur epistulas relinquamus? Nonne herus tuus ad hoc regnum venire cupiebat?" I ask it before I banish it back to hell.

"Satis loqui, tempus proli deo mori," the demon says back before launching black flames directed toward me.

My instincts scream danger and seeing them in person I know these flames are hellfire. They equal holy fire, but depending on the strength of the user it can overpower the other. In response to his hellfire, I blast my holy fire which easily overpowers the demon and consumes its flames. Not only was the demon a weaker one, but wasn't even at its full power having not completed the ritual. The demon tries to dodge my flames but it was not quick enough as my holy fire caught onto its right side slowly consuming its body.

"Nunc vera consilia dic mihi!" I yell at the demon as I grab it by the neck lifting it up as my fire slowly consumes it. The demon just gives me a sadistic smile, while burning to nothing slowly.

"Veni ad domum meam et ego respondebo omnibus tuis quaestionibus," the demon says before my fire consumes him entirely and it laughs as it dies.

After my fire consumes the demon I'm still holding the unconscious host as it only consumed the demon. I drop the man I hunted and cuffed him, he may be a victim too, but I'm just trying to figure out what the demon's real mission was.

"Rapture?!" I hear Exodus shout my name as they all enter the foreclosed apartment complex.

"Upstairs! I took care of the demon, the man is no longer possessed. The three victims are here too, with minor injuries, seems the demon wanted or needed fresh hearts," I say to them and they all quickly make their way to the room I found the demon in.

"Are you sure the demon is gone?" Exodus asks me as he looks down at the unconscious man we were hunting.

"Yes he is right, I do not sense any more demonic energy from this man," Mystify says before I respond.

"I assume you all can make sure the victims get sent to the hospital. I will take the man," I say as I grab the wanted man and threw him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

"Yeah we can handle the rest from here," Exodus says before shaking my hand in goodbye.

"Was good working with you, hopefully we don't do this too often," Glazier says as I turn to leave.

"Agreed," I say before leaving.

Once outside and making sure they don't see me, I turn into my angelic form before quickly flying back to the main government building. Once there I drop down from high enough for no one to notice me. My landing like usual makes the guards jump in fright, but now they all recognize me and my normal entrances, so they relax at seeing me.

"This is a wanted man I was hunting. Make sure the director of hero agencies knows he is here in the morning," I say dropping the man at the head guard's feet, the man groans but remains unconscious.

"Sure thing Rapture," the head guard says before he and another guard drag the man inside to a holding cell.

I then quickly make my way home while contemplating the possibilities for the demon to have shown up and its real mission. Once home I silently enter the house to not wake Rumi up. Once inside our bedroom, I see Rumi hugging my pillow like she normally hugs me a night. I let a small chuckle out, before nicely removing the pillow and taking its place. Rumi grumbles in her sleep but snuggles into me once I take the pillow's place with a smile on her face. I wake up the next morning with Rumi straddling me while pouting slightly.

"Good morning, I say while smiling at her, her pout eases up slightly but remains.

"You should have woken me up last night! I missed you and could have used some relief," Rumi says with a pouting face. Since like me, her libido is high and normal we enjoy ourselves every night if not every other night.

"Sorry you just looked so peaceful sleeping, plus you had this cute smile on her your face," I say with a chuckle, then pulling her down to kiss her. She slightly resists, not putting up much of a fight before passionately kissing me back.

"Shower now! I still have work soon," Rumi says while straddling me. Without another word, I pick her up and take us both to the bathroom.

As Rumi is out patrolling, I'm still trying my hand at day trading. Which I've gotten slightly better at, but still make mistakes here and there. Though I get a text from the director saying he got my gift and is happy at the success of the mission. He also got the report from Exodus and Soma giving him the details of the mission.

Then weeks passed by and summer finally ended with Rumi's job becoming much easier but very boring still. I did hear from Shota, Hizashi, and Nemuri that my Uncle took on the job of Sensei Night as she retired last year. Shota was telling me how his current class is very interesting as many of them have very good quirks and are fast learners. Though my Uncle called me telling me he needed to come over to talk to me about something very important.

As Rumi and I were cuddling on the couch watching TV since it was her day off, we hear someone enter the house. Knowing it was probably my Uncle and confirming it from his normal entrance of shouting it is him. He walks over hearing the TV on and seeing us cuddling on the couch.

"Akihiko and Rumi, good to see you both again! How have you two been? Am I going to be a grand-Uncle yet?" my Uncle says to us with a curious and hopeful look at the end.

"Hey Toshinori, we've been the same normal, just the usual. Still no baby yet, though maybe soon we might try. Though how've you been?" Rumi says hearing and seeing my Uncle enter the house. She does share a look with me as we've been talking about starting our family soon.

"How unfortunate, I was hoping I would be one soon. Though as you said I've been good, I need to discuss something important with Akihiko," my Uncle says to us and gives me a serious look.

"Whatever it is you can say in front of Rumi, if it is about your quirk, she is aware of it. I have no secrets with my wife," I say while smiling down at Rumi who smiles back at me and I hug her slightly tighter. Rumi even knows about me being a real angel, which took her some time to get used to and she is the only person who knows that.

"I see, that is good since it is not healthy to keep secrets from your partner," my Uncle says while nodding his head showing he is ok with her knowing. I turn off the TV as he sits down on one of the arms chairs looking at us with a serious face.

"It does have to do with my quirk. As you both know, my master passed this quirk down to me and I wanted to pass it down to Akihiko, but he declined," my Uncle says to us and gives me an understanding look. As we both silently look at him waiting for him to continue.

"So I had to pick my successor and as luck would have it I found the young man who I feel will make a good replacement for me. He is a current student at U.A. and is in Shota's classroom. His name is Izuku Midoriya, he is not the most confident young man, but I feel he will be a great replacement for me," my Uncle says to us with a confident smile at his choice, but I can also see a hint of worry in my Uncle's eyes.

"That is good. Glad you found the successor you've been searching for, for so long," Rumi says while I look at my Uncle suspiciously as if he is hiding something from us.

"Is there anything else you want to tell us?" I ask having a dreadful feeling about my Uncle hiding something.

" that was all. I figured you should know that I picked a successor," my Uncle says with hesitation in his voice, which makes me more suspicious. Though whatever it is I'm sure he will tell me eventually.


AN: Demon conversation translated below:

Demon: An angel?! What is a son of the high one doing in the moral plain?

Akihiko: I'm here to put you back where you belong.

Demon: Doubtful I'm a follower of Asmodeus, he has given me his blessing to fetch him souls.

Akihiko: Why leave the messages? Did your master want to come to this realm?

Demon: Enough talk, time to die spawn of the false god

Akihiko: Now tell me your true plans!

Demon: Come to my home and I'll answer all of your questions

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