The Villain’s Diary – The Heroine’s Character Crumbles

Chapter 64

Gulp! Gulp! Gulp!…

The snake fist that was stuffed into Black Water Fury’s mouth kept spewing out warm, soul-etching poison.

The soul-etching poison went through her throat, through her chest, and reached her heart.

Eventually, The Poison traveled with blood, to all corners of her body, and began to erode her soul.


The soul of the sleeping Black Water Fury began to tremble.

Gradually, as her soul was being eroded more and more.

Her body, too, began to “jerk”.

The golden pupils also rolled up her eyelids, and her breathing became more and more rapid.

About, Half an hour later.

The Poison Explosion Pill was just about consumed.

“Hm!” Jiang Mu forcibly pulled the snake’s fist out of her mouth.

It also brought out a thin, shiny and smooth sticky gum.

“*Wipe*, It’s tiring task, I feel so dizzy. Fuu~.” Due to the excessive consumption of soul power.

So much so that his head was dizzy.

His entire body went limp on Black Water Fury’s small petite body.

“But with this dead bitch, she has become my slave now, right?”

Taking advantage of the time to rest, Jiang Mu concentrated inside his body and sensed something deep inside him clearly.

There was a sort of spiritually close connection between himself and the Black Water Fury beneath him.

But he was the dominant party, while she was the subordinate party, and his own intention could absolutely dominate her intention.

It was a wonderful feeling.

It’s as if a command at random from himself would make her irresistible to do it no matter what.

For example, if she was told to learn to dance the COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDICA, then she would really learn to dance so. (Example: Click Here)

Even if she grimaced and resisted, she couldn’t stop dancing.

“As expected of the technique from God-level cultivator Black Water Soul Erosion Technique is best.”


Having taken control of the Black Water Fury, Jiang Mu’s heart felt satisfied and finally calmed down.

There was no fear of her In the future messing with him and Ding Nanrong and the girls.

Or fear that she wouldn’t follow the plot either.

As he thought about future events. He’d make her do it.

The Black Water Fury underneath him twitched a little.

“I… I…?”

She opened her golden vertical pupils and stared blankly at the ceiling.

“It’s like I’m… Dead…”

“But then I’m… Not dead…?”

“The body… So heavy…”

She felt her body being pressed against something.

Then a handsome face came into her line of sight.


“Is… It’s you?”

“Son of a bitch!”

“What are you doing lying on top of this god!”

“Get off!”

The Black Water Fury recognized Jiang Mu and instantly became vicious and was about to make a move to rip him away.

“Stop!” Jiang Mu shouted coldly.

The Black Water Fury’s soul trembled for a moment.

The small hand, which was half raised, was in fact frozen in the air.

“Son of a bitch!”

“What have you done to this god… What did you do!”

“Why is this God… Can’t make a move on you!”

Black Water Fury’s pupils as if they were trembling.

She was horrified to find that she was unable to resist Jiang Mu’s orders!

This feeling… Could it be!

“Is it the Black Water Soul Eater Technique?!”

“You used it on this god… Used the Black Water Soul Etching Technique!!!”

The Black Water Fury was horrified as she examined her body.

It was like being struck by lightning, and her brain exploded on the spot.

Her soul, it was as if it had become one with Jiang Mu!!!

Deep inside her heart, she had developed a strong desire to submit to Jiang Mu!!!

It was as if… It was as if the meaning of her life was for Jiang Mu!

Even if she had to sacrifice her life for him, she would be absolutely willing to do so!

And the one who could cause such an effect.

Obviously, only her Black Water Snake Clan’s forbidden technique, the Black Water Soul Eater, could do it!

“Son of a bitch!!!”

“Wh-why is this happening!!!”

Blackwater Fury roared as her heart tore out.

She also realized that she had lost her Black Water Erosion Technique.

Her golden vertical pupils stared at Jiang Mu with a deadly stare.

She gritted her teeth, as if she wanted to bite Jiang Mu alive.

“Bitch, how dare you go so wild?”

Jiang Mu jumped down from the table.

Ordering her in a commanding tone, ruthlessly.

“Get down!”

The Black Water Fury gritted her teeth and refused to obey.

Yet deep down in her soul, she couldn’t even muster a single ounce of resistance.

Eventually she couldn’t resist the absolute order. She got down in a daze.

“Damn it, You need a little education, don’t you!”

“Come and dance COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDICA with this Laozi!”

Jiang Mu jumped in front of her, moving his leg, and hands clapping.

Dancing to the first beat of the COMPENDIUM OF MATERIA MEDICA.

“Come dance with me!


Black Water Fury looked at this strange leg tap movement of Jiang Mu in shock.

Her body, her hands, her legs.

Surprisingly, they moved along with it!

The movements were exactly the same!

“Son of a bitch! Stop it now!”

Black Water Fury roared.

She was a once in a generation demon god.

How dare you make her dance like a lowly human?


“5! 6! 7! switch!”

Jiang Mu ignored her and switched to lifting his legs and tapping his knees as he continued to dance feverishly.

The Black Water Fury followed suit and switched to a leg lift and knee slap, forced to continue dancing crazily.

“Son of a bitch! STOP IT!!!”

Black Water Fury screamed, wanting to kick Jiang Mu to death.

However, she could only think about it in her mind, but her body was honest and jumped along with Jiang Mu.

“Side! Bend over, come one!

“I’m going to kill you!!!”

Black Water Fury grimaced as she switched her movements and danced after Jiang Mu.

“Left foot! Follow! Come on, quick!”

“I’ll kill you!”

“Mermaid line! Come on!!”

“I’ll kill you!”

“The soles of your feet! Come on!”

“I’ll kill you!”

Two hours later.


“But I’m exhausted already.”

Jiang Mu lay down on the floor in exhaustion.

He swore that he would never dance the materia medica again in his life.

It was too damned unnatural for a normal person to dance.

The Black Water Fury standing on the side.

Her face turning blue, and yellow, she glared at Jiang Mu on the ground.

If her eyes could kill, she would have already killed Jiang Mu millions of times.

“Damn it, what’s with that expression?”

“Come and massage my leg for me!”

Jiang Mu gave another order to her.

The Black Water Fury gritted her teeth and came to squat down by Jiang Mu’s leg.

Then she used her delicate little hands.

Massaging Jiang Mu’s leg.

“This god is going to kill you!!!”

“Ah, okay, squeeze harder, haven’t you eaten.”


The Blackwater Fury increased the force.

“Son of a bitch! This god is going to kill you!!!”

“The ground is too cold, carry me to the bed.”


Black Water Fury picked Jiang Mu up by the waist and put him on the bed.

She glared at Jiang Mu fiercely.

“What are you doing standing there, come up.”


Black Water Fury’s small body shivered and climbed onto the bed softly.

“Bastard! This go-god will definitely kill you!!”

“Yoah? How dare you be mad in bed? Call me Master.”

Jiang Mu ordered irritably.

“No way!!!”

The Black Water Fury scowled at him, saying.

“Even if this god is crippled! Even if it’s ruined to nothing! Even if my soul were to disintegrate! There is absolutely no way I would obey you! Master.”

Jiang Mu: “—-”


The Blackwater Fury’s complexion turned pale.

What had she just said…





The time came in the evening.


“Later I’m going to marry Han Yuqing.”

“You stay here for now and don’t let anyone find you.”

“Got it?.”

Jiang Mu got up from bed comfortably and instructed the Black Water Fury, who had been giving him a massage all afternoon.


Black Water Fury responded back grimly.

All afternoon thought of various ways to break free from this to torture, but alas.

She had finally resigned herself to her fate.

She knew herself more than anyone about her skills. There was no way out.

The Black Water Soul Etching Technique is an unbreakable technique from years of training.

After being trapped, one either had to resign to their fate or die.

And her physical body had yet to be regained, and her enemies had yet to be destroyed.

So, there was no way she could commit suicide.

“Good girl.”

Jiang Mu stroked her little head.

At that moment, the door to the room was pushed open.

Ding Nanrong walked in and said to Jiang Mu.

“It’s the auspicious time, the elders have asked you to go to the ancestral hall to get married.”

“All right”

Jiang Mu replied back.

Turning his head to look down, he found that the Black Water Fury had already disappeared.

It looked like she had used spatial spirit magic or something to hide.

So he went out with Ding Nanrong.

Preparing to have a simple marriage with Han Yuqing, briefly.

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