The Villain's Little Sister is Spoiled by the Male Lead

Chapter 24

Chapter 24

Wang Sisi had just gotten to the first floor when she ran into her arch-nemesis, An Tingting.

When An Tingting saw Wang Sisi, she was taken aback at first, then rolled her eyes and flipped her hair. "You knew I was coming to Senior Chi's company so you wanted to get here first? Don't tell me you thought Senior Chi's company would sponsor you."

However, Wang Sisi was puzzled. "What company of Senior Chi? I came to Senior Song's company."

An Tingting said "Oh," then asked, "Senior Song? Which Senior Song?" Then she seemed to realize something and looked directly at Wang Sisi. "The company of Senior Song Luosheng? You dared to think of that? You must have gotten kicked out, right?"

In her opinion, getting sponsorship from Senior Song's company was much more difficult than from Senior Chi's company. Although she had never contacted either company before, or even truly met the two seniors, she had heard about them and seen pictures of them.

The two seniors were outstanding in their own right, but she preferred Senior Chi's looks, so she came to the company Senior Chi had founded to take a look.

Wang Sisi smiled. "I already got the sponsorship. Ha ha, pisses you off."

An Tingting was indeed extremely pissed off. Her chest heaved sharply, but there were people coming and going here. She also had to maintain a good image, so she just rolled her eyes again. "Just wait and see. I'll get a 100,000 yuan sponsorship from Senior Chi's company."

Upon hearing this, Wang Sisi also scoffed. "100,000 yuan? You really dare to think big! If you can get 100,000 yuan, I'll let you take the vice department head position!"

An Tingting lifted her chin. "Just wait for me!"

Wang Sisi pulled Song Luokui, preparing to leave. At that moment, Chi Yu entered with a group of people behind him. An Tingting turned around, saw him, and immediately rushed over. "Hello, Senior Chi."

Chi Yu took a step back. His bodyguards immediately blocked An Tingting. Chen Nan also came over. "You are..."

An Tingting looked at Chen Nan, "Hello Senior Chen. I'm An Tingting, a first year student in the School of Economics and Management, and also a member of the external liaison department at Peking University. I came over this time because I have a project that I wanted Senior Chi to take a look at."

After hearing this, Chen Nan knew it was people from their alma mater coming to ask for sponsorship funds. He immediately looked at Chi Yu, but Chi Yu was looking at Song Luokui, who was preparing to sneak away not far behind An Tingting.

Chi Yu left them with, "Chen Nan will take care of you," then abandoned everyone and went to Song Luokui. "You saw me but didn't say hi?"

Song Luokui, who was about to slip away, felt her heart skip a beat. She immediately looked left and right, afraid her brother would suddenly appear.

Chi Yu said, "Your brother should still be busy right now."

Song Luokui stroked her chest and looked up. "Hi."

Chi Yu asked, "Here to deliver food?"

Song Luokui shook her head. "No no, I came with a friend."

Wang Sisi immediately greeted him. "Hello, Senior Chi. Thanks again for your help at the Red Leaf Bar last time." Although it wasn't to help her.

Chi Yu only glanced at her and looked back at Song Luokui. "Here to ask for sponsorship?"

Song Luokui looked at Wang Sisi. Wang Sisi had no choice but to reply, "Yes, we came to Senior Song's company to ask for sponsorship."

But Chi Yu asked Song Luokui, "Which external department are you with?"

Song Luokui shook her head. "I didn't join one. I just came with her."

After thinking for a moment, Chi Yu understood what was going on. He looked at Wang Sisi, "Want sponsorship funds? Go talk to Chen Nan."

Wang Sisi immediately understood what he meant. She was instantly delighted. "Thank you, Senior!" Then she ran over to Senior Chen Nan.

Chi Yu asked Song Luokui again, "Have you eaten?"

Song Luokui: "No... Oh, I did eat." She actually hadn't eaten.

Chi Yu said, "Let's go, time to eat."

Song Luokui: "I really ate."

Chi Yu had already called to book them a table.

Seeing Wang Sisi waving goodbye to her as she followed Chen Nan upstairs, Song Luokui could only follow along beside Chi Yu.

The two came to the familiar restaurant again. This time, four dishes were ordered. Song Luokui went to the restroom halfway through the meal, still planning to foot the bill. This time, she was determined to pay. However, the front desk told her the bill had already been settled.

Song Luokui: "??? When was it paid? Who paid?" She hadn't even seen Chi Yu come out to settle the bill.

Front Desk: "Mr. Chi has paid already, electronic receipt."

Song Luokui: "......Fine."

When she returned to the private room, Chi Yu glanced at her, and Song Luokui also glanced at him. Then they ate quietly.

After eating their fill, Chi Yu even sent her back to school. Before Song Luokui got out of the car, Chi Yu added, "Next time, I'll definitely let you pay."

Song Luokui's face turned red. She didn't say anything and got out of the car. After Chi Yu left, Song Luokui thought to herself - next time? What next time? She didn't want there to be a next time! And it seemed she owed this person another favor...

When school ended that afternoon and she returned to the dorm, Wang Sisi immediately rushed over to give her a big hug. "Hahahaha, thanks Luokui! You really are my patron saint! I got another 50,000 yuan sponsorship! Hahahaha, 100,000 yuan total!"

Song Luokui: "50,000 yuan?"

Wang Sisi: "Mm-hmm. Since An Tingting wanted 100,000 yuan sponsorship, and we were from the same department, Chen Nan finally said he'd just give 50,000 yuan each. Hahahaha, An Tingting's face totally turned green then."

"Oh right, An Tingting still wanted to ask for Senior Chi's WeChat ID, but Chen Nan didn't give it to her. Luokui, do you have the senior's WeChat ID?"

Of course Song Luokui didn't. "You want it?" What would she do with Chi Yu's WeChat ID?

Wang Sisi immediately waved her hands. "No no, I was just casually asking."

In the end, Wang Sisi got to be the vice department head of the external liaison department like she wished. She also bought Song Luokui a month's worth of breakfasts.

An Tingting found out that the reason Wang Sisi obtained the 50,000 yuan sponsorship from Songhua Technology was because of her roommate Song Luokui. At that time, she was busy talking to Wang Sisi and hadn't noticed the girl beside Wang Sisi.

An Tingting immediately looked into Song Luokui's background. Based on her findings, she was just a girl from the Faculty of Liberal Arts. She'd heard the girl was very beautiful, looking very gentle and delicate.

An Tingting's heart was still irritated. Very beautiful? She must have seduced the senior! A thought flashed in her mind. Gentle? Wasn't it said that gentle girls were easiest to attract bad boys?

The weather had turned much warmer recently. Just wearing a T-shirt every day was fine now. At night you could occasionally add a jacket. Song Luokui didn't have a lot of clothes at school, so she decided to go home today.

On the night she returned home, under her dorm building, a boy had arranged a circle of candles in the shape of a heart. He held a bouquet of flowers in one hand and a mini speaker horn in the other. In the busy walkway, a crowd soon gathered, everyone wanting to watch the excitement. Some had even taken out their phones to record it.

"It's obviously going to be a confession."

"It looks so romantic. I wonder which girl it is."

"But the boy doesn't look that good."

"The boy looks quite rich though. Look at those shoes, over 2,000 yuan!"

"That expensive?"

The crowd grew bigger and bigger. The boy immediately grabbed the speaker horn and shouted upstairs, "Song Luokui from room 305, can you come down for a bit?"

"Song Luokui? Who's Song Luokui?"

"Which department is she from?"

"I know her. She's from the Faculty of Liberal Arts. Wow, someone is actually confessing to Song Luokui? To be honest, I don't think this guy matches up to her."

"You know her? What's that Song Luokui like?"

"I know her. She's a super pretty girl, but very low-key. When she comes down later you'll see."

However, the crowd did not see the girl named Song Luokui come downstairs.

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