The Venerable Monster Tamer

v3 Chapter 4 - : Attack on Weijia Island!

For a time, there was silence in the cabin.

Chu Yun was really shocking, and he even proposed to take Weijia Island.

What is boldness? This is called boldness! With a small army of 400 people, the idea was to fight a city-level island.

Chu Yun looked around for a week and saw that most people looked at themselves with shock in their faces. Only Yan Que and Jin Bihan thought deeply.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and Chu Yun immediately smiled at the two of them: “What do you two think?”

“It’s very risky to attack Weijia Island. But if it is captured, the benefits are not small. We have the Weijia Fleet, which can hide people’s eyes and ears, and Shi Jiaming’s Gaoming camouflage. It is not a problem to successfully infiltrate the Weijia Island. “Yan Que frowned and pondered.

“The key is that whether this plan succeeds or not, it can lead the attractiveness of the Allies to us. If we can entangle some of their troops in this sea area. This will reduce the huge pressure on Shujia Island.” Jin Bihan I have guessed half of Chu Yun’s thoughts: “Is it because this time, I was asked to play that code Long Tao?”

Chu Yun nodded with a smile: “Yes. This is still a suspect strategy, just to pretend to be a defeated army …”

Decide, the order will be issued layer by layer. Master Yu Ya heard the order at first glance and almost glared down her eyes.

With these troops, it is necessary to plot a city-level island. He thought he knew Chu Yun, but now he found that he underestimated Chu Yun’s guts.

It is very difficult to conquer a city-level island. There are two problems first. One is the monster in the earth altar, and the other is the Weijia City.

The monsters raised in the earth altar are generally big monster series, which is a big trouble. Usually, live in the earth altar and enjoy the worship of the islanders. Once there is an invasion from the outside, they will board the battlefield and resist foreign enemies.

The city is unstoppable, even if it captures the whole island, it is possible that the other party will come out of the city to counterattack at any time, failing. The Weijia City has been operated for generations and has been built like an iron bucket.

It was once estimated that at least 10,000 people are required to attack before they can be captured.

With Chu Yun ’s small army of only 400 people, it is like an egg touching a stone!

However, since the military order was like a mountain, since Chu Yun was willing to walk alone, he had to follow Chu Yun’s instructions to transform the ship into a ruined appearance. Much like having experienced a miserable battle.

The fleet was divided into two halves, half of which were two grain transport ships and an ordinary battleship, led by Jin Bihan, assisted by Yan Que, and pretended to be a defeated army. Go to Weijia Island brightly.

And Chu Yun led the rest of the battleship, traveled slowly, and secretly advanced into the sea of ​​Weijia Island.

Among the 14 power alliances that besieged the Shu family, the Tiejia, Huajia, Ningjia, and Fangjia were first-class forces, and the rest were second-rate. Among them, Weijia Island belongs to the middle-class level. Because of the coral forest that is closest to one of the seven wonders of Sin Chau, the tourism industry is quite developed. In terms of wealth gains alone, Shujia Island was previously unsuccessful and now has a sea salt trade that can keep pace with it.

The sea of ​​Weijia and the sea of ​​Shujia are bordered. With the strong rise of Shujia Island, Weijia Island cannot naturally sit back. Moreover, it has signed a sea salt trade agreement with Shujia Island. Various conflicts of interest, Weijia Island joined the crusade alliance, and sent the chief general Suo Nan.

“Weijia Island has second-class strength, but because it is a tourist resort, its armament has always been quite abundant. It has three fleets, one stationed in the main island port all year round, and two cruised the sea. Now this one led by Suo Nan has been Annihilation. If the suspected plan is half successful this time, the second fleet will be eliminated. If all can succeed, it is not difficult to capture Weijia Island! “

Chu Yun watched Jin Bihan leave, secretly thinking about it.

In the memory of the previous life, a genius figure named Ning Tianwang appeared on Ningjia Island. His leadership group changed the Ning family’s weak and feminine style, and acted hard and crazy.

It was under the leadership of this person that Ning’s family captured the Weijia Island overnight as a suspect after a year and a half. Shocked the world.

Chu Yun feels the benefits of the memory of the previous life more and more. At this time, he borrowed Ning Tianwang’s tactics. Even if we can’t capture Weijia Island, Weijia Island can suffer heavy losses and become paralyzed for a while, so we can no longer join the fight against Shujia Island.


Chu Yun divided troops. Jin Bihan and his entourage drove to the main island of Weijia. Chu Yun and his party sneaked quietly with the help of the thick night.

3:30 in the morning.

Chu Yun reached the limit of stealth distance, had to stop the pace of the advance, and ordered the fleet to hide in a hidden shadow of an isolated island.

The main island of Weijia is a city-level island, surrounded by several town-level islands and village-level islands, such as pearls dotting the entire Weijia sea.

Chu Yun crossed the cordon of some islands, but he couldn’t move forward at this time. If you move forward, you will be scared.

The waiting time is long.

Especially this kind of waiting is even more tormenting.

Chu Yun was the first to do such a surprise attack, and he knew the huge risks. Looking at the direction of Weijia Island for a long time, but still can’t see the agreed fire light.

4: 1 a.m.

Chu Yun paced the bow of the ship, looking at Weijia Island from time to time, secretly anxious: “3 quarters have passed since the appointed time, how has the suspected surprise attack progressed? Is it close to success or has it been seen?”

4: 2 in the morning.

Chu Yun knew he had to make a choice. The sky is already shining brightly, and staying alone will inevitably reveal whereabouts.

Is withdrawing or moving on?

He lacked an estimate of the battlefield. In general naval battles, flags are used to communicate. Communication monsters are very expensive and extremely precious. Only some national island fleets are equipped with some. There are few in the Star Islands.

Therefore, night sea battles are generally evaded. Because you can’t see the semaphore clearly.

Chu Yun won two naval battles, one was the residual wolf pirate group, and the other was the male general Suo. It was all in a dogfight, the semaphore failed, and it was made in one fell swoop.

Now, he is also facing such a dilemma.

4: 3 in the morning.

Chu Yun was shocked, his face ecstatic, he finally saw the fire in the direction of Weijia Island!

“Assault! Assault! All-ship assault!” He shouted. The flagship treasure ship took the lead, breaking through the waves, and behind it were eight ordinary warships, like wolves and tigers.

“What? An enemy fleet!” The security personnel spotted the fleet for the first time and opened their eyes wide, unbelievable.

“Quick, quickly set up an interception line!” Someone shouted in panic. Suddenly there was a rush of people turning around.

However, too fast.

Chu Yun’s fleet appeared too suddenly, and after they reflected it, he had torn the line of defense and walked away.

Left a group of people staring at the fleet in amazement, rushing violently toward Weijia Island where the waves were rolling.

5 o’clock in the morning.

Chu Yun rushed to the main island of Wei Family. At a glance, the port was blazing with flames, thick smoke billowing, and nearly ten battleships were burning and paralyzed. The island was in disarray, and the wind and the wind were cramming into grass and trees, and they were caught in chaos.

The most striking thing is that a big monster dragon turtle with a height of a few feet, like a hill, rammed in the Weijia City, exuding a terrible momentum like crazy.

Chu Yun was overjoyed. He knew that the plan had been fully implemented, and this dragon turtle was the big demon in the earth altar.

He seized the bow of the ship, shouted a drunk snow knife, and shouted to the troops behind him: “The enemy is paralyzed, thinking that his defense is outstanding, let us succeed in surprise attack! Needless to say, let us sweep the entire enemy army, landing battle! “

“How could this happen? What about my earthly alchemist? What about my fleet? Why is the general Shoucheng not coming late?” Holding a pair of big demon bronze hooks at this time, watching the dragon and turtle raging in the city, he burst into anger.

“Islander, the guard will be late. A large number of enemy spies are mixed in the city and they are destroying everywhere! The earth altar demon master is only afraid of being fierce, the earth altar demon is in a violent state, and the enemy is not divided! “The guard will be dressed in a little demon armor ~ ~, holding a big demon soldier’s iron sword, kneeling down in front of the island’s main body, he will report quickly.

“What ?!” The main guardian of Weijia Island heard the words, his body shook, his face pale as if he were dead.

He incredulously yelled into the sky and shouted: “How could this be ?! How could this be ?! How can I become the main island of the Wei family in Jintang, how did it become like this all at once ?!”

Things change too fast, too suddenly.

Just now, it was a quiet and peaceful night. Everything is developing towards a good place. Before the owner of Weijia Island went to bed, he was still looking forward to how much benefit he would bring to the siege of Shujia this time.

But I didn’t expect that I just fell asleep. Was awakened by a suspicious commotion, he was about to swear, but this commotion could expand violently, the explosion sound came, endless!

He quickly got up, looked up, and saw a scene that caught him off guard. In the direction of the military port, a huge fire ignited, the island was in chaos, and the islanders raced to escape. The big monster dragon and tortoise in the earth altar, at this time, rampaged on the island and fell into a rage, regardless of enemy.

Then the defender of Weijia Island led the defenders to suppress. The result was defeated, and instead the violent dragon and turtle were introduced into the Weijia City.

“What are you commanding, not even the basic formation. Want to suppress the dragon and the turtle ?!” The Weijia Island master reacted, forcibly calming down, scolding the guard who was kneeling in the field with an unstoppable panic. , “You are really disappointing me. This time, I will give you one last chance and allow you to treat your sins. You can lead the dragon and turtle out of the Weijia City first, and you cannot let it continue to destroy!”

“Xie Island Lord’s grace. Commander at the end!” The guard stood up and was about to retreat. Suddenly he turned around and waved a large sword in his hand, he cut to the Weijia Island Lord!

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