The Vicious Female Supporting Role is So Tired [Quick Transmigration]

Chapter 83

Chapter 83 – Evil Threat③

The Qinling Mountains starts from the south of Gansu in the west and runs from east to west, with a length of about 1,500 kilometers. It is known as the Dragon Vessel of Chinese Civilization.

Qinchuan, eight hundred miles away, is the land of dragon veins. It is said that there are 100,000 ancient tombs here. According to records, princes and nobles have been buried here since the Warring States Period. Many ancient tombs have been discovered and developed here. Among other things, those grave robbers especially like to run here.

There are so many ancient tombs here, and his sister in the black suit obviously went to an ancient tomb that has never been discovered. In fact, this is definitely a difficult tomb, otherwise it would not have been discovered until now.

When Ai Qian was on the road, she took out a map to do research. First, she could roughly draw a range based on the places that the archaeological team repaired before entering the mountain. Then she had to find out all suitable places for burials within this range, and then check out those known ancient tombs that had been discovered. If there are only one or two left after that, the location of the archaeological team will be determined soon.

If there are still many left, the worst result is probably to find them one by one.

How to find it is also a problem. Ai Qian put down the map and looked at the black suit, and talked about this problem.

The black suit was silent for a moment, and then said: “As long as the archaeological team enters the ancient tomb, there must be a passage to enter. We can judge based on this.”

“What if there are all passages?” Ai Qian was a little confused: “You know, in addition to those ancient tombs that have been studied by archaeologists, there are still some ancient tombs that have been entered by tomb robbers. If the tomb robbers enter, they will definitely Leaving a hole.”

The black suit is a rich man, and he may be good at doing business, but he really doesn’t know anything about it. He thought for a while and said, “How about we discuss it together? Many of the teams I brought this time are professionals.”

During dinner that night, the black suit brought up the question. Immediately, someone said that there would not be so many undiscovered ancient tombs now, because there was a period of rampant tomb robbery. They are very good at finding ancient tombs. They often steal an ancient tomb, and the archaeologists follow behind to pick up another ancient tomb.

It wasn’t until later that the crackdown was intensified, and it was possible that almost all the ancient tombs had been stolen, and the situation improved. So they think that even if there are ancient tombs that have not been discovered, there will not be many.

Ai Qian nodded, feeling that what she said was indeed reasonable.

She marked all the known locations of ancient tombs on the map, and the map was immediately densely packed with ancient tombs. Ai Qian sweated a little, feeling a little uncertain. If the time came and she called her uncle, it would be so embarrassing.

The black suit always looked at Xi Fang intentionally or unintentionally, thinking about what Ai Qian said that he was only good at catching ghosts. Firstly, there might be ghosts in the ancient tomb, and secondly, what if there are other things. This Master Xi is young and doesn’t seem to know everything.

Xi Fang is a Daoist, and his perception is relatively sensitive. From the first time he saw him in a black suit, he felt that gaze.

He guessed that maybe it was Jun Yu’s woman who said something bad about him again. Why is there such an annoying woman in the world? Not only she hates it, but her uncle also hates it, always stealing his business.

Ai Qian seemed to feel a resentment from the universe, she shivered for no reason, and the black suit immediately asked: “Is Miss Yu cold?”

“Maybe a little bit.” Ai Qian said: “The sun is so bright during the day, but it’s really cold at night.”

“It’s better to wear more clothes…”

When they arrived at Qinling Mountains, the equipment had already arrived ahead of schedule. The Qinling Mountains are not ordinary hills. There is a large area of virgin forest inside. If you don’t have complete equipment, you can’t go deep into the mountain. Everyone went up the mountain fully armed, each with a big bag, which contained everything.

Ai Qian is a Feng Shui master who can’t lift her hands or shoulders. The most strenuous exercise in normal times is probably to go grocery shopping. Now she has to climb a mountain and carry such a big bag, and she will soon be unable to do so.

After walking not far, Essie sat down on the root of the tree panting. The black suit can’t do it at first glance, how can the master find someone when he is so tired? He wanted to help Essie carry the bag, but he himself was not a regular exerciser, so he could only say to others: “Who will help Miss Yu carry the bag?”

No one spoke for a while, and Ai Qian saw Xi Fang behind the crowd at a glance. Xin said that being a real mother gave you life, and now it’s time for you to repay it. She smiled at Xi Fang: “Brother Xi, help him carry his bag.”

Xi Fang’s handsome face was as cold as ice, and he resolutely refused, “I don’t.”

Ai Qian immediately turned her head and said to the black suit: “I think this operation is still hasty. Why don’t we wait for two days and choose a new manpower. My uncle knows a few corpse exorcists from Xiangxi. Action helps.”

Xi Fang: “…”

The black suit was really shaken by such a talk. Xi Fangxin said that if he really got the corpse exorcist here, what use would it be for him? Thinking of how many mouths are still waiting to be fed at home. Xi Fang gritted his teeth and swallowed his blood, walked over to grab Ai Qian’s equipment, and said to the black suit: “Saving people is like putting out a fire, we can’t waste a moment, let’s go quickly.”

Ai Qian’s teeth were almost showing from her smile, she got up from the ground and said, “That’s right, let’s go, saving people is the most important thing.”

Because she had studied it beforehand, Ai Qian had already made up the direction for this time. A group of people started in the morning and did not reach that place until dark.

It was fine at the beginning of walking, but later on there was no way at all. There are towering trees everywhere, and the ground is full of pine needles, leaves, animal feces, etc., and those things have been piled up and rotted together all year round. Walking on it is rotten and smells weird. Ai Qian even suspected that the reason why her uncle didn’t come was because she didn’t want to suffer.

Ai Xi felt uncomfortable and Xi Fang was even more uncomfortable, although his cleanliness was aimed at people and animals. But when he thought of the possibility of stepping on that kind of fat bug under his feet, he felt goosebumps on his body and never went away.

Walked for a day, took several breaks in the middle. When it was dark, there was no way to go any further. Wild beasts came out here at night, so it was not safe to continue on the road.

There are several soldiers in the team, and they are basically doing things like pitching tents and setting fires.

Essie walked all day, even without a backpack, it was too much. After the bonfire was burning, Ai Qian sat down by the fire, took off her shoes immediately, and said, “Oh, it hurts me to death, I don’t want my feet to hurt anymore.”

Sitting next to her happened to be Xi Fang, and Xi Fang was exhausted at first, but as a result, she smelled something after just sitting down. His face changed, and he covered his nose with his hand and said, “Put on your shoes!”

“Why?” Essie held her feet and said, “My feet are covered with blisters, and I need to rest, do you know that?”

Xi Fang looked at Ai Qian’s feet and felt that countless invisible bacteria were flying from her feet to him. Bacteria are pervasive, drilling into your body from your pores, mouth, nose and eyes. He gave Ai Qian a hard look, and then ran away scrambling.

There was another girl named Wang Juan in the team. Seeing Xi Fang reacted so strongly, she asked, “What’s wrong with him?”

“Psychopathy.” Essie said, “You know, those who deal with ghosts all day long tend to become neurotic.”

“That’s it.” Wang Juan sat down beside Ai Qian and took off her shoes. She said, “Wow, the blisters on your feet are all broken. They must be disinfected, otherwise it will be bad if they get infected.”

So the two took a bottle of alcohol and disinfected each other.

Xi Fang, who was standing far away, saw the two of them touching each other’s stinky feet, and felt so simple in his heart, it’s okay for men to be careless, but why are women so careless about hygiene?

Essie tended to the wound on her foot, and then she ate beef stew with sauce and dehydrated vegetables. After eating and drinking enough and being tired, she got into the sleeping bag and fell asleep soon after.

I don’t know how long she slept, but when she woke up, it was pitch black outside. Ai Qian felt that there was something wrong with her dazed sentence. It was not safe in the Qinling Mountains. When they stayed in the mountains at night, they had to arrange a vigil. It’s just that because Essie is a woman, she doesn’t need a vigil. It seems that Xi Fang and the others are going to take turns to watch the night, but now it’s pitch black outside the tent, don’t the night watchmen need a firelight?

Thinking of this, Ai Qian got out of her sleeping bag, and Wang Juan, who was in the same tent as her, asked in a daze, “What’s wrong?”

Essie: “Go to the toilet.”

“You wait for me.” Wang Juan also started to get up, “Let’s go together.”

The two drilled out with flashlights. Looking at the pile of burnt ashes, Wang Juan asked strangely, “Where’s the night watchman?”

Ai Qian looked at the time, it was the middle of the night, according to the previous arrangement, the watchman at this time was Xi Fang.

Ai Qian walked to Xi Fang’s tent with a flashlight, and she called inside: “Xi Fang, Xi Fang?”

Immediately after the tent trembled, Xi Fang’s head came out of it, and he said angrily, “What are you doing?”

Wang Juan said: “Is it time for you to keep watch?”

Xi Fang was stunned for a moment, then looked at his watch, and said, “It’s my turn, why didn’t Fourth Zhu call me?”

He put on his clothes and crawled out, seeing that Zhu Laosi was not outside at all, he wondered, “He went to bed without calling me?”

“Let’s see if he’s here.” Wang Juan said, “I have a bad feeling.”

Zhu Lao Si’s tent was right next to him, Xi Fang walked over and said, “Zhu Lao Si, Zhu Lao Si…”

The tent was opened, and a human being drilled out of it said, “What’s the fuss if you don’t sleep at night?”

“Where’s Zhu Lao Si?” Xi Fang said, “Call him up.”

“Zhu Lao Si?” The man looked back and said, “He’s not in the tent, his sleeping bag is empty.”

Xi Fang thumped in his heart, and said: “Zhu Laosi is gone, call everyone else.”

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