The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 133

“That voice that just screamed…”

“It is Jiang Mu!”

Xue Menghan immediately rushed to the center of the lobby and looked up at the top floor.

As the construction of Lihua Pavilion resembled a hollow ring tower.

So the miserable screams came down from the top floor, encircled loudly.

“Did Something happen to him?”

I-I don’t know what.

Xue Menghan felt anxious, fearing Jiang Mu, who was in a weakened state, might encounter accidents.

So, without further ado, she mobilized her spiritual energy into her legs.

Then, treading on the stair bars, she swiftly jumped up one floor after another.

In no time, she reached the top floor.

Finally, arriving at the door of an Royal suite.

“Jiang Mu? A-are you alright in there?”

Xue Menghan shouted and pounded hard on the door.

However, there was no response.

{Tongbei Fist!}

She resorted to her martial art with determination, gathering her spiritual energy to blow out with both fists at extreme speed.

The delicate fists were entwined with light and the aura was like a rainbow.


The solid door was blasted to pieces just like that.

“Jiang… Ahhhhh-!!!”

Xue Menghan screamed shrilly in fear just as she entered the door, her head instantly going blank.

Crap Nima!

Xue Menghan had come too?!

F*ck! Why!

Jiang Mu felt desperate.

Just now he was writing his diary alright.

And then suddenly she barged in through the window.

That’s right. It was Lihua!

Of course, he understood what she wanted.

It was to obtain his Transformation Technique and Instantaneous Movement Technique.

But what the heck was Xue Menghan doing running in here?

It’s breaking down! It’s falling apart! Everything!

This is going to be a hell of a dog episode!

And as Jiang Mu despaired.

Lihua suddenly appeared behind Xue Menghan.

{Enchanting Spirit Technique of Same Fragrance!}

“..I …??”

Xue Menghan felt so strange…

When her eyes turned to Jiang Mu.

And then both eyes rolled back.

To his surprise, she fainted on the floor.

Lihua: “…..”

Jiang Mu: “…..”

A silence descended upon the room.

Briefly afterwards.

Lihua squatted down to check Xue Menghan’s condition.

Found that her body’s spiritual energy was in disorder and her qi and blood were unstable.

Apparently she fainted because she was overexcited.

“I was going to stun you, but it saves me the effort now.”

Lihua no longer paid attention to Xue Menghan, who had suddenly barged in.

She had to seize the opportunity while Lu Churuo was obstructing Ding Nanrong and Han Yuqing.

Finish her plan with Jiang Mu!

And so she stood up, looked at the frightened Jiang Mu on the bed, and smiled flirtatiously.

“Fufufu, Jiang Mu~”


Jiang Mu was at his wits’ end.

If he wasn’t in a weakened state.

He would’ve used Extreme Flash to flee already.

But now, he couldn’t stop but watch as Lihua walked towards him, a look as if she was looking at her prey..

She also sprang out her white fox tail.

Jiang Mu was now completely a fish on the chopping block and waiting to be preyed upon.

Lihua’s hand made a secret seal and cast out a fox clan secret technique.

{Fox Soul Engraving Seal!}

She slowly drew her own soul together into her tail.

“After being caught by my Fox Clan’s ‘Fox Soul Engraving Seal’, you will be obsessed with me alone~”

Lihua grinned with pleasure as she licked her sharp fox’s teeth.

She never thought it would succeed so easily.

So what’s next.

As long as the soul of this doppelganger of her own was completely engraved in Jiang Mu’s body.

Then it would be difficult for Jiang Mu to escape from her!

“From today onwards, you are mine alone.. Fufufu~”

In her mind, Lihua imagined a picture of what would happen after she learned the Transformation Technique and the Instantaneous Movement Technique.

As long as she taught this brilliant transformation technique to her clan members.

Then her White Fox clan would be able to live more comfortably within the Kyushu Continent of the human race, greatly increasing their safety!

And the Instantaneous Movement Technique.

She will use this instantaneous movement technique to find the Legendary Glazed Immortal Realm!

If she succeeds in finding and obtaining the power of the Immortal Soul of the Glaze Immortal.

Then she could use this Immortal Soul Power to nourish the Fox Immortal Soul of her Fox Clan to restore and strengthen the Fox Immortal’s ever-depleting power!

In this way.

Her White Fox Clan would not worry about losing their Fox Immortal and losing their place among the Three Great Demon Clans!

And with so many secrets hidden in Jiang Mu, it was possible.

In the future, she might even find a solution to the Fox Clan’s inability to reproduce offspring with Jiang Mu!

With such a longing.

Lihua revealed a satisfied and joyful fox smile.

“Now Jiang Mu, allow me to serve yo—…”

Before the words could finish.

She then suddenly felt a spinning sensation through the sky.

Or, more precisely, the whole room began to spin.

Eh? W-what happened…

And she saw something that scared her.

A body that had lost its head…

That body… Whose…?

Immediately following.

A beautiful woman in a blue dress appeared out of nowhere…

And an endless darkness fell before her eyes.

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