The Villain's Little Sister is Spoiled by the Male Lead

Chapter 42

Chapter 42

In the end, Chi Yu ordered chives, lamb skewers, stir-fried clams, and more, as well as some drinks.

Song Luokui had already eaten at the club, but she still accompanied him in eating a little.

Song Luokui thought Chi Yu might not be used to it, but unexpectedly, he ate very quickly. His mouth was flushed red, perhaps from the spiciness. Song Luokui glanced at him and immediately lowered her head, as his masculine charms were captivating.

In her heart, a little white person was fighting a little black person, with the little white person shouting loudly: "That's the enemy! Enemy! Enemy!"

Song Luokui didn't dare look at him again, instead letting her gaze wander to some people nearby. There was a married couple eating, a group of men eating and chatting, and some other men and women eating together, with a rich sense of everyday life.

Song Luokui turned to look at the stalls, where the boss was busily working...

Suddenly, there was a loud "crash!" as a bottle was smashed on the ground. Song Luokui was startled, and when she turned to look, she saw that one group of men and another group of men and women had started fighting.

The two groups were throwing tables and bottles at each other, shouting curses that Song Luokui couldn't make out.

Suddenly, a bottle was thrown in their direction. Song Luokui immediately hugged her head, while Chi Yu swiftly pulled her into his embrace, shielding her as the bottle smashed next to them.

Song Luokui looked up at Chi Yu, then at the broken bottle behind him, relieved that no one was hit. Chi Yu stood up and pulled her aside to a safe area, took out his phone, and dialed 110: "Hello, there are people fighting here, the address is XXX."

After the call, their table had been overturned too, and the other onlookers had also run outside to avoid getting caught up in it.

Chi Yu: "Don't be afraid, the police will be here soon."

In less than two minutes, the police indeed arrived and took control of the fighting groups.

Song Luokui quickly helped tidy up the tables, and then paid the bill. The boss gave her a box of barbecue and drinks, "Sorry about that, and thank you."

Song Luokui handed the barbecue to Chi Yu: "Weren't you still hungry? Here, have this."

As Chi Yu took it, Song Luokui noticed scars on his hand. She immediately grabbed his hand, and there were shards of glass in the wound, which she realized must have been from when the bottle smashed on the ground.

"You're hurt?" She asked, then pulled him towards the car parked on the side of the road. "Is there a first aid kit in the car?"

Chi Yu didn't say anything, just looking at their joined hands.

Song Luokui opened the car door and released Chi Yu's hand, ready to search for the first aid kit, but then realized it wasn't her car. She turned and asked, "Where's the first aid kit?"

Only then did Chi Yu respond, "In the trunk."

Song Luokui went to the trunk, "You get in the car first, I'll bandage you up in a bit."

Chi Yu obediently got in.

Soon, Song Luokui returned with the first aid kit and sat in the passenger seat. Chi Yu immediately extended his hand. Song Luokui first removed the glass shards with tweezers, then cleaned the wound with iodine, asking, "Does it hurt? Tell me if it hurts."

Chi Yu's eyes never left her face. "It doesn't hurt."

After disinfecting with iodine, Song Luokui applied bandages over the two wounds.

"All done." As she looked up, her eyes met Chi Yu's, and she could clearly see her reflection in his eyes.

Song Luokui abruptly released Chi Yu's hand, put away the first aid kit, and cleared her throat. "Ahem, we can go now. Do you need me to drive?"

Chi Yu also turned back in his seat. "No need, I'll drive. Back home?"

"Yeah." Song Luokui calmly fastened her seatbelt, while the little white person inside her was shouting: "When did your relationship become so close?"

"Wasn't that too intimate just now?"

"He's the enemy! Keep your distance! You're not on the same team!"

"No more meals together from now on! Even if you need to repay a favor, you don't have to treat him to a meal! You can just give him a gift instead!"

On the way home, Song Luokui's expression was cold, with a furrowed brow and not a word spoken. Chi Yu glanced at her a few times, wondering why she seemed displeased but didn't dare ask. He dropped her off at home, and as Song Luokui closed the car door and walked a few steps, she paused and turned to say, "Thank you," before entering the house.

Chi Yu stayed in the car for a while, took out his phone, and messaged her: "Did I upset you somehow?"

Seeing the message, Song Luokui sprawled on the couch. It wasn't that he had upset her – it was that she suddenly felt they should keep their distance since they weren't on the same team. Her brother was still quite important to her.

Song Luokui didn't reply, silencing her phone before showering and going to bed.

Chi Yu, not receiving a response, eventually went home.

The next day at noon, Chi Yu messaged Song Luokui again: "Dinner together tonight?"

Song Luokui hesitated before replying: "I'm not upset."

"Sorry, I'm not free tonight."

The first line was in response to the previous night, and the second was declining his dinner invitation.

Seeing the reply, Chi Yu walked to the window, looking out at the busy traffic. Chen Nan entered, "Boss, the meeting with Jin Xun is about to start."

Chi Yu glanced at his phone. "Got it, you go ahead."

As Chen Nan was leaving, Chi Yu called him back. "Wait, Nan, why would someone be upset for no reason?"

Chen Nan was puzzled. "Huh? Who's upset? A man or a woman? There are plenty of reasons they could be upset."

Chi Yu: "A woman."

Chen Nan: "Oh, a woman? Huh, a woman?" Chen Nan stared at Chi Yu in surprise. "Is it Auntie?"

Chi Yu: "Never mind who it is."

Chen Nan scratched his head. "In that case, I don't know. If it were my mom, she might be going through menopause or got upset after comparing herself to other wealthy ladies and losing. Or maybe my dad upset her."

Chi Yu: "It's a young woman..."

Chen Nan: "...In that case, I'm not sure. Online it says they could be on their period, or maybe they didn't get something they wanted, or ran into someone they don't like. Lots of reasons really. But to cheer them up, usually a milk tea or a gift works. If it's period-related, they probably just need some care and attention until it passes."

Chen Nan: "Boss, who are you trying to cheer up? Maybe I can offer some advice, tailor it to the situation!"

Chi Yu gave him a sidelong glance. "No need. Go investigate the CEO of An Sheng Group instead. That would be useful."

"Got it."

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