The Vicious Supporting Role Only Wants to Debut as Center

Chapter 78

Chapter 76

At the beginning, the attraction of the song “ElevenNovae” was not the song itself, but the MV of the song.

Under Ji Zeyu’s proposal, the MV for this song uses a very story-telling script, and is directed by a director who specializes in making MVs. The picture is very advanced.

The content of the MV, as Ji Zeyu said, is not “based on the present”, but from the “future”.

The MV begins with a door opening. A slender man wearing a mature suit opens the door with his slender fingers and walks into a low-key luxurious room. The camera follows his back from the hallway to the bedroom.

The man looked tired from his back. He took out his huge suitcase and began to pack the clothes and supplies in the room. It seemed that he was about to move, and his actions were simple and neat.

At this moment, the man took out an old and clean dress from the closet. It was a blue and white British uniform, neatly folded.

His fingers paused slightly, and after a while, he carefully unfolded his uniform.

Suddenly, the ranking card originally attached to the uniform slipped out and fell gently to the floor.

The man squatted down and picked up the ranking card, the camera turned to the ranking card, and the information on it gradually appeared——

Ji Zeyu.

Class B.

The fifth place.

This is the first time that Ji Zeyu announced the results in “Star Way Shining”.

The camera finally gave the man a close-up at this moment.

Ji Zeyu’s bangs were lifted up, and his handsome and white cheeks had a mature makeup. His facial features are more three-dimensional, a bit less immature, a bit more stable, his eyebrows look bold, the bridge of his nose is tall, and the jaw line looks more vivid.

The only constant is the handsome face and nice amber eyes.

Ji Zeyu stood up, the black suit on his body was also different from the previous style, which set off his upright, calm and steady figure, and one could tell at a glance that this was Ji Zeyu years later.

Holding the ranking card in his hand, Ji Zeyu went to the living room and took out a box from the corner, which contained items related to the show.

Gifts from fans, dolls from the show, photos of other contestants, and a game console…

The mature Ji Zeyu sat on the sofa, his eyes fell on the box, the picture became blurred, and the song’s prelude also sounded, heralding the official beginning of the theme of “memory”, and the silver-white floral song title appeared in the center of the picture.

“How many idols have you chased/whose portraits have been posted in the room/who witnessed your youth and growth/what is his surname…”

Ji Zeyu’s voice is clear and clean, bringing everyone into the years related to “idols”.

The picture of the MV changes like a film and gradually becomes clear. The scene is a picture of young people practicing dancing in the practice room. At this time, they have not participated in the draft, everyone has dreams, and there is an indelible light in their eyes.

“I used to long to stand on the stage / emit a little faint light / later hope to fly with my wings / cross the surging waves for you…”

The pictures began to switch, and the teenagers stood on the stage for the first time, looking a bit young, but they all tried their best to present their performances and began to shine with their own light.

Every teenager in Elevenovae has its own growth trajectory. As the song continues, the teenagers become more and more confident on the stage. At the end of the first half of the song, the pyramid of the teenagers’ debut night appears.

Memories began in the draft, but they are far more than the draft.

The choreography of “ElevenNovae” is relatively simple. In the entire MV, the members mainly talk about their own mental journey, the doubts they have received along the way, and the growth of each person.

In the middle of the song, the picture once again returned to the “future”. Ji Zeyu took out an album from the box, the packaging was elegant and exquisite, and the name of Tuan Zhuan was written on it.

The camera gave a close-up of the album with the signatures of eleven people written on it.

Later, the story of the teenagers after their debut appeared on the screen, interspersed with the individual performances of each teenager, showing the arduous journey of album recording and song creation, and some valuable group videos that were not broadcast.

At the end of the MV, Ji Zeyu put away the box of memories, sent a message to his former teammates, and invited them to get together.

In the clip of the song climax/trend, the teenagers of Elevenovae uniformly changed to a mature style. Although everyone’s dress and temperament are different, they stand together but complement each other.

Many years later, this limited group has long been disbanded, and they will also develop in their respective fields, but as long as they get together, they will be teammates with a strong relationship.

Eleven teenagers stepped onto the stage, and a silver wheat stand was placed in front of everyone. On the huge stage, their voices gathered together to convey the hottest and most sincere emotions to everyone in the audience…

This song is not only a lyrical song, but a little drum and rhythm are added to the chorus, which makes the singing of the teenagers more powerful and the whole song more penetrating.

“It was you who gave me strength/allowed me to realize my dream/long years/if I could give you a little hope/that is also my glorious time.”

When the song ended, the MV also ended. The lights on the stage gradually dimmed, and the microphones in the hands of the teenagers were still shimmering, like shining stars. In the end, these eleven stars gathered together, and the silver light brought them together. Connect the two letters “EN”.

In the melodious melody, what is sung is not only the memories of the idols, but also the memories of the fans.

This is a song sung for the E.N boy group itself, and it is also a song written for fans. Anyone who has followed stars in the entertainment circle can find resonance in the lyrics.

The clean voices of the teenagers can leave a deep impression as long as they listen to them.

When this MV was moved to Weibo and video sites, it quickly attracted the attention of countless people.

Not only because of the high quality of the MV, but also because of the handsome looks of the teenagers.

After the passers-by clicked in, they were attracted by the micro-film-like images, and then immersed in the music, touched by the growth of the teenagers, and at the same time they got their dazzling looks.

It is also the first time that fans have seen the mature E.N boy group. They excitedly shouted in the barrage, “Xiao Wei is so handsome”, “Nan Ge is so good”, “Yu Bao just killed me by raising my hair”…

Fans who have watched the draft are moved by the memories of the draft, and the memories of the idols also carry their laughs and tears.

It seems to be a lyrical MV, but it actually contains all kinds of attractive elements such as high-level texture, star chasing memories, mature men’s group, and the song itself has a beautiful melody, and there is hope for the future in the lyrics. Many people wanted to listen again after listening to it, so they couldn’t help but buy the electronic album of the EN boy group.

“”ElevenNovae” is so good. I bought the entire album for this song and found that other songs are also great! Special value!”

“It is really amazing that the rookie boy group can have an album of this quality. The lyric and fast songs are very good. There is not a bad quality album in the whole album.”

“I’ve cycled the entire album many times. I didn’t expect that one day I would be a member of the men’s team that debuted in the draft. I never watched the draft before.”

Under the amway of passers-by, the album sales of the E.N boy group began to grow, but it was still suppressed by Aurora.

At the same time, the lyrical song “ElevenNovae” has not only become popular in the MV, but the song itself has also gained attention among the star fans.

Many people recalled the idols or celebrities they had chased because of this song. The touch and original intentions of the past were very precious, so they couldn’t help editing videos for the celebrities they had chased and used this song as the background. music.

Because the lyrics and melody are very suitable for the scene, therefore, the cut videos are very teary.

In the videos made by various fans, the background music attracted everyone’s attention.

“Well, I have chased XX too. This video is so good to cry. It’s foul to talk about the background music.”

“I don’t need money for my tears. Although I no longer follow XXX, I still cried because of the background music. The song is written so well.”

“After watching, I also want to cut a video for my idol, ask for a BGM name!”

“It’s the new song “ElevenNovae” of the E.N boy group. It has the same name as the album. I hope everyone can support me!”

On Weibo, many fans carried this kind of edited video. A topic called “Idol You Have Chased” quietly became popular. It appeared on the hot search lists of major platforms late at night and rose rapidly.

Clicking into this topic, you can see that fans from all walks of life are sharing their star-chasing journeys. Although everyone’s idols are of different origins and destinies, they can always find sympathy in this topic.

Many people do not understand the star-chasing group. There is rarely such a song that shows the precious connection between idols and fans. Of course, “ElevenNovae” has also been searched and entered the public eye.

“The fans gave the idols the power to go on, and the idols gave the fans hope for the better. The lyrics are really well written.”

“In fact, fans and idols are each other’s glory, this kind of relationship is too precious.”

“The melody is really good for tears. I feel sore in my nose when I hear it. Thank you E.N boy group for writing such a good song.”

Compared with “Rose Nebula” who went out of the circle by dancing, this song carries too much emotion, which is thick and precious. It not only has the brand of E.N men’s group, but also evokes the deep memories of countless people.

The next morning after the E.N boy group’s album was released, although sales were still lagging behind Aurora, “ElevenNovae” quietly appeared at the top of the new song chart.

You know, this is a song that needs to be paid, and the popularity has exceeded the expectations of everyone at SC Entertainment.

At the same time, driven by this song, other songs in the album have also been discovered by everyone. Each song has a different idea, while maintaining the popularity of the melody. The MV is also remarkable. As far as fifteen albums are included, it can be said to be full of sincerity.

Soon, other songs from the E.N boy group album began to appear on the new song chart, and the rankings began to climb.

“I think “The Past” is also very good! The retro style pokes me too much!”

“The melody of “Adventure” is too high, I can’t stop listening to it all day!!”

“Ahhhh, I’m in love with “KillHim”. This song is perfect for choreography. The rhythm is really great.”

Twenty hours after the release of the album, the new song list of the music platform has undergone a very big change. Among the top ten, there are six songs from the EN boy group album. The top list is “ElevenNovae”, while the Aurora boy group has only two songs. Enter the top ten and rank in the back position.

If the Aurora boy group is supported by the fan economy, then the album sales of the E.N boy group are created by passersby and group fans who really like songs.

Moreover, the proportion of passersby fans is still constantly expanding.

Twenty-four hours after the release of the album, the growth rate of the album sales of the Aurora boy group began to slow down, and the songs of the E.N boy group are bombarding major music software in turn, and the growth rate of album sales has not decreased but increased!

In this regard, the fans of the E.N boy group are very excited.

“Come on! We still have hope! Sales have caught up!”

“A good song will definitely be liked by the public, this album is obviously so great!”

“The E.N boy group will surely create miracles!”

In Xingyu Entertainment’s office.

Just after the meeting, Ji Zefeng sat in front of the computer and observed the sales trends of the two men’s groups, with a thoughtful expression on his face.

Last night, Ji Zefeng bought thousands of copies as soon as the album went live, just to show his younger brother. At first he didn’t think he would like every song in it, but after listening to it, he got a surprise.

Seeing that the gap between E.N men’s album sales and Aurora’s album sales continued to decrease, Ji Zefeng’s lips rose slightly, revealing a relieved look, and then bought another 10,000 albums.

For nothing else, just happy.

After the purchase, Ji Zefeng also sent the screenshots to the other two brothers and sisters, indicating that he was the most competent brother.

But soon he was slapped. Ji Zicheng and Ji Mingyun each bought more than 20,000 copies, which cost more than him.

Ji Zefeng, who was not convinced, bought another 20,000 copies, then sent screenshots to the two of them, and said proudly: “There is nothing to show off.”

The sales growth rate of the Aurora men’s team is getting slower and slower, and the growth rate of the E.N men’s team is more than three times that of them, and it has been maintained at a high number.

Thirty-six hours after the release of the album.

On the new album sales charts, the ranking quietly changed.

Jiang Li has been constantly refreshing the rankings, looking forward to the moment when sales will surpass. He is swiping his mobile phone while eating and sleeping, watching the data catch up little by little, suppressing tension and excitement in his heart.

After eating at noon that day, Jiang Li casually swiped, Xuan even widened his eyes in disbelief——

The E.N men’s group sales have risen to the first place! !

Excited, she almost couldn’t hold the phone securely. It took a few clicks to open the fan group. Sure enough, the news had reached 999+ in an instant, and all of them were shouting “E.N Niubi”.

“Oh, it’s really super! Faster than expected!”

“Not only is it overtaking, but it also widens the gap. The opponent is Team A!”

“The A group is number one every year. How can we surpass them?!”

“Who makes the new song so good? No way, the audience is not deaf.”

“I’ll buy ten more for fun!”

In contrast, the fan cluster of the Aurora boy group was in a state of shock, and it was hard to believe this fact.

“Isn’t it, overtaken?!”

“My God, what’s the matter with their sales?”

“How can it rise so fast! This is unscientific!”

“But having said that, there are so many people around me who bought this album, it’s hard to believe…”

“Ahhhh, how could this be so!!!”

Fans of A group can’t believe it, and they are too angry. They have been clamoring to crush the EN men’s group in the early stage. At this moment, facing the established fact that sales have been surpassed, they seem to have seen the most impossible in the world. What happened.

Faced with the popularity of E.N’s new songs and the counterattack of album sales, fans of Group A gritted their teeth and vowed to surpass them and win the line back.

As everyone knows, as a predecessor group that debuted for many years, it has always claimed to be a sales champion, but was overtaken by the rookie men’s team in a day and a half. This in itself is ridiculous enough.

For a while, the netizens who were uncomfortable with the fan style of the Aurora boy group turned on the mocking mode at this moment.

“How should I put it, as expected, a certain senior group advanced the album release time, but did not improve the quality of the album.”

“Obviously I want to cheat a wave of money. Only fans of Group A will buy it. Let them continue to live in their own world.”

“A group fans have always connoted the E.N boy group before, and some people said that if E.N sales can win, they will sing their songs upside down, wondering if that fan will do what it says?”

“The A group has few songs that can be listened to. I have already taken off fans. Although this sales volume is still very strong, it makes sense to be surpassed. After all, the new songs of the E.N men’s group are about to dominate the charts.”

“This incident shows that sometimes things like strength have nothing to do with seniority.”

“My fan group has also been ridiculed by fans of group A, old yin and yang people, I hope this group of people can shut up obediently.”

When Ji Zeyu heard the news, he was having a meal with his teammates. Everyone looked at the golden number “1” on the sales ranking list. Everyone smiled happily and poured drinks and clinked glasses to celebrate.

“Celebrate the No. 1 sales,” Ji Zeyu glanced at everyone, his tone was very pleased, “I hope to keep it up.”

“It’s so cool!”


After a while, Cheng Xi ran in with a look of excitement, took out a small speaker, and shouted: “Everyone! Our sales! Overtaken!”

“I celebrated just now.” Wanlong glanced at Cheng Xi and said calmly, “You are a step late.”

Lu Nanyun said in the tone of Xueba: “I calculated the trend of the increase yesterday, and it is expected that the sales volume will surpass.”

“Actually, I don’t think I am happy yet when the new song became popular.” Xiao Huai said seriously, “How can I say, although the fans of Group A have always used me as an example, saying that people of my level can make their debut. The EN boy group must be a fast food boy group, but after listening to their new song, it’s really not so good…”

Tang Xiayan glanced at Xiao Huai and said lightly: “Don’t go out and talk about this, just talk in private.”

Cheng Xi was a little depressed: “Damn, you guys are a little bit excited, my speakers are all for nothing.”

“In fact, it’s quite happy.” Ji Zeyu comforted Cheng Xi, “but in fact, the happier thing is the whole process. After all, many people are praising our progress.”

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Everyone in the E.N men’s team did not focus on sales short-sightedly. They paid more attention to market feedback and reviews from music critics. These were the driving forces that spurned their progress.

If they were impetuous at the beginning, then this album would not be the number one selling album now.

On the Internet, there have been many professional music critics who have written reviews of this album. Their evaluations are not all the same. There are boastful parts and derogatory parts. Generally speaking, the boasting parts are far more than the derogatory parts. .

In these evaluations, music critics seem to have reached a consensus on the same thing, that is–

This album of the E.N boy group has become a popular candidate for the best group album of the Star Rhyme Award this year.

Three days later, the album sales of the E.N men’s group had already surpassed the Aurora men’s group. Even if the fans of the Aurora men’s group were rich, they would not be able to catch up.

In the first week, the sales of the album “ElevenNovae” exceeded 3.5 million copies, and the physical album exceeded 150,000 copies, creating tens of millions of dollars in profit for SC Entertainment.

In order to celebrate this achievement, SC Entertainment released a “Collector Edition Physical Album” after the first week. The packaging of the album should be more exquisite, with eleven teenagers’ signatures on it, and various precious peripherals will be given away.

The collection of albums is limited to 20,000 copies, and the zero point was released on a certain sales platform. Due to the influx of a large number of fans, the platform was slightly stuck.

Even so, the 20,000 collection albums were sold out within 48 seconds, shocking everyone, and also indicating that the popularity of the E.N men’s group has successfully reached a new level with this album.

The number of Ji Zeyu’s Weibo followers has skyrocketed, and it will not take long to exceed 30 million. The popularity of others has also risen, and the momentum is very fierce.

No one thinks of them as a new draft men’s team.

Their growth rate can only be described as “horror”.

On this day, SC Entertainment held a grand celebration banquet for the men’s team members. Major shareholders attended the banquet for an unprecedented time and expressed their appreciation for the men’s team in person.

Ji Zeyu stood out particularly prominently. He is the most popular player of the E.N men’s group, and also made a lot of credit in the recording of the album. Therefore, many middle-aged leaders wanted to toast him.

Ji Zeyu already knew that he was not drinking well, and he was about to refuse, but his teammates reacted faster than him.

As long as someone came to have a toast with Ji Zeyu, several other teammates would stand up and stand silently for him, while Ji Zeyu stood aside, avoiding the danger of being drunk.

Among them, the person who blocked Ji Zeyu the most was Lu Nanyun.

Lu Nanyun’s movements are very fast, and the Lu family has a lot of reputation in the business world, so he can easily block the other party’s toast by raising his lips slightly and passing the wine glass in front of the leader.

Ji Zeyu felt a little distressed when he watched Lu Nanyun quietly block one glass after another for himself.

Taking advantage of the break, Ji Zeyu whispered to Lu Nanyun: “I’ll drink it myself in a while, and I will drink less…”

“You can just sit down.” Lu Nanyun wiped his mouth and said without changing his face, “If you are drunk, I won’t let you go back to your room to sleep.”

Ji Zeyu was stunned, always feeling something strange in this sentence, but he also felt a little moved.

Lu Nanyun glanced at him and poured him a glass of juice: “Children can only drink this.” The corners of his lips rose slightly.

“I’m an adult, what a kid.” Ji Zeyu said unconvinced.

“I’m younger than me, I’m a kid.” Lu Nanyun poured the juice, and reached out to mess his hair, “Good.”

Although Ji Zeyu said something unconvincing, he couldn’t help but curled up the corners of his lips and took a sip of the juice that Lu Nanyun poured him. At this time, someone else wanted to toast Ji Zeyu, and Lu Nanyun stood up and quickly blocked it.

From Ji Zeyu’s perspective, you can see his tall and straight figure, and the knife-cut jaw line, silently guarding him under the light, giving him the same sense of security as before.

Ji Zeyu has not discovered that he has developed a kind of dependence on this sense of security.

Lu Nanyun blocked volleyball for him, took him over the wall to eat oden, took his hand to the rooftop, protected him in the game, and now blocked him from alcohol…

Every time, Ji Zeyu saw Lu Nanyun’s tall and tall Qingjun back.

Now, as long as he sees Lu Nanyun’s back in front of him, his mood will improve, and it seems that all the troubles will disappear at this moment.

During the dinner, Ji Zeyu received a call from his elder brother.

Ji Zeyu looked at the prompt on the screen, felt the vibration of the phone with his fingers, and suddenly decided to do something.

He didn’t want to avoid suspicion with Lu Nanyun anymore.

Ji Zeyu slowly picked up the phone, got up and left the hotel room, took a deep breath, and then answered the phone.

The author has something to say: The author is trying to speed up the emotional development (…)

The previous chapter has been modified due to interaction, and you can read it if you haven’t read it (of course, it won’t affect if you don’t read it)

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated the nutrient solution during 2020-08-3023:59:19 2020-08-3123:56:58

Thanks to the little angel who threw the rocket launcher: 1 Momozawa;

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Mu Zhuo 1;

Thanks to the little angel who cast the mine: Mint is very cool??, 47112549, a generation of cat slaves;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigates the nutrient solution: 180 bottles of the crying ghost be killed by strength; 100 bottles of Qiu & Yu; 88 bottles on a sunny day; 80 bottles of An Xiansen; . . 50 bottles; 44 bottles of oatmeal; 40 bottles of cat; Jin&Nian, 38172390, yunn, Hengke Zhanbi 30 bottles; Yoyo Luming, Yaoyao, Boliang, Wallbreaker Luo Ji, xx20 bottles; Phoenix Yufei, Ling Also, my wife said Jiageng, Rantong, Sweet_leo, Lilige, Yejiu, 10 bottles of Qi Ruohanghai; 7 bottles of hesitation; 6 bottles of Qin Yunxiao; lambs and sheep who like meat, round skins, pick one in a million 5 bottles; Qiuqiu’s Tweet 4 bottles; Robbery & 3 bottles; Sumeng£, Yutian Demon Kuang, one egg tart, W.2 bottles; a serious person, one ⊙ω⊙, Ruan Xiaoguaiguai, Miu Meow Meow 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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