The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

…It turned out to be a pirate ship? !

The panic hit the people for an instant, some passengers squirmed around with their heads, and the ladies screamed again and again. The panicked people yelled at the sailors in a panic: “Hurry up! The pirates are approaching! Hurry up and let the ship move!”

“Let’s… go and see the captain’s room!” The same nervous sailors on the deck said in a panic, and they immediately rushed towards the captain’s room. However, just as the sailors were about to run over, suddenly several passengers in the crowd pulled out their knives, grabbed the nearby women and children, put the knife on their necks and threatened: “I don’t want these women and children to die. If you don’t, just stand still and don’t move!”

“No! Help!”

“Wow, mom—”

The kidnapped women screamed in horror, and the children burst into tears. Such a crying and crying scene made the pirates disguised as passengers a little impatient. They threatened viciously with a few words of “I will kill you again”. The woman and the child trembled their legs one by one and did not dare to make any more noises.

“What?! Stop it!”

The sailors were suddenly angry when they saw what had happened. A sailor seemed to want to rush up, but the pirates menacingly brightened the dazzling blade in his hand. The sailors suddenly flinched, especially when they saw the hostages being held, they didn’t dare to act rashly.

“Release the kids! What do you want?!”

The sailors yelled angrily at the pirates. This was a premeditated attack. The pirates had already gotten into the ship. Now that the ship is still standing at sea, they must have successfully controlled the captain’s room.

“Sanoya, what should we do?” Mirona pulled the corner of Lalin Tianyin’s clothes a little nervously, and asked secretly in a very quiet voice.

“Look at the situation first.” Lin Tianyin said in a low voice. She didn’t want to cause trouble. If they set off now, the pirates behind might fire at them. If the ship sinks, everyone will be buried under the sea.

It seems that the pirates are only here for robbery, so if you can minimize the trouble, it will be fine. Lin Tianyin hesitated and asked Gagaf next to him quietly, “How much money do we have?”

“When I left the village, I had an original fund of 1000G, plus 2200G from the sale of blue-headed bird feathers, and after deducting food and boat fees, etc… there is probably 460G left.” Gagaf replied after a calculation.

“Damn, it turns out there are so many, so I can’t give them.” Lin Tianyin said angrily: “They have to be killed!”

“…Wait for the opportunity.” Gagaf replied in a cold sweat, “I’ll look at the situation first.”

“Hey, as long as you cooperate obediently, you won’t hurt you. If you are lucky, our captain is very talkative.”

“Damn it, despicable pirate!”

The sailors stared at these pirates hatefully, seeing the pirate ship in the distance getting closer and closer, and the consequences would be disastrous if they were allowed to board the ship. But at this moment someone among the passengers hiding behind suddenly called out: “What a joke! I don’t want to give the money to the pirates…they are just these people! Let’s go!”

This shout seemed to wake up many people, and the crowd suddenly rose up, and several men rushed towards the pirates, ignoring the hostages being held. It seems that Lin Tianyin is not the only one who cares about money, which surprised the pirates. The pirates who took the hostages were caught off guard. Under the attack of a few people, they fought and became a ball. However, at this moment, a gunshot sounded from the boat, and everyone was stunned for a moment, and the whole boat fell silent.

“Calm down, gentlemen, you certainly don’t want to be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.”

A rough and arrogant voice rang, as if it was quite aura. Everyone’s eyes followed the prestige, and saw a terrifying bearded man holding a musket and pulling a tied old man slowly out of the captain’s room.


A sailor exclaimed, and the old man looked angry and unwilling. Bearded smiled, looking at the group of passengers fighting with the pirates, grinning with brilliant golden teeth and said: “Who led the head?”

The bearded muskets were still smoking, and the group of passengers who had just fought with the pirates bravely flinched after seeing the muskets in his hand, and all bowed their heads and did not dare to say anything. Bearded grinning grinningly, he ordered his men to tie up all these people. However, at this moment, Mirona, who was quietly by the side, suddenly yelled.

“Mr. Luca! How could it be you?!”

Mirona looked at her beard in disbelief, her eyes full of wounded expressions: “This must be something wrong, how could you be a pirate?!”

Oh my god, he looks like a pirate, OK? ! Lin Tianyin couldn’t help but want to spit out, she didn’t guess wrong, the obvious feature… Lin Tianyin was desperate for Mirona, obviously even Gagaf couldn’t say anything about Mirona’s reaction.

“Wow hahaha, I never said that I am not a pirate, the little girl is so naive!”

After hearing the sound, Beard looked at Mirona, immediately very proud, and laughed roughly.

“Too much! I still believe you so much!”

Mirona yelled angrily, Lin Tianyin really didn’t want to say that this is just because your IQ is too low, normal people can’t be fooled, okay?

“Then you can only blame yourself for being stupid. If you obediently hand over the money, it won’t hurt you.”

Bearded glanced at Mirona mockingly, and his men raised their hands and cheered, “Deputy Captain Luca! Vice Captain Luca!”

It turned out to be just a deputy, Lin Tianyin secretly complained in her heart, she thought that appearance was definitely the pirate captain himself.

“Never forgive you! We will never compromise with the pirates!” Mirona expressed her position in a loud voice full of justice, then turned her head and shouted to Lin Tianyin, “Sanoya, let’s go!”


At this time, Lin Tianyin didn’t really want to fight, but it seemed that it wouldn’t work if he didn’t fight anymore. So she cast a look at Gagaf, and then pretended to hold Mirona like a gangster, and pretended to say to the pirate Luca: “I’m sorry, my sister has a bad brain, don’t care about her…”

“Wow haha, your fat girl has a clear mind.” The pirate Luca laughed, “We didn’t want everyone’s life originally, as long as you work together and hand over all the belongings around you, you can guarantee it. Everyone is safe.”

“Don’t dream! Damn pirate!” The captain who was held aside cursed and slammed into the pirate Luca with his body. Obviously this hideous-looking guy didn’t have a good temper. He pushed the captain to the ground with a slap, then raised his foot and stepped on the captain’s face.

“Don’t toast or eat fine wine, old stuff, you don’t want to be the first to be thrown into the sea to feed the sharks.”

“The old man would rather die than surrender!”

The captain roared angrily, shouting hoarsely to the sailors: “What are you waiting for?! Protect our ship!”

“But they took the passengers as hostages…”

The sailors are all a little timid, and the pirate ship that is approaching from a distance has a gun emplacement on it, and the muzzle of the black hole looks particularly terrifying. It seems as if the opponent will send a signal to fire at this place as soon as they start their hands.

The current scene is probably like this. The pirate Luca laughed triumphantly, and the captain was incapable of grief and anger. However, at this moment, a group of agile shadows suddenly appeared behind the pirate Luca, before everyone could see that it was. When it was said that it was too late and it was fast, the moment the shadow flashed, the musket in Luca’s hand was suddenly taken away by the shadow!

“What?! Damn it!”

“Good job Fu! It’s now! Let’s go!”

“That’s Ah Fu’s monkey, named Pippi…”

Lin Tianyin yelled, and Gagaf couldn’t help correcting her in a cold sweat, but Lin Tianyin wouldn’t care about him, she was about to rush forward when she rolled up her sleeves, but Mirona passed through Lin Tianyin and her like a strong wind. Gagaf had taken out the iron rod from his pocket and rushed towards the pirate Luca.

what? ! Isn’t she a cure? ! Lin Tianyin was suddenly shocked, the treatment turned out to be faster than anyone else, don’t forget your identity? !

“Hey, stupid! What can a little girl like you do?!”

Although the musket was taken away, Luca found that Mirona was rushing towards him, but smiled disdainfully, and didn’t even mean to dodge at all.

“I wanted to let go of you brats, now that you are looking for a dead end! Let Deputy Captain Luca make you suffer a little bit!”

Luca roared, and when Mirona’s iron rod fell, she raised her sturdy arm and reached out to grab it.

“You should suffer a little bit! You dare to lie to us!”

Mirona yelled with a sharp voice, and the moment the iron rod fell, the pirate Luca did not easily grab the weapon of the weak-looking girl as he expected. He only heard a loud “click”, the pirate Luka hadn’t realized what was happening. He was overthrown to the ground by a powerful air current, and after the loud noise, he appeared on the crumbling wooden deck. A huge pit.


Mirona kept the iron rod smashed down, and a few seconds later, she slowly raised her head and withdrew the iron rod from the pit.

… unexpectedly, unexpectedly!

Whether it was the pirates or the passengers on this ship, everyone was shocked by what happened before them. The pirate Luca stared at the big pit in front of him sluggishly, and then raised his head to look at Mirona. It was the one that made him feel a little scared. The girl’s facial expression, who seemed innocent and deceptive, became very hideous, and then smashed the iron rod in her hand again.

“Ah—! Don’t! Forgive—”

“Asshole! Asshole! Asshole!”

The situation suddenly reversed. Mirona yelled and beat the pirate Luca with an iron rod. Luca screamed again and again, looking very tragic. Lin Tianyin and Gagaf, who hadn’t shot at all, stared at the girl who was playing Mortal Kombat, who was supposed to be very weak. Was the terrifying strange power also the blood line of the family? It turns out that Mirona is the same as her…No, or that Mirona still has a lower tolerance gauge…


The sailors who witnessed this scene were stunned for a full minute, and then they all reacted one by one, yelling “Defend our ship!” and then scuffled with the remaining pirates.

Lin Tianyin stared at all this in a daze. At this moment, he didn’t know what he should do. Did he join the battle? No, if you help Mirona, that person will be killed… So she asked Gagaf on the side for advice, only to find that Gagaf staring at Mirona looked more entangled than her.

“Then…or don’t kill him first, we can use him as a hostage to force the pirates to retreat…”

Looking at Mirona who continued to beat the pirate deputy captain Luca, Lin Tianyin finally couldn’t help but speak out. However, before she could finish her words, a figure fell from the sky and landed beside Mirona, who wielded the iron rod wildly. Lin Tianyin hadn’t watched yet. To find out what it was, the other party suddenly flew a kick, and then Mirona flew out all over, and fell into the sea with a “puff”.

“Mi, Mirona—?!?!”

Seeing this, Lin Tianyin suddenly shouted, what’s the matter? ! She ignored the person who kicked Mirona and chased to the side of the ship in shock, and saw that the sea where Mirona fell was bubbling.

What should I do, do I need to save her first? But Mirona can’t swim, and she can’t swim either… While Lin Tianyin was still hesitating, Gagaf next to him had jumped out of the sea. Struggling to swim in the direction of Mirona.

Good risk… finally saved. Lin Tianyin breathed a sigh of relief, and then immediately turned to look in the direction of the pirate Luca, and found a red-haired young man in a short coat standing beside him, tall and muscular. He stared at Luca who was about to be smashed blankly for a moment, then silently bent down and lifted Luca with one hand.

“Hello, are you still alive? Captain Luca?”

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