The Villain Is So Fierce, How Do You Let The Protagonist Play?

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 Twelve Columns Of Black Water, Translocation Of The Main Column?

Everyone in Blackwater finally understood what Hawkeye said and what it means to be like the sky!

under night,

Wang Xu stands in the black umbrella, and that terrifying body interprets what is called violent aesthetics!

The eyes that are as dark as ink, like the abyss that can penetrate everything, make people dare not look directly!

The reason why it is called the sky above means that it cannot be surpassed, unmatched!

Among the many officers of the Black Water Congregation, there are actually some people who are very powerful – strong!

They are obsessed with tempering their bodies and are good at using all weapons!

Cold weapon!

Hot weapon!

In the hands of the people of the Black Water, they have all been played to pieces!


What they pursue is absolute strength, not relying on the attack of foreign objects!

This is the ancient martial arts, which is the legendary practice of breathing inside and training the muscles and bones outside!

It is said that,

The previous old dragon master has reached the extreme with his muscles and skin, and even bullets can’t penetrate him!


His extremely strong perception has already locked you in the moment you shoot!

Dodging bullets is also commonplace!

This is why, although the forces of the Black Water Congregation are spread across many countries, in the end it is the people from Daxia who are the dragon masters.


Kung Fu really exists!

After all, if only an ordinary person holds the position of the dragon master, stabbing a cold spear casually would be enough to kill him.

How can you still sit in this position?

Can’t sleep!

Every day when I close my eyes, I am afraid that someone will sneak in and kill me directly!

Even a person like the old dragon master who is arrogant and condescending will inevitably become cautious in his twilight years.

He did not hesitate to give up all his status directly, retreat to the mountains and spend his old age in peace.

It is enough to see that the Lord of the Black Waters, the King of the Dark World is not in a good position to sit!

And now,

The new dragon master is so tyrannical, obviously bloody, more fierce than the old dragon master!

How could they dare to have any doubts, and directly knelt down and bowed their heads to be kings!

“Report to the Dragon Lord!

“The twelve pillars of the Heishuizhong Daxia Branch have already reached seven pillars, please review!!”

Big Summer Twelve Pillars!

This represents the twelve officers who lead the Black Water Congregation in the Daxia area!

They are directly under the Dragon Lord’s command and only obey the Dragon Lord’s orders!

And now,

Hawkeye has gained the trust of Wang Xu and will undoubtedly be promoted to the next main column!

On behalf of the leadership of the major pillars!

Wang Xu glanced at the crowd and asked in a deep voice, “What about the other five pillars?

As soon as they heard this topic, everyone’s heart couldn’t stop jumping wildly!

Looking a little nervous for a while!

They didn’t even notice it themselves, although they were only seeing the new dragon master for the first time.

But at this moment, the new dragon master just frowned slightly, and they felt that their breathing was stagnant!

Dodge subconsciously!

This feeling is like a naughty student being watched by the teacher.


Still Hawkeye said: “Lord Dragon Lord, the remaining five pillars have more ideas, so…”


Wang Xu nodded.

He didn’t ask any more questions about these five-pillar matters, you don’t need to guess to know that he must be disobedient to him!

This is normal,

In an organization without a leader, it is inevitable that one or two people will jump out.

Disobeying control, wants to be king by himself.

Others are just waiting for the changes, waiting for the black water organization to turmoil, and then taking advantage of the chaos to stand in line.

If you want to truly secure the position of the dragon master, then rectifying them is an essential step!

But now, Wang Xu still set his sights on the bar street in front of him.

Now destroying the bar street is the most important thing!

Seeing that the new Dragon Lord no longer asked the Heishuizhong what happened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems,

The new dragon master also has his own fears, and it is not as iron-blooded and rigid as they think!

“Lord Dragon Lord, we are ready to attack at any time!

An officer took the initiative to speak, and wanted to use this to be close to the new dragon’s main set.

He didn’t want Hawkeye to be alone.

After all, this kid only has a complete intelligence system, and his strength is not as good as himself!

Making such a person the main pillar is obviously not what they want to see!


Wang Xu frowned and looked at Hawkeye: “Didn’t you tell them what I ordered?”

After getting the affirmative reply from Hawkeye, Wang Xu could see it.

This guy is obviously taking the initiative to please himself, and sure enough, there are rivers and lakes where there are people!

Intrigue is inevitable!

Hawkeye was also a little uneasy, although Wang Xu was like a god to him.

is his only belief!


If a loyal minister is not reused, then no matter how loyal he is, it is useless!

in history,

There are many such deeds, and many loyal and loyal subordinates have bleakly retired because of this!

A good horse with a good general!

Hawkeye knew clearly in his heart that in terms of strength, he might not be able to compare to this column.

But when it comes to loyalty, he feels that no one is more loyal than him!

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·


Hawkeye gritted his teeth, looking at Wang Xu with some hope in the night.

Hopefully he can continue to reuse himself and let himself do things for him.

He waited uneasily, but the corners of the clerk’s mouth were slightly raised.

In his opinion,

He is the strongest being among the seven pillars, and the subordinates he leads are also the most courageous.

If the Dragon Lord wants to successfully step on the throne of the Dragon Lord, he has to reuse him!

The surrounding officers also looked over, waiting for Wang Xu’s decision!

“What’s your name?” Wang Xu suddenly said to the secretary.

“Lord Dragon Lord, my code name is Giant!” The officer said respectfully.

The moment he heard that the Dragon Lord took the initiative to ask his name, he was suddenly relieved!

It seems,

Lord Dragon still recognizes me even more, Hawkeye, and neither can you!

The Dragon Lord who has devoted himself so hard for so long is not as powerful as my words!

There is so much waste!

The giant looked at Hawkeye with contempt, which made Hawkeye feel unwilling!

Hands clenched fists!

However, he didn’t have the slightest complaint about Wang Xu, he only hated that he had no greater use value!

The Black Water Congregation has never been able to gain status by relying on lip service and loyalty!

Rely on, it has always been the ability!

The surrounding officers also instantly understood, it seems that the new dragon master is the same as the old dragon master.

They are all ruthless people who are unwilling to rest in order to achieve their goals!

The people under the giants are stronger and more! If you attack the bar street, it will be like a broken bamboo!

On the other hand, Eagle Eye, although the strength can be regarded as good, after all, it is still lacking!

In this short confrontation, the giant has obviously gained the upper hand, suppressing Hawkeye!

Just meeting for the first time, the position of the main column is about to be transposed!

But at this moment,

Wang Xu spoke again: “Hawkeye, how do you usually do things?”

“Isn’t it possible for the discipline staff?

Hawkeye: “!”

He raised his head abruptly, his eyes shone with divine light, and looked at Wang Xu in disbelief.

“Didn’t I say, what I hate the most is the subordinates who make their own opinions!

“And self-righteous fools!”

Wang Xu gave the answer almost instantaneously, and did not shy away from belittling the giant!

for a moment,

Everyone in the audience was amazed!

it is good!

Good Dragon Lord!! Door.

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