The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 81

Did I just hear that right?

I looked at Lena. Her hands were gripping her robe tightly. Her shoulders were hunched up.

But her gaze didn’t avoid mine.

“Oh my…”

Wow. I almost teared up.

I immediately pulled Lena into a hug.

“Hii, hiii?! M-Master?!”

Is that timid, lacking confidence Lena challenging me?! I’m genuinely moved!

How can this be?

“Ren, Ren.”

“Yes, y-yes…”

I patted Lena, who responded weakly with a melting voice.

Every time I did, it felt like she was slipping away.

“I’m so happy.”

“Yes, y-yes?!”

“You, who always seemed so unsure and thought you couldn’t beat me, have finally grown up enough to say you want to win! How did you grow so well? Who’s your master?”

“M-M-Master, I’m your disciple…”

“That’s right! You’re my disciple! Aww, my cute one. Let’s see.”


I pinched Lena’s squishy cheek.

Every time I did, a small little whine escaped her lips, and eventually, she couldn’t hold it anymore and crumbled down.

I messed up her hair and lifted Lena up.

“Our Ren has really grown up~.”

“W-Well, I, I was already grown before…”

“Right. Right. Because you’re already a distinguished member of the Ivory Tower!”

“Yes, y-yes…”

“Okay. Let’s keep doing this from now on. Okay?”

“Ah, I understand…”

I let Lena go.

With her face as red as a tomato, she seemed unsure what to do, and as I let her go, she let out a short, disappointed squeal.

Holding her hand, I smiled.

“Let’s celebrate our Ren’s growth by eating something! Let’s go! I’ll buy you anything you want! What do you want to eat?”

“Umm… s-sweets…”

“Alright! Let’s go!”

I grabbed Lena’s hand and dashed off. We reached a nearby town and entered a dessert shop, pointing at the wall.

“Give me everything from here to there.”

“Y-Yeah? Isn’t that Lee Hyun?”

“Oo! Ralph! Long time no see! Still running the shop?”

“Haha! Of course! I’ll keep making our desserts! Oh! Lena?! Wow~ That little kid has grown up this much?!”

“Ah, uh. H-Hello…”

“Hahaha! It’s been so long! I have to give great service then! Wait just a moment!”

While Ralph went inside to pack up the desserts, I playfully kneaded Lena’s hand like dough.

She seemed flustered but didn’t avoid my gaze.

Aww, what a cute one.

“Is there anything else you want to eat? Or maybe something you want? Let’s see. You don’t have any clothes, right? We should go buy you a dress. You’re an adult now; you need a proper one.”

“I-I’m fine…”

“No, no. You deserve something nice. Ralph, please pack up the desserts!”

“Got it!”

After buying desserts and clothes, we returned to the cabin.

Inside, it looked almost the same as when Lena and I used to live there, suggesting she had maintained it well.

“Alright. Then…”



“…Um, the uh, can we continue the conversation from earlier…?”

The conversation about the strong deciding, right?

I smiled and took her outside.

“Sure. As you said. Those kinds of things are decided by the strong, right?”


“Then, Ren.”

I slowly drew my sword.

I could see Lena’s face turn pale instantly.

“Can you defeat me?”

As soon as I spoke, murderous intent radiated from me.

In the past, Lena would shrink back just from facing my murderous intent.

But now, proving her growth, she remained steady despite facing it.

Wow. I really raised a solid disciple.

“I w-won’t know until I try…”

I immediately lunged forward.

Startled, Lena cast a spell using Shadow Spear, but a mere mid-tier spell couldn’t possibly stop me.

When I focused Sword Energy and cut through the spell aimed at her head, Lena’s body vanished.

Shadow Escape.

In a flash, she distanced herself and used magic.

“Wind Cutter!”

Dozens of blades of wind flew toward me.

I don’t need to dodge them all.


I plunged my sword into the ground, clashing the Sword Energy with the earth’s energy.


The Vacuum Wave shot up, neutralizing the blades of wind.

Using the opening it created, I conjured a Water Ball and hurled it at her, then dashed forward.


As she blocked the Water Ball and defended against my sword with her protective magic, a powerful wave slammed into me.

It was Reflect Magic.

She must have timed it perfectly, anticipating my attack.

It’s not an easy technique; she really is a commendable instructor.

Instead of getting up after being knocked to the ground, I just lay there.

“W-What’s happening?! M-Master!”


“…M-Master…? N-No! No!!”

As I remained motionless, feeling victorious, Lena screamed and rushed to me.

Dropping even her magic staff, she came to my side and grasped me tightly.

“Master! M-Masteeeer!!”

“Gotcha, you little punk.”


I completely caught the defenseless Lena and hugged her tightly.

Now that she was caught, she couldn’t escape from my embrace and merely sniffled.

“Y-You’re so unfair!!”

“Being an adult is about being unfair, you know. And it’s only in fights that unfairness doesn’t matter.”

I could easily use Choke Hold to knock her out, but at this point, I’m sure Lena understands she’s lost.

I released Lena from my embrace, standing up.

“To defeat your opponent, you need to finish them completely. You don’t even know the basics, do you? Still a rookie.”

“B-But how could I…”

“You said you wanted to beat me, right? Then you should have gone for any means necessary.”

I patted Lena’s head, who had a pouty face.

She didn’t shy away from my touch, even with her lips pushed out.

I poked at her plump cheeks while standing up.

“Now, shall we taste some dessert?”

“Is it tasty?”


Nodding away, Lena munched on the cake and replied with a nod.

Thinking back, it reminded me of the old days.

I used to buy her loads of desserts when she diligently attended classes.

Although she’s grown up, Lena remains a proud disciple in my eyes.



“W-Why do you dislike everyone?”

“Dislike everyone? I like lots of things!”

I picked up one of the desserts in front of Lena and popped it into my mouth.

It didn’t have an overwhelmingly sweet taste, making it a nice treat.

After finishing it, I noticed cream smeared near Lena’s lips.

“Hold on.”

I wiped the cream off near Lena’s lips, setting the napkin down and looking at her.

Her pretty face held a question.

“B-But Master, you always keep your distance.”

“Hm. Do I?”

“Yes, yes. I-I can hear. There are so many people trying to get close to you at the Academy… I-I know.”

“Because they can’t give me what I want.”

“W-What is it that you want…?”

“Wanna know?”

“Yes, yes!!”

I patted her head again. Looking at her blinking in anticipation, I smiled.

“It’s a secret.”

“…I’m not a child anymore.”

“Haha, just kidding. What I want is for you all to live happily in a peaceful world.”

Yeah. That’s all I desire.

I faced Lena, who looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“You’re always full of lies…”

“Adults are naturally liars.”

“Wow, how cheesy…”

“Is that so? So you don’t like this cheesy master?”

“…That’s not it…”

“Haha. Right.”

I watched as Lena returned her focus to the dessert, smiling.

We only stayed in the cabin for a day.

Lena seemed like she wanted to stay a bit longer, but I had stuff to do back at the Academy, so I couldn’t take too much time off.

“See you on the first day of school.”

“Yes, y-yes…”

Saying goodbye to the sulking Lena, I sent her off to the Ivory Tower and returned to the Academy.

Back in my room, I grabbed the stack of documents I needed to take care of and headed to the cafe to order coffee and start writing.


Just how much stuff do I have to do?

Even during the break, there’s a mountain of paperwork to complete.

“Instructor Lee Hyun.”

“Hmm? Ludwig? Didn’t you go to the Empire?”

“I returned a bit early. By the way, I didn’t think you’d be here alone.”

“Is that so?”

Ludwig, sitting across from me, glanced at the documents I was working on. They weren’t something that couldn’t be seen, so I didn’t mind.

“Weird things are happening on the Empire side.”

“Is it related to the Magic Empire?”

“Hmm. Yes. There are also those who are targeting His Majesty the Emperor.”

“I see…”

Could it be the Asura sect?

Or the Magic Empire?

Perhaps it’s simply the work of those wanting to stir up chaos in the Empire.

Ludwig took a sip of coffee and continued.

“New devices are popping up all across the Empire.”

“Magic Empire devices?”

“Exactly. They’re similar to those we saw last time. I found out these things are being discovered not just in the Empire but all over the continent.”


“Soon, a quest will come to the Academy. His Majesty hopes you, Instructor, will take an interest in this matter.”

“I was planning on it anyway.”

“Always reassuring.”

Smiling, Ludwig set down his cup and looked straight at me.

“Speaking of which.”


“By the command of His Great Majesty the Emperor, I ask you: would you be interested in matchmaking?”

A sudden drift in conversation here?!

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