The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 27

I can’t forgive this.

Not only did you dare to invade the Eastern Trading Company, but you also insulted my Master right in front of me.

My anger boiled.

I bared my teeth and gripped my sword tightly, but then suddenly snapped back to reality.

Calm down. Maintain calmness.

‘This is harder than I thought.’

I never knew it would be this difficult to remain calm in front of such a despised enemy.

Is that why Master always emphasized calmness?

The excitement born from rage began to settle down slowly.

Seeing this, the black-clad figure sneered.

“You’ve got some guts, little girl. I’ve heard a bit about you…”

“About me?”

“The genius of the Eastern Trading Company. Even though you’re still a teenager, I hear you can use Sword Energy already. Quite disappointing, isn’t it?”

“What’s so disappointing about it?”

Staring at my opponent, I slowly dragged my feet. I needed to create distance from the enemy. I had to find an opening while we talked.

Did my opponent sense this? Who knows.

But right now, I just needed to do what I could.

“With your talent, you could rise to the bishop position in our sect…”

“Heh. I’m not looking to settle for just a bishop’s position.”

“Hahaha. Your dreams are big. Of course, if you come under me, you could aim for the archbishop position too. What do you say? Want to work under the bishop?”

“I wonder if the small change you have can even pay a decent wage for attacking the Eastern Trading Company.”

With a bright, beautiful smile, I lightly gripped my sword.

The distance between me and my enemy was slowly closing. Realizing I was in the range of Moonlight Sword, I channeled my energy and surveyed my surroundings.

The warriors from the Eastern Trading Company were fighting well. And Lee Hyun?

‘Just like Master.’

He was scattering Moonlight Island and effortlessly capturing the flying dragons in the sky with magic.

That left only me.

The piercing gaze of the Asura sect bishop met mine, as he raised his sword with a grin.

“Are you belittling our sect?”

“Honestly, isn’t it quite easy to belittle you?”

Alright. Let’s begin. The fight starts when you provoke the enemy’s excitement. So what should I do here?

“Asura bastard.”


With just a single word, the faint smile on his face stiffened.

How can one maintain their calmness when their religion, beliefs, and everything they stand for is insulted?

I hit the mark, and suddenly the bishop’s eyes rolled back in rage.

“You little wretch!!! How dare you insult Asura?! I won’t forgive you!!”

An enemy who loses their cool is not to be feared.

Look at that.

Can’t you see the openings in that massive body charging toward me? Unlike my opponent, I kept my calm and grinned.

This fight.

I won.


Well done!

As the wyvern’s wings were torn apart, and its thick scales split, revealing its insides, I silently praised Sowol for shoving Moonlight Island inside.

Truly, when you teach one, they understand two or three basics right away.

I always emphasized the importance of maintaining calmness during a fight.

Not only did she keep it, but she also provoked her opponent into enragement. My disciple is truly remarkable.


“Asura must feel sorry for you. If that’s the god you serve, he’s certainly worthless!”

“Shut up, you bitch!!”

“Asura bastard!”

“Graaah!! I’ll tear your mouth apart!!”

To think that calling him an Asura bastard would yield such effective results.

If only such commands existed in the game, I would have used them diligently.

I watched Sowol mock her enemy as if she were toying with them.

What a splendid opportunity.

I could see just how much she had grown.

Thus, I fought off other enemies while keeping an eye on Sowol’s state.

Her movements were excellent.

The speed with which she wielded her sword was fresh, and there was no awkwardness in her arms and legs.

Moving as if dancing, her movements were like the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings, effortlessly gliding past her enemy’s attacks.


By now, Laila had come by my side, exclaiming in awe.

As she said, it was impressive.

Based on the basics she developed during training, Sowol was rapidly growing stronger.

“In just a few years, she may even outmatch me with a sword.”

My skills accumulated through bugs, elixirs, and fortuitous encounters might be seen as top-tier but still have their limits.

But Sowol was different.

She was using her overflowing talent as a stepping stone to grow stronger based on her fundamentals.

Of course, it was only natural for someone talented to not stop putting in the effort.

“Is that so?”

“Well, if I were to use everything, I’d win, but.”


As Laila and I exchanged brief words, Sowol was drawing her enemies into her territory.

Moonlight Dance.

The third form of the Moonlight Sword she had learned was becoming increasingly refined.

With each fight, Sowol was growing stronger.

It was noticeable enough to see.

Who would believe that she is a girl who has yet to even complete a year of sword training?

I wasn’t the only one who noticed that fact.

The warriors of the Eastern Trading Company watching the battle alongside me recognized it too.

“Th-this girl…!!”

And even Sowol’s enemies were astonished by her growth.

The black-clad figure realized that he was nothing more than experience fodder for Sowol and was desperately trying to regain his composure.

But it was already too late.

Sowol’s Moonlight Dance was complete.


With a sharp battle cry, Sowol’s sword shot up.

The enemy, unable to withstand her increasingly rapid and refined attacks, tried to retreat, but Sowol’s sword would not let that happen.


And the result was the enemy’s neck being deeply cut.

Dropping his sword and clutching his neck, he staggered and fell, as Sowol took a moment to breathe after delivering her final blow.

Covered in blood, the pink-haired girl under the gentle moonlight looked incredibly beautiful, despite the tragic scene.



Yes. Remarkable.

Now, if I pass on the last form of the Moonlight Dance, I could leave without regrets.




Though I managed to repel everyone who invaded the Eastern Trading Company, I couldn’t say there were no casualties at all.

After all, there were those hurt due to their assault.

Feeling a pang of regret, I treated the injured carefully.

“Thank you, Master.”

“It’s nothing. I can’t just leave the injured alone, can I? Besides, I’m not the only one treating them.”

When it became known that the attack was by heretics, specifically the Asura sect, support from the church came through.

Thanks to that, my treatment count decreased, but it couldn’t be a bad thing to have people who could treat better than me.

“What about the ones who died?”

Some did indeed lose their lives from the Asura sect’s raid, though they were a minority compared to the injured.

Thinking of them churned my stomach.

This world is based on a game.

But this is no game. The dead do not come back to life. Of course, they can rise as undead, but that’s not truly living, so let’s put that aside.

“A merchant must consider both what is lost and what is gained.”

The girl sitting across from me calmly sipped her tea. She too was angry, but a merchant is a merchant.

To weigh the pros and cons here.

Holding tightly to my fists, stained red with anger, she handed over some documents.

A list of things received from the attackers.

Let’s see….

Oh! Not bad.

At this value, it seems I won’t feel a loss after deducting the rewards paid.

“Since we captured the bishop of the Asura sect, our relationship with the church has strengthened.”

“Not bad.”

“And to prepare for any future potential raids, the church is sending more personnel.”

In other words, they’re reinforcing the Eastern Trading Company with church personnel and forces.

For a small company, that meant having more mouths to feed, but for a huge company like the Eastern Trading Company, it changed everything.

This was an opportunity to use as a stepping stone to aim even higher.

“If church personnel are stationed, it means we can start transactions with them. The Eastern Trading Company will grow further.”

“Yes. We must work even harder now. And having you, Master, with us makes it all the better! Hahaha…”

Seeing his dry laugh, I shook my head.

The girl had also heard that Sowol defeated the Asura sect bishop all on her own.

And he already understood my goals.

After Sowol’s training ends, I will leave.

That’s why he’s proposing this, but could I really stay?

“If you need a talented child, how about Laila?”

“If after looking everywhere, there are none, then I’ll take Laila as my disciple.”

“Hah. I wonder how many children similar to Sowol are out there.”

I wonder that too. Could there even be any?

“Then when will you begin to teach the last form of the sword to Sowol?”

Hearing the bittersweet tone in the girl’s voice, I took a sip of tea.

When should we start…

“I suppose I should begin tomorrow.”

After meeting with the girl, I returned to my dwelling and checked the letter that had arrived for me.

Using the Information Guild and other sources, I had commissioned an investigation for talented children.

“Why the hell have I spent so much money and still not found anyone?”

“What are you looking for?”

“Oh, you’re here?”

With a smile, Sowol, who had now become a regular guest at my place, came over cheerfully.

Having burned the letters so she wouldn’t see, I observed her. Since the last fight, Sowol’s aura had stabilized significantly.

“It’s about time to pass on the last form of the Moonlight Sword.”

“Really?! It feels bittersweet yet joyful at the same time.”

I feel the same way.

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