The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 79

I hoped nothing would happen, but things just kept escalating.

Sowol, Lena, and Arisha.

All three of my disciples confessed to me.


Yeah. Objectively speaking, those three are beautiful women.

No, they’re not just beautiful.

They have talent and great personalities. Any guy would fall head over heels at first glance.

And those girls confessed to me.

Honestly, let’s be real here.

I knew very well how they felt about me.

I’m not a fool; when they shoot hearts at me like that, it’s pretty obvious.


I also like them. I can’t help but love them, to be honest.

Yet, I couldn’t accept their feelings.

In Ragnarok, there are two types of endings.

The first ending is the normal ending that happens when the religious war event doesn’t occur.

When the day comes to defeat the descendants of the Magic Empire—who are the main villains of the story—and stop the revival of the Magic Empire, the Asura sect gathers all its power.

And eventually, Asura descends, plunging the world into chaos.

In the process, many friends, allies, family members—along with their spiritual anchor, the King of Rights—are deeply harmed, except for the protagonist.

Monsters following Asura flood the world, and it becomes a dangerous, chaotic place, as if the peaceful past was a lie.

Unable to watch this unfold, the protagonist becomes the leader of the liberation army and fights against Asura for a lifetime.

The second ending is the true ending, which occurs after defeating all heretics—including the Asura sect—during the religious war event and then taking down all the descendants of the Magic Empire.

By defeating all the cancerous threats to the world, peace is restored, and the protagonist becomes a hero in this peaceful world, living a tranquil life.

An ending where the world falls into chaos and becomes dangerous, forcing a lifetime of fighting against Asura and its minions.

An ending where everything resolves beautifully and peace is attained.

It’s pretty clear which one to choose, right?

I aim for the true ending.

Not just for my own return, but also so that my proud disciples can live in peace, I must witness the true ending.

So, there’s only one thing I need to do.

“Let’s not waver.”

I muttered as I clenched my fist tightly.


The first disciple I met.

Originally intended to meet a miserable end as a villain, she has now become a saint and is on the side of the world.

She confidently told me she liked me.


My second disciple.

Instead of living as the Witch of Silence, she became a genius magician and head of the Ivory Tower.

She lacks confidence and fears socializing, yet always pushes herself forward—such a brave girl.


The protagonist of my chosen route and the last disciple to learn my Wall Block Style.

Always bright and cheerful, she has the power to inspire everyone.

She never hesitates to come close to me, embracing me without any reservations—as adorable and kind as can be.

It was clear what I had to do for them.

It was just a passing love.

They say first love never works out, right?


Let’s not waver.




The next morning, as I was eating breakfast in the resort’s dining hall, a beauty with pink hair approached me.

“Is the meal to your liking?”

“Yeah. It’s good.”

I couldn’t maintain my composure with a woman confessing to me right in front of my face.

My heart was pounding. A stunning beauty with overflowing charm was smiling sweetly, but I tried my best to keep my poker face.

“This dish is delicious. Are you having it too?”

“Of course. I’m having salad for breakfast.”

“Are you eating just greens?”

I laughed and placed a piece of hamburger steak onto her plate. Seeing that, Sowol beamed and moved some cherry tomatoes from her salad onto my plate.

“But, Master. What are you planning to do today?”

“Hmm? I don’t really have anything planned.”

“In that case, could you spare some time for me?”


“Don’t misunderstand. It’s about heretics.”

She flashed a bright smile and handed me a document.

It was a document stamped with the church’s seal.

There was a small heretic group near Emerald Resort.

It was a report about a secret ritual taking place, detailing incidents occurring near the village surrounding the resort.

“Missing persons…”

“They say children have gone missing. According to the church’s investigation, it could be the work of the Ruin sect.”

The Ruin sect.

One of the heretics that appeared during the religious war event.

A heretical group that sacrifices people to cast powerful curses on targets, causing significant damage in the future religious war event.

Thanks to Sowol and Lena, many enemies I’d have to face during the religious war event are now gone.

That makes it likely that the religious war event would go smoothly.

Thus, it would be wise to deal with those guys right now to ensure everything runs smoothly.

“You won’t ignore this, right?”

“Of course not.”

Sowol smiled brightly at my response.

“Ah?! Master! Where are you going?!”

As I waited to leave with Sowol after finishing my meal, I heard a cheerful voice.

It was Arisha.

She approached with a bright smile, hopping along, and naturally wrapped her arms around mine.

I’m just a man, and seeing such a beauty coming close to me is hard not to enjoy. Plus, the sensation of her ample chest against my arm felt good.

But I can’t waver.

I gently patted Arisha’s head.

“I have somewhere to go.”

“Where? Where? Can’t I go with you?”


The voice that stopped her came from behind.

There stood Sowol, fully equipped in her saint’s armor with the Moonlight Sword at her waist.

“Why are you all geared up for battle?”

“Because we’re going to fight.”

“I thought we were just chilling out?”

Arisha’s puzzled expression was met by a woman in dark robes approaching from behind her.

It was Lena.

Holding a staff of magic, she approached us and cautiously spoke, checking our outfits.

“Uh, I’m not sure where you’re going, but if it’s battle, I’ll help!”

“No need for that.”

Sowol stopped her with a smile full of confidence and then pulled my arm closer.

“This is church business.”

“But Master, you’re associated with the Academy.”

“I’m also affiliated with the church, aren’t I? Right, Master?”

“Yeah. Some of my identity is with the church. It’s only natural to resolve church issues.”

“Well then, I’ll help too!”

“No need for that.”

I once again patted Arisha’s head.

She was smiling brightly, her eyes closed as she enjoyed my touch. I continued,

“You all just relax at the resort. Sowol and I will be fine on our own.”


“It’s okay. Don’t worry too much. Unless you don’t trust me?”

“I-I trust you totally!”

“Good. Let’s have dinner together later, Arisha. Just relax.”


Arisha didn’t respond.

She just smiled and gazed at me. Giving her head one more gentle pat, I turned around.

“Let’s go.”

“Yes, Master.”

I left the resort riding a horse prepared by the church with Sowol.

How long did we ride?

As we drifted quite far from the resort, a small village came into view.

“Is that it?”


The atmosphere of the village felt gloomy.

It must be because of the missing people.

Some priests in holy robes were waiting for us, and they must be from the church.

“What’s the location?”

“It’s not too far from here.”

Seems like they’re good at their job.

Finding the heretic’s den so quickly is impressive.

“Do you need any backup?”

“Who do you think we are?”

Sowol smiled, confidence radiating from her face.

The priests nodded and handed us some items.

Holy relics to block curses and a few vials of holy water.

I placed them into my bag and headed towards the location marked on the map.

It was a large cave.

It exuded an ominous aura as I gazed into it, lightly tapping Sowol on the back.

“Not feeling nervous, are you?”

“Just a bit nervous.”

What? The magnificent Sowol feeling nervous?

I was shocked by her unexpected reaction. With a beaming smile, Sowol extended her hand to me.

“Anyway, we’re working together, right?”

“Oh, so that’s what you meant.”

“Hehe. It’s like a date with Master.”

“Who dates in a scary place like this?”

“Oh really? If it’s fun, isn’t that what matters? Hmm… Perhaps, Master, do you dislike being with me?”

“Not at all.”

“Phew, I’m glad.”

Sowol clapped lightly, her smile fading as she spoke calmly.

“If you had said you disliked it, I would have stayed until you said you liked it.”

“A persistent woman isn’t attractive.”

“That’s fine.”

Brushing her hair back, Sowol flashed her trademark confident smile.

“Because I’m pretty.”

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