The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 44

Treasure is more difficult to protect than to find!

It was time to teach Lena that the world isn’t as easy as it seems. Could this be a good opportunity?

“Uh, um, can I borrow… uh, I mean…”

“Just as it sounds.”

I patted Lena’s back like a scared little rabbit. At the end of the greedy gazes approaching us was the magical staff in Lena’s hands and her nature robe.

“That guy in the lead has a Concentration Talisman, which enhances magic. The one behind him has a Protection Staff, which casts Protect magic. And the guy further back doesn’t have a special artifact, but his robe is made of silk and can be sold for a high price.”


“Got it now?”

Alright. Let them fight.

I stepped back, and the three of them giggled menacingly.

“Um, uh, you guys… can I, uh, borrow what you have…?”

Oh, how polite.

Lena bowed her head and earnestly asked, but the guys just smiled wide and immediately cast their spells.

“Lightning Bolt!!”

“Fire Bolt!”

“Ice Javelin!!”

Attribute-infused attack spells.

They mastered beginner magic and entered intermediate magic.

As their spells flew toward Lena, I wondered how she would block them.

In that moment, the trembling Lena’s eyes lit up.


Wind. A powerful green wind spread out from Lena.

The intermediate spells tried to break through it but ultimately couldn’t.

As they panicked at their magic disappearing into thin air, they had no idea what to do.

“Magic Arrow!”

Her magic unleashed.

To cut to the chase, Lena won. No matter how many intermediate spells they had, how could they defeat Lena with her Shadow Spear, multi-magic, and overflowing magical power?

In the end, they couldn’t hold on and fainted, while I gleefully snatched the expensive-looking items from their belongings.

“Uh, um, is it okay?”

“It’s fine.”

Those who try to steal from others should expect to lose their own!

By the way, how much is this worth?

I made enough for drinks.

Feeling good.

I handed the expensive items to the worried Lena.

Of course, items like staffs or fancy robes that she didn’t need right now were set aside to sell.

“W-why are you giving this to me…?”

“Why not?”

I held Lena’s hand tightly and said, “From now on, you’re a treasure goblin!”


With just staying still, she would come to fight, so I couldn’t pass up this opportunity.

“Wa-wait! W-wait! W-wait! Wait!”

Considering that, she fought pretty well.

I firmly held Lena, who was shaking her head furiously. Her eyes were filled with worry and fear.

“It’s okay. Who do you think is behind you?”


“So do your best! Hahaha! Now, shall we enjoy the big city?!”

After defeating the fourth attacker, Lena sighed deeply.

It was getting stable after trying a few times, unlike the first time.

Maybe that’s why other thoughts kept intruding.

She was trying hard to block her wandering gaze.

Since entering the big city, her heart had been racing like it was broken.

Why was that?

– This one is mine.

She remembered the time she was cradled in Lee Hyun’s arms. His strong arms, broad chest, and his confident voice.

In that moment, she felt as if she truly belonged to Lee Hyun.

‘W-what if I became Master’s…?’

Being Lee Hyun’s, nestled in his embrace, living for him.

Lena chuckled as she looked at her master again.

A slightly thin face, the distinct black hair of an eastern person. Tall. A sharp nose, piercing eyes.

With big hands, a wide chest. And. And.

“Do you have something to say?”


Lena jumped at Lee Hyun’s soft voice.

Could it be that he caught her staring?

What if he thought she was weird?

What if she couldn’t bear to see it?

Various thoughts swirled in Lena’s mind.

“If you’re feeling uneasy… here.”

But contrary to her imagination, Lee Hyun simply extended his hand with his usual gentle tone.

A big, firm looking hand.

Lena, staring blankly at it, unknowingly rested her chin on that hand.

“…Not that. I’ll hold your hand.”

“Oh! I-I see! I get it now!”

Her face turned red.

Why was she being so foolish? With that thought, Lena fumbled to grasp his hand.

Such a warm hand.

Feeling the calming touch, Lena cautiously opened her mouth.

“Um… Master.”


“Why, why are you being so nice to me…?”

“You’re my student, after all.”

“Eh, hehehe…”

At those words, Lena felt her fluttering heart settle somewhat.

Being Lee Hyun’s student, being his.

Staying with him always felt so comforting.

‘…What is this?’

But there was a nagging discomfort in the back of her mind.

What was this feeling?

Lena pondered while holding Lee Hyun’s hand, but she couldn’t figure it out.

“Hey! You have something that looks good?!”

“Can I borrow it? I’ll just use it for ten years and return it! Haha!!”

“Hey! We made eye contact! It’s a duel!”

With all these fools constantly charging at them, she couldn’t think properly.

Thanks to that, she gathered a lot of artifacts but couldn’t understand those feelings.


Even Lena could get tired after battling this much.

She lacked confidence and found it hard to interact with others.

Naturally, after fighting with strangers repeatedly, she would get exhausted as expected.

“How about we take a break?”


Lee Hyun took the tired Lena to a theater.

He thought watching a play would help restore her stamina and spirit, but Lena interpreted it differently.

‘R-Romantic play!’

The play depicted delightful quarrels and expressions of affection between lovers, a cheerful comedy she had heard mentioned in the village.

As she had heard, many couples flooded the theater’s entrance, appearing close and affectionate.

‘So envious…’

Envious? Lena tilted her head. Her current situation was just as good as anyone else’s.

Compared to before, it felt like heaven and earth apart.

So she was always grateful.

Grateful for her life after meeting Lee Hyun, being his student, always being together.

But envious?

As if she had some discontent with reality.

‘That’s not it!’

Lena shook her head quickly.

Her current happiness was more than enough. Wanting more would be greedy.

Lena squeezed Lee Hyun’s hand tightly.


“N-no, it’s nothing. Just…”

“Hmm. Is that so?”

“Oh my~. You seem like a couple with a big age gap. You look so close~.”

Just then, a cheerful voice from the box office broke her good mood.

Seeing a stranger approach, Lena hurriedly hid behind Lee Hyun.

Without particularly commenting on Lena’s familiar behavior, Lee Hyun smiled and handed over the money.

‘A-ashamed couple…?!’

Couple? What does that even mean?

Are Lee Hyun and I viewed like that?

Lena tried to glance at Lee Hyun, but her burning face and racing heart made it difficult.

In the end, her head drooped, and she couldn’t see Lee Hyun’s reaction.

‘Does Master feel… shy about this too…? I hope he does…’

Because she was always the only one feeling embarrassed.

Always the only one shrinking back.

It would be nice if Master got a bit flustered sometimes.

While Lena thought that, she heard Lee Hyun’s usual calm voice.

“We’re teacher and student. Please give us two tickets.”

“Ah? I’m sorry! Haha! Enjoy the show!”

As Lee Hyun turned around with the tickets, the hands that were clasped together gently parted.

With his unusual act, he tilted his head in confusion, while Lena silently stared at him.


“What’s wrong?”

“Uh, n-nothing, I-I mean…”

Lena always took pride in being Lee Hyun’s student.

She should’ve been happy with his answer.

But for some reason, today that response felt a little sad.

Why was that? Why?

With her questions unsolved, Lena entered the theater with Lee Hyun.

The play was as enjoyable as the village had claimed. The actors were great, and the story was perfect.

They laughed, cried, felt tension, and after watching the scene where the lovers kissed at the end, her heart raced wildly.

“That was s-so fun!!”

“Shall we come again next time?”


The earlier unease and dissatisfaction washed away.

Lena smiled brightly, holding Lee Hyun’s hand, and maybe he liked her smile, as Lee Hyun returned it.

She felt good.

It was a nice day, Lee Hyun was beside her, and there were no charging fools like before.

She felt good.

“Oh? Isn’t that Lee Hyun?”

That lovely voice interrupted her delight.

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