The Vicious Female Supporting Role is So Tired [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 – Evil School Bully 19

Jiang Yan’s mother came back from work in a hurry, riding a dilapidated second-hand bicycle. If you can’t go back to cook earlier, your son will not have enough time to rest if he eats late. The second year of high school is coming to an end and the third year of high school is coming soon. My son is working harder and harder. As a mother, I can only help her as much as I can.

She rode her bike to an intersection and stopped at a red light. Mother Jiang looked left and drove right. There were few vehicles on the road at this time. She put her foot on the pedal and kicked twice, preparing to cross the road quickly. Just in the middle of the road, a truck passed quickly.

The driver was stunned when he realized that he was about to hit Jiang’s mother. The driver slammed on the brakes and turned the steering wheel. Jiang’s mother stopped in place in fright, and was scratched by the car until she rolled on the ground and fell unconscious.

Jiang Yan hadn’t seen Ai Qian for many days. He was scratching his heart and lungs in a hurry, but he remembered Ai Qian’s words and dared not go to her. When he got home, he fidgeted for a while and then realized that his mother was not at home. Was it delayed by work? He also knew that his mother was working hard, so he started cooking by himself.

There was no food at home, so he cooked the rice and waited for his mother to come back. He didn’t start to panic until it was almost time for class. Mom never did this. Jiang Yan was a little anxious, he knew the phone number of his mother’s place of work. When I called to ask, the other party said that Jiang’s mother had already left.

Jiang Yan was flustered for a while, when the neighbor next door suddenly rushed over and said, “Jiang Yan, hurry up, something happened to your mother.”

Jiang Yan looked at the neighbor in astonishment, his mind went blank.

The police found an old mobile phone with very few numbers on Jiang Yan’s mother. They chose one of them to call and it happened to be given to Jiang Yan’s neighbor.

The neighbor rushed to the hospital with Jiang Yan in a hurry, and when they came to the door of the operating room, several policemen came over immediately and asked, “Are you the family members of the injured?”

The neighbor said: “He is Mrs. Jiang’s son.”

When the policeman saw how young Jiang Yan was, he said, “Where’s the adults at home?”

“There are no adults.” The neighbor said: “This child is pitiful. He has no father since he was a child. Mrs. Jiang is exhausted to take care of the children alone. There are no adults.”

The policeman couldn’t bear it when he heard that, Jiang Yan panicked with red eyes: “How is my mother?”

“Still rescuing…”

Before he finished speaking, a middle-aged man walked over there and said, “Comrade police is the red light she ran through. You should go and watch the surveillance. I’m driving normally. I can’t be responsible for this, right? Dodge her, my car has been crashed.”

Jiang Yan looked at the driver with red eyes, and the policeman said impatiently: “We will find out the matter, your driver’s license test was for nothing? Don’t you know whether you should be responsible?”

“What am I responsible for?” The driver yelled, “How did I know she rushed out after running a red light? My car broke down and I can’t pick up the goods anymore. How can I support my family…”

The driver shouted loudly in the corridor, and Jiang Yan’s eyes swished down as he listened. At this time, the door of the operating room opened, and a nurse came out and said, “The patient has lost a lot of blood and urgently needs a blood transfusion. Who is the patient’s family?”

“I am.” Jiang Yan walked over and said, “Draw my blood, I am her son.”

The nurse looked at Jiang Yan and said, “You can’t belong to anyone else. Blood donation is not like this. You have to go to the blood bank to donate blood first, and then come to the hospital to get the blood with a blood donation certificate.”

Jiang Yan asked anxiously: “We have the same blood type, so can’t we directly transfuse my blood?”

“No, this is not in compliance with the regulations. The hospital does not recommend transfusion of whole blood. Who will be responsible if something goes wrong?” The nurse said, “Why don’t you donate blood and get blood directly from the blood bank at the hospital? Let’s talk about the high cost of buying blood directly.” .Are you an adult? Minors are not allowed to donate blood.”

Jiang Yan said anxiously: “Give her a blood transfusion, I beg you…”

The neighbor said: “Get the blood first, I will pay the money in advance, you go home to get the money, there are still many places to spend the money.”

Jiang Yan quickly thanked him and went back trembling. When he got home, he took out his mother’s passbook from the cabinet, and when he opened it, he saw that the balance was only more than 6,000 yuan. He knelt on the ground, his mind blank. Blood money neighbors can pay in advance, but the conditions of the neighbors’ homes are not good, so it is impossible for the neighbors to continue to pay for so many expenses in the future. Jiang Yan grabbed a handful of hair, he rushed out with his passbook, and called Ai Qian in the small shop.

For the convenience of knowing the situation, Ai Qian applied for a new card with Jiang Yan’s ID card. She was watching TV and received a call and said, “Why are you calling at this time? Aren’t you in class?”

Hearing Ai Qian’s voice, Jiang Yan burst into tears again. Ai Qian heard something was wrong, and asked, “What’s wrong with you? Are you crying? Did they force you to ask?”

Jiang Yan was so crying that he couldn’t speak clearly, “I…my mother had a car accident and there is no money for blood transfusions, can you…can you lend me some money…”

“Don’t cry.” Ai Qian jumped up from the bed and said, “Don’t worry, I’ll come right away, which hospital…”

Jiang Yan put down the phone, he wiped his face with his hand, and the tears flowed down again soon. He hated himself for being helpless, and he could only turn to Ai Qian at this moment.

After Jiang Yan left, the proprietress of the canteen said, “Is that the kid from Mrs. Jiang’s family? Why are you crying so much?”

The boss said: “Sister-in-law Jiang has an accident, the child is pitiful.”

Ai Qian put all the money in her backpack, and when she opened the door with the bag on her back, she froze.

Yu Yuyue looked at Ai Qian expressionlessly and said, “It’s well hidden, are you going out to eat?”

Ai Qian took a deep breath and said, “I have something urgent right now, we can talk slowly after I finish.”

Yu Yuyue said: “Speak slowly? Do you know how much time I wasted looking for you?”

“It’s going to kill someone, Jiang Yan’s mother is going to die.” Ai Qian couldn’t help but yelled: “No matter what, I’ll talk about it later, please let me go to the hospital now.”

Yu Yuyue remained unmoved, “Are you going to use money to save her mother? What is your relationship with him, and what obligation do you have to save her?”

As soon as Ai Qian gritted her teeth, she was about to rush over. Yu Yuyue reached out and grabbed Ai Qian’s shoulder. His hand was so strong that she couldn’t take a step. Ai Qian couldn’t imagine what would happen if she went late, she was so anxious that she almost cried, “Why do you have to go to the United States? How can you let me go if I don’t take the TOEFL?”

“Then go to Europe.” Yu Yuyue said: “In short, I won’t let you stay in China with that kid anymore.”

Ai Qian felt inexplicable, “What do you mean? Who am I with?”

“I know you will say that there is nothing between you, but I want to say that I will never give you a chance to have anything to do with him. My daughter must never have anything to do with this kind of person.”

Ai Qian was angry and anxious, she could see that Yu Yuyue was really capable of anything. Ai Qian took a deep breath and said, “You let me go now, I promise you, you can let me go anywhere.”

Yu Yuyue stroked Ai Qian’s hair, smiled and said, “Whatever you say, or I’ll make that kid look good.” Then she asked her assistant to take Ai Qian to the hospital.

Jiang Yan waited anxiously in the hospital, and finally Ai Qian ran over from the other end of the corridor. Ai Qian stuffed the backpack into Jiang Yan’s arms with disheveled hair, and said, “All my money is here, how is Auntie?”

Holding the money, Jiang Yan said hoarsely, “Thank you.”

“It’s not the time to talk about this.” Ai Qian said, “Didn’t you say you need a blood transfusion?”

The police took the truck driver away, Jiang Yan paid all the expenses, and Ai Qian accompanied him at the door of the operating room. Jiang Yan sat on the chair with his head lowered, and Ai Qian saw a puddle of water on the ground under his feet.

Ai Qian stretched out her hand and patted him on the back and said, “Don’t worry, now that medicine is so advanced, it will definitely be cured. If you don’t have enough money, just call me. I have money.”

Jiang Yan suddenly put his arms around Ai Qian, and buried his face in Ai Qian’s shoulder. Ai Qian felt that his whole body was shaking, and she felt the warm wetness on her shoulders. Ai Qian couldn’t do anything else, but kept patting Jiang Yan’s back to comfort him.

“It’s okay, it’s going to be okay…”

Jiang Yan hugged Ai Qian tightly, and whispered: “Don’t leave me, don’t leave me.”

Ai Qian paused for a moment when she slapped her back, then continued to slap, but did not answer him and gave him a promise.

The lights in the operating room finally went out, and the doctor came out sweating profusely. Ai Qian and Jiang Yan rushed to greet her, and the doctor smiled and said, “It’s out of danger, and we will continue to observe in the ICU.”

“That’s good, that’s good.” Jiang Yan heaved a sigh of relief, and he followed to watch his mother being pushed into the ICU ward.

At this time, the assistant came over and said, “Miss, it’s time to go.”

Jiang Yan looked at Ai Qian in surprise, Ai Qian forced a smile and said, “I…go to America.”

Jiang Yan: “But you are not…”

Ai Qian glanced at the assistant, and then said: “I suddenly felt that it would be good to go to the United States. You know, it’s not an option for me to stay in the hotel all the time.”

“No, you don’t want to go.” Jiang Yan grabbed Ai Qian’s hand, “If you don’t want to go, why should he force you to go?”

The assistant came over and pulled Jiang Yan away, Jiang Yan said: “Didn’t you say you didn’t want to leave, you said it yourself.”

There is an assistant here who has something to say that Ai Qian is inconvenient to say. Ai Qian looked at him in embarrassment and said, “You have to be strong on your own. I just go to the United States and I will come back. Don’t do this.”

The assistant said, “Miss, let’s go.”

When Ai Qian walked to the entrance of the hospital and looked back, Jiang Yan was standing at the railing on the second floor, and he could still feel his gaze from such a distance. Ai Qian sighed, all of this was caused by her. She wrote in the novel that Jiang Yan’s mother was hospitalized when he was in high school. Because he had no money, the treatment was too late and died. Since then, Jiang Yan has become more indifferent.

She wrote it with ease, but she didn’t think about how a seventeen-year-old boy would feel when facing these things.

Yu Yuyue acted swiftly and resolutely, and soon Ai Qian would go abroad. On the day before she left, she wrote a letter to Jiang Yan, in which she told Jiang Yan everything, so that he would not feel that she had abandoned him. She said in the letter that she would come back as soon as possible and asked Jiang Yan to be strong. She handed the letter to Zhou Yu and asked Zhou Yu to hand it to Jiang Yan.

Zhou Yu said to Jiang during a morning self-study: “Yu Nuo is gone.”

Jiang Yan raised his head and said, “She…does she have something to say to me?”

Zhou Yu touched the letter in his pocket, and then he heard himself say: “No, she just asked me to go to the United States to accompany her as soon as possible, and didn’t mention you.”

“Oh.” Jiang Yan lowered his head, his youth seemed to come with Ai Qian, and then stopped abruptly after she left.

Time really flies sometimes. Four years later, Ai Qian applied for an exchange student place and returned to China. Zhou Yu babbled a lot, why did you abandon me alone like this, and so on.

Essie said in her heart that you are blaming me for failing your own application? She had been in the US for four years, and she didn’t feel very well. Her personality is that of a dead house, not long after she went to the United States, someone said in front of her that she was withdrawn and out of gregarious. Ai Qian thought who was out of group? It’s just that I don’t like the activities you like.

After rolling her eyes, she still went her own way. Anyway, her ideal is to return to China as a charter woman, and there is no need to contact these people in the future.

She started applying for Chinese exchange students in her sophomore year, and she was not successful until her senior year. On the plane back to China, she was so excited that she wanted to eat snacks from her motherland, hot pot from her motherland, crayfish piled up into hills from her motherland…

Ai Qian had a dream on the plane. In the dream, she bought an entire food street. The only job she did every day was to eat, and she would not get fat as much as she ate. Then she was woken up by the flight attendant, and the plane was about to land.

The one who came to pick up Ai Qian was still the assistant from four years ago. Isn’t he tired of working as an assistant for so many years?

The assistant said: “Go home tonight and have dinner with Yu, and I will send you to school tomorrow morning.”

Ai Qian looked at the huge poster of Jiang Yan on the building outside the car window, and said to the assistant: “Do you know that person?”

“He is a star who became popular after you went abroad. Miss, are you interested in getting to know him?”

“No.” Essie said in her heart: “At this time, the heroine must have appeared. It’s better not to join in the fun. It’s also very happy to be a lady of a rich family. She has already started to buy houses in large quantities. This Although the ideal is very vulgar, it is her ultimate wish in the real world.”

It’s easy for young Chinese young people like Ai Qian to find the same lovers. She made several friends shortly after returning to China. One of them, Qiao Huan, is an avid star fanatic, and she insisted on dragging Ai Qian to Jiang Yan’s signing.

Essie said in her heart that based on my experience, I would either not go to this kind of thing, or if I did, I would definitely get something. No matter how much Qiao Huan begged her, she would not go. If she would go to such a thing, then she would be the author.

In the end, she still went, because if she didn’t go, she would have to attend the reception with Yu Yuyue. Ai Qian thinks that a vulgar person like herself should try not to go to that kind of occasion. She doesn’t want to inherit Yu Yuyue’s company and make the company flourish. Her ultimate ideal is really just to be a happy charter woman.

Qiao Huan waited in line upstairs for autographs, and Ai Qian went to the snack street on the basement floor to buy some snacks. These snacks have become her favorite since she returned home. She ran to the stinky tofu stand in a hurry and said, “Big serving of stinky tofu, put more spice.”

As soon as the voice fell, a buddy next to him turned his head to Ai Qian, and Ai Qian looked at this buddy. Wearing a dark hooded sweater in broad daylight, and wearing a mask and sunglasses, he doesn’t look like a good person. Ai Qian silently stared at his sunglasses for a few seconds, then took a few steps back calmly.

The owner of the stinky tofu shop said: “Young man, do you want it spicy?”

The weirdo didn’t move, just stared at Essie. Ai Qian’s scalp tingled for a while, and she wondered if the Taekwondo she had learned for a while would be useful. The weird man reached out and tore off his mask and sunglasses. Before Ai Qian had time to react, there were screams all around.

“Ah!! It’s Jiang Yan!”

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