The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 59

After the introductions of the other students followed.

Once the last student finished introducing themselves, Lee Hyun nodded and continued speaking.

“Then we need to select a class president…”

“I’ll do it!!”

“I’ll do it!”

The ones raising their hands were Ludwig and Lumina.

Aside from these two, it seemed like no one else was particularly interested in the president position.

And honestly, that made sense. Being the class president just means there’s a ton of annoying work to do.

If someone takes it on, they’d just be grateful. Among the students thinking this way, Arisha raised her hand brightly.

“Teacher! I want to do it too!”

“Three candidates? The truth is, being the president isn’t really beneficial as it usually just leads to a lot of trouble. To be honest, it’s just a pain.”

Such as needing to help prepare lessons or maintaining order among students while you’re not around, and so on.

Lee Hyun, after explaining the tasks of being president, thought for a moment and continued.

“But if it’s too much of a demerit, it won’t look good, so I should mention the merits. If you become the president, you can receive a special class from me once a day. And at the end of the semester, I’ll give you an artifact.”

At his words, the students’ eyes lit up.

It’s not just about the annoying tasks anymore; there’s a reward involved.

So, who could ignore that?

Coming to the academy, and joining Class A, which specializes in battle education, basically means they all have a desire to become stronger.

For someone like them, a special lesson from the instructor is a pretty appealing offer.

And with an artifact as a bonus, it gets even more attractive.

More and more hands started to go up, and Arisha, who was smiling brightly, raised her hand last.

Now everyone had decided to run for president.

“There’s too many… If we decide by vote, everyone will probably just vote for themselves. Guess it’s better to decide by skills in this case?”

The orientation session was slowly coming to an end.

Perfect timing.

The next session was training, so they could do a skill test then.

“Everyone, move to the combat training grounds.”

When the students arrived at the academy’s combat training grounds, some of them widened their eyes as they surveyed the surroundings.

Proving itself as the continent’s top educational institution, the training facilities were all of the latest design.

From magic training tools created with the support of the Ivory Tower to wooden dummies used in the martial mountains.

It would not be an exaggeration to say there was everything one could wish for.

Lee Hyun, stepping into the training ground, led the students to the sparring area in the corner.

“From now on, one by one, you’ll come up and fight me. This is both a skill test and a chance to identify areas for improvement, so no pressure, just do your best.”

“Is that okay? I might just kill you!”

A big student growled.

Etel Rondebyer.

The son of the mercenary group leader of Gaolrd, a mercenary who participated in numerous battlefields before reaching adulthood.

Because of this experience, he displayed confidence, and Lee Hyun shook his head with a smile.

“If you can, I’ll give you my entire fortune. Now come on up.”

Lee Hyun waved his hand, and Etel confidently climbed up to the sparring area.

And then…

“Ugh! Ugh! Bones! I got hit in the bones!!”

Unable to withstand Lee Hyun’s rapid strikes, he collapsed.

He couldn’t even last five minutes before crumpling to the ground, unable to squirm, so Lee Hyun healed him and said.

“Great job. You’re responding well to unconventional attacks, probably due to your rich combat experience. However, your resistance to magic is low, and when excited, your attacks become pretty erratic. You seem weak to psychological warfare, so focus on mental training. I wouldn’t recommend magic training for someone like you.”

“Ugh… th-thank you…”

As Etel, who had revived from Lee Hyun’s heal, climbed down, he casually said.


Not many students managed to last more than five minutes in a spar with Lee Hyun. Those who had laughed at Etel at first began to look at him in admiration.

After all, he was among the top tier.


With Lumina’s scream, she rolled on the floor.

She couldn’t withstand the barrage of energy balls created by Lee Hyun’s multi-magic and fell.

While puffing, she had no mana left to use.

As Lumina acknowledged her defeat, Lee Hyun checked the time.

“6 minutes and 31 seconds. Still the best among them.”

“Thank you…”

Ludwig, who had previously recorded 6 minutes and 28 seconds and was in first place, looked at Lumina coming down from the sparring area with a face crumpled like he chewed something bad.

Although it hurt, he seemed happy with the first place, so Lumina’s expression looked bright.

“Alright, then who’s next?”

“Me~! I’ll give it my best shot, Teacher!”

With a bright smile that lit up the atmosphere, Arisha stepped forward.

Her shining blonde hair bounced as she easily approached the sparring area and loosened up with light hops.

“I’m Arisha Raytrever! The martial arts I use are Arang Technique and Wall Return!”

‘Looks like she’s been training a lot.’

The figure revealed inside her academy combat uniform was perfect for a martial artist.

She must have rigorously trained under the King of Rights before.

Lee Hyun set his sword down and lightly extended his fist.



With a cheerful laugh, Arisha exploded forward.

Sliding right up to Lee Hyun, she took a light step.


Channeling the power of the earth through Powerful Step, she unleashed an attack fueled by that strength.

It was basic but executed with pristine form, aimed straight at Lee Hyun’s chest.


It wasn’t just a flashy attack lacking substance.

It was a sufficiently practical and destructive blow.

Lee Hyun swatted the rapidly flying fist away with the back of his hand and lightly extended his arm.


Just barely avoiding the outstretched hand, Arisha twisted her body.

The continuous strike that followed was fast and powerful, almost giving the impression that it might be the Arang Technique.

But every single attack was a flexible strike aiming at Lee Hyun’s openings, incorporating the essence of Wall Return, making it hard to handle for average folks.

‘Not bad. She’s studied Wall Return properly.’

You can’t pull off such attacks with just a day or two of training.

It must be the result of consistent practice since the day she learned from him.

As Lee Hyun managed to fend off and evade her attacks, he glanced at Arisha, who was getting more and more excited.

“How about it?!”


There’s nothing more rewarding for someone who taught them than seeing this.

As Lee Hyun nodded with a smile, Arisha took a step back and slowly exhaled.

“Now I’m going to get serious!!”

In conclusion, Arisha also faced defeat.

Her record was 7 minutes and 11 seconds.

Even though she used Wall Return and Arang Technique to defend against lethal blows, eventually, limits were bound to be reached.

“Hahaha! This is so fun!”

Lying sprawled on the training ground floor, Arisha couldn’t stop laughing.

Lee Hyun, healing her, looked around at the students.

“The top performer is Arisha Raytrever. Any objections?”


“Good. Then training class is over. Make sure to pay attention in your other classes.”

Following that, the remaining class was cultural and theory education.

Since that class was not his responsibility, Lee Hyun left the students behind and exited the training ground.


A teacher’s job isn’t just about teaching students.

There’s the application for training facilities for practice.
Applications for participating in monster subjugation.
Plus, a lot of other paperwork that seems to keep piling up.

Who would have thought that the instructor who seemed to be just playing around in the game would have so much to handle?

However, compared to writing papers at the Sage’s Tower, it’s easy.

I grabbed the paperwork I needed to handle and headed to the academy’s cafeteria.

Just as I ordered a strong coffee and a sandwich and immersed myself in reading through the documents…

“Who~ is~ it?”

I felt soft hands covering my eyes.

Even though I couldn’t see, just hearing the voice was enough to know.


“Correct! Hehe! Teacher, are you having dinner here?”

Seated in front of me, Arisha was smiling brightly.

What a cheerful kid.

I told the waiter to get Arisha a drink and took a bite of my sandwich.

“Yeah. Have you been well?”

“Yes!! How about you, teacher?”

“Well, you know, I’ve been busy qualifying as a sage. By the way, you used to talk informally to me, but now you’re using honorifics?”

“Hehe~. Actually, it feels a bit awkward. My uncle said we can’t just speak informally at the academy.”

“You can relax with me. It’s fine to speak informally. Ludwig, Etel, and others do too.”

What’s important is not how they speak.

What matters is reaching the true ending.

It’s better to be comfortable than to fuss over trivial things and not focus.

“Oh?! Really?! Hehe~! Then I’ll be informal~. By the way, I heard from the others that teacher is truly amazing?”

“I’m not that amazing.”


A white hand slapped my arm.

She’s still as clingy as before.

It must be because of Arisha’s unique charm, just like back in the game.

“Why would such an amazing person become a teacher at the academy, huh?” We pondered with the others, right?”

“So? Did you figure it out?”

“Um, no? Everyone just said they didn’t know~. Ah, I’ll drink this delicious drink~!”

Sipping on her sweet strawberry juice, she raised her index finger.

“Anyway, I thought about it! Teacher must have come all the way here to meet me! Right?! Right?!”

I decided to take the Arisha route and see the true ending.

So I could say, indeed, I came to see Arisha.

“That’s right. I came to see you.”

“Uh? Ah! Hahaha! Really? Wow~! I’m so happy~!”

“Is that so?”

“But teacher! You can’t just say stuff like that so casually!”

With a pretty hand, Arisha lightly grabbed mine and stood up, holding her drink.

I noticed some other female students from the same class nearby.

Are they headed for dinner?

They became close in just one day.

“I’m going to have dinner with my friends! Make sure you don’t just eat a sandwich, teacher! Alright, I’m going! Bye~!”

Waving with a bright smile, Arisha approached her friends, leaving me to turn my gaze back to my paperwork.

Time to get some work done.


After parting with Lee Hyun and exiting the cafeteria, Arisha felt her heart racing a bit in one corner.

“Wow, that really surprised me…”

“Eh? What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Uh? Oh, it’s nothing~!”

“But Arisha, did something happen? Your face is a little red? Something happened?”

Only then did Arisha bring her hand to her face, and with a bright smile, she shook her head.



“…I just wondered if I was the same… and I heard something nice. Hehehe~!”

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