The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 33

“Today is the day I’ll talk properly with people!”

With that thought in mind, the girl walked with all her might.

Of course, from the outside, it just looked like a slightly awkward, stiff walk.

“Oh my? Come on in~! What did you come to buy today? Or are you here to sell something?”

A cheerful lady with a plump demeanor greeted her with a bright smile.

Startled, the girl fumbled and eventually handed over the basket she was holding.

“You picked herbs and mushrooms again today? Hmm. This much is worth 2 silver. Thanks for always bringing me good stuff~.”

At the lady’s bright words, the girl just bobbed her lips.

I have to say thank you.

“Ah. Uh. Th-that. Uh…

Unable to say a word, she could only bow and greet before turning away and slipping out of the store, staring blankly at the two silver coins in her hand before burying her face in her hands.

“Aah. Another failure.”

Today, she really wanted to greet someone properly. But she didn’t know what to do.

What do I say after thank you?

What if I say something wrong and make them angry?

What if I bring up a boring topic and the mood goes cold?

With so many thoughts swirling around, she couldn’t utter a word.

“Wow~! Wow~!”

“Let’s go together!”

“Catch me if you can! Nyah nyah! Stupid~!”

“You’re dead!!”

Just then, she saw kids her age rush past her.

Unlike her, they seemed so lively.

“I’ll live my whole life like this…”

Unable to blend in with others, not being able to talk properly with anyone, even as an adult, she’d still struggle to fit in and live her life alone.

Tears welled up.

Why is it like this?

Not being able to talk to others makes her feel utterly pathetic.

Ultimately, the girl turned and began to run home, sobbing.

The place where she lived was a forest a bit outside the village.

An old hut nestled in the woods.

Though lonely and desolate, it was a place she didn’t fear, yet her steps felt disproportionately heavy today.

“Sigh… How long do I have to keep this up…?”

Today, she had thought she could finally talk properly with the villagers.

Even after simulating it all day yesterday, she only managed to spew out nonsensical words.

With a glum face, she trudged along, thinking,

Tomorrow, I will definitely talk properly.


“Kyaa, kyaaa?!”

Was she too focused on walking? She didn’t notice something in front of her.

In the end, she tripped and fell, slowly getting up while wincing from the pain.

“What on earth… huh, huh?”

She was shocked.

It turns out she was stepping on…

“…I’m hungry…”

A seemingly intact adult man lay there.

The girl offered him the bread she had bought with the money from selling herbs and mushrooms.

Watching the man hurriedly devour the bread, she thought,

‘Is he an adventurer?’

His attire and tall stature suggested it.

Though hidden, his thick muscles could be seen through his clothing.

He really looked like the kind of adventurers who explore dangerous places for treasure.

But more than anything, she envied how adventurers could easily talk to and mingle with others.

Accepting quests, completing them, and reporting back—all of it involved interaction with people.

To be able to easily engage in such interactions was nothing short of heavenly for the girl.

“Ahh! That was delicious!”

The man finished off two loaves of bread in the blink of an eye and gulped down the water she offered.

He really ate with gusto.

“You’re my savior! Thanks to you, I won’t starve to death!”

“Uh, um…”

What should she say?

Not that much, right?

But would that seem too arrogant?

Should she ask why he was starving right here when the village isn’t that far away?

But wouldn’t that label him as lost?

What should she say?

Amid the dozens of phrases swirling in her mind, she chose one thing:



‘So stupid!’

She ran away again.

The girl lowered her head, and the man spoke to her in a slick voice.

“How about introducing ourselves first? I’m Lee Hyun.”

“….Uh. Uh, um.”

“You seem to be deep in thought. Take your time to answer.”

Surprised by his words, the girl realized he noticed her state.

She always took too long to reply because of her overthinking.

That’s why others would awkwardly smile and look away.

But here was someone who encouraged her to speak.

Gathering her thoughts, she was about to open her mouth.

‘I have to ask why he’s here!’

“Why, uh, um, are you here?”


She bit her tongue and let out some strange sounds.

She trembled at her own idiocy.

How could she not even communicate properly? What would he think of her?

She had to speak again, but the fear of biting her tongue again loomed.

What should she say?

How can I phrase this?

“Why were you here like this?”

“Uh, uh, what? Huh?”

“What did you lose? It was clearly written all over your face.”

Did he figure out what she was trying to say?

Is he using mind reading or something?

While the flustered girl was fumbling, Lee Hyun looked around indifferently.

“I was looking for something but ended up lost.

What was I even looking for?

This forest has plenty of herbs and mushrooms, but nothing special seems to be here.

Was he wandering through the forest just for something trivial?

If he was looking for something, she could help.

The girl began collecting the words swirling in her mind, trying to speak up.

“But it looks like you’ve found it.”

“Ah, what?!”

“Can’t even find the church or info guild? Your talent is amazing! So you! Become my disciple!”

The girl was taken aback when a stranger, who was lost and lying in the forest, suddenly said she should be his disciple.

What should she say?

Who are you?

What do you do?

Why do I have talent?

What kind of talent?

Dozens of questions and dialogues popped in and out of her mind.

She should refuse.

She should reject the offer from someone she didn’t even know.


‘Ugh! I’m such a fool!!’

But for a girl who struggled to speak to others, refusing was also not easy.

In the end, she nodded her head in despair. Lee Hyun grinned and extended his hand.

“I’ll teach you magic. You have a talent for magic.”


Magic, huh?

Is he talking about the magician who comes to the village festival?

The one who creates fire and sprays water?

That’s impossible!

How could someone like her, just living in the forest, have a talent for magic?

No, even more, can this guy actually teach magic?

With the sword at his waist and the muscles he flaunts, he looks just like a warrior.

“I probably just look like I’m a warrior, right? You’re curious if I can really teach magic?”


‘He definitely uses mind reading! It’s clear he does!!’

“It’s all over your face. Well, it’s obvious.”

With a casual nod, Lee Hyun raised his hand. In that moment, blazing red flame started to waltz across his hand.

The girl gasped. He conjured such a massive fire! Even the magician who comes to the village festival couldn’t do that!

“If you become my disciple, you’ll be able to do such things effortlessly.”

“H-hi, he, is that really true?”

“Of course. Your talent is so great it can be called trivial.”


“Of course, you’ll have to work hard too. Gaining magic isn’t an easy task.”



“…Um, I’m not good at, um, talking to people. Is that alright…?”

Could someone like her, who couldn’t even talk properly, really do something as amazing?

She felt frightened.

Lee Hyun had said her talent was great, but she didn’t feel that way.

What if she can’t do it and disappoint him?

What if she’s treated like a fool?

Uneasiness swirled in her heart.

And then, Lee Hyun chuckled at her.

“They say the origin of magic is a secret. Secrets are meant to be kept to oneself. To learn magic, talent is far more important than interacting with others.”

“Uh… really?”

He smiled again and raised a finger.

At the tip of his finger danced fire and ice.

“If you become strong, you’ll gain confidence in your actions and won’t fear interacting with others. What’s important is how you want to act. So don’t worry too much.”

“Hehe… ”

That gave her a bit of hope.

A faint light began to glow on the girl’s face.

Lee Hyun reached out his hand again.

“Ah, come to think of it, I don’t even know your name. What is it?”

“Um… I, uh, am… Le, Leena.”



“The Witch of Silence. Leena?”

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