The Venerable Monster Tamer

v7 Chapter 49 - : Machine Defense

Emperor-level demon masters are not stupid. As long as you think about it, everyone will understand the importance of “digesting chaotic demon crystal”.

In the chaotic sea, there are countless innate chaotic monsters.

These monsters have added countless troubles to the emperor-level strongmen exploring the chaotic sea. Every time you fight with Chaos Monster, no matter what the result is, the loss will be greater than the gain.

But if you master the method of using chaotic demon crystal, innate chaotic demon is not a trouble, but a treasure that can be seen everywhere!

As a result, Fairy World will develop at a high speed.

For a time, everyone turned their eyes on Chu Yun, who became the center of the field.

Facing the Yan Emperor’s question, Chu Yun shrugged and replied frankly: “Yes, I can use the Chaos Demon Crystal. So the Chaos Demon Crystal is not useful to you, but it is different for me. Hope everyone can put you All the chaotic demon crystals were resold to me. “

As soon as the words were spoken, it suddenly seemed to cast a boulder on a calm lake, causing thousands of waves.

The emperors and emperors were in an uproar.

It is really possible to use Chaos Monster Crystal, which will be a high-speed channel for the development of the fairy world.

“Emperor Ling, soon after you were promoted to emperor level, you may not understand the meaning of using Chaos Demon Crystal. The emperor is very interested in your method. The emperor hopes that you can sell this method, and the price can be negotiated.” It was Yan Huang’s first opening.

He spoke out the voices of all people, and people were constantly moving. Under the calm surface, the undercurrent was turbulent.

“This is impossible.” Chu Yun flatly refused. He was very tough and glanced fearlessly at Yan Huang and many other emperors.

“Huh?” Yan Huang’s face sank, and there had never been a demon master at the beginning of the emperor class, so he treated himself with such an attitude.

Not only the Emperor Yan, but the flashes of cold light in the eyes of others.

The Dragon Emperor was secretly happy, and the Night Emperor watched with cold eyes.

Bai Emperor’s face leaked anxiously, hesitated for a while, and finally stood still in place.

“Why, do you want to force me? Huh!” Chu Yun scorned everyone, his head was high, his expression was determined, and he showed his steely will. “My Spirit Emperor has been in Xingzhou and Danzhou. Encountered? When I was at the king level, I dared to deal with the Dragon Emperor and the Night Emperor. How about the emperor level, how about the emperor level? It is impossible for me to bow down and kneel. It ’s a big deal. What’s so scary. “

Everyone stagnate uncontrollably.

This Spirit Emperor is not only a young frenzy, but also a stunned boy!

Even if it is death, it is unwilling to hand over the method of digesting chaotic demon crystal. In a hurry, he exploded the fairy capsule world and let everything finish.

This is pure bachelor practice!

For a time, everyone was dreaded.

The explosion of the fairy capsule world is not just for fun. A little carelessness will drag other emperors into the water. Even the emperor, once bō is reached, the fairy capsule world will be crippled, and the loss will be very heavy.

This is a dangerous element!

Many emperor-level strongmen have begun to retreat quietly. They understand the importance of digesting chaotic demon crystals. These emperor-level strongmen will never give up. Chu Yun’s tough attitude cannot stop their determination. Once the conflict started, he really exploded into the fairy sac world, and it was awful that he was affected by the pond fish.

“Ling Emperor, don’t move. We are not robbers, we will not want your secret method. Everyone is a legend, put in Kyushu, are people who are admired and admired by the world, not so shameless. We just want Fair trade. Many of us are thousands of years old veterans, and the wealth in our hands is staggering. You can open the price casually, and we will achieve mutual benefit and win-win. “The emperor stood up and played the round in time.

The tense atmosphere could not help but loosen.

The timing of the Emperor’s appearance is really just right. Although everyone was coveted by Chu Yun’s secret method of using Chaos Demon Crystal, he was also worried that he would explode the fairy capsule world and make this secret method permanently lost.

Everyone inevitably casts a taboo, while Emperor Ren is a well-known merchant in the emperor’s circle. He has a wide network and is suitable for negotiation.

For a time, many powerful people cast their eyes on the emperor’s hidden appreciation.

“You can’t live by yourself, Chu Yun, Chu Yun, you are so stupid, if I must hide it. You are in danger today!” Dragon Emperor’s dry mouth chún, face full of bloodthirsty sè.

Ye Di looked at the audience coldly and took a look at everyone’s expressions. Finally, his eyes stopped on Chu Yun’s body, sneering in his heart.

No one is more comprehensive in his understanding of Chu Yun. The history of Chu Yun’s rise is his history of defeat. He and Chu Yun can be described as fatal enemies, Chu Yun’s cunning ān cheated him deeply.

How could Chu Yun be so stupid as to expose this shocking secret?

Chu Yun came to the emperor and did not buy it. He sneered and his attitude was still tough: “Transaction? This is my fate, how to trade? You are too deceiving, this is an insult to me, I remember . It ’s a big death today, what ’s so scary! “

He stuck his neck and looked at his death, and everyone was shocked.

“Wait a minute, Spirit Emperor, are you saying that this is the function of your natural magical power?” The emperor was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled bitterly.

Destiny magic power is the ultimate card of every emperor and strong man. Dragon Emperor ’s Dragon Song Nine Heavens, Xiang Emperor ’s Kingdom, Thunder Emperor ’s Electric Sea Thunder, Night Emperor ’s Chemical Path, Emperor ’s Earth-born Tian Yan, etc., all of which are tricks at the bottom of the box to win the victory. .

Destiny is the reliance of every emperor, the embodiment of the emperor’s way, and their pride. Never heard of it, someone will sell their own natal magic.

Demanding supernatural powers of others is definitely an insult to the emperor. This is the consensus in the circle.

“Of course this is my natal psychic power, and only my natal psychic power can digest the chaotic demon crystals.” Chu Yun rolled his eyes at the emperor, without a good face, and his tone was very rigid.

The emperor is also trying to digest the mystery of the Chaos Demon Crystal, but the measures taken are different. Sing red faces with other people and white faces with the same purpose.

Everyone was silent for a while.

No wonder …

Chu Yun’s stern tone and tough attitude, but at this time has been subconsciously understood by everyone.

Anyone who is asked to contribute his or her magical power will be indignant.

It is more reasonable to think about it again.

Which of the emperor-level and emperor-level here is the talent of Chu Yun? Luck did not lose to him. After so many years of exploring the chaotic sea, with rich experience and broad horizons, he has not found a way to digest the chaotic demon crystal. Why is he a newcomer who hasn’t been to the Chaos Sea several times and found a way to digest the Chaos Demon Crystal?

Only natal magical powers.

Only natal magic can have such a peculiar effect.

Some people’s natural abilities are good at fighting. For example, Baidi’s Taibai Jinxing cut, known as the emperor’s first attack technique, is sharp to the limit. Some natal supernatural powers are good at development. Just like the emperor’s natural birth, it can greatly increase the reproduction efficiency of monsters and humans. There are also mortal supernatural powers, especially strange, the best example is the night emperor’s conversion, is the nemesis of all the magic powers of the law.

Chu Yun possesses such a mortal supernatural power, which can digest the chaotic demon crystal. There is no doubt that it is the magical power of the business class.

Thinking of this, everyone was even more silent.

Since it is the other party’s fate, it is not easy to force it. This is the unspoken rule in the circle. This rule safeguards the interests of all emperors. Who wants to break him first is to risk the world.

Therefore, even if the Night Emperor possesses the Tao, no one has beaten his mind.

In comparison, Chu Yun’s natal magic power, although able to digest the chaotic demon crystal, is still not as good as the “chemical Dao”. At most, it is on par with the emperor’s “natural birth”. After all, to digest the Chaos Monster Crystal, you must first take the risk and fight the innate Chaos Monster, right?

“You said that your mortal supernatural power is the source of the power to digest the Chaos Demon Crystal. This is just your side of the word, Spirit Emperor, what proof do you take?” Unpretentious, the silent Night Emperor suddenly said suddenly.

Chu Yun’s heart was cold. Ye Di’s words were like sharp swords piercing his heart, sharp and deadly!

“Yes, Spirit Emperor, what do you use to prove your words?”

“Spirit Emperor, if you show your natal miracles in person, we will all believe you.”

“Yes, Spirit Emperor, fully expand your fairy world. We saw your natal magical powers, and this section has been revealed since then.”

Everyone also reflected that although they had believed in eight points in their hearts, each shrewd like a ghost still needs some verification to be truly at ease.

Chu Yun laughed long, and after the laughter stopped, his face was icy, with a raging anger: “Why should I prove it to you? Who do you think I am the Spirit Emperor, eh? If I want to expand the world, I will expand The world? If I want to show my natal magic powers, do I cooperate well? Ye Di, you played yīn for this emperor, very well. What proof do you take that digesting chaotic demon crystals is not the function of my natal magic powers? “

Everyone was shocked. UU reading www.

“Why have you forgotten that this Spirit Emperor is a bachelor? The Night Emperor’s remarks are unreasonable. The hatred between him and the Spirit Emperor is like a sea. When he said this, he provoked us and wanted to borrow a knife to kill. Huh, how do I Maybe he used it so easily? “

The grievances between Ye Di and Chu Yun are well known to everyone present. Therefore, similar ideas emerged in the hearts of everyone.

In the hearts of everyone, the threat of Ye Di was far greater than Chu Yun’s.

Night Emperor’s fury, these people don’t know Chu Yun’s arrogance and horror, and put their main attention on themselves. What a foolish act! Without curbing Chu Yun’s development, they will one day remorse for this.

“Of course, it is not impossible for me to show my natal psychic powers.” Chu Yun’s words turned again, glancing at everyone, and sneered. “My request is also very simple, that is, everyone also shows their own natal powers. Fair! “

Everyone’s face changed, and some people’s faces suddenly cooled down. The wind emperor even sneered: “Boring! You guys, do you still enter the abyss of the sea eye? If you do not enter, I am advanced.”! .

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