The Villain is Happy Being a Father

Chapter 34 - Wei Di

Chapter 34: Wei Di

Editor: Asada

This man was the cousin of the villain, Wei Di. He was the son of the Emperor (Grandfather of the villain), and was a half brother to the previous emperor.

There had been a few disputes between the previous Emperor Xian and King Wu.

The previous Emperor was the Emperor’s (Grandpa’s) son but King Wu was the son of his favorite concubine. Hence King Wu, became the emperor’s(Grandfather of the villain) favorite son.

The previous emperor’s position as the legitimate prince became embarrassing. Although it was just and proper, King Wu had had his sights on the position of the crown prince.

In front of the emperor, King Wu would show his obedient manners and a sweet mouth but behind the scenes, he had another face, which was very unpopular. As the emperor’s son, the previous emperor, held a very important position infront of the ministers.

Because of all the officials of civil and military affairs, the emperor dared not tear his facade open before them in an open and aboveboard manner, breaking the rules and setting up his favorite son to be the crown prince.

However, the emperor (grandpa of the villain), who was both the emperor and a father, behaved like this. King Wu had planted the seeds for seizing the throne early in his heart. He had already regarded that position as a thing in his pocket, but he didn’t pay much attention to his eldest brother.

Things were thrown back and forth, and when somebody asked an explanation from the emperor, he would just avoid the question and would drive the crane to the west until he was too old to bear the cold. He was so confused that he asked the eunuch to draft an order to directly kick out his own crown prince and set up King Wu to succeed him.

The old eunuch knew the seriousness of the incident, and risked his head and informed several important officials of the court, hence he stopped the farce in time.

The emperor died, but he couldn’t make King Wu the crown prince even on his deathbed. King Wu watched his brother become the emperor. After their father died, he ascended to the supreme position in the world with the support of the courtiers.

Since then, King Wu’s small movements have continued. The previous emperor didn’t touch him giving face to his late father, but he also deprived him of all his rights and only gave him the chance to be an idle prince.

When King Wu’s son came after his rebirth, he thought of his father’s depression over the years, and all kinds of things that happened in his previous life. He thought that he would take the throne back. It belonged to his father and his family . Why did he give it to the Wei family?

They were supposed to be the owners.

When the system recalled this, the trouble looming over their heads and there were just few months left before the male lead was reborn. It had no idea how the villain was provoked into killing him off in the first place.

In the original plot, the male lead knew all kinds of things from his previous life, and knew his cousin emperor’s weaknesses and preferences, so he carefully arranged a game for him.

Although the emperor was callous and merciless, it seemed that this worldly thing didn’t have any effect on the omnipotent him, but he was a person and had weaknesses.

When he was young, he had almost become the cannon fodder of the machinations in the Imperial Palace. The only reason he escaped alive was because of his mother’s help. He was almost burnt down by a fire because of some imperial concubine’s strategy.

It was a very lucky result that only his vocal cord was burned. All the children from the palace were transferred. He alone was trapped in the fire, in the room alone. He was trapped for a long time before he escaped by himself, but he also suffered from fear of fire.

No one knew this. Even Ex Chief Eunuch Dou, who had been waiting on the emperor for a long time. Emperor Wei would never let anyone know about his weakness. King Wu(Prince Wu) happened to know this weakness of his.

King Wu knew that emperor Wei was an overprotective person to his own people. He liked people who were useful and easy to control, and specially cultivated a woman for him.

She was trained completely according to Emperor Wei’s preference. She was talented, beautiful, looked harmless and easy to control. As such,she appeared in front of him several times and showed herself to him on every step. She saved emperor Wei twice, consciously or unconsciously. Even after learning that emperor Wei was afraid of fire, she didn’t change her mind to kill him off with this weakness at hand, but patiently enlightened him and tried to take him out of his own dark past’s shadow.

In the end, of course, she did not cure the fire phobia of emperor Wei, but she was careful and patient. No matter what emperor Wei did to her, she did not change her kindness and forbearance, and Emperor Wei eventually followed her, but he did not know that the fire phobia of emperor Wei was aggravated under the intentional guidance of this woman.

King Wu forced the palace to revolt. Emperor Wei could have taken them down easily, but he was betrayed by people around him. A fire trapped him in LongQian palace. The fire burned all day and all night. When the fire went out, King Wu and his son had already taken the palace inside and outside, and LongQian palace only had a burnt man’s body.

No one knew that there was a secret way in LongQian palace. Emperor Wei escaped, and was burned and disfigured in many places. Even though he escaped, no one recognized him. The people on the street that saw him took a detour. The children called him ugly and cruel, and threw stones at him.

The emperor lurked around to avoid danger and to recuperate his wounds, and secretly prepared his heart and soul for revenge only to come back after three year of laying low.

During this time , King Wu was the one sitting on the Dragon throne. He had made a decree to make his son the crown prince, and promised to abdicate after five years.

It was a pity that the villain didn’t wait for five years, and the villain who should have been burned to death didn’t die. After he came back, he slaughtered everyone in the palace completely. Especially those women, they appeared very pure and beautiful. The roads of Chang ‘an City were dyed in blood, and this blood flowed for three days and three nights. In the following years, he didn’t stop his cruelty. Later, the people of Chang’an City were afraid of him. All the people who had children, sent them out to Chang ‘an city. The tyrant was killing them all!

According to the actions of villains and tyrants, the system could foresee that many years later, the population of Dachen Dynasty would suddenly drop. Without women and population, what situation would that be? This was the reason for chaos in the world.

No one could imagine what the original author of this book was thinking. Not even the author himself probably knew the kind of evil he was creating. He probably didn’t think that the villain didn’t die after the incident, but also returned to kill the male lead. He had dismembered the main lead into five pieces,(1) chopped him up and fed his meat to the dogs.

The system shuddered silently. The villain after the incident in this world was even more dangerous than the one in the first world. After all, the last world was a society ruled by law. The villain played a financial war and could not easily kill people. The emperor of the world was the highest ranking person here. If he wanted to kill people, it was as simple as eating and drinking water.

At the end of the banquet, the zither player made a salute and retired. This was a rule in the state banquet of the Siyuan Festival. At the end of the banquet, the emperor and his officials are to be happy and celebrate together.

They could speak freely, make complaints and present their opinions of the ministers, and in this part, the emperor could not punish people for their unrestrained mouth. What could be said was that the “emperor and minister are happy” was a true dialogue of equality.

In the past years, the His Majesty was gloomy and scary, and all the civil and military officials spoke carefully, for fear that they would be smited with lightning by the emperor if they did not pay attention.

But ministers had a lot to say this year.

Including the young man in the black robe embroidered with a coiling serpent(boa) sitting on the left of the front row, who had a good appearance and sharp facial features. He was calm and upright in temperament and looked reliable.

But the system knew that this was not the reality. He was an ambitious man in the dark.

Since the beginning, several old ministers first gave a few compliments to the emperor, praising the emperor’s outstanding achievements. This year, the weather was favorable, and it was expected that the next year would also be a good year!

Then their eyes turned to the girl beside the emperor, and the old Prime Minister stroked his beard and said “I heard that the emperor is looking for a scholar for the princess recently? Did you decide on scholar Zhou? “

Chief Eunuch Mr. Xiao Yuzi was smiling but no specific expressions were seen on his face.

The old prime minister suggested: “In this case, why not find some reading companions for the princess too?”

The old fox who was a mature man, had a kind face. “The princess is so young and childlike. I am afraid that it is boring to be tutored alone. She may be able to read more books with similar children at her age.”

Seeing that the emperor’s face was relaxed and thoughtful, he continued, “According to the experience of this old minister, a single child studying by herself lowers the child’s study efficiency , compared to that of learning with several children together. The reasons are that, they keep each other motivated, the other is that the little princess is still young, and it’s better to teach her while she enjoys than to teach her blindly in an isolated environment, isn’t it?”

Seeing the emperor nodding his head, the old fox, Prime Minister smiled more lovingly. Looking at the little princess sitting by the side of the emperor, who opened her eyes and looked at people curiously. He then pushed out his great grandson silently.

The child said, “I’m four years old. I’m one year older than the princess. I can not only take care of her, but also play with the little princess. It’s perfect for me to be a princess reading companion.”

The prime minister’s great grandson, Jiang Cao, was a shy boy. He stood with a red face and a pair of small hands. He wanted to play with the little princess!

Without waiting for the emperor to speak, Cao Lian, the prince’s youngest grandson, bravely raised his small hand and said, “Emperor, I want to play with the princess, too!”

Cao Shao’s wife, who had previously threatened her son, was startled. She quickly covered her child’s mouth. The emperor was so terrible, and if she sent her son to the palace. She could not bear it!

When Wei Jue saw it, he saw a boy about four or five years old. He narrowed his eyes and rubbed her fingers on the armrest.

First, the prime minister’s family, then the Prince’s family. They all wanted to send their children to the palace, and the other people were happy to see this.

The emperor had no heir, only the little princess in his arms. According to the current situation, the emperor loves the princess very much. And since the emperor doesn’t know when he would get an heir either. It was better to brush from the princess first.

In the future, no matter what, as long as the princess does not lose the favor of the emperor, her future is not too bad. The princesses of this dynasty could also have a fiefdom, and her status would not be low. At present, the little princess was still very young, so it was no harm to make friends with her!

The adults didn’t know what the children were thinking about. They just wanted to be friends with the fierce little princess. Some of them didn’t dare to say this before. Now, the eldest grandson of the Duke glanced around, afraid that he would lose the chance if he didn’t say it again. He hurriedly pushed his grandfather and whispered, “Grandpa, I also want to be with the princess in the palace.”

Later, several powerful ministers also said that they could send their children to the palace to be a reading partner of the princess. Such as Beiyang Hou, Minister of Ministry of official affairs, temple Minister of Dali, etc.

All of them were waiting for the emperor to make a decision. Generally, the number of accompanying students of a prince or a princess was no more than three. At this time, many ministers had expressed their willingness to send their children to the palace, which was far more than the required number.

At this time, the man in the black Python robe, who had been drinking in silence in the front row on the left, stood up and arched his hand to the Emperor, said, “Brother, I’d better let the children of my younger brother’s family come into the palace. I have a son and a daughter, all of whom are three or four years old, similar to the princess, and are cousins. I think they will get along.”

As soon as the system is heard this, the cold and mechanical heart of the system grew wary. How could this black hearted man raise children? Isn’t he cultivating that woman and deploying forces in the dark?!

The system said that Tong Ling is more experienced and cunning than other people. But what could the system do? It was made completely out of data of data. The human beings were bending around the rules and it didn’t understand them. It listened to the man’s words, and was worried. He repeatedly said in the little dumpling’s ear: “little girl, you must not choose this bad uncle’s child. He is not kind.”

The little dumpling blinked and looked at the bad uncle who was said by the system. He was very good-looking. Seeing the little dumpling looking at him, he smiled mildly back at her. Just like an elder who could not be more gentle and loving.

Yin Yin was a little hesitant. Uncle system won’t cheat her. She was uncle system’s host, but this uncle doesn’t look like a bad guy, and he smiled at her.

People nearby were surprised. Although King Wu had a high status, since the death of the previous emperor, he had become a king without real power, and his anger was gone. He closed himself off all day and drank at home. He was drunk and dreamy. He did not participate in any social and political games.

At that time, Prince Wu suddenly said that he would send the child to the palace to accompany the princess. They were surprised.

There was no such naive idea in the adult world that I just want to play with because i like you, especially in the court.

Some people speculated about the intention of this move of King Wu. Do you want to take this opportunity to make friends with the emperor and let go of the past?

It wass not impossible to think so. King Wu had become a family. Up till now, he has no other family name but his own. He doesn’t have a serious job. They speculated that, does he wanted to make friends with the emperor and make a future?

Otherwise, the next generation would be demoted one by one after the succession of this generation’s titles. He had no real power in Chang’an, their titles such as a little prince or princess had no use at all. It was impossible for the aristocratic family to see each other’s husband’s family with a lot of money. Therefore, it was for the sake of their children?

Only the system here knew the dark intentions of this man. This man in this book had a good face and a dark heart. If it wasn’t for him to pit against the villain, it would not have resulted in the chaos of the world.

The system was in a hurry to kill this man. But the little cub was too small. She told the system that she couldn’t understand many things. The system could only rely on the villain. It hoped that the villain, the emperor, could see through the man’s skin and see his black heart.

No matter what idea this reborn man was cooking, the system thought that it must not be a good idea. It couldn’t be ruled out that he just wants to harm his little baby!

The system hummed. If the villains didn’t protect the little dumpling, then he’s going to run away with the little dumpling from this world. Let him suffer alone!

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