The Venerable Monster Tamer

v3 Chapter 30 - : Snake Sea Riot, Blackmail

Section 1: Snake Sea Riot, Blackmail

“It’s not the way to go on like this. We might as well cooperate to imprison the one-eyed stone bull. Enter the channel first, and then talk about other things.” Ning Fanchen slayed for a while, suddenly jumped out, withdrew from the court, and proposed.

“Okay, this fight is too suffocating, and I dare not dare to work hard. I am afraid that this mausoleum will be broken.” Gu Poyou carried the gang Leiqiang and withdrew from the battlefield as soon as possible.

“Humph” Young Master Yan snorted coldly, and then closed his hand. After the war, both sides’ fighting power was greatly damaged.

The good days of the one-eyed stone cow are coming to an end, and they are sealed by Ning Fanchen. Then the two sides turned the earth altar upside down. I don’t see any channels.

“How could this be?” Young Master Yan’s eyes widened, a little crazy. I have damaged many Yanjia masters, but in the end it turned out to be the case.

“Tomb-preserving monsters and beasts should be guarding the real entrance.” Gu Poyou’s face sè Tieqing, but turned to look at Ning Fanchen. In his impression, Ning Fanchen’s combat power is low, but his head is quite easy to use.

“It’s not right. The architectural pattern of the four insects eating dragons seems to be plausible. Could it be that there is another pivot?” Ning Fanchen was amazed, his eyes rolled rapidly, and suddenly the light flashed in his mind, and a speculation came to mind.

“Don’t say …” He turned back sharply, looking at the original four channels.

“Sou” He narrowed his eyes and covered up the jīng mang that burst out. Taking the lead, he chose a passage and broke in.

“Is there anything new?” Gu Po You muttered, followed closely.

“What the hell?” Young Master Yan sarcastically sneered and thought about it, after all, he still followed.

Their luck was not good, and they didn’t enter the first passage until the third time. When they appeared mén in surprise, Chu Yun and Jin Bihan left the tomb in a fake submarine.

“Huh? Didn’t you plan to eradicate the Ning family?” Jin Bihan was puzzled by Chu Yun’s approach.

“The mausoleum is located deep in the sea of ​​snake algae, not a good place for hands-on. We are waiting here and wait for them to wear off each other, and don’t worry about Ning’s family not appearing.” Chu Yun’s eyes flashed the light of planning.

Void Chamber.

“Is this umbrella the famous Tianluo Umbrella?” Someone overjoyed, reaching for the Umbrella.

“Don’t touch it, it’s a ghost umbrella.” Ning Fanchen was suddenly shocked and screamed.

“Hum, don’t move, don’t move? The things in this mausoleum belong to my Yan family. I took it from Ben Shao,” the Young Master Yan snorted and ordered.

“Yes, Young Master,” the man glanced at Ning Fanchen with disdain, and he had to start.

“Would you like to try it?” Gu Po You pounced, waving Gang Leiqiang. Seeing that the treasure was close at hand, his irritable son finally couldn’t control it.

“Don’t do anything dangerous here” Ning Fanchen yelled, but it was too late.

Gu Po You and Young Master Yan fight against each other, and the strong wind that winds up blows the Nether Umbrella.

“Awful” Ning Fanchen felt hollow in his heart at this moment.

Click, click …

The whole mausoleum burst into shocking shocks. The Nether Umbrella really links the organ of the mausoleum.

Both immediately stopped. Panic appeared on the Yan Family Young Master’s face. Looking around, he couldn’t help shouting, “What’s going on?”


The zenith suddenly split open, and a turbulent sea of ​​water formed a turbulent water column, which poured in backwards.

Everyone suddenly changed. Yan Jisi exclaimed: “The tomb is disintegrating”

“As soon as the tomb is disintegrated, the snake plant outside will be awakened. No one will be able to get out of the riot in the snake sea area.”

“Damn,” Young Master Yan wanted to search for the corpse, but Yan Jisi stopped her: “Master, run away.”

Young Master Yan stared at his eyes, gritted his teeth, and finally turned and fled towards the same path. Between life and death, one minute and one second are so critical.

Only Ning Fanchen remained. He panted, risking his life, and ran to the corpse. The clothes of the corpse were torn apart in a moment of violence, and they were searched in a few breaths.

“How come there is nothing?” He yelled, unable to believe it. Taking such a risk on my own has nothing to gain.


The boulder fell and the water column suddenly expanded. The water level in the Void Chamber suddenly rose by half a foot.

“Hum a bunch of fools, thinking rigidly. The tomb disintegrated and returned along the same path, but it took the most time to spend the most time. The best way is to make a path yourself. Jin Shabei, come out

Ning Fanchen glanced at the dry body floating on the water reluctantly, and summoned the monster beast Jinshabei. The shell in the shape of a round dish spreads out, and the sand in it comes out. Ning Fanchen hid in it, and the shell closed. Immediately afterwards, he spun round and banged, tore through the mausoleum, and flew out.

Like a drop of Mars, thrown into the dry firewood. First, the large demon-grade snake algae enveloping the mausoleum awakened, and then the influence spread, and the nearby algae enemies rioted.

Chu Yun looked far from inside the dense submarine boat, and saw the turquoise waters set off 1ang. Countless snake algae shuttled through it, entwined like giant pythons. From time to time, the head of the algae rushed out of the sea, bringing up the splashing 1anghua, which was a few feet high.

“The terrible sea is furious.” Jin Bihan felt the martial arts. The Holy King made the sacred king to kill the **** Immortal Throne at night. Abandon the young Zhou Dynasty martial arts Qiankun to kill the **** God Seal Throne at night and seek the devil Ao Nine Heavy The majesty and the voice shivered uncontrollably.

“Look, someone came from 1ang.” She has a keen eye, and her fingers are pointing forward, exclaiming.

“At this time, how could anyone have such leisurely elegance to play on the sea at 1ang?” Chu Yun’s face was white, “Retreating is a snake demon plant of the spirit demon series.”

Once the demon has reached the level of the spirit demon, he can temporarily leave the soil and walk freely. Because of the suppression of the ranks, Chu Yun and Jin Bihan joined forces, and they are not opponents of the spirit demon.

This is when life is at stake, Chu Yun suddenly retreated into the sea.

“Another figure, treading 1ang” slowly spreads with the riot, and a second figure appeared on the sea. Jin Bihan looked from afar, and vaguely could see the other’s slim figure.

Seeing Khan on his forehead, Chu Yun could not care about King Ning at this time. Explode back into the sea again.

The riot finally affected the whole sea area of ​​Snakeweed. Chu Yun had already withdrawn from this area of ​​the sea and parked the dense submarine on an uninhabited island, watching from afar.

The sea of ​​snake algae in front of me seemed to be a prehistoric beast, and the big green mouth of Zhang Da swallowed all life. One bit of the spirit demon-grade snake algae came out of the sea. When the riot was the most frantic, five figures appeared on the sea. They have a slim figure, with a slender waist of water snakes, and they seem to dance on the sea in every move.

However, this kind of beauty made the viewer’s Chu Yun and Jin Bihan have white faces and a chill in their hearts.

“Did you say that in this sea area, there is a snake algae plant in the realm of robbery?” Jin Bihan asked.

“It’s not good. Maybe there is …” Chu Yunan’s dry mouth net, “I don’t know the Yan and Ning families, how many people escaped?” When he said this, a sharp edge flashed in his eyes.

He decided to stay on the island and look at the situation.

Half a day later, Chu Yun suddenly appeared on the sea.

“Fortunately for his grandmother, I have experience, and I temporarily got into the sea mud and dug a tunnel to escape. Otherwise, an old life, I will take it in.” Gu Po You face white, seriously injured. His left arm had sagged weakly. Underneath was a pierced seal, scolding, and a look of happiness.

Chu Yun laughed, mounted the Sky Fox, and appeared in front of Gu Po You.

Gu Poyou’s face changed slightly: “Where did the doll come from? Also want to rob the old man? The old man is in a good mood today and doesn’t want to move troops. You go.”

Chu Yun sneered. Gu Poyou didn’t know Chu Yun, but he was familiar with the drunk snow swords of the Shujia Island masters of all generations.

“You, you are the overlord Chu Yun?” His face suddenly changed, his expression flustered. The disdainful eyes turned into dignity and fear immediately.

“What do you want to do? The war is over, and the Ningshu and the two have been in peace talks.” Gu Poyou looked up nervously at Chu Yun.

“I heard that you have appeared in the tomb of Tianluohou, out of the treasure, and spare you not to die.” Chu Yun reached out and stroked Tianhu’s silky white skin with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Jin Bihan, who was invisible, almost laughed when he heard this. Chu Yun was so bad that he apparently obtained the treasure, and in fact blackmailed these suffering masters.

Gu Poyou’s face sank: “The news is spreading very quickly. To tell you the truth, the old man didn’t harvest the slightest treasure in the mausoleum. Besides, even if there is, I won’t give it to you.”

He is also a person of identity, ranking in the Junjie list, ranking a lot higher than Chu Yun. At this time, if you want to admit counsel, out of the treasure. Tell him where to put his face? Are you still going to hún in the future?

Chu Yun’s face also sank: “Since you refuse to come out. Let me pick it up myself”

Gu Po You was very hot-tempered, and immediately roared: “Afraid you can’t do it? If you want to hit it, hit it.” The crotch-sealed seal raises its head 1ang, and its right hand lifts up Leiqiang with a whisper, just like Chu Yun smashed it.

Chu Yun immediately urged Xueya Dao. Drunk Snow Knife soared three times, banged, and chopped Gang Leiqiang.

The knives collided, exploding a large burst of sparks. Both sides flew back.

“Great strength” Chu Yun was startled. Gu Po You is in such a state, he can also draw a tie with himself ~ ~ If he is in his heyday, he will certainly not be able to stop his great power.

“Zi, do you know how powerful it is? The old man disdains to kill you.” Gu Po You coldly snorted, thinking that Shu Tianhao possessed a spirit demon-level blue sea dragon and had to be afraid.

How could Chu Yun let go of this good opportunity to beat down the water dog?

It was just a temptation, and immediately urged the glory to add color to the law and increase the snow tooth.

Drunk Snow Knife skyrocketed to a terrifying level, chopped off according to Gu Po You

“I don’t know the son of life and death” Gu Po Youyou coldly raised, raised the Leiqiang, and urged Dao to fight back.

The two sides fought fiercely for 50 rounds, thunderous sounds echoed through the battlefield.

After the fight, Chu Yun gasped and sat on the back of Tianhu, looking down at the ancient break on the sea.

Gu Poyou’s face was ugly, panting, his injuries worsened, and he was dizzy. He stared fiercely at Chu Yun for a long time, and said abruptly: “Forget it, the old man recognized it. The treasure of the mausoleum is for you.”

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