The Villain’s Cheat Code: When a Gamer Becomes the Evil God’s Sidekick

Chapter 89: The Nuclear Blast Mage, Exploding Everywhere He Goes


Endymion was ultimately destroyed.

The seven layers of sky had become a complete mess.

But fortunately,

Endymion did not fall.

Although several layers were so devastated that their original appearance was unrecognizable, the lower three white rings had become fragmented.

But looking up from below Endymion, the upper four rings were at most slightly tilted, but still relatively intact.

At the very end, that huge nuclear blast flame instantly turned the first three layers of buildings into ruins, with chunks of debris floating ethereally under the sky.

The exhausted Haim, looking at the floating debris before him, suddenly understood Rachel, understood the impact on Rachel when the academy was destroyed.

Haim was deeply pained.

"Damn it, Viktor..."

Saying that Endymion wouldn't be destroyed was completely false.

He's a monster, a mage freak who explodes wherever he goes.

What kind of mage regularly prepares such destructive magic for frequent use?

According to records, Viktor had only engaged in three battles since becoming fourth-tier.

The first was the initial demon battle, where the council recognized Viktor's powerful strength and chose to invite him to join the council.

The second time, in the Magic Ravine, he almost blasted the Storm Lands to pieces.

And the third time was the battle just recorded.

The battle recorded by the Mage Council as the 'Calamity War'.

But these three records, without exception, all showed what a violent mage Viktor was.

Everywhere he went, there wasn't a place he hadn't blown up!

Soon, Haim calmed down considerably, accepting the current situation.

"At least, Endymion didn't crash."

That's right, this was a blessing in disguise.

Viktor's magic seemed to have the power of self-discrimination. Despite being in such a vast range, Haim and Cocotte were completely unharmed.

Even the magical creatures living in Endymion weren't affected by the magic.

This resulted in only the buildings and terrain of the first three layers of Endymion being completely destroyed.

Of course, all of this could be rebuilt over time.

But if the sky city were to fall to the ground.

No matter where it fell, Endymion's chaotic magic would shatter the earth.

The vast source of chaotic magic would affect half the countries, and at that time, it would surely cause widespread devastation.

Cocotte sat on a cloud, exhausted, her whole body sprawled in the white cloud, not caring that her face was buried in the cloud, dragging out her words, weakly comforting Haim.

"It's better than Rachel's academy, at least the magic library wasn't affected."

The magic library was in an alternate space, not existing in Endymion's 'reality'.

It was a 'reverse space', storing the wisdom of countless mages from Endymion over hundreds of years.

Although that was the case, hearing Cocotte's comforting words, Haim still felt unhappy.

So he glanced at her and said coldly:

"Your sleeping place is gone too."


Cocotte's raised head immediately crashed back into the cloud, motionless.

At this moment, she seemed extremely depressed.

What Haim referred to was the 'Green Garden' on the first layer.

That is, the place where Cocotte initially welcomed Viktor.

She had always lived in that magical garden.

In Cocotte's words, because the first layer was the closest to 'Hyjal', the natural energy was abundant, perfect for sleeping.

As a result, the 'Green Garden' was destroyed, and her last hope was shattered.

Cocotte said with some resentment:

"When Viktor comes out, I must make him compensate me."

"Otherwise, I'll, I'll..."

Haim looked at Cocotte.

"You'll what?"

"...I'll stick to him and not leave."

These old mages with flexible moral standards could only vent their anger verbally.

Viktor's astonishing combat power made them realize that this man's strength absolutely couldn't be treated as a normal mage.

He didn't seem like a mage, but more like a...

Pure magic machine.

It could be said that any of Viktor's actions in battle were just right, completely born for battle.

What's more terrifying was that facing that kind of monster that humans could not possibly contend with, he alone could battle it for almost two days.

Which mage could do that?

Who else?

Haim sighed and slowly said:

"Is it possible that the prophecy left by the Archmage..."

"Was referring to Viktor?"

Cocotte looked at the ruins drifting between the star sea, filled with silver dust.

It was like a homesick wanderer standing at the doorstep of home and then slowly leaving, lonely and helpless.

"Think positively."

"At least Endymion didn't crash."


In the zero-layer space of Endymion.

The surrounding void cracked with fine fissures, like a noticeable flaw on a crystal, emitting tiny flames.

As the space gradually shattered, Hyjal had also shrunk considerably, and the once dazzling green fluorescence had now dimmed significantly.

Viktor stood on the fiery molten ground, silently watching the frantically burning Druja before him.

At this moment, Druja had reverted back to a giant snake with compound eyes, lying in the sea of fire, unable to move its body.

It had lost, unable to rise again.

The war magic finally shattered the barrier, and Cocotte and Haim ran out in time to activate Endymion's defense measures.

Even so, about half of Endymion was still destroyed.

But that was no longer Viktor's concern, he had only come for Druja.

Hyjal was driven by Druja's essence. If Druja left Hyjal, then Endymion would completely fall after a period of time.

Viktor put the magic wand back in his backpack and made hand seals, personally drawing a green formation in the air.

He divided the entire formation into four directions: front, back, left, and right. The surrounding natural energy was slowly attracted into it. A huge wheel ring connected the four formations together, depicting the brilliance of the sun, moon, and stars above the magic array.

Soon, a ripple that resonated with this space emanated from his body.

The ripple gently swept over Druja, and a luminous green sphere slowly emerged from the center of its huge body, flying towards Viktor.

This was Druja's wood essence.

Once Viktor took this away, Druja would be forcibly put into slumber.

Soon, Druja, whose essence had been taken away, gradually lost the last light in its three pairs of compound eyes.

The depleted Hyjal, after being shaken by the ripple, used its last disposable energy, suddenly extending dozens of vines from the green sphere floating at its waist.

Like cocoon silk, it wrapped around the Wood Calamity, dragging it back into the interior of Hyjal.

The Calamity would not dissipate. Even if Viktor had taken away its essence, it would not become dormant because of this.

Because it itself was a huge energy source.

Although Viktor had taken away Hyjal's energy source, he had given Hyjal a complete Wood Calamity.

As long as no one appeared to awaken it again, Druja would continue to serve as Hyjal's energy source, maintaining Endymion's float in the air.

Viktor looked at the green essence before him, preparing to merge it with himself.

This time, the condition was much better than the last time.

When preparing the final war magic, because Cocotte and Haim, these two fourth-tier mages, were beside him providing magic power, his mana value had not been completely exhausted.

Moreover, he had already forcibly merged with a Calamity essence once, so he didn't need to worry about fainting due to rejection reaction this time.

The fire essence and wood essence in his body gradually merged, and his coat changed its appearance again.

The coat that once flowed with lava now turned into red and green intertwining stripes.

Energy slowly flowed between the patterns, constantly emitting a powerful aura.

Viktor casually conjured a strange wheel ring in the air, and thick stems suddenly gushed out from that virtual opening. Vines carrying natural energy gradually grew throughout the entire void space.

Green leaves began to grow in the ruined zero-layer space, and buds peeked out.

The almost distorted Hyjal, under the natural magic, actually grew two vines.

The upper and lower sides of the split giant tree were gradually pulled together, forming a complete giant tree.

After doing all this, Viktor narrowed his eyes.

In the game plot, Druja, defeated by the players, similarly did not dissipate.

Like Guledon, Druja returned to Hyjal, becoming a dungeon boss that could be challenged at any time.

But the background story in the game described Druja's ending like this:

The sleeping Druja once again became the energy source of Endymion, maintaining those seven layers of sky, making it eternally prosperous.

Viktor watched as Druja, transformed into a strand of consciousness, returned to Hyjal, and said softly.

"Wouldn't a Calamity that's always sealed in the same place feel bored?"

Vega, tired, yawned, and hearing this, looked at Viktor with a confused face.

"What did you say?"


Viktor turned around, and behind him, the dense forest continued to grow wildly. The towering forest and sea of flowers completely covered the entire space.

Hyjal stood in the lonely void, emitting a nimble radiance, no longer disturbed by anyone.


The crisis of Endymion's prophecy was considered resolved.

As he was preparing to leave, Viktor said to Haim.

"If anyone tries to attack Hyjal in the future."

"Then, the revived Druja will immediately awaken."

Haim was a bit confused hearing Viktor's words. Wasn't the disaster the Archmage spoke of you?

Could it be... Endymion would suffer such an attack again in the future?

Thinking about the terrifying Calamity reviving again.

Haim suddenly didn't want to repair this sky city anymore.

Let it be destroyed, quickly.

Viktor stared at the three layers of broken ruins, lost in thought.

In the game background, the Dark Archmage broke through the seal and came to Endymion's zero-layer space, corrupted Hyjal, trying to seize the wood essence.

At that time, Druja had fallen into a long slumber and didn't wake up even when Hyjal was invaded externally.

Therefore, the Dark Archmage could wantonly corrupt the sky land as he wished.

The members of the Mage Council were powerless against this, and finally could only seek help from players on the continent.

Even at the end of the plot, when players joined forces to defeat the Dark Archmage.

The tragedy had already occurred, Endymion was no longer that legendary holy city, but had become a place of corruption.

And now?

Druja was awakened in advance by Viktor.

This time, Druja would no longer fall into a long slumber.

He was somewhat looking forward to seeing what expression the future Dark Archmage would have when facing the awakened Wood Calamity after invading Hyjal.

Meanwhile, Aurelian sat on Cocotte's cloud and slowly floated in front of Viktor.

Only then did Viktor remember that the princess had been in the magic library for two days.

He looked at the somewhat sleepy princess before him and asked.

"Did you have fun?"

Aurelian blinked and nodded.


Viktor asked again.

"Do you want to come again next time?"

At this, Aurelian was extremely happy, nodding continuously.

"Mm mm!"

Viktor smiled lightly and continued:

"Then, show me the magic you've learned."

"Let me test your learning progress, see if you've wasted these two days of magic study."

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