The Villainess Wants to Marry a Commoner!! (WN)

Chapter 48

Can I ask you a question?

Listening to me, with my cheeks on, and thinking silently for a while, you turned your gaze toward me.

“Isabella, what do you want to do about this kidnapping?

“Uh-huh. I honestly feel like I don’t want to be involved with Colors Collector. I’m the one who kansted and managed to defeat six high-spec attack targets to my buddies, so I don’t think I can beat them right now. Because I don’t like it in action.

“Yeah. Kidnapper, are you that strong? Is Isabella difficult?

“What do you think? I wonder if there was any particular talk about the race. Anyway, I have trouble getting you and Alice targeted for weirding out the killer. But now, given the people in jail and the fact that Geese continues to be targeted… say you can’t pretend you don’t know, or that you feel like doing something about it.

But it’s hard to get the help of the others to catch a kidnapper who doesn’t know where he is or where he exists.

“You want to do something, Isabella, you’re not going to win, are you? It’s not safe.

“Yeah. In games, both HP and MP have a limit of up to 999, but… Colors collector, on top of being quick, you have a tough hit judgment.

“What’s a hit judgment?

“The decision as to whether or not the attack is in. Is that what you call a hit rate?

It was a ghost spec, as if a livestock shooting game had been combined with rasbos-like solidity and aggression.

This attack is using bug moves!! Even though it doesn’t hit the spot at all, the attack over there spreads all over the screen and hits.

Was he really human?

Maybe they weren’t just talking about it in the game, Ursh, as you suspect.

Ursh, I think alongside you two.

Six of the attackers, seven of them? Aren’t there three of us on the offensive?

Raise your voice suddenly, Ursh, and you raise your head.

Speaking of which, I think the only target of attack for VER1 that had anything to do with me was Ursh, who explained it to you.

“Erm. Ver 2 and Ver 3 will add a three-person offensive target, right? It doesn’t involve me at all and I don’t have any contacts, so I saved it.

It’s a specification to move on to the next VER once you’ve completed the event by attacking each target to a certain extent, but in the meantime, there will be more targets to attack, so it’s hard to target the reverse har.

Once you’ve completed the nine offensive targets, you hear you can attack the hidden characters, and you say, ‘Maybe the hidden characters are Ursh, aren’t you? Wolsh, I wonder if you can attack!!’ And I worked hard and harked the other way, putting out a hidden character, but that sense of despair when it wasn’t you, Ursh.

Between attacking the three main players, every time the school year goes up, three more attack targets are added, and we also have to deal with enemy opponents like each villain warrant lady and Colors Collector, so it really took a while, didn’t it?

If the heroine was the same reincarnator as me, it’s impossible to reverse harness like a game first.

That’s what you can do because it’s a game, and if you try to do it in real life, you don’t have enough life and time.

“And in the way you say it. The game will ultimately target a total of ten players.

“Hmm. Well, it’s unrealistic to say ten strands for people going to the same school. After all, I guess I don’t have to be afraid of game scenarios that much? It doesn’t seem to me that setting up games in the real world would affect me that much.

“Uh-huh. Sure, right now, I may not be feeling any more worried. There’s some off-campus targets out there out of ten, but I’m not a heroine. I really don’t have any contacts, do I? However, if I’m going to fight the Colors Collector, I need him as a combat personnel, and what am I going to do?

I have no idea how I, the villain warrant lady with no contact at all, can involve the attacker in the Colors collector exorcism.

“I wonder how old the attackers of that combat personnel are now.

How old are you now?

The characters we meet at the college are the same age, and the offensive targets outside the college…

“I’m the oldest, and I guess I’m over 200 now.

Definitely not a human race.

Well, that’s a hidden character.

The other off-campus targets are at the moment, teens. Was that there? No, were you in your twenties?

Honestly, Ursh, I wasn’t interested in anything but you, so I remember.

“Well, someone over 200 will fight the Colors Collector, right?

“No, not at all. You’re not a member of the Colors Collector exorcism, are you?

I mean, besides only seeing him in week two, if you want to, he can take down the Colors Collector by himself. It becomes gamely overpowering.

Is that it? Could it be much stronger than me, King Kong?

“Then there’s no plan to defeat the offensive target and the Colors collector as the game goes. Shall we put together another member to go?

Ursh, you prepare a note and a pen and spread it out on your desk.

“Is that it? Mr. Ursh. Colors Collector, are you going to help me get rid of this?

Essentially, it doesn’t matter what kind of person or event you’re not interested in, you’re positively setting up a Colors Collector exorcism operation.

I wonder what the hell caught your interest, Ursh?

“Because Isabella cares. Isabella will want to do something if she’s worried about someone else. Isabella won’t be able to care if you make her stop because it’s dangerous.

I see. Was it for me that I couldn’t stay jizzy when I was concerned?

You’ve had a hard time in this short period of time, I’m sorry, Mr. Ursh.

“But the Colors Collector is really strong and dangerous, so I can’t involve you in this matter, Ursh. Honestly, every one of these days, it’s like my self-satisfaction. Wolsh, if it’s your position to bring you closer to danger, you’ll think about what you didn’t know and what you’re gonna do.

Nothing, I’m not a saint who loves and protects everything, so I can put the sacrifice of Geese in my options if I have to.

You’ll regret it for the rest of your life, Ursh, but I can’t turn it into your own safety.

“But if you do that, Isabella will worry, and you’ll feel guilty, won’t you? I like Isabella, who smiles happily. I like Isabella, who stretches and runs free. So I hate it when Isabella can’t laugh or run around freely as she wants because of someone else who doesn’t know who she is, who’s sick or driven by guilt.

With that said, Ursh, you laugh fugnarily and stir my forehead with gushagusha.

“So hey? Isabella’s troubled, unusual kidnappers need… to leave early, right?

Ahhh!! Black!! You’re a healing fuzzy smile, but the signs are so black, Mr. Ursh!!

I, too, am a bad guy trying to abandon Geese and others caught, so I can’t tell you anything about people, but now Ursh, you sound kind of like a villain!!

I’ll keep peeking in at you, Ursh, and you’ll be on the run with shame and fear.

Shame and fear can be felt at the same time!! A new discovery!!

Something, Ursh, if you were here, I’d even feel like I could defeat the Colors Collector at my leisure!!

I just feel like I’m hiding a noisy meaning in what you call “exit,” which makes me a little nervous…

“Bye… then Mr. Ursh. Where do I find the talent I need to defeat the Colors Collector, not yet known to the public?

In the first place, I don’t even know what name to collect.

“I’ll handle the neighborhood. What matters is not the number of combat personnel, but how far in advance can you prepare to win or lose before you fight?

Oh… Mr. Ursh. Something very reliable.

I just don’t understand what it means to “win or lose before you fight”.

I haven’t been able to go about the conversation. Leave me alone, Ursh, and you’ll write down the plans and the work you need in your notes.

“Now that colors collectors aren’t recognized by the public, it could be the other way around. I mean, there’s no way they know about him or about us, so… it’s easy to move.

Sure!! If the public recognises their existence, their guard may harden, but now that they think their existence is not yet known, there may be gaps!!

“First of all, it’s the identification of where you’re incarcerated. Because they say they were protected by the gendarmerie, within a 30-km radius of the area patrolled by the gendarmerie, an area with no human residence or buildings, few wildlife, and poorly maintained mountains or forests. Because this should narrow it down quite a bit.

“Eh. Can I ask you a question about each item, why it is?

“Fine . First of all, you somehow know that the more you leave King’s Capital, the less patrol the Gendarmerie will be, right? I don’t know why Geese lost consciousness, but I don’t think he’s far from Wang Du, considering that he was underground when he woke up and that he was protected by the gendarmerie. If it’s outside the patrol area of the gendarmerie, it would be the adventurers to protect it, and there’s no time for the gendarmerie to intervene, because it’s a straight line through the Adventurer Guild, to the Wang Capital while being escorted.

“So what do you mean, within a 30-km radius?

“If I were to walk the mountain while running away from someone and hiding without knowing my current location, would I spend the day wondering if that distance was limited at best? I just thought so. Maybe there’s more distance, but if you’re a noble child who’s never walked in the mountains before, wouldn’t that be enough? Looks like he was barefoot, huh?

I see. Can you read that much in the earlier story? Ursh, you’re awesome!!

“And to say that you can escape and hide from the killer who has its base in the mountains or the woods is to say that there are many places to hide. I can think of it as a place with ups and downs and a feeling of depression that hasn’t been taken care of. No, I think if I walked barefoot, I’d be injured, but given that I wasn’t attacked by a wild animal with a smell of blood, the place would still be squeezed. So I was wondering if there were three places I could think of as places of detention?

As of now, I’ve already narrowed it down to three places!! Ursh, you Pane!!

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