The Villainess’s Personal Maid

Chapter 10: Set up

Before I could even put my foot on the stairs, a sharp sound wave was coming to me.

I quickly pulled my leg to the side and stepped to the side narrowly avoiding the unknown attack.

"Ho? Impressive."

I widen my eyes as I did not see it coming, if were not for my instinct I would have probably died on the ground.

"Pretty impressive for such a little girl, accepting this mission is worth I guess."

I look at the person who was standing on the second floor, a wave of disheveled red hair, brown skin, and red eyes with sharp lashes and a scar on her left eye.

She was also holding a battle axe with a unique design, the blade of the ax is completely red and the handle is gray, along with a carving that looks like a root that stops at the top of the handle.

She is also wearing a chest plate and some shoulder plate as well, a brown T-shirt but it could not hide her masculine body, she was wearing a short-short and a stocking that stopped at the middle of her tights, and boots that I could see it was used for a long time.

"I was watching your fight, I see that you have the Echidna's thread, eh? Did someone give it to you?"

I did not answer and just look at her warily, I just realize, of course, the enemy would notice a commotion.

And thinking about it, why would only ten men come to me?

This thinking made me conclude that maybe there was a chance.

That they know I was coming.

Soon, this conclusion that I wish aren't true became a fact.

Many footsteps could be heard around the mansion, and soon many people who were wearing black suits started to appear in my field.

Swords, guns, staff, etc any kind of weapon held by each person in this area.


"Surprise? Ha! Sorry little girl, but we expect you to come, well not you... We did not expect that person will send a little girl... Oh, well, doesn't matter, what matter is... You probably put an effort to survive."

As the red hair person finish what she said, all of the mobs brandished their weapons.

A woman with a staff stretches her arm and a magic circle appeared.

'They have a mage too? '


"Now then... Die!"

All of the mobs started to come at me with a roar of battle cry.


A man comes at me with a sharp knuckle on his hand, he gave me a straight punch but I parried it with my arm and twisted his arm to the side and pull him, grabbing my knife and pointing it at his neck.

I am in a pretty bad situation, aren't I?


I use the man as a hostage to stop the others from coming, but it seems that some do not care about their teammates at all and fired their guns at me.

I have no choice but to use the man as a meat shield and run forward while still using the now-dead man as a meat shield.

As I push myself forward, some come into contact however because I was using a meatshield they could not hit me, but that doesn't mean my back is also protected as others tried to attack behind me.

I immediately kicked the upcoming sword upward propelling the said weapon to the sky and then I let go of my said meatshield, grab my knives that was hidden in my maid uniform, and started to dance with the enemies.

I cut the throat of the woman who came at me and then because of my tiny body, they have a hard time hitting me which I used to my advantage.

I used echidna's thread to kill the mage that fired a fireball at me.

By dodging the fireball which hit the others instead, I quickly manipulate the fire and burn almost half of them.

I don't know how many are but they are a lot.

I could not tell how many are they, soon I jumped to the sky and use the pillar to push my body and dash into the air coming at the red hair person.

I brandished my knife and swung it towards the red hair person, but she deflected it with her wrist with a thick long bracelet on it.

She then give me a slight punch which I blocked with my right arm, however with just that punch it was enough for me to be thrown.


I came back to the same spot again and a lot of mobs on the second floor started firing their guns at me.

So I use Echidna's thread to cover me and hide me for a moment.

I deeply exhale for resting a bit but it did not take a second when my Echidna's thread was cut in front of my eyes.

With a quick reaction, I hide on one pillar avoiding the bullets which almost tore me a lot if I am a second late.

"Ha! Don't stop firing she will be exhausted in a little while! Use water bullets! She has echidna's thread and it's weak on the water!"

This is bad...


I exhaled again deeply and think of what I should do, I checked my clothes again and saw I only have two knives left.

The other knives are on the floor and I have no chance to pick them, I can't use echidna's thread either as the enemy is not dumb enough not to notice it, well maybe some would not but those who have sharp eyes like the res hair person...

I looked down and notice a handgun not far from me, I then quickly rolled away from the pillar luckily avoiding the attack that also destroyed the pillar.

Aren't they afraid that this mansion would collapse?

Wait... I could do that...

As the pillar collapsed a part of the second floor collapsed as well, and those who are unfortunate also fell and were buried alive.

While that happen, I manage to grab the gun and immediately fired it toward another mage in the head.

I then fired three more bullets killing one person with a riffle.

I crouch down avoiding a long sword and quickly spun myself and use my knife to stab the arm of the person.


I pulled my knife and continue to stab his arm three times before letting his arm go, I then immediately fired a fireball at my back hitting the incoming person to attack me.

As the fireball came into his contact, it explode making his head become charred.

A sharp pain I could feel in my side stomach and notice there was blood on it but I pay it no mind as I fire the remaining bullets at others

I then finally kill the person who I stab multiple times in the arm by slicing his throat.

I immediately run and changed position managing to avoid the bullets that continue to rain on me.

"Huff...huff... This is exhausting...ugh..."

I unconsciously had my side stomach which is where the part is bleeding.

I don't know when it hit me but I should not mind this damage right now...

I look at the enemy on the floor and there are ten left, on the second floor are around twenty enemies waiting for me to come out so they could rain bullets on me again.

I want to use my angel cloak however, I could not calm down at the moment and they know my location.

'It seems because I was confident of being strong, and thinking every person is weak except my master and Cynthia onee chan which made me complacent and underestimated my enemies...'

I did not even come here fully prepared, because it was my first mission I did not think such a possibility.

How funny of me to ask my master if I can massacre them...

It is not possible but it is not easy either.

I should learn from this experience.

I heave a sigh

I look everywhere to look for a weapon, there I see a wakizashi sword.

With blank thinking, I sprinted on my step and my opponents fired at me, with luck I was not getting hit and successfully grabbed the wakizashi.

While my one knee is on the floor, I swung the wakizashi as it cut the bullet in half and killed the two incoming enemies in my back.


One person said in surprise as the other gaped at my action.

'...luck, I should keep silent and must look cool for them not to see that it was just pure luck...'

"Don't stop keeps firing... "

Said the red hair woman, I sprint towards my nearest enemy and Swing my sword albeit immaturely.

I do not know how to use a sword but this does not stop me.

As I slice the person, I dash with great footwork managing to avoid the bullets that keep raining at me.

I then stab the person piercing through her back, as blood splattered I pulled back the sword and swung it to the side parrying a staff, I push myself by giving more strength in my legs and arms, with force, I push back the staff propelling it a bit upward.

And then I used Echidna's thread and like always I make a spider web trapping the person who was using a staff.

I then threw him to the second floor pouring fire magic on it.

Just like what I did on the Blemmyes, I explode it but because of the impact, the mansion shook and the ceiling and some parts of the second floor collapsed.

Suddenly, a shiver run down my spine, and my spot turn dark, I look at my back and saw the red hair person whose battle ax is in the air ready to slice me in half.

Without me realizing it, I use illusion magic on the surroundings.

What kind of illusion they were experiencing is unknown as I use it without thinking.

But this was enough for me not to get sliced, she stopped her movement and I stepped back, I look at her and saw she was grinning.

"Oho?? Illusion magic? Is there some kind of limit to why you just used it until now?"

As she said this, she looks around and saw many mobs(zero: or thugs?) were in hysteria.

I don't know what they were experiencing but I heard some saying, sorry, sorry, stop it! it hurts!

I think... It was something they feared of?

"You have a weird illusion magic eh? I encounter many of you back then and none of them has a strange illusion like you... Your's is... Different hmm.. Like it has some kind of realistic thing and some hallucination? Bah! I don't know... Die now."

She suddenly disappeared and as time slowed, I saw a huge blade three inches away from my face.

Before it could hit me.


I quickly disappeared.


She was a bit surprised that I was standing on her back, she looks at me and grinned like a maniac and then stomped the floor and created a large magic circle.

The floor turns wet and muddy which is slippery, and I could not help but frown.

"Was that [flashstep]? You really have impressive footwork then, sadly, I know how to counter it."

She postured herself into a running pose and then dash toward me.


She swung her battle ax and I bend back myself to dodge it, but she quickly retracted her weapon and swung it downward.


I manage to dodge the attack bit because of the muddy water on the floor, I lost balance and slipped myself.

And then I somersault avoiding the sudden attack albeit in hairs breath.


As I thought, this person is a battle maniac!

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