The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 88

The feast for those going to suffer wasn’t too bad.

Everyone ate and drank to their heart’s content, so all that was left was to go.

“Are you sure about this…?”

“Of course!”

The king, looking worried about Lumina, was gripping her hand tightly.

He didn’t want to let her go, it seemed.

But Lumina, apart from Sowol and Lena, was one of the top fighters in our class.

We couldn’t just let someone like that go.

“Lumina. Let’s go.”

“Yes! Your Majesty. No, Father. Don’t worry too much.”

“But still…”

“I’m getting stronger under Instructor Lee Hyun.”

As she flashed a confident smile, Lumina dashed towards us.

The king, gazing at her with mixed feelings of pride and sadness, nodded and waved.

Looks like he’s proud of his child’s growth, huh?

“The large monster that appeared in Roxvalt Plain is called Raguén. Have you heard of it?”

“Yep! I know!”

“Then tell me about it.”

“It looks like a giant crocodile, right? Watch out for its tail whip and death roll.”

“Exactly. The tail whip is an area attack that hits all enemies in front. So how do we defend against it?”

“When Raguén tries to do the tail whip, it curls up. We need to attack as much as we can to stop it.”

“Right. If we fail and Raguén uses the tail whip, the damage will be huge. What’s our countermeasure?”

“The mages will cast defensive magic!”


“The fighters will use deflections!”

“Good. Arisha, your role is crucial. You know that, right?”


In the meantime, I had taught Arisha a lot of techniques, including ones for deflection, so she should be able to handle it well.

“Sowol, Lena. Your roles are important too. With our class’s current skill level, we can only take down one Raguén at a time. You two need to block other Raguén from attacking. It’s a big responsibility, but…”

“We can do it.”

“Don’t worry…”

The two, who were more than just students, answered with smiles.

How adorable they are.

Whoever their teacher is, they sure are blessed.

“Alright. Here’s a praise sticker.”

“Thank you!”

“Th-thank you…”

The only thing I can give is praise stickers.

Of course, if I asked what they wanted, they’d say something else, but I know what that “something” is, so praise stickers are all I can use to settle it.

But look at them.

Aren’t they super happy?

I think that’s a pretty good reward.

“Hey, haven’t you collected a lot of praise stickers? How many do you have?”

“I have six!”

“I-I have three…”

Sowol’s expression became all proud. Is she proud of collecting more praise stickers?

I patted her head while Lena puffed out her cheeks slightly.

“I-I’d listen to you even without praise stickers, it’s just… because you’re the teacher.”

“Oh, I see. I see. giggle.”

Lena didn’t seem to like Sowol’s playful response and puffed her cheeks up even more.

Pinching her puffed cheeks to let the air out, I looked around.

Everyone was watching us with amused expressions.

Except for Arisha, who always had a smile, but she didn’t smile when I was next to Sowol and Lena.

That’s kind of chilly.

“Alright. Enough fun. Let’s get going.”

Roxvalt Plain was about a day’s journey from the capital.

After taking the carriage provided by the king, we arrived at Roxvalt Plain, and the students immediately started setting up a base.

Well, calling it a base is generous; it was just a few tents and getting ready for dinner, but having it made a big difference in recovery speed.

“Catch that one over there!”

“Hey! Who’s cooking today?!”

“Let’s assign the night watch!”

There was no need to give specific orders.

They had been training consistently, so the students knew how to handle things without much fuss.

Before long, a few tents were set up, and preparations for meals were underway.

This class had not only commoners but also royalty and nobility, but just because their statuses were higher didn’t mean they slacked off.

Right now, Prince Ludwig was busy hustling around, who would care about social rank?

“Ludwig! What should I do with this?”

“Hmm. Just take it over to that tent.”

“Ludwig! Help me out here!”

“Ah! Looks like they need my help!”

Our glorified janitor didn’t turn down the requests for help.

Sure, his arrogant attitude was still there.

At first, the students were hesitant due to that arrogance.

But they quickly realized he wasn’t a bad dude, just a bit too haughty, and thanks to that, Ludwig blended easily among the students.

It wasn’t like that in the game, though.

In the game, he was jealous of class president Arisha and they fought but then became friends, but this time, there was nothing like that.

“It’s all thanks to Sowol and Lena.”

Since there were people more amazing than him in the class and they were happy with being vice-presidents, Ludwig didn’t resist.

He simply did his job as the janitor.

“And it’s also thanks to you, teacher.”

“What have I done?”

“It was you who assigned things. Ludwig respects you.”

“Hmm. Am I really that good?”

“Actually, you’re way more amazing. Ludwig is really grateful to you for saving his father.”


“So he’s just trying to fulfill his role that you assigned.”

So that’s how it is.

I looked at Arisha, who was beaming next to me.

“By the way, why are you here? Don’t you have anything to do?”

“I finished everything!”

Arisha was in charge of setting up the women’s tent.

Thanks to her quick hands, the ladies’ camp was already complete.

“The boys are so slow!”

“That can happen.”

“Hmph. If the teacher stepped in, it would be done in no time.”

“I can’t do everything for you, can I? Well… I could make dinner.”

“Wow! You can cook?”

“It’s a basic quality of a gentleman.”

When dinner time came, I started cooking.

Nothing fancy—just omelets, pasta, and steak.

After all the hard work setting up the base, the kids went wild saying it was delicious. It felt rewarding to have made dinner.

“Currently, six Raguén have been found in the plain. They often travel in pairs, so be careful about that.”


After finishing our meal and prepping for battle, the students and I left the base.

Finding Raguén wasn’t too difficult.

Using monster detection, I found one not too far away and led the students toward it.


Thanks to the bright full moon overhead, our visibility wasn’t hindered.

Therefore, we could easily spot the Raguén.

“…Can we really catch that…?”

Someone quietly asked as they laid eyes on the massive beast they’d only heard about.

Seeing the Raguén’s immense size and dominant aura, it seemed to scare them.

“We can do it!”

Just as I was about to reassure them, Arisha spoke first.

With her cheerful and positive demeanor, she rallied everyone, clenching her fist.

“We’ve trained for this! We learned from the teacher! So let’s be confident!”

Her positivity truly helped lift the mood in this scenario.

Thanks to Arisha’s bright spirit, the morale that had dipped bounced back up.

That girl. Quite impressive.

“Alright. Is everyone ready? I won’t step in unless you’re in danger.”


“Then let’s begin.”

The first to rush in were Sowol and Lena.

While they held off one Raguén, the other students needed to take down the remaining one.


The one who dashed forward first was Arisha.

Once she broke the magical defense surrounding Raguén with her Tonghwanggwon, the real battle for the Raguén would begin.

As taught beforehand, Arisha sprinted towards Raguén.


The house-sized Raguén gleamed its eyes.

It then tried to stomp down on Arisha with its gigantic front paw.

Ducking under that, Arisha leapt onto Raguén’s back and reached for its weak spot, the head.


With the sound of ruptured magic, Raguén began moving even more viciously.

Leaping off it, Arisha shouted to rally the others.

“Let’s go!!”


Magic and sword energy.

As expected from my students, they engaged Raguén diligently.

Seeing them utilize everything they had learned warmed my heart.

Ah. Those are my disciples.



Arisha extended her fist towards the charging Raguén.

It was like a battle between an elephant and an ant, but surprisingly, the ant won.

Arisha’s Arang Technique successfully intercepted Raguén’s charge.

Of course, it looked like she was affected by the impact too, yet she didn’t back down.

With a smile plastered on her face, her unwavering resolve made it easier for the A-class students to land their attacks on Raguén.


Did Raguén realize it was losing?

Once again, it started to gather its magic.

Using her Tonghwanggwon to nullify that, Arisha leaped up and stomped on Raguén’s head.

With a loud thud, Raguén’s body fell, prompting a concentrated barrage of attacks from the students.



With its last breath, Raguén’s body completely slackened.

Still attacking from above, Arisha brushed her radiant blonde hair back and looked at me, beaming.

“We won!!”

As she flashed a peace sign and proudly declared it, I couldn’t take my eyes off her beautiful figure.

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