The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 14

There are some things needed to create a medicinal potion.

Of course, there are ways to use items from the Eastern Trading Company, but there are also items that the company doesn’t carry at the moment.

And it goes without saying, but I’m not just going to the big city to gather materials for the potion.

When we say big city, we mean a place with lots of people.

Which means there might be those with potential talents to become my disciples.

I should take the time to scout my next disciple; if I don’t, I’ll just tire myself out later.

If that doesn’t work, I can always charm Laila into becoming my disciple, but let’s keep that as Plan B.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

Seeing a child with the talent of someone like Sowol, it’s only natural that Laila doesn’t catch my eye.

I patted Sowol’s head and turned my body.

“I plan on leaving tomorrow, so get ready.”

I have things to prepare as well.


Just then, Laila, who was carrying the luggage earlier, approached. The girl, appearing to be around the same age as Sowol, greeted her with a bright smile and a deep bow.

How polite. Unlike some people.

“I’m back! I hope nothing went wrong while I was away.”

“Yeah, you’ve worked hard. Was the trading difficult?”

“It was quite the learning experience. But…”

Laila’s gaze fell on me. Suspicion, and doubt. The mix of those two emotions made her look rather sharp.

“This is my master. Say hello.”

“Oh. I see. My name is Laila. Nice to meet you. I’ve been with the young lady since childhood.”

“So, you’re childhood friends?”

“It’s a bit hard to call it friendship… After all, the young lady is still the young lady.”

“Don’t say that. You’re my only friend.”


Seeing Laila’s emotional expression, Sowol smiled brightly.

How heartwarming.

“It’s been a long time, so I bet there’s a lot to talk about. I’ll just take my leave now. See you tomorrow, anyway.”

After greeting Sowol and Laila, I headed toward my quarters.

Upon reaching my quarters in the garden, I sat down and started meditating when I heard footsteps. Whose footsteps could it be…?


“Did you know it was me?”

It was Joo-Yang.

He approached with a somewhat sullen expression and asked curiously, but it wasn’t that impressive of a skill.

Once you reach a certain level, distinguishing people by their footsteps isn’t that hard.

“I thought those who went to trade would be busy… What brings you here?”

“I heard everything related to heretics has been dealt with.”

“Yes. For now, at least. It was Franz Hall.”

“I see…”

“Is there something weighing on your mind?”

“A while ago, Franz visited me. He was causing a ruckus saying he wanted to collect rent in the business district managed by the Eastern Trading Company. But with Franz gone, I wonder if we can relax now.”

Well, to be honest, I think it’s too early to relax.

If heretics completely lose interest in the Eastern Trading Company, then maybe, but then again, the world is full of surprises.

“Just in case, please have guards ready nearby at all times.”

“Um… Should I?”

“And I’ll ask my friend to help out. For the time being, my friend will stay at the Eastern Trading Company.”

“A friend?”

“The high priest of the church, Serin. As long as she’s around, those pesky factions won’t dare to touch the Eastern Trading Company or its master.”

I plan to have the high priest, Serin, and the paladins she brings stay at the Eastern Trading Company.

Then I should be able to cover for the gap while I’m away to some extent.

“Wow, it looks like we’re hosting a precious guest. Understood. But where are you going?”

“I need to make a trip to the city of Robirin for a bit. I plan to take Sowol with me, so don’t worry about her classes.”

“I see. I trust you will handle that well.”

I appreciated Joo-Yang’s full trust.

There are parents who are overly controlling about teaching, you know.

As long as there’s no unnecessary interference, I can raise Sowol the way I want, so I’m content.

“Um, but Master, if it’s not too much trouble, may I ask one thing?”

“What is it?”

“Could you train the warriors of the trading company? Of course, I’ll cover any associated costs or additional salaries.”

It seems that the involvement of heretics and the fact that Franz had his sights set on the Eastern Trading Company bothered him greatly.

If that were not the case, he wouldn’t have entrusted the warriors’ training to me.

“Training the warriors is also an important matter. If there’s time left after teaching Sowol, I wouldn’t mind.”

“Then I’ll be really grateful!”

Seeing my acceptance, Joo-Yang’s expression brightened with joy.

From my perspective, it didn’t sound like a bad deal at all.

As the warriors of the Eastern Trading Company improve, I’d have more capable allies to counter any potential assassination attempts on Joo-Yang.

After discussing a few other minor matters, Joo-Yang repeatedly thanked me before leaving.

While watching him walk away, I sat down and closed my eyes.

Now, should I take a break?


It’s only natural that childhood friends have a lot to catch up on after such a long time apart. Especially for Sowol, who has few friends.

“How was this trading journey?”

“Oh goodness, don’t even get me started. The weather was hot, there were tons of monsters, and I even ran into some thieves while trading. It was awful!”

Sowol smiled as she watched Laila shake her head, grumbling about the trip.

Given how much she complains, it’s clear she looks forward to participating every time there’s a trading journey.

“By the way, what do you think of our Master?”

“Hmm? Well…”

How to describe Lee Hyun…

After a moment of contemplation, Sowol let out a small sigh.

Lately, whenever she thinks of Lee Hyun, it leads her to these tangly thoughts. Normally she could just objectively evaluate him like before, but why do these other thoughts creep in?

“Wait, wait? What’s this reaction?!”

Is it Sowol’s response that’s surprising Laila? Her eyes sparkled as if she had discovered something interesting. Sowol quickly shouted out.

“That’s not it!”

Her face gradually turned warm.

She desperately tried to erase the flush, speaking in a haughty tone.

“He’s just a wonderful master, that’s all.”

“Doesn’t seem like just a wonderful master in your eyes… but okay. By the way, Miss, it seems like a lot has changed.”

“Oh, yeah. I’m properly learning swordsmanship now.”

“Oh really? How wonderful! You’ve always wanted to learn martial arts.”

“Right. Plus, my master says I have talent.”

Pride showed on Sowol’s face as she spoke those words.

It feels good that Lee Hyun recognizes her.

Watching Sowol puff up with pride, Laila smiled gently.

‘It’s a relief that she’s satisfied.’

From Laila’s perspective, it’s a joy that Sowol feels content.

Up until now, the masters that had come to teach Sowol acknowledged her talent, but they took issue with her prickly personality and uncommitted attitude, ultimately leaving her behind.

But from the sounds of it, Lee Hyun seems completely different from those masters.

He doesn’t care about manners and solely wishes to cultivate her talent.

Perhaps that’s why Sowol follows him even more.

‘Seems like a good person… Maybe I should talk to him too…?’

Sowol is not just her master, but someone like a little brother to her. She treasures him that much and hopes things go well for him, which is Laila’s heartfelt wish.

Thus, she gently hugged Sowol, who was excitedly chatting about her lessons.

“I’m so glad for you.”


Feeling Laila’s warmth after such a long break, Sowol leaned in for a moment and then said.

“Oh, and I’ll be going to the city with my master tomorrow.”

“The city? Are you talking about Robirin?”

“Yeah. He said there’s something to get from there.”

“That’s great! We also have to go to Robirin tomorrow.”

“Wait, why?”

“We need to send the goods we brought from the East to the Logen Trading Company in Robirin.”

I hadn’t heard about that.

So, did that mean the journey I was supposed to take with Lee Hyun is off the table?

As a shadow crossed Sowol’s face, Laila grinned widely.

“Oh my, are you disappointed you can’t go on a trip with your master?”

“N-no! That’s not it! I mean, it’s just… I’m worried because it feels like we’ll be moving again right after the trading!”

I desperately tried to explain, but Laila’s expression didn’t change.

She looked as if she were having a lot of fun, like a cat that found something to tease.

“Oh~. So you really like this master of yours, huh…?”


“No, it’s just that I feel like I need to find a partner soon. If there’s a worthy groom, I should try to charm him…”

“What?! But there’s hardly an age difference between us!”

“Better to prepare early than never!”

“…Hmph! Suit yourself, then!”

With a sharp turn, Sowol shouted as Laila chuckled and hugged her from behind.

“Don’t worry; nothing will happen, so just relax~.”

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