The Villains I Raised All Died

Chapter 134 - Son of the Return · 5

For Yue Xia, she has gone through all sorts of mortals, and naturally knows that everything she has experienced is nothing but delusion.

But for Mo Wuxie, when the girl died in his arms for a moment, it was dead.

When Yue Xia drank the forgetful water and returned to the Underworld, Mo Wuxie buried her body in the soil.

He took Yue Xia’s mother to find neighbors, and wanted to know what happened. When Mo Wuxie stepped forward, the neighbors closed the door and kept silent. So Mo Wuxie hid in the dark, Yue Xia’s mother knocked on the door, and went forward. A man opened the door and scolded in dialect: “Why are you still here? There is no end? We are not killed Your daughter’s, she died naturally. “

Yue Xia’s mother cried out loudly: “I have a daughter, how can I say that I die?”

“She committed suicide!” The neighbor cried out loudly: “What’s the matter with us? She committed suicide!”

Yuexia’s mother and those people pushed up, and the other person yelled at Yuexia, and then closed the door.

Mo Wuxie stepped forward to support Yuexia’s mother.

Then they found a child, and spoke from the child’s mouth.

Who hurt her?

How did Yuexia die?

In the innocent words of the little children, Yue Xia’s experience of that half month was vaguely outlined.

“Everyone said she was a bad person, she was tied to a tree, and big hair hit her with stones to play with us.”

This is true for children, so it is not difficult to guess what other people can do.

“Eat? No one feeds her.”

“Mother said she was dirty and could not be touched.”

The child spoke out intermittently, she didn’t know what she was saying, her eyes were clear and innocent, like an elf.

Mo Wuxie shivered and said hoarsely: “Don’t you think you’re wrong when you do this?”

“Why am I wrong?” The child looked puzzled: “She is a bad person.”

Mo Wuxie didn’t speak. He closed his eyes and said nothing.

That evening, he walked by the river, remembering that she ran past him with a smile on her head, with a wreath on her head and asked him: “No evil, do you think I look good?”

He was trembling and speechless, he dared not speak out. At this time there was a voice of disagreement in the distance. He hurried back and found that it was Yue Xia’s mother.

She quarreled with others and was pushed around to fight.

She is almost fifty years old, and Yuexia is her only daughter. After Yuexia’s death, she lost her life. She scolded the people who cursed the whole town, and the people in the town became angry.

More and more people, Mo Wuxie rushed in, he protects Yue Xia’s mother, and fights with everyone.

But there are too many people, he was just an ordinary scholar, where can he resist the anger of so many people?

At that moment, Mo Wuxie never felt so powerless.

Even when the whole family was destroyed, he was not so weak.

When he was destroyed, he knew that he was fighting against a certain force, the evil that he was fighting was evil. He can grow, he will become strong, then he can fight against each other.

But at the moment he was hit with a stick and added by fists and feet. What was he fighting against?

It ’s human nature, it ’s a long life. These people seemed vicious at the moment, but they turned back to ordinary people.

They are not evil, not evil, but foolish and narrow.

How about taking them?

What can I do?

Do you want to kill all these people?

This thought suddenly appeared, Mo Wuxie felt that he seemed to have opened a certain door.

When he was a boy, he slapped the door from door to door and begged for hope. Only the girl with a bright smile opened the door.

However, the girl was eventually thrown into the wilderness with no bones.

These people shouldn’t be alive …

Mo Nian burst into life, he couldn’t control himself, and read out the reincarnation spell.

Countless black qi gathered in his body, he shivered and felt his muscles split apart inch by inch.

Everyone **** it.

Damn it.

He exploded violently, grabbing the stick in his backhand and nailing a man to the wall.

That night, he slaughtered 3,423 people.

Suddenly there were more than three thousand undesirable souls in the underworld, which naturally disturbed Tanglin.

At that time, Mo Wuxie hadn’t completely become a demon yet, and he was still a human soul. Tangling shot it himself, took Mo Wuxie back to the earth, and into the infernal hell.

“My original intention was to hope that he would repent in the infernal hell. If he had goodness, **** had no way of nature. If he had no goodness, he would fall into **** forever, and he should not be born.”

Tangling took a sip of tea and looked down at the girl leaning on his lap. Ye Chen had fallen asleep, and the peach blossom petals fell on her face. Dongling looked at it quietly and raised her hand to twist the peach blossom away.

Ye Chen slept for an afternoon before waking up.

After waking up, he found himself leaning on Dongling’s lap, and Dongling was holding a book to read.

Ye Chen twisted, looking for a comfortable movement, and looked up at Dongling: “I’m so leaning on you, don’t you mind?”

“do not mind.”

Tangling’s voice was bland and his eyes were not squinted.

Ye Chen laughed very pleasedly: “Dongling, I originally thought that you were a very stingy fairy, but now I found out that you are still extremely generous.”


Tangling raised his eyes: “Why?”

“I used to chat with Yuexia before. You also know that she and I are both well-known older unmarried girls in heaven. At that time, we discussed it. What should I do if I became a man?”

“Yue Xia told me that if I become a man, I must kiss her and let her know how it feels to be kissed by a beautiful man.”

“Although I think about kissing Yuexia is probably a terrible thing, but to be able to dedicate myself to the sisters is called righteousness.”

As he said, Ye Chen sighed: “Tangling, now you can borrow my thighs to lean on, let me know how it feels to lean on a man’s lap.

After listening to Ye Chen’s words, Dongling thought about it, and then he put the book aside, and said calmly, “What’s the problem?”

Ye Chen had some doubts. As soon as she raised her eyes, she saw Dongling lower her head, and her cold lips fell on her lips.

Ye Chen’s eyes widened sharply, but Dong Ling frowned, his eyes were clear and plain, as if he didn’t know what he had done.

He used force to press on Ye Chen’s lips, Ye Chen’s heart was beating fast, Dong Ling stretched out his tongue and licked her lips.

Ye Chen, an excited spirit, pushed Dongling away, rolled over and rolled away!

She gasped and looked up incredulously.

Tangling raised his hand, touched his cherry-colored lips, frowned, and said seriously: “It’s very soft, it feels very strange, I want to stick out my tongue …”


Ye Chen raised his hand to stop him, holding back for a long time, and finally said: “What are you doing ?!”

“You want to know how it feels to be kissed by a man. You and I are friends again. This is a little busy. Ben Jun thinks it should be.”

Ye Chen: “…”

Dongling looked at her calmly and calmly, and Ye Chen’s face was not very good. He thought about it and said, “I have no friends in the past and I don’t know how to make friends. , Just tell me that. “

Ye Chen listened to his words, looked at the serious face, and couldn’t say anything for a while.

Not to mention that Dongling itself is a great beauty, and there are many suitors. It is his identity alone that can be kissed by him.

Judging from his appearance, Dongling suffered a big loss.

Ye Chen had a feeling of coaxing an ignorant boy in an instant. When she thought of Tangling’s growth experience over the years, in addition to fighting, killing, killing, she felt that she had to forgive him.

So she coughed softly: “Well, Dongling, actually I just said that it was a joke. It’s not just a matter of kissing. It’s not just a matter of chance. It’s only when two people like each other that they can kiss each other.”

Listening to this, Dongling frowned and seemed to listen to her very seriously.

“So,” Dongling speculated: “Can’t such a kiss be among friends?”

“Yes, yes,” Ye Chen nodded quickly: “You must have a lover, a couple, so that you can!”

Tangling nodded: “So you and your friends wouldn’t be so?”

“Yes,” Ye Chen was very pleased. She felt that Dongling was still very clever. No one taught. She suddenly had a sense of responsibility to teach the most ferocious emperor of Heavenly Court, so she seriously said: “Naturally between friends Will do.”

“Well.” Dongling nodded and raised his hand to sip the tea: “I know. But,” Dongling looked up at Ye Chen, a little worried: “Ben Jun found that this matter is still very comfortable, so happy Things, what if I want to do it again? “

“Find your lover!”

Ye Chen gritted her teeth, and Tangling decisively rejected: “I haven’t.”

“Then find it!”

Ye Chen felt that Dongling was too involuntary: “Who do you like, tell me, I will help you.”

Tangling held the teacup, thought about it, and shook his head, “Let’s watch it first.”

Ye Chen nodded, she wondered, she had to search around to see if there was any female fairy in the heavenly court worthy of Dongling.

Look better, never worse than yourself.

The status should be noble, no matter what, it cannot be worse than yourself.

The age is a little older, and the age is too young to be sensible. A person like Dongling needs a caring person to take care of it, so he has to live from the flood to now …

Pick and choose, Ye Chen did not come up with a suitable one.

After thinking about it for a few days, she looked at the day and took a leave with Dongling. Weng Shan hadn’t gone back for a long time. She had to go back and see.

In case one is not careful, which king of Wengshan has become chaotic again? After all, Yue Xia is gone now, no one will help her clean up.

After hearing her leave, Tangling thought about it and said, “I will go with you.”

“This … not great.”

Taking Tangling back to Lao Nest, I felt a bit stressed.

“I don’t have any friends. I have never visited a friend’s house.” Dongling’s tone was plain, but Ye Chen heard some … sadness. Ye Chen thought for a while, and decided to take Tangling with him.

So she patted Dongling’s shoulder and seriously said: “OK, you go to Wengshan with me, I promise to make you feel at home!”

Tangling nodded: “Well.”

After setting the itinerary, Ye Chen avoided Dongling with the excuse of being out of respect.

Then she immediately sent a letter to Bai Ran, anxiously said: “Bai Ran, I’m going to take Dongling back, you remember to round up the mountain, especially my cave house, I threw those clothes, you put me away, I ’m throwing away those books and everything. I ’ll tidy it up. Also, my erotica or something will hide me a little deeper. Weng Shan ’s face depends on you, do you know? “

Bai Ran was stunned, and hesitantly said: “Dongling? Which Dongling are you talking about?”

“Dongling Emperor, King Taishan’s Dongling!”

“Dangdang”, Ye Chen heard the sound of ghosts crying and howling on the other side of Weng Shan.

“The Immortal Lord was kidnapped!”

“Xian mainly brought the Emperor Dongling back!”

“Will we be killed !!”

Ye Chen blackened her face and broke the messenger with Bairan.

When Ye Chen wore the letter, Dongling touched the jade at hand, and the jade immediately showed Shaohua wearing a ribbon and the fancy look of the crane and feathers above his head.

Behind him were a lot of fairy kings and girls. Shaohua and the girls twisted and danced, excitedly saying: “Where have you been, Dongling, everyone can’t find you! We are now on the territory of the Feng nationality, you Come and be happy! “

“Don’t go.”

Tangling pinched the jade die, his face was plain. Shaohua tweeted twice: “Come over here and drink, or come down, or you will fall into the reputation of the four of our heavenly courts! Are you going to be an idiot when you go to Hades?”

Tangling looked up and smiled slightly: “If I hear any more rumors about what you are doing, I promise you will never be able to leave Shaohua Palace again.”

Shaohua immediately covered his mouth and shook his head desperately. At this time, Ye Chen’s figure appeared far away. Shaohua opened his eyes and shouted, “Aunt …”

Tangling raised his hand, Shaohua’s figure was completely gone.

Emperor Ziwei came with the wine, looked at Shaohua’s dull look, and hugged the girl and said, “What about Dongling?”

“There is a girl …” Shaohua murmured, Ziwei raised her eyebrows: “Huh?”

Shaohua reacted violently, grabbing Ziwei and said: “There is a girl beside Dongling! There is a girl!”

Hearing this, the audience was quiet.

At that moment, the emperors premonitioned something.

It has always been said that he intends to become a buddha and abandons their indulgent Dongling. Spring may be here.

The author has something to say: this article has a lot of private settings, half overhead, don’t worry about it.

【Small theater · Tangling around Ye Chen】

(Before recognition)

Shaohua: “What are you doing in Dongling?”

Tangling: “Fight.”

Shaohua: “Don’t call me, hi!”

Tanglin: “Good.”

Shaohua: “I said, Tangling is the best, available on call.”

Wenchang: “Why does he follow suit?”

(After recognition)

Shaohua: “What are you doing in Dongling?”

Tangling: “Busy.”

Shaohua: “What are you busy with? Don’t be busy, come here, hi, don’t fall into the name of our Four Young Masters!

Tangling: “Take me with you again, I can’t let you out of Shaohua Palace.”

Shaohua: “…”

Wenchang: “This is not our Tangling! Absolutely not!”

【Small Theater · Emperor Concert Live】

Shaohua: “We are the F4 day group of Tianting! I am the emperor of Shaohua, and the girls stand up!”

Ziwei: “I am Emperor Ziwei, are you afraid of loving me!”

Wenchang: “I am Wenchang, you will always be Wenchang! Raise your hand and let me see you!”

Tangling: “…”

Three emperors: “Dongling, speak Dongling!”

Tangling: “I am not with them.”

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