The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 28 127 Southern Dynasties 48 Temples

Chapter 28 1.27 Southern Dynasties 480 Temples

Helix Edge, Cheung Sha Wan Road, Berth No. 1001A-0413, Tianjie Airport.

Deciphering the contact key sent by the female client in advance, a mysterious email address was successfully deciphered: "Master, the contact is also a sci-fi player."

Looking down at the edge of the spiral, the four-series interlaced belt that seemed to be stationary but also seemed to be moving all the time, Wu Chen said softly: "Maybe it's a middleman. Try to contact."

"Yes." Brain then sent an encrypted email, using the contact key.Only the contact mailbox can be opened, and it will not be easily intercepted and cracked.

"Ai Yi, the edge of the four-system spiral zone seems to be moving?" Wu Chen asked the brain for confirmation.

"It's moving." Zhinao zoomed in on the screen.It seemed as if a small piece of mosaic flashed quickly, and the sci-fi architecture was replaced by fantasy architecture.Almost at the same time, the adjacent magical buildings were replaced by sci-fi buildings.It can be seen from this that the four series of spirals are very likely to be in a dynamic equilibrium all the time.Devour each other and maintain balance.Or it can be called "dynamic edge".

No wonder players dare not approach.In the blink of an eye, sci-fi turns into magic, and the compatibility of sci-fi players changes from increasing to weakening.Even the offensive and defensive dislocation, the situation turned sharply.The pursuit and counter-kill are all in an instant.It is too exciting, and it is difficult for ordinary players to parry.

for example.The motorcycle terminator variant armor needs the blessing of the science fiction system.Suddenly falling into the fantasy world, all scientific principles will be invalid, just like the disappearance of the technology tree, the transformation armor will be reduced to scrap iron, and a lump of iron lumps cannot be driven, let alone fighting.

It even flew, and with a puff, it scattered into glass shards all over the ground.It is also common.Just because under the fantasy system, "unrecognizable" technological creations.It's like the Apple system can't recognize the Android APP.

Of course, such extreme events rarely happen.The dynamic edge of the spiral zone, even if the system changes suddenly, often leads to "failure" rather than "disappearance".

It is not difficult to understand.After all, every player who enters Broken City is a memory.Since there are memories, how can they lose their traces.

"Master, the contact person has invited you to meet." Zhinao received a reply: "The address has been expanded."

For the convenience of display, Smart Brain directly projects the screen onto the front windshield of AE86.The destination is also in a skyscraper near the dynamic edge in Tianjie.It is only a few miles away from the airport where Wu Chen is located.The address given by the female client is roughly correct.A slight deviation is also for safety reasons, understandable.

"Agreed to meet." Wu Chen said.

"Okay, master." Zhinao immediately sent an email.

Report departure and upload route.Fly motorcycle escort AE86 to the destination.A skystreet hotel located at the waist of skyscrapers: Nanchao Star Hotel.After downloading the hotel key and being allowed to enter the firewall, AE86 entered the time and space of the hotel.Entering the pavilions and pavilions, the eyes are full of antique flavors.If it weren't for the constant traffic of various aircraft, and the people entering and leaving would all be dressed in the future, Wu Chen really thought he had traveled to ancient times.Especially the floating towers built on the slabs are like stars surrounding the skyscrapers.The owner of the Interstellar Hotel used omnipotent high-tech to create a dreamlike fairyland on earth.

The end point is one of the towers.

"Nanchao 480 temples, how many buildings are in the mist and rain." Wu Chen smiled knowingly: "No wonder the hotel is named Nanchao."

"So there are really 480 temples." Lin Baiyu said with a smile.

"It really is." Wu Chen pointed to the neon sign beside the building: 480 Temple.

Lin Baiyu, who was as cold as ice all day long, couldn't help but smile.

Wu Chen felt that this was a good start.

The motorcycle terminator stopped beside the AE86, and Ketel Weitrisi opened the car door for Wu Chen.

The tight-fitting nano combat suit can adapt to the environment and quickly change its appearance.After the ripples, Kotel Weitris changed into an evening dress, Kuki Kikiko changed into a kimono, and Lin Baiyu changed into a cheongsam.The three beauties accompanied Wu Chen, walked into the tavern of 480 Temple, and met the contact person as he wished.

"0326, Wu Chen."

"0606, Lolita."

Wisdom whispered to Wu Chen, the female player in front of him is the most famous middleman of the Star World Hotel in the Southern Dynasty, and it is said that she is also the owner of the hotel.Famous within the sci-fi spiral.But whenever she comes forward to guarantee, neither party in the transaction has any objection.The reason why the popularity of the traveler's camp trading market is sluggish is not unrelated to the fact that players trade privately through middlemen.

Nanchao 480 Temple is naturally her No. 0606 tablet base.

"Have we met?" Lolita asked with a smile.

"It should be the first time I saw you in the Broken City." Wu Chen replied with a smile.

"Okay, 0326." The middleman immediately got to the point: "An experienced navigator will take you through the edge of the land and into the fantasy spiral. Don't worry, this trip will not go deep. Just deliver the consignment safely, Then retrieve the target object, and the mission is complete.”

"To whom?"

"0721, the sky has no boundaries."

"Who is the navigator?"

"Sent Mail."


"Non-original items are not allowed to be brought in."

"Friendly notification?"

"Let's talk later."

"Okay." Wu Chen didn't talk nonsense, and got up to leave.

"Goodbye." The middleman bowed to see him off.

Returning to AE86, Wu Chen immediately contacted the navigator.

"Hi, I'm 0326, the delivery man."

"Oh, hello, I'm 0819, the navigator."

"What's the situation at the destination?" Wu Chen needed to ask for details.

"As you know, the target site is in the transition zone of the two spirals, and it is in a dynamic balance at all times. The area we are going to is in a 'balanced spiral' for most of the day. There are also tall buildings, cannons and aircraft. Original objects or shelter creations that do not exceed the "near future" plot attribute can be brought in. If it is a plot character in the shelter card, it can also be brought in as long as the plot lines do not conflict."

"The so-called "balanced spiral" means that the two major plot systems of science fiction and fantasy can continue the memory interval of the plot line." Wu Chen understood.To put it bluntly, it is a dual system.Science fiction and fantasy, both systems can exert influence on this place.

"Wow..." It seems that Wu Chen's newcomer identity has been investigated in advance.So when he heard this passage, the navigator couldn't hide his surprise.It is hard to imagine that a new player who has just entered the Broken City and has not experienced the first cleaning day can have such a deep understanding.

"Where is the danger?" Wu Chen asked again.

"Dangers are everywhere, don't get out of the car easily." The navigator never forgets to tell.

"Okay." Compared with the large and generalized middlemen, the information obtained from the navigator is more detailed.At least Wu Chen knows that people and things from the near-future plot world can be brought in normally.

Going early and returning early, Wu Chen took the motorcycle terminator team to the agreed place.

The closer to the dynamic edge, the rarer the players.The noisy city gradually returned to calm.Even the ubiquitous light and shadow have disappeared.The unusual cold silhouette of a skyscraper emerges.It's like a modern girl after removing makeup, losing her glamorous appearance.

Not long after, huge pipelines similar to the harbor area began to appear.

Landed on an agreed unknown maintenance platform, and the navigator had arrived first.

"AE86." The two cars were side by side, the male player rolled down the window and recognized Wu Chen's vehicle at a glance.

"DMC-12." Zhinao also displayed the search results of the navigator's vehicle on the large central control screen in advance.

"Follow me." Glancing at Lin Baiyu in the driver's seat, the male player drove the DMC-12 into the pipeline first.

"Master, what do you mean 'the plot lines don't conflict'?" The intellectual brain couldn't understand.

"Referring to the four spiral zones, only the edge of the junction is in dynamic balance. That means that the branched sci-fi plot line we carry can only move within the dynamic edge and cannot go too deep. Otherwise, it will be broken." Wu Chen explained. .

"So that's how it is." The intellectual brain understood: "That is to say, we can't leave the dynamic edge and go deep into the fantasy spiral belt."

"That's right." Wu Chen nodded slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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