The Venerable Monster Tamer

v8 Chapter 39 - : Holy Emperor

Section 39: Holy Emperor

“Holy relic, how can you master Chu Yun? Although you have grown fast in these years, but it is only the middle of the imperial class!” The emperor yelled incredulously, he is the peak of the imperial class , Repaired to the deepest, the first to fly up from the ground. m

Subsequently, the emperor, the emperor and others followed the emperor and rose to the sky to confront Chu Yun.

They were originally fierce and came to Chu Yun to blame. Now it is a miserable failure. Not only is the image very embarrassed, but also his face is pale, full of shock and doubt.

“Hehehe, who said that the cultivation of the middle of the emperor can’t control the holy thing? There is no ancient man before, it does not mean that there is no comer. Anything is done by people, isn’t it? From now on I will be called the Holy Emperor! “Chu Yun lives in the Yin and Yang Great Harem and sits on the throne with a voice like Huang Zhong Da Lu resounding in everyone’s ears.

“Holy Emperor!” When the three emperors and four emperors heard this title, their eyes were fixed, and their expressions became complicated.

The title is just a symbol, a title, but no one has ever been arrogant enough to call it self in the name of “holy”.

In the view of all the demon masters, the word saint represents the pinnacle of spiritual practice, the ultimate strength, and the sublimation of life.

In the huge Kyushu, only nine people exist, named after the “holy”.

That is the nine saints!

In addition, no one dared to call himself “holy”. Even the royal demon master at the peak of the emperor’s peak did not dare to call it that way.

But now, there is an emperor, who is just the demon master in the middle of the emperor, announced in such a grand manner.

Holy Emperor!

The meaning of this title is that although it is an imperial level, it has the power of a holy level.

What an arrogant title, how arrogant and proud. There have been many emperor-level powerhouses in Kyushu, but no one dared to claim that.

If someone wants to do this, it will surely attract the ridicule and disdain of other emperors.

But now, in the face of Chu Yun’s three emperors and four emperors, none of them laughed.

They stared at the Great Harem of Yin and Yang, listening to the reverberating sounds around their ears, and no one questioned it.

Because facts speak louder than words.

Just now, even if the seven of them joined forces, they couldn’t stop Chu Yun’s move!

This is the emperor of the emperor, the power of the Holy Emperor!

With the Great Harem of Yin and Yang, Chu Yun broke the Kyushu record at this moment and became a legend among emperors.

He is above all emperors, whether it is the past, the present, or the future. He is the first person of the emperor, no dispute!

“Holy … Emperor …” The emperor murmured aloud and suddenly laughed, “Oh, heh, it’s really ridiculous, I’m really ridiculous, actually want to deal with you …”

The emperor of Yushu was always in the wind and was as gentle as jade. At this moment, the shawl circulated and the tears in his smile were actually mourning.

No one laughed at him. The emperor, emperor, and the four emperors all had a pain in their hearts, and their breathing was poor, with invisible depression.

Now it seems that they are like a joke.

All the fighting spirits were broken, and under the shining light of Chu Yun, they dwarfed each other and made a judgment.

“But even if we lose in your hands, you can’t take the plunder. Don’t forget the contract we signed at the time, you used the believer resources in exchange for supplies. At the same time, it was also agreed that the two parties should not pass the each This kind of means tears up the agreement. Whether it is your great harem of Yin and Yang, or humaneness, it belongs to the scope of the agreement. As long as the Xingzhou Law Net exists for a day, you ca n’t break the contract! “

The emperor is the emperor, calm down first.

When he said this, his heart was full of bitterness and shame.

There was such a day that I needed to use the previous agreement to safeguard my own interests.

“Yes, that’s it.”

“Chu Yun, I admit that you are strong. We can also recognize the title of Holy Emperor. But don’t forget that as long as Xingzhou is not destroyed, Xingzhou’s French Open will punish you!”

The other emperors also rejuvenated when they heard the words of the emperor.

Chu Yun laughed: “Relax you, if the emperor is unlucky, she will keep her promises and won’t break the contract. But if you want to go like this, it’s really naive.”

“What do you want?” The emperor’s tone inevitably brought a trace of tension.

“I’m not embarrassing you either. The material listed in this jade jade is used as a punishment for offending me.” In fact, Chu Yun was also very helpless. When he signed the contract, he would never have expected that there would be Yin and Yang. The anti-celestial factor of the harem.

Of course, with his current fighting power, it is not impossible to annex these three emperors and four emperors.

However, Chu Yun estimated that if he did so, he would have to face the strong sanctions of the Xingzhou French Open and the desperate resistance of the Three Emperors and Four Emperors, which might even trigger the saint’s shot.

After all, no one knows the situation over the sea eye abyss. The sage’s method is unfathomable. If Xingsheng shot again in order to protect Xingzhou, Chu Yun would never be surprised.

The risks and benefits are totally disproportionate, so Chu Yun made this decision after weighing the pros and cons.

The three emperors and the four emperors took turns to look at the jade slips and Chu Yun’s compensation, which caused them to frown lightly.

If a few years ago, they can spend this expense without hesitation.

But nowadays, they are vigorously developing believers and actively teaching in Sin Chew, consuming astronomical resources.

Now it is difficult to raise this huge amount of material.

But no matter how difficult, it must be paid. Man-made swords like me for fish, the situation is so, why?

In the end, the three emperors and the four emperors could only recognize each other by holding their noses, and negotiated with each other for a while.

Chu Yun did not continue to embarrass them. After receiving the supplies, he waved them away.

These seven men came in fierce convictions, but in the end they were defeated in a state of embarrassment. Looking at the back of their departure, Chu Yun also sighed.

“This is power! In this chaotic world, what is the foundation? Power, powerful power …”

Thinking like this, I feel the wonder of the Yin and Yang Great Harem.

There is such a demon soldier in this world, able to reverse the universe, combine all the breaths, and then give birth to the Holy Spirit.

This sacred energy is the key to the power of the Yin and Yang Harem!

But after just fighting with the Seven Emperors, the original stream-like volume of the Holy Spirit has been exhausted.

Not only that, Chu Yun’s eyes penetrated the void, and under a glance, he also found that many places in the Yin and Yang Harem had cracks in the thickness of the fingers. In some places, the BRICS cracked. In some places, the pavilion collapsed. In some places, the windows are broken.

“It seems that the Yin and Yang Great Harem is not really a sacred object. It is a huge burden for it to fight.” Chu Yun knew it and sighed quietly.

He estimated it a little, and at this level, he urged the Yin-Yang Great Harem to give birth to the Holy Spirit and launch the attack just now, at most five times in a row.

After five times, the entire Yin and Yang Harem will collapse completely.

However, the Yin-Yang Great Harem in Chu Yun’s hands is incomplete and lacks the final Forbidden Palace. This is also the most important building among all palaces and consumes the most materials.

The supplies left by Bingsheng were almost running out, but fortunately the three emperors and four emperors “sent” a large amount of supplies.

“Combining the materials in your hand can refine the Forbidden City. Until then, the Yin and Yang Great Harem is truly complete. Well, the final Forbidden City must be refined as soon as possible. Let the three emperors and the four emperors bear it first, anyway, my camp contract has already expired. “

Chu Yun pondered, and he had a plan in mind.

Kyushu fell into complete chaos, and the horror of the demon showed its true power, bringing endless despair and death to the world.

A large number of souls lost their lives, and the number of deaths reached the sum of the past three years in just one month!

The three emperors and four emperors of Xingzhou tried their best to gather believers, and suffered great losses. Because of the camp contract, they fight desperately, but they cannot stop the situation from decaying.

The emperor’s fighting power is powerful, but their number is too small. Faced with a massive army of innate gods and demons, but each continent has only a single-digit emperor, how can this resist defense?

The biggest headache for them is the innate **** and demon king.

Each of these existences is a sub-Sage series, and the fighting power absolutely overwhelms the emperor. If it were not for the Nine Saints that left holy objects in their respective base camps, or other means, the entire Kyushu would have collapsed completely.

However, this is not all bad news.

Facing a major crisis of life and death, the French Open showed its power and the endless sky-tribulation came down. The belief of Kyushu reached its extreme point, and new emperors and emperors began to emerge one after another. Eyes of monsters also appeared one after another, each defending one side, struggling to kill the innate gods and devil who committed the crime.

“Damn ~ ~ can’t help it anymore. The Star Temple is about to collapse!” The Dragon Emperor was covered in blood, glaring and staring, watching the endless Moon God Demon, unable to kill, still impacting .

The Star Temple is a very critical place. It is located in the center of the Sin Chau French Open and serves as a hub for monitoring the entire Sin Chau and coordinating the French Open. Once fall, Xingzhou’s French Open will be revealed, and it will be the most directly hit.

But now, the original magnificent star temple has only the core of the main hall, and all the outside are broken walls.

The five emperor-level strongmen and the twenty-three emperor-level strongmen are all guarded in the main hall, trying their best to resist the army of gods and demons attacking from all sides.

Among them, in addition to the original three emperors of the emperor, the emperor, the emperor, the emperor Qin and the white emperor were also promoted to emperor.

Among the great emperors, the dragon emperor, rain emperor, wine emperor and straight emperor were the heads.

The Emperor Jiu is no one else but the King of Jiuhao. The Zhidi is the intuitive Wang Erlang Tianjun.

(ps: The update has not been stable in the past three days, please forgive me. It will be better tomorrow. It is still updated at 20 o’clock, and strive for stability …)

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