The villain also has spring 2

Chapter 615 1614 Using a skeleton finger to change fate against the sky

Chapter 615 1.614 Change fate with a single finger of a skeleton
As the plot of "The Elder Scrolls 6: The End of Tamriel" came to an end, Wu Chen, as the biggest harvester, began to continue harvesting profits.Once upon a time, for a three-star protection card, the lord had to work hard to get what he wanted.

Now the five-star female companions are getting soft, and the six-star "ring goddesses" are also coming in droves.This long and immersive adventure after returning to Skyrim is indeed worth the money.

The soul stone mound in front of me on the plane of annihilation will become the domain of the superspiritual goddess Sylvia Shane.The undead servants who previously served the Lord of Truth will also become undead warriors of the Superspirit Goddess.Although he was looted by the demon army, he lost a lot of wealth.However, the value of this Annihilation Domain to the lord is far beyond estimate.You must know that all dead souls swallowed by the dark soul stone will eventually arrive here.Whether it is the coffin hall or the bone garden, many famous ancient figures are buried.For the Skeleton Finger, who can change his life against the sky, these Lord Lords are very valuable and powerful fighters.Of course, even if the small universe no longer loses electricity, the high-dimensional ability cannot be randomly activated.

About the principle behind twisting the main line of the plot.Wu Chen thought of the gravitational bending of light-massive celestial bodies can bend light.If "large mass" is regarded as a "powerful force", then Wu Chen's high-dimensional ability is obviously a "powerful force" beyond the world of the plot.Although his crimson dragon break is recognized as the most humble dragon break that can only change the personal exclusive plot line.However, as it continues to be turned on again and again, the quantitative change will eventually change qualitatively.Before the plot world of "The Elder Scrolls" completely collapsed, Wu Chen really wanted to get out as soon as possible.

In addition to the coffin hall and the bone garden, there is also the green crystal gate that can connect almost all known planes.So the soul stone mound is basically the bridgehead for the lord to launch a plane war, okay?Later, the lord also made a major discovery about "The Elder Scrolls".All the limited scripts recorded in "The Elder Scrolls" collected by him are bound to happen and cannot change the direction of the plot. They will not be affected by "Crimson Dragon Break", and will not exacerbate the twisting of the main line into a Mobius "one-sided cycle" .

In other words, "The Elder Scrolls: Fusion of Planes" is now kept in the lord's study of the Gray Rock Castle.Everything related to it has already been written.Moreover, the reset of Sylvia Shane's fate will not have a major impact on the outcome of the entire plane fusion event at all.Taking this as an example, those who lived in 2E 582 and experienced the plane fusion event, as long as conditions permit, can be changed by the lord with the finger of a skeleton.And it has no effect on the main plot line of "The Elder Scrolls".

Counting with fingers, Wu Chen already has four volumes in "The Elder Scrolls": Dragon, Blood, Sun, and Plane.As long as he is a person who has experienced the limited scripts of these four different eras, the lord can take whatever he wants.Unceremonious, unrelenting, never capped, never let go.

After erasing the Lord of Thought, the super spirit stone became a pure gem of energy.It is set in the gemstone bracket on the head of the staff.The Clockwork Goddess Anuvanahi also received a "Sunna'rah Soulburst Staff" powerful enough to dispel the Annihilating Storm.Because she is the hostess of the entire plane, and after becoming the "Ring Goddess", she will be continuously endowed with the law of the Golden Tree.The divinity of the superspiritual goddess Sylvia Shane will soon solidify.This super spirit stone is already dispensable.

"Master, I want to revive someone." The superspiritual goddess Sylvia Shane, who quickly recovered her memory, asked the lord.

"Who is it?" Wu Chen looked around at the mountain of coffins in the coffin hall and asked with a smile.

Needless to say, those ancient coffins with different ages, materials, shapes and styles must all be filled with famous people at a certain time.Otherwise, it will not be properly collected by the Lord of Thought.

In a sense, these are the high-quality assets of the lord.As long as the time is right, the plot characters who change their fate against the sky with a single finger of a skeleton and completely reset their fate can be resurrected in minutes to become a powerful support for the lord.

"My sister was once the commander of the Seventh Legion of the Empire." Superspiritual Goddess Sylvia Shane gave a convincing list.

Septima Tharn is a member of the Tharn family.A powerful battle mage and necromancer, she led the Imperial Seventh Legion's invasion of Bancorai in the middle of the Second Era.Like the rest of the family, Septima worshiped Molag Bal.As the commander of the Seventh Legion, she was ruthless, and although her seniority was excellent, she successfully broke through the impenetrable Bancorai garrison and killed King Eamond of the Eternal City.

Due to the threat of the dark witnesses of the Reach tribe, coupled with the incompetence of King Fahara'jad (King Fahara'jad) of the Redguard and the long-term territorial disputes with the Redguard, many people in Brighton in the Bancorai area Hope to join the Empire, but the Daggerfall Alliance responded, High Rock High King Aymeric personally led the team to face the Seventh Army of the Empire, and he also had soulless people to help.The Soulless kept sabotaging Septima's plans, forcing her to make a desperate decision to stay in the Light Realm Arthur to solve this difficult opponent once and for all.

Emmerich pursued Septima Shane back then, but the latter was not moved by him.She hijacked the High King who was speaking to the Lion Guard in the Hall of Heroes, and took him to the Passage Hall, where there was a portal to the realm of Yaseliu: the Far Shore Portal.Septima killed Aymeric, and followed Aymeric's soul into the far shore with a human body, waiting for the arrival of the soulless.Septima used her own strength and knowledge to bypass the many mechanisms in the Hall of Heroes, but the soulless still had to unlock them step by step to enter.In the decisive battle on the far shore, Septima has powerful battle mage skills and can summon Hor Shila, the spirit of the sword noble.But still lost to the soulless.

In Molag Bal's palace Heart's Grief, the Soulless meet Septima, imprisoned and tortured here, who confesses her crimes and seeks the release of her soul.When the Soulless agreed to help, a Redguard Ancestor Spirit appeared out of nowhere and stabbed her to death.After her death, Septima Shane's soul and remains were trapped in the Tomb of Souls.Become one of the many collectibles of the Lord of Thoughts.

Librarian Dawnhammer Siri recited Septima Shane's famous leadership adage: "Clear communication is the key to getting your point across effectively. If a headless corpse is brought before the enemy on horseback, That order to surrender will be more effective (Clear communication is the key to effective delivery of your point of view. A demand for surrender will be more effective if carried to the enemy by a headless corpse of one of their own tied to a horse. )."

"We really need a mage general to command the army in the soul stone tomb." The lord has also heard a little about Septima Shane's name.

The seven brightest "Ring Goddess Stars" in the demigod-level microcosm "Ω Ophiuchus" that only rely on the outflow of divinity: "Goddess of Clockwork Anuvanahi", "Goddess of Knowledge Hermous Mora ", "Goddess of Carnival Sanjin", "Goddess of Guteng Danica Jiechun", "Goddess of the Night Nocturnal", "Goddess of Fear Potema", "Goddess of Superspirit Sylvia Shane", the merged psionic power, the lord can release the skeleton finger without limit.

Of course, the premise is that the "Möbius belt distortion" does not aggravate the plot.Here we can see the important value of the limited script of "The Elder Scrolls".

Opening the obsidian sarcophagus of Septima Shane, the lord's perspective of the flickering spirit body was confirmed to be correct.Immediately, he reset Septima Shane's personal exclusive branch plot line with his fingertip fireworks.This is the ultimate mystery of "Crimson Dragon Break".The so-called "changing fate against the sky" or "returning the dead to life" cannot accurately describe the Lord Lord's exclusive high-dimensional ability.

"Magus-General Septima Shane".

"I salute you, my master." Septima Shane landed slowly with her soul back.

"Okay, Septima." Wu Chen gave up the scene to the sisters who reunited after many years.Lead the adventure team back to the present Nirn first, and teleport to the deck of the Storm Prospect in one step.

The Clockwork Goddess, Anuvanahi, wiped away the annihilation storm that engulfed the Forgotten Valley with the Holy Nala Soul Explosion Staff.Later, the super spirit stone was removed, and an immortal gold rod was made from the golden root of the immortal golden tree, which was returned to the super spirit goddess Sylvia Shane.Become the treasure of the town house of the soul cairn.

Similarly, the stone mound of souls located in the field of annihilation will also be drastically transformed into a stone mound fortress by the mechanical craftsmen from Clockwork City.Become a paradise for necromancers who seek refuge with the lord lord.The most powerful necromancers can summon the Death Dragoon Lords in the cairns.

So far, "Blood Magic", "Shadow Magic", and "Undead Magic" have all become part of the lord's dragon-breaking law.

(End of this chapter)

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