The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 24

“I always wanted to try it at least once, but I guess it can’t be helped.”

“With you looking so excited, it would be rude to ignore it.”

“And teaching a dance isn’t that hard; sharing it this time wouldn’t be a bad idea.”

“Okay, I’ll lead, but you better learn the basic steps before we start.”


To do that, time is needed.

Dinner should be something simple.

I headed towards the campfire with Laila.

Maybe it’s because it was still early, but there were quite a few vendors selling snacks.

I bought some quick bites and chugged down a drink before heading to a secluded spot with Laila.

“Bringing a girl to a place like this. Oh my, how scary.”

I gave a light slap to Laila, who was grinning and teasing.

No time for jokes like that now.

Sure, it was a hidden spot where couples might do something naughty, but it was better to teach her a step or two instead.

“I’ll teach you the easiest dance steps. Are you used to moving your body?”


Did Laila catch onto my serious tone?

She took it seriously while still maintaining her smile.

I taught her the simple steps of the waltz.

At first, it was a bit awkward, but Laila soon started to step rhythmically.

Hmm. Not bad at all; she’s got some talent.

“Now, turn.”

“Like this… Whoa!”


I caught Laila as she stumbled, her foot getting tangled.

She naturally fell into my arms, stared at me for a moment, then quickly slipped out of my grasp.

“Wow! You really move quickly!”

“If I can’t even do this, how can I teach Sowol? Now, let’s try again. One, two, three, four, two, two, three, four.”

“Like this…”

As Laila stepped in the air, pretending to dance alone, she spun around with a proud look on her face.

“Tada!! How’s that?! Isn’t it good?!”

Here she was, flaunting the basics of the waltz like she’d accomplished something massive.

“Alright, now let’s dance with a partner.”

I took the part of her dance partner.

Grabbing her rough hand with one, I wrapped the other around her slender waist.

Her petite frame made it a little tricky to hold, but that was no big deal.

“This feels nice.”

“What does?”

“Leaning on someone.”

“Oh? I told Sowol the same thing, but relying on someone is important. A person can’t always stand straight on their own.”

“It’s not easy. Finding someone like that.”

“Did you think it was easy? Now, stop with the weird talk and step again.”

We needed at least another round of practice.

Just when I finished teaching Laila the basics of the waltz, the campfire started.

Musicians summoned for the festival began to play.

Somewhere, someone began to awkwardly dance a waltz, while others did the tango. And some couples were just hugging and spinning around aimlessly.

“What’s going on?! No one is dancing properly!”

She looked incredibly frustrated. To be angry with a smile at that, what a sight!

Laila, who had been so serious from the practice earlier, yelled in disbelief, but I simply patted her head.

That’s just how the world works sometimes.

“Even this is part of etiquette. The Eastern Trading Company will grow, and Sowol too.”


“You’re a friend acknowledged by Sowol, and your inaction in dancing would tarnish the reputation of Sowol and the Eastern Trading Company.”

“Ugh. Saying that, I have no words left.”

“You should think of this as a valuable experience from youth. Now, shall we go out?”

If we stayed, there would be too many people for us to dance comfortably. We needed to practice what we learned somehow.

I took Laila’s hand and led her to the dance floor.

As we made our entrance, people cheered and started clearing space for us.

The song was about to change, so I figured I should set the rhythm.

“Let’s start.”


Holding Laila’s hand, I took a big step.

At first, I stumbled and stepped on my own feet a few times, but Laila quickly started to catch the beat and followed my steps.

“Wow… dancing like this is fun.”

“Practice hard later. If you keep it up, there’ll be plenty asking you to be their partner.”

Right now she had short hair, but once it grows out, she would become quite the beauty.

By then, the guys would definitely be lining up.

“Hehe. Now that I’ve danced once, I’m not exactly eager.”

“Really? Well, then maybe just be Sowol’s partner.”

“Well, if that’s the case, I guess I’ll have to.”

“I’m busy.”

“Aw~. You seem so free when you’re not teaching me. Teach me when you have time.”


I have my own busy schedule too.

I tightened my hug around Laila’s waist.

Only then did she close her mouth, bow her head, so I quickly stepped up our pace.

“I’m going a bit faster.”


Holding her waist tightly really worked.

Looking down at Laila, who was speaking softly, I chuckled and danced even faster to match the music.

The dance was done, and we had nothing left to do.

A few people approached us asking for the next dance, but I honestly wasn’t in the mood for it.

“Are you going to just keep messing around?”

“No. I was planning to head back soon.”

It was getting quite late.

If I wanted to get a good sleep for an early rise tomorrow, both Laila and I were done for the night, so we returned to the Eastern Trading Company.

“Then I’ll ask for your help again tomorrow.”

“Sure. Sleep well.”

“Hehe. I think I’ll have sweet dreams.”

I escorted Laila to her door.

It being her first time receiving an escort, she didn’t refuse and thanked me with a bright smile before stepping inside.

What a long day it was.

Time for me to hit the hay too.

As I turned back, I arrived home to find Sowol, illuminated by the moonlight, wielding her sword.

“Did you have fun?”

“You’re late, aren’t you?”

Why’s she pouting her lips like that?

Sowol, looking displeased about something, began to glare at me with sharp eyes.

“Did you have fun with Laila?”

“Fun? Where’s the fun in it?”

Just keeping a promise.

I gestured for her to sit down.

“Try again.”


With a pout, Sowol started swinging her sword again.

Moonlight Wave and Moonlight Slash. Using only these two forms, she lowered her sword.

“Your movements look awkward, don’t they? It’s because you haven’t learned the third form yet. Once you learn the third form, Moonlight Dance, you’ll become more familiar with the sword dance.”

“When can I learn that?”

“Given your level, you could learn it quickly.”

Sowol’s talent is real.

If you just compare talent, she wouldn’t fall behind the protagonists of Ragnarok.

She absorbs what she’s taught like a sponge, quickly applying it; she’ll master the Moonlight Sword in no time.

“…Then I guess I can take my time learning it.”

“Huh? Why?”

“Just because. I want to learn some other things too.”

Other things.

There’s nothing much I could teach her.

Should I perhaps share sayings from wise sages?

“I want to learn to dance too. You taught Laila, didn’t you?”

“How did you hear that?”

She should have been in the lord’s castle at the time, right?

“Everyone knows. They say the two of you happily danced hand in hand in a dark spot.”

News travels fast. There’s really nothing to hide.

“There are plenty of people who could teach dancing better than I do.”

Sowol is the successor of the massive Eastern Trading Company.

That means she’ll often mix with aristocrats.

It’s only natural she’d want to make her way into the social scene, and she’d need to learn to dance properly to avoid embarrassing herself.

Of course, I can teach her too, but I wouldn’t be as good as a professional.

That said, wouldn’t it be better for her to learn from them?

“If you want to learn from me, I guess I’ll have to teach you now.”

“Now? Right now?”

“You should be able to pick it up quickly since I know the basics.”

I grabbed the flustered Sowol and led her out.

Though there’s no music, the sounds of insects and the wind would make a natural melody.

“W-wait a moment!”

“What are you saying? You asked me to teach you. You do know the basic steps, right?”

I heard from Sorju that among the masters I had before, there was one who taught things like dance etiquette.

Of course, he left after just a few days.

But with Sowol’s talent, she should be able to manage the basics.

“Yes? Yes.”

That’s more like it.

“Then follow me.”

I took Sowol’s small hand and placed my other hand on her slender waist. Sowol, who had been panicking and not knowing what to do until just now, finally stiffened.

“Get closer in.”

“Like this?”


I tightened my embrace around Sowol. Her small frame melted into my arms.

A lovely scent tickled my nose.

Is she wearing perfume?

“I’m going. One, two, three, four.”


Sowol let out a small whimper, but she quickly followed my steps. Huh?

At this rate, I nearly have nothing to teach her.

“I wish time would just stop like this…”

How is she saying such troublesome things?

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