The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 20

Chapter 20

This, this is too unreasonable! This guy is obviously a pirate, why should he become like a young man protagonist? ! This is as unacceptable as Mirona’s transformation from a healer to a berserker… Don’t forget who you are!

Lin Tianyin was shocked by what happened before her eyes. She remembered that the original work was obviously a deep well ice Mary Su novel with the author’s pitted mind… So can a pirate be more upright than a prince? ! Seeing this, she rushed to the place where the two jumped and stared nervously at the rippling water.

Will it be melted by stomach acid? The best case is that the skin is burned…

After about ten seconds, Lin Tianyin hadn’t calmed down yet, two heads suddenly appeared in the liquid under the boat.

Lin Tianyin gasped, what happened? ! Why is it so fast? Before she had time to observe carefully, she could see that the two people who emerged were indeed Celer and the old captain. They suddenly said nothing and climbed back to the boat again.

“Why are you back?” Lin Tianyin asked the old captain suspiciously.

Is this being persuaded not to give up the hope of life? It’s too fast…

The old captain kept a straight face and said nothing.

“Because the following is just ordinary sea water.” Celier twisted a handful of water from his jacket and replied instead of the old captain.

Lin Tianyin sprayed immediately.

It turned out that Dayi Lingran decided to go to death for a long time, is it just ordinary sea water? ! Even Lin Tianyin thinks this is too cheating…


The old captain remained silent, but perhaps it was because he felt that it was too embarrassing. His face was even more ugly, and he simply turned his back to the crowd and passed by.

“How could it be sea water…Aren’t we in the sea monster’s stomach?” The fat old man murmured in surprise.

“It’s useless if you ask me. I haven’t been in the belly of a sea monster before…” Celer held up his chin thoughtfully. “It stands to reason that there are countless boats swallowed by sea monsters in the past century. Why did we not find the wreckage of other ships in its stomach…”

Is it digested? Lin Tianyin was about to blurt out, but when they thought that what they thought was stomach acid was just ordinary seawater, they swallowed again.

No one knew the answer. After a moment of silence, Celier began to undress. Lin Tianyin immediately looked away with interest.

“You can’t get the answer if you just sit and wait. Why not explore the neighborhood to see if you can find the legendary way out.” Celer took off his coat quickly, revealing his strong muscle lines. He glanced at the old captain with his back to the crowd, and asked jokingly, “Are you going with me, grandpa.”

“It was a waste of effort.” The old captain said coldly.

Lin Tianyin always feels that the role positioning of these two people is wrong. Obviously the righteous party is so stubborn, but the villain is positive…

At this time, I still have to stand in line. Although my intuition thinks that even if I have a chance to escape, the pirate brother will definitely not take her, but I still have to please him to increase the information he can get? So Lin Tianyin pretended to be in favor of Celer’s decision.

Alas, thinking that Mirona still has the protagonist’s aura, Lin Tianyin began to lament the injustice of the world. After Mirona was kicked off the ship by the pirate brother, Gagaf managed to escape with her… it was all life.

But Celir took off his clothes and was about to go into the water when everyone suddenly noticed that a faint flame appeared not far away.

“what is that?”

Lin Tianyin suddenly felt energetic, lights appeared in the unknown darkness, and nine out of ten people were trapped into death traps. Is it a sea monster? She thought nervously, trying to grasp something to make herself feel safe. Alas, it would be great if there was a strong shoulder to lean on at this time…Lin Tianyin gazed at his feet melancholy, the fat old man was like a frightened bird, so scared that he would not let go of her two thighs.

screw you! Although her body is a bit fat, she is also a little girl anyway, okay? !

Although Lin Tianyin was dissatisfied, he still didn’t care about the old man. Celier and the old captain were also a little surprised. They stared at the flames in the distance and saw a wooden boat creaking and creaking over…

Is it a ghost ship? Lin Tianyin swallowed, and countless strange talks appeared in his mind. However, after the boat approached, Lin Tianyin saw the people on it—they were two people in ragged clothes. They couldn’t tell their age. The beard seemed to have not been shaved in a long, long time. Even if they were far apart, Lin Tianyin could feel it. There was an unpleasant smell.

“Wow…someone fell in as expected.”

“That’s right, Leonard, we’re going to have a new partner again… ahem.”

The two men rowed the boat to the side of the ship under the dumb gaze of everyone, then they threw the rope up and quickly climbed onto their boat.

“Leonard, go and see what else can be used on this ship…”

“I see, Jove.”

Without waiting for Lin Tianyin and the others to say anything, the man named Leonard had already got into the cabin with a sack familiarly, and after a few seconds he began to yell: “Hey, there are a lot of things to take here! Our boat can’t fit. , Go and call the fleet! Jove!”


All the people on the boat were dumbfounded for a long time, and then the fat old man’s eyes stared like brass bells, and he grabbed the dirty person in front of him and exclaimed: “Wait, wait! What’s the matter?! The belly of the sea monster How can there be living people in it?!”

“Oh, it’s nothing unusual.” Jove, who was being pulled by the fat old man, waved his hand: “We have a large group of people who have lived here for decades.”


…What is it? !

Lin Tianyin was dumbfounded for a long time, and faintly followed the fleet of cargoes to a strange place. There is land in the sea monster’s belly. This area is not very wide. It is even surrounded by fleshy walls, but above it is suspended a core emitting white light, like a small sun emitting energy. same.

“We have probably lived here for more than forty years…no, maybe fifty years?”

“We don’t know how long anyway.”

Leonard and Jove, who had brought them here, sang and said harmoniously. There seems to be a group of people living in this place. Simple houses built with stones and shells. There are even a few four or five-year-old children running around with bare butts… In fact, most of them are bare butts. . In the wet and soft place, they grow vegetables that are not known to be green, and there are two people sitting cross-legged in the corner grilling fish, exuding bursts of attractive fragrance…

what is happening? !

Lin Tianyin was stunned by what he saw in front of him. Is this really in the belly of the sea monster? Why do these people live so happily? They have lived for decades, and even children have reproduced!

“Daddy, what’s the gain today?”

A bare-bottomed boy ran over after seeing the returning fleet with his feet on his feet. Lin Tianyin was still digesting the information he had received, and suddenly noticed that the boy’s little **** rushed in front of her as soon as he swayed. Lin Tianyin Suddenly, he felt black in front of him, and he was going to be blind.

Damn it! This baby looks as old as Ah Fu! Why are you still bare-ass? !

“Oh Ergouzi, we got a lot of fabrics. From tomorrow on, you and your brother will be able to put on clothes!” Yoff said happily.

“Great! Long live!” Luniao kid cheered.

Lin Tianyin felt more and more collapsed, and there was an older brother who was bare-ass!

Of course, no one can understand Lin Tianyin’s entanglement, these people soon began to divide up the materials shipped from the ship. When they wanted to take things, the old captain strongly opposed and resisted. Naturally, he was suppressed by the group of people who had lived in the belly of the sea monster for decades. Now he was **** with a rope and brought over together.

“It turns out that this is the case. You will be swallowed by sea monsters only when you encounter a shipwreck…”

While still observing this area, a person who looked like the captain of this group came over and looked at Lin Tianyin and the others (don’t ask how he knew it, he wore better clothes than others), and asked with a slight concern. : “But why are there only a few of you and the others?”

“Everyone else has escaped.” The fat old man who had been silent since just now snorted, extremely unhappy, “No one is willing to help us whether it is the sailors or the pirates! In the end, he stayed on the boat and fed the sea monsters!”

“That’s just because Grandpa is too fat, no one can help you.” Celer interjected coldly.

Lin Tianyin felt cold in his knees and felt like he had been shot.

“Oh, didn’t you escape?” The questioner nodded thoughtfully, but he also appeared indifferent, pointing to himself and introducing: “I am Chorov? Giorgio Dio, who used to be a Aristocrat… Forget it, the hero doesn’t mention what happened back then. In short, the people here have suffered a shipwreck, but don’t be too sad. From now on, you are also part of us. Think of this place as your home and get used to it slowly. If you don’t understand or have any difficulties, you can come to me.”


Lin Tianyin continued to be silent. But the fat old man couldn’t hold it anymore, maybe because he held it for too long, he shouted emotionally: “What? Do you want to live in such a place?! How can I endure it! I’m leaving here! How to get out of the belly of the sea monster?! Tell me how to get out!”

That’s right! Although I am happy to see a living person, it doesn’t mean I want to live in this kind of place! Lin Tianyin felt that if she had been trapped here all her life, she might as well decide on her own.

“Hahaha, do you think we would still be here if I knew it?” Chorov shook his head, hugged a shriveled old woman from the side and laughed, “It’s useless, useless! Just get used to it. Fortunately, this place has the same living conditions as outside. Although it is a bit difficult, I have successfully formed a new family here! This is my wife Yulia. We have successfully bred three children, although there are two I fell ill and died early when I was very young, alas…”


Qiaorov became sad as he spoke, and Lin Tianyin didn’t know what to say. How does she feel that she always meets some abnormal people…in various senses.

Soon, Chorov explained to Lin Tianyin and the others what was going on in the sea monster’s belly. However, this information almost wiped out the illusion of everyone escaping here.

Those who fell in vaguely remembered that this sea monster was extremely huge, but there was still a larger, even black hole-like space in its body, which seemed to expand indefinitely, except that there was no exit. But within that, there is a “safe area”. Human beings can survive, with air and fresh water, and even the “nucleus” that resembles light. It hangs high in the air, releasing energy and providing the light needed for life, but no one knows what it is.

But in addition to this safe area where they are mainly active, there are five other areas in the belly of the sea monster.

Dangerous and mysterious, full of darkness and death.

People who have lived here for a long time divide those areas into danger levels from D to A according to their own experience. Among them, area D is not far from the safe area. The most dangerous thing is to encounter one or two saber-toothed sea beasts. , But it’s rare, and it’s not difficult to deal with. There are a lot of these saber-tooth fish in Zone C. They are delicious. In addition to being aggressive, they are also a delicacy. Of course, the residents here will not leave Area D in most cases.

Because in most cases, the distressed ship engulfed by the sea monster will fall into the D area, so there is no need to leave too far. I heard that the exploratory team here has only been to Area B at most. The team that had been to Area A was finally destroyed. No one knows what dark things were there. The person who came back alive was also crazy. Talking about “monster, monster” and the like, he died soon after.

However, it seems to have mentioned in the crazy talk of the person who returned that there is still a dark area outside the A area, but after that heavy casualty, no one dared to continue exploring. People who have lived here for decades have long given up hope of leaving here. Occasionally, some young people or killed pirates want to make a desperate move to find a clue, but in the end their bones float back to Zone D. Area D is a large recycling station. No matter what it is, it will return here in the end.

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