The Venerable Monster Tamer

v8 Chapter 54 (END) - : Wonderful future! (season finale)

“Okay, I have something to say.” Chu Yun sat back on the throne of the Yin and Yang Great Harem.

Although this big harem is known as a small relic, it is only an acquired creation after all. At this moment, he was contaminated with the supreme breath of Chu Yun, and suddenly caused a qualitative change, and he was truly promoted to a holy thing in an instant.

The concubine’s cultivation practices have skyrocketed. For a time, countless emperors were created.

The exclamation spread repeatedly, how difficult it is to be promoted to emperor, but now only a trace of Chu Yun’s breath can bring about such a result. It can be seen that Chu Yun’s strength at this moment is far beyond the saint’s, and the true quality has sublimated and reached No one can contemplate the supreme state.

Chu Yun glanced around quietly, and there was a sudden silence in the hall. Countless eyes focused on him, waiting for his advice.

Chu Yun said: “The new world is still called Lingzhou. But the division of the three realms has never been the same. From then on, there will never be the kind of scene in Lingzhou where the shemales and ghosts fought hard.”

“Supreme wise.”

“This is the blessing of life.”

The Emperor Qian in the palace heard Chu Yun’s words and couldn’t help but sigh.

Chu Yun then said: “The demon masters still use traditional standards to divide their strengths. Junjie, Yishi, Qiren, Haoxiong, Jun, Hou, Wang, Emperor, Emperor, Holy. It is just the human world, at most there are high-level kings. Once A demon master is promoted to the peak of the king, realizes his own way, and contributes to the French Open. He must ascend to the realm of heaven, give him a fairy island palace, and give him management authority to let him participate in world governance.

The emperors nodded helplessly, understanding the deep meaning of Chu Yun’s move.

The demon master has reached the peak of the king level, and his personal strength has been strong to match the country. I also initially got in touch with the deep content of order forces. Therefore, it is a good policy measure for the stability of the human world and the cultivation of the world’s high-level combat power to make it rise to the heaven.

The next step is the focus. Chu Yun also said: “The demon master reaches the emperor level, and then he is allowed to preach. But no matter what denomination, he must worship the deity first, then the saint, and finally the emperor.”

The emperors were all in awe.

The wisdom of the Supreme is truly insightful and vast.

Although this provision is simple, there are only two sentences. But it fundamentally stifled the crisis of confusion of faith. It also thoroughly laid a stable situation for the upper-level forces.

Any emperor who preached, worship the deity first, then the saint, and finally the emperor himself. This extracts most of the power of faith and dedicate it to the upper class.

Chu Yun ’s position will be unshakable for an eternal time. Unlike the original situation in Kyushu.

“Finally, only ten holy places are set.”

No more is possible, Lingzhou at this time can only carry at most one supreme. Ten saints.

Speaking of which, Chu Yun looked at his father King Gudan.

Or call it emperor, more accurate.

Because King Gudan has resurrected in Jiuchi Roulin, Xiuwei has already risen to the emperor level.

Chu Yun smiled and said: “Father. You can be the first saint, respectfully called the father. East of the palm heaven.”

After the words, the words follow the law. A purple light fell, hitting the ancient King Dan. The breath of King Gudan suddenly soared, and he was promoted from emperor to holy level.

Seeing this, everyone in the temple added a little awe to Chu Yun’s power, and he congratulated him: “Congratulations to Father.”

Then, Chu Yun again said to his mother Yueshuang King: “Mother, you can be a sacred mother, and hold the west of heaven.”

To the righteous father Shu Tianhao said: “Righteous father, you are the third saint, that is, the righteous saint, palm north of the heavenly realm. * 1 * 1 *”

To Jinbi Han said: “Bihan, you are the fourth holy, for the post-holy, palm yin and yang grand harem in the center of heaven.”

Then he said to the Night Emperor: “You are the Fifth Saint, for the Night Saint, palm south of the heavenly realm.”

To the Emperor of the Netherworld: “You are the sixth Saint, the Holy Saint, responsible for the important affairs of the Underworld.”

“The rest of the people, Huang Xiao, Yan Que, Huaying, Yuwen Wan’er, Jiuhuang, Zhihuang, can be holy. Ultimately, who is the saint depends on your efforts.”

“Yes, supreme …” Some people in the palace were pleased and lost, but no one questioned Chu Yun’s determination, nor did they dare to complain unfairly.

Chu Yun’s words laid a high-level overview of Lingzhou. The so-called “one person wins the sky” is nothing more than that.

Many people just hate not following him early.

This is not over yet, Chu Yun said to the resurrected old red gun, old fish king, and old monkey Qiao: “The three old generals are all emperors, and their status is transcendent, giving the three imperial palaces to live in Xiandao.”

“Ning Yiyi, Bai Wan, Wu Datou, Wang Zelong, Yan Ji Si, Feng Bole, and Gua Xian Feng are emperors.

Chu Yun spoke out of law, and at this time the sounds were all great blessings and great strength. The voice just fell, and I remembered that several of them were promoted to the corresponding cultivation level.

“My thanks to Supreme Ron!” A lot of people were so excited that they burst into tears.

Even other people, with emotion: Chu Yun is really a nostalgic person. Looking at this reward, we know that he is kind and kind.

Chu Yun looked back at his two apprentices, Pan Shi and Xiao Yan.

I didn’t want the two youngsters to look at each other, kneel down and knock on the head: “Master, we all want to practice on our own.”

Chu Yun nodded, showing admiration and laughing with his hands: “Miaozai, it’s really a good apprentice for the teacher. But it can’t be said, just give you a sixty year deadline, and then see how big you two are. achievement.”

So far, everything in Lingzhou has risen to a level of prosperity. Under the management of the emperors and emperors, it has grown continuously.

Sixty years passed by.

On this day, Chu Yun recalled the two apprentices and compared their cultivation practices.

Neither of them disappointed Chu Yun.

Xiao Yan has been promoted to emperor, showing Chu Yun her world of fairy capsules: “Master, please see this world, I call it paradise, with light as the symbol, and confession as the slogan, revealing miracles and developing believers. Fancy a bird-winged monster in the human world, and it was used by me for a lot of submission, called angels. ”

“Not bad.” Chu Yun nodded, and suddenly saw a giant ship in the middle of the magic net of this fairy world. He pointed to it and asked, “This ship is interesting, almost a small relic. It is full of the power of faith. What is this?”

Xiao Yan was slightly shy: “This is a replica of the demon soldiers that Tuer refers to in the Yin and Yang Great Harem, called Noah’s Ark. Every once in a while, Tuer will urge the French Open. Lowering the Heavenly Tribulation Flood to wash the entire fairy Bag world. At the same time, Noah ’s Ark will be used to collect races, each race is a male and a female, used as the fire of life. ”

Chu Yun patted Xiao Yan’s head: “This is a creative move, although it has lost some development progress, but it can allow the belief to be tempered.”

He looked back at Panshi and said, “My disciple, what do you understand?”

Pan Shi is much more modest and humble than Xiao Yan. Hearing Chu Yun’s question, he saluted immediately: “Before Master, don’t dare to talk nonsense. This is the world of the fairy bag, Master, please see.”

Take a look. Xiao Yan couldn’t help but exclaim.

Panshi’s fairy sac world has developed so well that it is four times larger than her world, and is divided into four parts.

Pan Shi explained: “I was also inspired by Lingzhou to divide the fairy capsule world into four parallel spaces. They are called Dongsheng Shenzhou, Nanzhanbuzhou, Beijuluzhou and Xiniuhezhou respectively. It teaches Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, Witchcraft, Demonism, and Interception in different ways. It is to study a best method for collecting faith. ”

Then he pointed to one of the points: “This is the son of heaven’s luck in this era, and Tu’er used Jiu Delun specifically to transport it. The code name is Jin Chanzi. This is a monk and a key figure in the future of Buddhism.”

“He will depart from Dongsheng Shenzhou. He will go to Nanzhanbuzhou to study. For this purpose, Tu’er has arranged for him four unique monsters. One Lingming stone monkey, one Tianpeng water pig. One Shahetang lice, and one Ryoma. ”

“Well, the research is very good!” Chu Yun did not skimp on his own appreciation. This is a different approach for Panshi. The research results are very helpful for the collection of faith.

Pan Shi smiled shyly: “It’s just that there is still a place for Tu’er, which is not properly set up, and also asks Master to give advice.”

“Oh, where is it?”

“It’s this place, called the daughter country. It’s the inspiration that Tu’er got from the old women’s continent. The problem is that there are many …” He elaborated a long time, and was very entangled in the social structure.

Chu Yun smiled, and silently said the head of the stone: “Tu’er, you are studying deeply, and there are some blind spots. See you as a teacher to solve it.”

Speaking, he exhaled gently.

This breath is full of congenital essence and exudes a humane breath. Falling into the world of Pansy’s fairy sac, it turns into a river in her daughter’s country.

“This is the Zimuhe River. No matter who drinks this water, she can become pregnant and have a baby. What do you think?” Chu Yun laughed.

The eyes of Pan Shi burst into immeasurable brilliance, and he worshipped Chu Yun sincerely: “Master Master’s hand is a stroke of the gods. With a finishing touch, all the problems were solved at once, and the apprentice admired the five bodies!”

“Hahaha …” Chu Yun laughed with his head up, “Very well, neither of you have disappointed your teacher.”

Xiao Yanfu came to the heart and learned to kneel down with Pan Shi. The two said at the same time: “Master, please also give the title.”

In Lingzhou, all titles of emperors were given by Chu Yun himself.

Chu Yun pondered for a while, and then said: “The light is as bright as the sun, far away, and it shines all over the world. Little swallow, since you preached with the light as a symbol, and you refined your faith with the flood, you have the same divinity, so you will ‘Is the number. ”

“Pan Shi, you are very creative and talented, yet you can be down-to-earth and reticent, and spend a lot of effort to research and speculate. It is the essence of the stone, and the jade. Since you become an emperor, you will be named” Jade “!”

The two apprentices chewed the title in their mouths, and they felt very appropriate.

Immediately knocked on the head and said in unison: “Thank you, Master Zun!”

“Hehehe, all are good disciples, good disciples. I look forward to your teacher’s brilliant future.” Chu Yun’s gratifying laughter rang throughout the Yin and Yang harem.

In the future, it is destined to be more exciting.


(Ps: Huh, spit out a breath of air, and it is finally over. There are a few words that I have to tell my brothers and sisters.)

(First of all, I apologize, I really ca n’t help my friends who support me. I am constantly changing and updating is unstable. The inconvenience caused to everyone, especially those who look forward to this book, support my readers bowed and apologized, yes I ca n’t live, I ’m sorry !!)

(Then explain the reason. This “Demon Supreme” is the most difficult book I have ever written. It is not an exaggeration to say this. In the process, first the grandfather passed away. When he found cancer, the whole family He kept hiding from him, and then watched him lose weight every day, and eventually died. This feeling was full of pain and helplessness. Then he was injured, lying in bed for more than three months, broken hands, contused ankle bones, and torn ligaments, It is often red and swollen, it needs to be hung up at all times, higher than the heart, to allow blood to flow back. Then there is the earthquake, and the mood has been violently fluctuating. After these past, the **** house opposite is beginning to be renovated, and the sound of a chain saw or a hammer hitting every day, Sometimes I can’t sleep well even after taking a nap. And the world of personal feelings has also undergone tremendous changes.)

(It ’s all honesty, no exaggeration. Everyone read it, is it a bit weird? How could a person be so unlucky? Haha, I wrote several books, and the previous ones were smooth and smooth. This one is really a disaster. I ’m not afraid of jokes. In the process, there are also several times that I really ca n’t persevere.

(But I finished today, and when I finished the book, I feel a little dreamy myself. Maybe some people feel dissatisfied with this ending, and maybe it makes people feel more annoyed from time to time, but here I have to tell everyone that I did my best ! Doing my best efforts !!!)

(This is the longest time-consuming book I have written, and it is the one with the largest number of words. During this period, many people reminded me and even cursed some unpleasant words. During the period, the editor advised me to finish the book ahead of time and finish it as soon as possible; During the period, I used two-finger Zen to type, and the efficiency was pitifully inefficient; during the period, the manuscript fee was getting less and less, the recommended monthly ticket was getting less and less, or even no, and the number of subscriptions fell to more than 400 people. But the result was-I insisted. )

(Some professional writers may think I am stupid ~ ~ What do you write without money? My reason is-Gu Zhenren has always had a principle since writing, that is, he is never supervised and insists on finishing every book. . Regardless of the results, regardless of the response. After a few years, now, I still do it.)

(That is to say to the more than 400 people who subscribed, to those who voted for the reward, Gu Zhenren did his best, finished the book, at least there was no eunuch. I tried my best to be responsible to the readers, and at the same time Is also responsible for himself.)

(Alas, after a lot of experience, I am also a bit bearish. If you want to ridicule, please sneer in spite of it. If you want to support me, thank you for your support!)

(This book is over, I am really relieved, and I feel like I ’m relieved of the burden. Now, I need to take a break. I have been writing one after another, and now I am physically and mentally exhausted. Kong, really need to take a rest.)

(Life is a long way away, slow down and enjoy the process. The new is not urgent. It will be released after being fully prepared. The specific time is one month later, November 25. A new chapter will be opened in Laoli to inform everyone, so I think Readers and friends, I suggest you do n’t rush off the old. Many people ask about new themes and general content, I can only reveal that this will be the one I want to write the most Disputed.) (Unfinished to be continued …)

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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