The Village Girl Who Was Forced to Become the Hero

Chapter 52

Chapter 52

The boat continued to sail in the mist for more than 30 minutes. Lin Tianyin, who was extremely bored, came out of the cabin and found that after returning to find Leo, it seemed as if he had missed the best time to talk. The boy did not want to continue discussing his own affairs. So Lin Tianyin had no choice but to continue sitting on the deck in a daze. Just when she was thinking about when this was the end, she suddenly found that the dense fog surrounding the ship began to gradually become thinner, and something seemed to change in the distant field of vision. It’s faintly visible.

Is this going to see the way out? The pirate ship continued to sail forward, and after another five minutes or so, the thinner and thinner surrounding fog finally dissipated, and directly in front of them, a spectacular steampunk-style island appeared.

Here…is it the country of the pirates?

The ship driven by Celer headed to a port corresponding to the flag on the ship. Lin Tianyin vaguely remembered that Celier had said that this island was divided into areas by several pirate forces, and they all abide by the rules not to infringe on others’ territories. At present, Celir’s own land has been seized by Luca, and if he drives someone else’s boat to approach it, he will be sunk immediately. Therefore, they can only choose to enter from the Mogulolo side.

When the boat was about to dock, the monkey started to get excited and squeaked constantly. The people on the observation deck of the port not far away saw the captain’s ship returning and hurriedly turned on the lighthouse lighting. However, these people quickly noticed something wrong: Why are there only so many people on the returning ship?

And… it’s still a girl and a teenager, where did the original crew go?

“Hey! The boat over there! Stop!”

The people on the observation platform immediately stood up, took out a loudspeaker and yelled at Lin Tianyin and them from a distance. But it was Celil who sailed the boat, and he did not slow down the boat because of any threats or warnings. Seeing that something was wrong, the man cursed with swear words and immediately put down the alarm.

The sound of the sirens attracted many pirates with Moguluo family patterns engraved on their bodies. Holding muskets and machetes one by one, the men surrounded the harbor with fierce faces and stared at the approaching ship.

Lin Tianyin felt bad when he saw this. So many people with guns are not easy to deal with. It would be great if they could flicker over and avoid the fight… The activist Lin Tianyin did it when he thought about it, and immediately made a gesture of surrender to the people on the shore. Shouted and explained: “It’s not the enemy! Just asked Captain Mogulolo to borrow the boat!”

“How could the captain lend you his boat?!”

“A lie! Captain Mogulolo never let a woman go on his boat!”

“Get off the boat honestly! Don’t even think about playing tricks!”

These people did not have a gentle attitude because Lin Tianyin was a girl, even a little bit. Lin Tianyin was almost speechless. How come she has never experienced any treatment that she deserves as a beautiful girl before or now? However, just as the atmosphere in front of his eyes became extremely tense, Celier suddenly walked out of the captain’s room and waved at the group of pirates who were so fierce and horrified that they were so startled as bulging goldfish when they saw him: “Yo, hello everyone.”


The stunned pirates stared at him and remained silent for dozens of seconds. Then they reacted one by one, picking up the machete in his hand and shouting angrily.

“Punker Roger—! Why are you **** here!!”

“What did you do to our captain?!”

“Hey, relax, brothers.” Celer ignored the anger of those people, and briskly stepped on the deck to the bow, and briskly jumped in front of the group of people when the ship docked. A group of pirates raised their weapons in a vigilant but horrified manner and quickly surrounded him, but this guy seemed completely unconscious, as if he were their leader, and waved at them one by one with a smile: “Don’t welcome you so warmly. Me, everyone is so kind.”

“Who is here to welcome you!” These pirates had the same temper as their Captain Mogulolo, and one of them was almost fainted by Celer. “We are going to kill you! We are going to kill you! You! Can not read it?!”

“Huh? Is that the case?” Celer looked puzzled, pretending to make people angry to full point immediately, “Everyone has always been like this, I think this is your way of expressing friendship.”

“Who is friendly with you?! That is what we have always wanted to kill you! You damn—!”

Lin Tianyin covered his face, wondering if this guy could do anything other than provocation and hatred? ! Obviously, when she was in the belly of the sea monster, she taught her to clamp her tail to be a human! So as Lin Tianyin expected, another inevitable fierce battle began…

I really don’t want to fight it! Even Pippi the monkey joined the battle. Leo knocked down a pirate with a single blow. Celier took out a musket and fired at them. The monkey threw sand on the human face to blind him before they were ready, and then grabbed the musket at a very fast speed. Immediately afterwards, Lin Tianyin, who rolled up his sleeves and showed his fists, rushed forward and punched the opponent directly…

Five minutes later, they broke their last personal record.

“I killed 8, Leo 11, Shanoya 6…” Celer thoughtfully counted the unlucky pirates who fell on the ground and were still twitching. “But there are 26 people in total, and one more. Where is the individual?”

Celir moved his gaze to the woods not far away, and saw that there was a figure hiding in it, shaking, then he suddenly jumped out of it, turned and ran.

“You wait! Punk Roger! If you have the ability, don’t run me to call someone!”

“No problem, try to be as fast as possible.” Celil waved at him, “I’m waiting for you on my site ”

The man ran away while cursing. After watching the other’s figure disappear, Lin Tianyin finally understood Celer’s plan a little at this moment-he was deliberately provocative at all!

“Do you want to use other people to help you attract Luca’s firepower?” This guy is so cruel, he doesn’t care what his territory will become!

“Smart!” Celer raised his lips and smiled badly. “When the two sides fight, we can sneak in. I’ll get rid of Captain Luca, and Shanoya can also rescue her sister. This is the best of both worlds, isn’t it.”

“…You are so sinister.”

“There is no such thing, these are just some means taken to win.”


Lin Tianyin decided not to make any comments, anyway, Celer would soon regain her turf, and she would rescue Mirona and Gagaf, and sooner or later would part ways with him. Although Lin Tianyin thinks Celil is much smarter than her and Mirona combined, after all, everyone’s ambitions are far different, and the only people who regard saving the world as a responsibility are they and the prince. To be honest, now that I think of it, it is more convenient to team up with the prince and the others, but after she did those wicked things to the prince, everything has developed in a twisted direction that cannot be turned back, isn’t it…

Hey, I still rely on myself… Lin Tianyin thinks that she is really too young, otherwise she must be smarter too (Isn’t that why).

Following Celier quickly left the place where the incident occurred, Lin Tianyin finally had time to look at the surrounding environment. This island is slightly different from Lin Tianyin’s imagination. I thought that the people living here were only a group of sloppy pirates. They didn’t expect that after walking for a while, they would still see the planted fields. It is a group of old people who look like ordinary farmers, but they are very alert when they see strangers. Especially when facing Celir, it was as if the farmers had hatred with him.

“Don’t mind, those people are just retired old pirates.”

…Does the pirates have retired?

Seemingly noticing Lin Tianyin and their doubts, Celier casually explained: “They are all lucky old guys who have not been hanged by the Royal Navy. After returning, they will stay here for farming. Don’t be small. Look at them, if anyone wants to take away their planting land, it is very likely that they will be wiped their necks unconsciously on the night when they are dreaming.”

He casually said creepy things, and Celir was still unconscious in the face of the horrifying gaze of others. Perhaps this was his style. He led Lin Tianyin to move forward, and everyone went deep along the mud-rock road, and soon they would be able to see the city.

The city here is very different from the buildings on the mainland of Farus, just as Lin Tianyin initially felt—steampunk, crowded and unplanned. The eyes of the people on the street are also very unfriendly. Generally speaking, the environment is very depressing. There are some children selling newspapers on the street, and prostitutes/girls with heavy makeup and yelling to attract customers.

“Be careful of the children running around you.” Celer reminded him as he led them on, “They are all born thieves…Oh, I caught you—how many times did I say . Stop stealing my purse, Pita.”

While talking, Celer caught the boy who reached out to his pocket, and the boy didn’t panic at all because of being caught: “Cut, I was found, okay, goodbye Uncle Celer.”

“Brother.” Celer looked at the boy helplessly, then took a gold coin from his pocket and threw it over. The boy happily reached out and took it, turned and joked and ran away.

“Thank you Uncle Celir.”

Celir shrugged helplessly, and Lin Tianyin couldn’t help but glanced at him: “Speaking of which, are all of you pirates here?”

“No, there are some ordinary people working here, such as power plants, water conservancy transportation, and daily maintenance. It’s just that because of limited resources, the forces in charge of this street will go to sea and do something. Business, bring some supplementary resources back. In short, the normal operation of this place depends on the pirates, so it is called the pirate island by those in Farus.”

“But in this case, can’t you do some ordinary business? There is no need to be pirates.”

Lin Tianyin frowned slightly and asked, if Luca didn’t mention the things that Luka did to them at first, listening to Celier’s words, it seemed that what they were doing could not be more normal. Now that they have all started doing business, why do they have to become pirates?

“Do you think we are willing?” When he said this, Celer suddenly sneered, his expression slightly ironic, “That’s because the kingdom classifies all unregistered ships that sail illegally as pirate ships. So no matter what we do, we will always be caught pirates who are about to be hanged.”

“…Oh? What are the conditions for registration?” Lin Tianyin was slightly surprised, “Can’t you register?”

“No.” Celir shook his fingers and grinned. “The kingdom wants to take over this Cocoroni Treasure Island. Of course we won’t agree.”

“Why? If the kingdom takes over, wouldn’t this place become more orderly?” Lin Tianyin glanced at the dirty and messy streets around her. Although she didn’t have much favor with the kingdom, in addition to paying taxes and In addition to the existence of some darkness and fairness, at least most of the cities are still very orderly on the surface.

“Sanoya, why do you think they have to have this island?” Celer chuckled softly and shook his head. “Do you know why this place is called Treasure Island?”

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