The Venerable Monster Tamer

v8 Chapter 4 - : Promotion to Emperor

Section 4: Promotion to Emperor

What is luck?

Two equally poor teenagers, a few decades later, one became a millionaire and one was a street beggar. //. Fiction Net // People do n’t think that beggars have better luck than rich ones.

The narrow road meets in the steep and straight mountain road, the brave people will rush into it, and the cowardly people will fall and fall. Obviously, the brave are more fortunate.

What is the essence of luck?

Qiyun is not something that is illusory, it is thought, idea, and an invisible force.

Two scholars studying at the same time and with the same conditions, the one who wants to work hard must achieve better results than the lazy ones.

The spirit of hard work is a kind of luck.

The experienced teacher must know the truth, as long as the younger ones who act timidly give more encouragement, they can arouse his confidence.

In desperation, people often create miracles. There are many things that we ca n’t do, but we do n’t feel confident that we can do this.

A person’s positive thinking will make him work hard to make changes more efficiently, and then create individual success.

This is the luck created by a person.

But the power of this luck is very small, and it is very easy to be disturbed.

This matter is easy to understand.

For example, a very hard-working person wants to achieve a certain goal. But often because of other people’s interference and failure.

Behavior comes from thinking. Under order, everyone has their own motivation for doing anything.

Positive thinking for yourself is good luck. Your own efforts are good luck, others’ appreciation and sponsorship are good luck. Beauty’s favor, this is called the peach blossom.

Relatively negative thinking is doom. The villain’s sluggishness, his own depression, often makes people sad. Unconfidence restricts the size of personal achievements.

When everyone, including yourself, is optimistic about you, blessing you, loving you, you will be lucky and have everything, and you are lucky and enjoy the love of fate.

When all people, including yourself, hate you, hate you, curse you, you will be miserable and doomed.

Of course, in this world, it is not only human beings. Also includes animals, plants, mountains, lakes and seas. All creatures have their own thoughts, their own goals, what they love and hate.

These ideas are mixed together and mixed together to form a huge invisible force. This power is so great that it often wipes out individual efforts with ease.

This power is luck …


With a sigh of breath, Chu Yun closed the “Essence of Qi Yun” in his hand.

This is the contribution value he spent more than 400 points, redeemed from the Star Temple. . Starter

Undoubtedly, this book brought him great enlightenment and publicity, like opening a skylight to him who had been trapped in the hut.

It was like dusting again, clearing the doubt and dust in his heart.

It has never been this moment, Chu Yun is so ethereal and clear, and has such a deep insight into luck.

Everything is incomparably clear, and everything is clear.

“It ’s no wonder that to promote from emperor to emperor, you need to collect faith. Because faith is the unity of thought, and unified thought will condense into a huge luck. Therefore, the imperial powerful can spy on the power of destiny, and all are lucky. People. The luck condensed on them is often dozens or even hundreds of times that a luck robs the demon. “

Chu Yun concealed his contemplation, and the fireworks of wisdom were constantly flashing. He vaguely thought of something, and a brilliant inspiration flashed in his mind, like the most cunning and slippery arowana, trying to catch hard, but he couldn’t catch it urgently.

He continued to read, the latter part of the book really involved faith.

Faith is conviction, respect, and even fear. People believe in the strong, respect the sages, and have a fear of natural celestial phenomena, magical monsters, etc. All these are beliefs.

The believers include all things in the universe, people will generate faith, animals will generate faith, plants will generate faith, and even mountains, rivers, loess, rivers and lakes will generate faith.

The objects of faith also include all kinds. It can be a human being, a monster, a mountain or lake, or even a truth, or something that does not exist at all.

“Humans and monsters will have faith, which I can understand. But why can mountains, lakes and lakes also have faith?” Chu Yun’s brows gradually grew, “Essence of Qi Yun” began to appear profound, even with his wisdom It is also difficult to understand some places.

He continued to look down.

The book divides believers into five levels. Unbelievers, hypocrites, pan-believers, devout believers, mad believers.

Unbelievers refer to the existence of chaotic attributes, such as congenital gods and demons, who have no faith in nature and will never have faith. In addition, it also refers to all things that have the order attribute in a specific period.

For example, a baby who has just been born, or undergoes a drastic change, the original values ​​are broken, and the new values ​​are not created by people who are confused when they are established.

For the creatures in the fairy sac world, unbelief is just a transient state. Even if a person does not believe in sages, strong men or nature, he will respect his own values ​​and act. This intangible value is a belief.

Unbelievers will not have faith.

Pseudo-believers put it bluntly, it is a set of appearances, a set of backs. Generally speaking, their power of belief is generally weak.

The beliefs of pan-believers are superficial and wide-ranging. The smartest way to collect the beliefs of these believers is to win by quantity. The emperor created the profession of ranger in Xingzhou, and the emperor established the academy, so most of the believers produced are of this kind.

The faith of devout believers is pure and of high quality. The power of faith of a devout believer is generally more than ten times that of a pan-believer. Unfortunately, the number of such believers is relatively small. One in 100 people is already very good.

A fanatic is a devout believer in piety. The power of faith in each of them is often more than a hundred times that of devout believers. But the number is even smaller, and there may not be one in a thousand.

“Wait!” Chu Yun suddenly shuddered, and his eyes glowed like never before.

He finally grabbed the inspiration in his mind that was slippery!

He put away “The Essence of Qiyun” and hurriedly entered the world of fairy sacs to the nearest city.

Wrangler City.

The city is located in the vast grassland, and the lush and fertile grass has nurtured various horses, flying eagles, and wolves.

The horse-breeding city is named after the horse-breeding, and the demon master in the city naturally takes the breeding of horses as the mainstream.

Muma City was originally a city in the world of Guodi’s fairy capsule in Tuozhou. After a series of changes and developments, it now has a scale of about 300,000 people.

“Aliens stop to enter the city and need to pay three rolls of silk.” The guard at the city gate stopped Chu Yun with a look of indifference.

Tuozhou is different from Xingzhou. Xingzhou uses Disha stone coins and Tiangang stone coins as currency, while Tuozhou currency is silk.

Chu Yun smiled: “I don’t have silk, don’t know if this is possible?”

He spread his hands, but the guards could not see anything, and Chu Yun was empty-handed.

The guard couldn’t help but furious: “Boy, do you dare to entertain me ?!”

Chu Yun smiled, his forefinger burst into a white light, centered on the guard’s eyebrows.

The training of the guard is not even a Junjie-class demon master. He hit this white light, and immediately changed color. He fell to his knees at the foot of Chu Yun with a thud, throwing his five bodies to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, he crawled to Chu Yun, kissed Chu Yun ’s boots, and shouted excitedly: “Sage walking on the earth, you are the father of heaven and earth, the lord of all things. You walk on the earth and bring benefits to all things, Your humble servant, welcome you! “

“Xiaoqiang, what’s the matter with Xiaoqiang?” Another guard on the edge of the city gate saw this scene and was startled and yelled in panic.

Chu Yun’s eyes turned to look at the shouting guard, a silver gleam flashed deep in his eyes.

The guard yelled abruptly, as if it were a wooden puppet, generally still.

Then his expression of shock and panic disappeared, and two tears burst into his eyes. He looked at Chu Yun with admiration, and he also knelt on the ground, unable to speak with excitement.

“How is this going?”

The changes of the guards attracted the attention of the people nearby, whispered in murmurs, and cast a suspicious look on Chu Yun.

The smile on Chu Yun’s mouth grew stronger.

To deal with the emperor, he needs to shoot the humane immeasurable directly into their eyebrows in order to make the natal magic power work. But to deal with these extremely low-level demon masters, he does not need such trouble at all.

Not caring about everyone’s surprised eyes, Chu Yun walked slowly into the city. At the same time, his body began to radiate a silvery gleam.

Under the radiance of immense humanity, everyone’s eyes quickly changed from surprise to passion, worship, respect, excitement, and other emotions.

A caravan entering the Wrangler City was in chaos. The demon masters riding on the horses jumped off the horses, kneeled down on the ground, and prayed to Chu Yun.

Approaching the city, a young couple is kissing affectionately. The radiance shone in the man’s eyes, and he shivered suddenly, and then shoved the woman to the ground.

“Are you crazy ?!” The woman was puzzled and surprised and angry to see the man crawling on the ground.

She turned her head and saw Chu Yun’s figure in her vision. Her face suddenly appeared obsessed and admired.

“Great sage, you are omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent. I praise you, praise your power, love, righteousness, holiness and mercy …” The woman murmured in a low voice, shaking with excitement, fragrant sweat Dripping.

The bustling and noisy Shepherd City ushered in an unprecedented upheaval. After a little chaos, fanatical praises, prayers, and praises joined together, and the momentum grew louder, eventually forming a frenzy that swept across the city.

Whether it’s a crowded market or an elegant and quiet garden, Chu Yun’s praises are heard everywhere.

Eventually he walked to the center of the city, and then walked upwards, seeming to step on an invisible ladder ~ ~ to rise into the sky.

He trampled the entire Wrangler City under his feet, overlooking it, and countless people crawled to the ground and bowed to him. Some people have even fainted with excitement.

Chu Yun closed his eyes slowly, and at the same time the brilliance of his body became more and more prosperous, and the humane innumerable light enveloped the whole city. After a moment, more than 300,000 people in the entire city became his most loyal and fanatical worshipers.

As if piercing a layer of window paper, Chu Yun’s body suddenly gave a shock.

A new power of sublimation burst forth from the deepest part of his aura. The breath of this power is still weak, but it has already overpowered the power of the emperor.

Under the qualitative change, a more powerful, magnificent, majestic and majestic pressure than the Emperor-level Spiritual Pressure was emitted from Chu Yun.

Emperor-level spirit pressure!

“Hahaha, I really guessed it. Under the influence of humanity and immeasurability, most humans will become my fanatics.”

Chu Yun laughed, he was promoted to emperor at this moment!

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