The Villains I Taught Became Heroes

Chapter 96

Where did I even leave off?

I locked eyes with Lena, who was looking at me with trembling eyes.

What I saw in her gaze was confusion and distrust.

“What are you talking about? You’re not seriously believing the nonsense the Asura spouted, are you?”

“…N-No, I’m sure the Shadow of Asura said this. M-Master wishes to… leave this world.”

“…What does that even mean?”

Sowol approached me with a frown.

Looks like she heard everything.

Then I have one thing to say here…

“That’s all a lie.”

Time to play the denial game.

Since the Shadow of Asura has already been extinguished, it’s all about keeping my mouth shut from now on.

“Another world, huh? What a ridiculous story. Hahaha. This guy. Hahaha.”

I ruffled Lena’s hair like a playful puppy.

Though confused, Lena accepted my affection and didn’t say anything further.

Sowol was staring at me suspiciously, but she also didn’t bring anything further up.

I should be careful about this.

“I’m tired. Shall we head back?”

“…Yes, let’s do that, everyone. Can I ask you to clean up?”


At Sowol’s command, the Paladins began moving.

Now that we captured the Shadow of Asura, there’s no danger here.

So, the Paladins should be enough.

“I’ll help you.”

Even though I took a recovery potion, my stamina wasn’t fully restored. Sowol supported me, and I moved leaning on her.

“You’re not seriously worried about the useless words the Shadow of Asura spat, are you?”

“…Of course.”

Sowol smiled that bright smile at me.

“I believe in you, Master.”

This girl. Not believing at all.

Unlike I expected, Sowol didn’t say much after that.

She seemed to suspect me, but her silence made me even more anxious.

But there’s a saying about poking a hornet’s nest. So I just let it be.


While I was resting in the lodging prepared in the Deorent Kingdom, Arisha burst through the door.

Does this girl not understand the concept of knocking?

Like a puppy, she ran over and hugged me, beaming.

“A guest from the church has arrived!”

Oh, here it comes.

The last event of the Religious War.

I stepped outside with Arisha.

I could see people who appeared to be messengers from the church, engaging in conversation with Sowol.

One of them made eye contact with me and drew a holy symbol.

“Brother Lee Hyun, you have always been a great help. I’ve heard you played a significant role in saving the world once again.”

“I merely did what I should.”

“The church wishes to express their gratitude for this event and bestow upon you the title of Saint.”

“Haha. Just hearing that is enough gratitude for me.”

Becoming a Saint means I can use all the church’s artifacts, but I’d have to give up being an Academy instructor.

There’s still work left for me.

While it would be nice to wield the church’s power, with Sowol around, I wondered if it was necessary.

“Are you refusing?”

“With the Saintess present, is it really necessary to have a Saint in the church?”

“Sigh. But the Pope is aware of the deeds you’ve done for the world.”

“As for those merits, I’d rather share them with the Paladins and the priests. I fought against the Asura sect only to settle my personal grudges.”


He continued to urge me to become a Saint several more times.

However, I refused firmly until he had to bow his head and let out a sigh.

“If you insist on such refusal, there’s nothing more I can say. But I hope you won’t reject the gift from the church.”

“I will accept that with gratitude.”

He lightly raised his hand, and those waiting brought over a long box.

“This is the Holy Sword, wielded by the former Saint Yervankis.”

The Holy Sword.

An item received after finishing the Religious War Event.

I never expected to receive this. Originally, it was meant for the protagonist.

“It’s a bit unfair for me to get this alone since we all fought together.”

“I think it would suit you, Teacher!”

“It’s fine. If it weren’t for you, we wouldn’t have been able to move and would have been defeated by the Shadow of Asura.”

“Yes. It seems fitting for Master to receive it.”

My students were all hoping I would take it.

Then I guess it’s only right to receive it.

I humbly accepted the box, and he made a satisfied smile after drawing a holy symbol.

“I pray that the Lord may protect you, Brother.”

“Thank you.”

After he finally finished his spiel and stepped back, I examined the Holy Sword in my hands.

The top-grade item emitted a soft glow as soon as I held it.

“What can I do with this Holy Sword?”

“Well. You can lead the church’s Paladins. And you can also use Divine Power. Moreover, if you tap into the power contained within the Holy Sword, you can unleash powerful techniques.”

“What sort of techniques are we talking about?”

“Sanctuary Declaration. It deals damage to those bearing oppositional forces to Divine Power, and it also restores allies’ health.”

“I see… you truly are remarkable, Master.”

With a bright smile, Sowol took my hand.

“Feels like you know everything.”

What does that mean? I looked at Sowol and gave her a peck on the forehead.


Sowol’s face turned as red as a well-ripened apple.

This experience might be good for her, who keeps thinking useless things while judging people’s actions.

I patted her head.

“I don’t know what you’re thinking, but I’ll be here with you.”

Until the very end, that is.

Sowol gazed at me in disbelief before pouting her plump lips.

“If you want to kiss, do it here from now on.”

Wait, what?!

“That’s unfair! That’s so unfair! Only you can do that!!”

“I… I want one too!”

Oh boy. These girls are really something.

Like love-hungry puppies, I gave a kiss on the foreheads of Arisha and Lena, who were pestering me beside me.

Only then did their hearts seem to lighten up, and with the Holy Sword fastened to my waist, I said,

“Okay. We’ve received everything, so let’s head back.”


It hadn’t been long since I left the Academy, but in the meantime, many events had occurred there.

The most notable was the battle against the heirs of the Magic Empire.

I heard that the students from Class A led by Ludwig managed to thwart a massive terror created by the heirs of the Magic Empire.

Was it because we defeated the Shadow of Asura and stopped such terror? The reputation of Class A was growing.

However, what was important to Sowol wasn’t such things.

“Did you find out?”


Using the Information Guild, the Eastern Trading Company’s investigation, and the church’s power, Sowol completed her inquiry into Lee Hyun.

“It’s just like before. There’s nothing against this Master. It’s completely blank.”

There were no previous records of him appearing in a village over a decade ago.

No hometown, no friends, nothing related to him.

As if…

He came from another world.

“People he interacted with also confirm it. He acted as if he knew that place well from the moment he first set foot there.”

“According to records and research from the Ivory Tower, it is known that other worlds certainly exist.”

It was said that, in ancient times when the Magic Empire thrived, there existed something called Dimension Magic.

Through Dimension Magic, they drew power from other dimensions and used it.

“So, does that mean Teacher is from another dimension?”

Recalling what the Shadow of Asura said, Lena nodded slightly.

In a way, Asura was also a being that existed in another dimension.

Then, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to think that Lee Hyun could be such a being as well.

“…I can understand Master’s behavior now.”

Lee Hyun was kind to everyone, but he kept a distance from anyone approaching too closely.

Sowol looked at Lena and Arisha.

Both of them — no, all three of them, including herself — possessed charm that could captivate any man.

Yet, Lee Hyun remained unfazed by any of that.

As if he had something far more important at stake.

As if he had a goal more significant than living happily with someone from this world.

“What if he’s thinking about leaving this world? If that’s the case, he would avoid getting involved with us?”


“…But I still think we should do what Master wishes.”

I don’t want Lee Hyun to leave.

Yet at the same time, I want to fulfill what he desires so much.

I have no idea how to do that.

Arisha hung her head in a gloomy expression.

Sowol and Lena couldn’t say anything more, as they understood her feelings.

“I hope Master is happy.”

“I feel the same way.”

“Me too.”

A heavy silence fell.

We have no idea what to do.

But we all knew we can’t just stand still.

So Sowol sighed heavily.

“How about we just imprison him?”

“I-I thought about that too… but I wouldn’t be able to win against Master…”

They all felt the same way. In a simple duel, it might be different, but to block what he truly wishes while winning wasn’t something they had confidence in.

“…But we can’t just sit still, right?”

Sowol stood up and spoke coldly.

“I’m not giving up.”

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