The Unseen Angel in MHA


A few weeks passed with Rumi and me sending our invitations to the two kids we would possibly train. They both responded to us through a letter saying they accepted the invitation, though Midoriya responded back with what felt like an essay. It basically said how thankful he is for the invitation and is extremely happy that one of the top heroes would invite him. The letter was one big ass kissing in my opinion, which Rumi didn't mind though she just hoped he is not like this in person too. They would both be living with us for the whole month and we have more than enough room for them. Rumi and I waited in the living room for the two kids to show up, which wasn't long as Shoto has been here before many times.

"Shoto will you finally tell me how you know the top female hero?" Midoriya says as I open the door, after hearing Shoto ring the doorbell.

"Hey Uncle Akihiko," Shoto says while giving me a small smile and Midoriya freezes at hearing Shoto while looking at me.

"Come in you two, Rumi is inside and is looking forward to training you," I say to them and turn to Midoriya with a critical eye.

Shoto walks in and is comfortable here since he is basically family to us, while Midoriya walks nervously inside our house. He very stiffly walks into the living room to see Rumi ruffling Shoto's hair much to his annoyance. It's even funnier now since he is a few inches taller than Rumi now.

"Ah, Midoriya right? I heard a lot about you from the teachers at U.A. and All Might himself. I'll show you where you will be staying here, then change into your hero training outfit. As we will be heading to the training area in my house to see what you are capable of," Rumi says taking Midoriya away from us. He just nods his head and awkwardly follows after my wife.

"I'm surprised you took my invitation," I say turning to Shoto after we watch the two leave.

"I've thought about it and decided I need to learn how to control and use my fire properly. I figured in that case, it was either you or my father to help me. I'd rather not go through any more training under him," Shoto says to me while looking down at his left hand which contains his fireside.

"I'm glad you were able to make even the slightest peace with that. I know how hard it can be to move on from something you hold much hate towards," I say while giving him a proud smile.

"Thanks...can you tell me your story? Every time I ask mom she just says to ask you for it," Shoto says to me with a curious look.

"Not much of a story. Though basically, all I ever wanted was to be a hero like my Uncle, then one day some very bad villains captured me and my parents. They used us against my Uncle but still killed my parents as I stood there unable to act. It took me years to even get a semblance of peace from that issue and I'm still working on moving on from it," I say to Shoto with an indifferent shrug since it's been years and I've gotten much better. Though I'm not a hundred percent better as my emotions are suppressed still only to show up in distressing situations.

"Oh….I'm sorry," Shoto says not sure what to say as he finishes unpacking his things in the room he will be staying in.

"It is what it is," I say with a shrug. He just gives a small nod before looking at me silently.

"We will go downstairs to the training area too, so I can how we can proceed with your fire," I say while walking away and waiting for Shoto to change.

As Shoto and I go downstairs to my basement we see Rumi making Midoriya do all sorts of exercises to see his capabilities. I turn to the special room that I had made just like Endeavor's which can contain extreme temperatures or make the temperature in the room change to drastic levels. Rumi usually uses it for making herself withstand harsher temperatures.

"I told him that All Might told me the truth about his quirk and his protege. Like expected he was very surprised at first, but now understands that I can possibly help him better," Rumi whispers to me after Shoto gets into the special room.

"That's good, is he as bad off as we expected?" I say to Rumi while eyeing Midoriya seeing he is currently struggling to do the current exercise Rumi has him doing.

"Yeah, he is very physically weak compared to the quirk's strength. From what your Uncle told me even he was able to handle the quirk after strengthening his body. I'm gonna make him do a lot of strength training and teach him some martial arts. Do you have any suggestions?" Rumi says to me while we both look at Midoriya together.

"I don't know much about the kid, but what you suggest makes sense. We can't do that much with only a month to help them. The only thing we can really do is give them a foundation to work with after they leave, so other that the two things you mentioned maybe some confidence boosting," I say with a shrug after thinking a bit.

"Yeah alright," Rumi says with a nod before turning her full attention back to Midoriya.

"Sorry Shoto, let's start with how hot you can make your fire and how long you can keep it up," I say turning back to Shoto and entering the special room.

After a few hours of testing Shoto, I get the picture of what he is currently at with his fire. He is doing much better than his brother Toya at his age in terms of heat and endurance but is severely lacking in technique. With that being the case I just need to come up with a good training plan for him to do over this month. After we finished training the boys they both went to their rooms to change and shower. Rumi changed back to her normal clothes and showered since she kinda trained too with Midoriya. While everyone was upstairs I made dinner for us all.

"....Mr. Yagi….. Um, you are a pro hero too right? What's your hero name? I don't recognize you….I'm not saying you're a bad hero!" Midoriya says to me with a very nervous voice while we eat dinner. Rumi and Shoto both shoot me curious looks as to how I will respond.

"Yeah, I'm not well known to the public if at all really. Like your homeroom teacher, I'm an underground hero," I say while looking at him to see if he is satisfied with that answer. I also noticed my Uncle didn't tell Midoriya his last name otherwise he should have recognized my last name and Rumi's considering her last name is now mine.

"Oh….. that makes sense!" Midoriya says with a nod of his head.

"Though am I allowed to know your hero name?" Midoriya continues to seem very curious about it.

"My hero name is Rapture," I say while looking at him curious if he will connect the dots, from the time I saved their class from the small army of villains.

"Rapture....Wait! You are the same hero that saved us from the villains at the U.S.J.!" Midoriya says with a surprised look remembering that.

"Yeah that was me," I say with an indifferent shrug.

"Wait! How are you Shoto's Uncle and brother of Sensei Aizawa?" Midoriya says remembering that too it seems.

"You can be someone's family and not related by blood you know," Rumi says giving Midoriya an annoyed look at his outbursts.

"So you're not related by blood?" Midoriya says while confused. Shoto rolls his eye in annoyance while I just smirk.

"No not by blood. I'm just very close to Shoto's mom like she is my real sister. While your teacher has been my best friend since we were very little," I say with a shrug and small smile remembering the old days.

"Oh I guess that makes sense," Midoriya says while taking out a notebook from nowhere and writing in it.

"I saw you do that before, what is that book?" I ask seeing him writing in it and remembering him doing that before when I first saw him at U.S.J.

"I like to write everything I know about heroes or students who are in the hero program. Then rate them on their capabilities," Midoriya says while looking up and smiling at me showing me my page in the hero book.

It has my hero name, a rough drawing of how I looked in my hero uniform, and all the powers that I used. I can see under special notes that I'm very close with other heroes like Shota and Endeavor's family.

"You know this is a good idea to do this, but also a terrible idea too. What if one of your future enemies or current villains gets a hold of this book? This would jeopardize many heroes and their loved ones, you should not be doing this," I say while looking through the book and remembering this is like the reason my parents died.

"I…'re not wrong, but I don't put anything too personal in there. Just basic information that anyone could really find out! Then using what I know about them put them in a ranking," Midoriya says trying to justify his notebook.

"You say that now, but when this book gets lost or taken and someone in this book dies because of this information. We will see how you feel then," I say handing the notebook back I'm not too concerned personally, as I will protect all my loved ones no matter the situation.

"....I…..Understood," Midoriya says meekly and takes the book back. Though his face looks like I just beat him to death and left him to die.

'This kid has severe confidence issues,' I think to myself seeing his very meek expression.

The next couple weeks Rumi and I spent making sure the two kids have a solid foundation before heading back to U.A. For the last week, we planned to have the two of them spar and thankfully the yard outside is big enough for the two to spar safely. During the whole month, my Uncle was texting us both for frequent updates on his protege and progress. Then one morning while Rumi and I were having each do their morning exercises, my work phone got a call.

"Rapture, we sent some underground heroes to deal with a villain who has been killing heroes. Can you deal with this?" Ms.Starlight says to me after I pick up the phone.

"I'm still teaching a U.A. student," I say not sure if this is a good time.

"I understand but the two other heroes we sent out still haven't reported back. We assume they are KIA," Ms.Starlight says meaning they already tried with a normal underground hero, then one of my colleagues and since both failed they want me to deal with it.

"Sure, send over the information and I'll deal with him," I say with a sigh and maybe Rumi can take the kids to the city for a real life experience while I deal with this.

The man I'm hunting is calling himself 'Stain' and his quirk has to do with using his opponent's blood. He is considered highly dangerous and only the most powerful of heroes are recommended to deal with him, especially after killing as many as he did currently. I show Rumi the message from my work and she nods her head in understanding.

"Hey shitheads! Tomorrow we are going to another city to get some real experience for you!" Rumi says while the two kids share a look, Midoriya looks excited and nervous at the same time. Shoto seems indifferent, but I can see the excitement in his eyes.

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