The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 607 1606 In the world of swords and magic, it is so unexpected and magical

Chapter 607 1.606 In the world of swords and magic, it is so unexpected and magical
As we all know, "Long Po bestows the law".It means that no matter who wants to establish his own widely recognized rules in the world of sword and magic, he must release a dragon break that matches it.And if you want to establish a universal law that is universal, you must first build a "tower" that can support the world.

For example, the brass tower of the dwarves, the snow tower of the Nords, and the cold tower of the lord.

Of course, there is a faster way, that is to use "The Elder Scrolls" to rewrite history.

This is the method in the world of this plot.As the story lord of the golden age of Sanctuary, Wu Chen used the legendary dimensionality reduction strike: he rewrote "The Elder Scrolls: Crimson Dragon Break" with the exclusive ability Skeleton Grip.

Then follow his adventurous steps, across the plane to reach Queen Bestra and the wise giant Mimir and "the destined guardian of Hearthstone, the holder of the circle of life, the twins of fate, the feather of the heron" "Freya took the ring mage on the top of the cold fall and erected the cold tower after the collapse.

Replace the snow towers that are gradually failing and support the province of Skyrim.

This also means that the lord uses his own unique way to echo the magic power operation system of the entire Mengdas.Yes, this unique operating system is the "Dharma Ring".

Regardless of the problems that may arise in actual operation, generally speaking, the "Dharma Ring" can replace all of Mondas' existing magic systems.

For example, the remains of the gray vampire lady in the three "gray reliquary boxes" that must be revived by releasing a "sorrowful storm", the lord uses the "blood lady ring": "heart ring of secret fire" + " Cinderella Ring" + "Daughter of Gray Harbor Ring" + "Golden Tree Ring" + "Blood Gift Ring" + "Magic Bracelet" can also be achieved.

And it's nothing like the Misery, the twisted annihilation creature created by Misery Storm.The "Blood Lady" transformed by the ring of law is completely in line with the beauty of human aesthetics (﹃).

Of course, as far as the current situation is concerned, most of the "Dharma Rings" are fabricated by the lord out of thin air, and no one else can do it.Even the dharma rings engraved with the celestial instrument borrowed by the Ring Mage Academy are all general-purpose dharma rings of arcane magic.There is no dragon-breaking effect of "changing fate against the sky" that is being staged in the hall of Gray Rock Castle at this moment.

I saw three ancient "gray reliquary boxes" cracking rapidly under the engraving of the "Blood Lady's Ring" that were interlocking and overlapping.The curled up charred corpse visibly fills up and returns to life.And under the strong plasticity of the "Golden Tree on the Ring", complete the transformation of a new life form.And under the divinity endowed by the "Blood Gift Ring", he broke through the five frames in one fell swoop and stood firmly on the five-star powerhouse.

Become and write the Scarlet Sanguine Lady (Sanguine Lady):
"Lady Ingrind the Thorn",
"Pale Lady Lane",
"Lady of the Night Sky, Beilein".

The Scarlet Lady is the name of the three, and the Blood Lady is the subdivision of the three.It is not difficult to see from their names that they come from Gray Harbor, which has now become the main domain of the Carnival Realm.Divinity is also endowed by the goddess of carnival, Sanjin.The Scarlet Third Lady no longer has any relationship with Cold Harbor Demon God Molag Bal.This is the liberation of the soul that Radha the Gray King has only dreamed of.

Of course, in the "Ring of the Blood Lady", the "Ring of the Gray Lady" + "Ring of the Lady of Gray Harbor" powered by the "Ring of the Golden Tree" driven by the "Heart of the Secret Flame" is also loaded. The effectiveness of the "soul ferry" from the storm of misery.It's just that the "spiritual energy" needed comes from the pure magic energy born at the beginning of the world stored in the "Demus Stone" provided by the "Heart Ring of Secret Fire".It might as well be referred to as "creation magic power".

As we all know, in the plot world of "The Elder Scrolls", the magic energy McKirka flows out from the bright cave Yaseliu in the sky-the immortal light world, and enters the world of Mundus, constituting the souls and energy of various lives. Necessary by all and utilized by the inhabitants of Nirn.

So in essence, the energy of the soul also comes from the magic energy Makika.This is why most of the "magic rings" fabricated by the lord out of thin air are driven by the "heart ring of secret fire".

When the last magic light disappeared with the shrinking magic ring.The three revived blood ladies saluted the lord sitting on the throne of Tarn in a dignified and seductive manner: "I salute you, my master."

"Excuse me, everyone." Wu Chen didn't use the honorific title of "Madame", because he was destined to be his female companion, so there was no need to be so polite.

Before speaking, there were still three mummified corpses in jars.After speaking, not only were the three scarlet wives all resurrected, but they also had their own beauties.To say that in the world of sword and magic, it is so unexpected and magical.

At this point, the divinity system of "Carnival Ring Goddess" began to be constructed, headed by the goddess of carnival Sangjin, the blood queen Lady Essenia and the three blood ladies as the core.This is the final affiliation of all good blood fiends who are willing to serve the law of the golden tree of the lord lord.

The intention of the lord to do this is also to completely eradicate the Volkihar vampire clan that controls the sky.

As for Molag Bal, the demon god of Cold Harbor who created the vampire, the gray king Radha, who was resurrected by the lord with the "heart of the earl", is his eternal enemy.Just complete the final duel of honor and destroy Mehrunes Dagon.Wu Chen believes that the Gray King Radha will definitely go to Cold Harbor to redeem those Gray brothers who were enslaved by Molag Bal.And do everything in your power to bring down Molag Bal.It is even very possible that in the protracted war, the entire Cold Harbor will be reduced to death.

As for where Gray King Lada can go, the lord is also looking forward to it.

The Blood Queen and the three Blood Ladies opened the plane portal and returned to the Gray Harbor illuminated by the Blood Rose Golden Tree.Together with the newly born goddess of carnival, Sanjen, supervise the construction of a new home—Blood Rose Castle.It is not difficult to see from the flashing pictures when the portal opens and closes that the mechanical craftsmen from Clockwork City are using brass and boulders to transform the former Ash Paradise with all their strength.As for the construction cost, it is really not worth mentioning.

According to the established design of the Clockwork Goddess Anuvanahi, the atrium covered by a huge glass dome will become a warm and comfortable carnival garden in Blood Rose Castle.The Blood Rose Castle built on the hillside is no smaller than the Brass Fortress.The passages dug along the interior of the mountain connect the fortresses and towers that stretch along the ridge.Turn the once dead wasteland into a sacred temple for the goddess of carnival, the blood lady, and the blood witches.

It is foreseeable that the divinity of the goddess of carnival, Sanjin, amended by the law of the golden tree, will attract more and more believers.Various "carnivals" corresponding to it will also emerge as the times require.Especially in the Lord Lord's Ximu territory and overseas territories.Whenever the festival of the Carnival Goddess comes, the lord will not be stingy with wine and music.There are also various festivals and gatherings.Not only the Love Festival of Carnival Goddess Sangjin, such as the South Wind Prayer, the North Wind Prayer, the Merchant's Day, the Witch's Day, the Warrior's Day, and even the "Fire One-Eyed Olaf Festival" abandoned by Solitary City, can be accompanied by celebrations The carnival partly touches on the divinity of the goddess of carnival.

Just like the complex beliefs of the Nine Holy Spirits of the Empire.Lord Lord's "Ring Goddess" is also the same as the "Dharma Ring" he fabricated out of thin air, interlocking.There is me in you, and you (?) outside of me.

(End of this chapter)

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