The Villain's Wife

Chapter 741 Danger and Death

The Villain’s Wife 741 Danger and Death

It did not take too long for Lily to realize that there was nothing of importance inside her grandfather’s study or their room. Even the vault was already empty, it had no diamonds or gold. Lily shook her head inwardly before she told Zhou Jingren and Qin Yuanfeng that they were leaving the place. All this exploration was enough to make Lily hungry, ah.

For dinner, the trio went to eat in a restaurant just outside The Peak before they retired back to Lily and Zhou Jingren’s house. After an hour, Zhou Jingren left with Secretary Go while Qin Yuanfeng stayed with Lily for the night. When Zhou Jingren left, Lily decided to go to her room so that she could begin reading her grandmother’s diary.

The first few pages of the diary were not really that interesting. However, just as she expected, the diary only contained special events in her grandmother’s life like her wedding, and Qin Mo’s birth and his wedding with Tang Lingyun as well as some devastating past like the death of Qin Mo’s younger brother and her husband’s affair.

The diary was written quite well that Lily could actually feel her grandmother’s emotions while reading it. But it did not take too long for her to start frowning. Her grandmother did not include how she arrived into the Qin Family’s home. However, after this, her writing seemed to have become erratic, nonsensical. As if she is skipping a lot of words. It even looked like she was merely writing words instead of sentences. Was she in a hurry while writing down all this?

For instance, one sentence only said ’someone at school Jinghua’ then it would be followed by words like ’research, research, research’

Or words like nervous, nervous, nervous. Every time, her grandmother would repeat a word three times just after an incomplete sentence. Confused, Lily decided to continue reading. She then discovered that the writing about Qin Jinghua was always left incomplete, whereas the entries about Qin Fei and the Qin Family were complete. Was there a reason for that? She asked herself as she closed the diary. Frowning, Lily thought about the words, hoping that she could somehow get something from the partial sentences.

’Someone at school Jinghua’ was obviously written about her. However, the date — The date when the entry was written meant that she was only three years old at this time. She was attending a school for toddlers with Qin Fei. Was it possible that someone was watching her at school? This — This made little sense at all.

Lily opened the diary once again before she noticed the time. It was already ten in the evening. She had been reading for hours now and she had actually forgotten to check her phone. She got out of the bed and got her phone inside her handbag only to see two missed calls from her husband and three texts telling her that he had arrived in China and was already talking to Qin Chuan. Then another one telling her that he loves her.

Smiling, Lily tried to call him only to be answered by Secretary Go. He told her that Zhou Jingren was currently busy at the moment. Left with no choice, Lily just ended the call and decided to read the diary before she finally falls asleep tonight.



The moment Zhou Jingren walked inside the Qin Mansion, he could immediately feel the thick atmosphere that wafted over the whole place. The air was tense. It smelled of danger; it smelled like death.

"I am not surprised that you would come here. But I did not expect you would do it today." Qin Chuan’s voice was full of sarcasm. It was from the voice that he showed the last time that he went to see Lily and Zhou Jingren in Hongkong. "I assume you had your people following me around?" he gestured for Zhou Jingren to sit on the couch just in front of him.

"Not you." Zhou Jingren responded calmly. "Qi Xia."

"I understand." Qin Chuan finished his drink before pouring himself another one. "Scotch?"

"Thank you." Zhou Jingren nodded. Judging from Qin Chuan’s scarlet face, he must have been drinking for a while now. He accepted the glass but didn’t dare drink it. Not in front of someone as unstable as this man. Seeing this Qin Chuan let out a low chuckle. He gulped the alcohol and poured himself another one.

"I would not dare hurt the man that my only daughter loves." He said. "Are you here for Tang Lingyun? Or Qi Xia?" he asked, nonchalance apparent in his voice.

"Are they still alive?"

"Of course." Qin Chuan snorted. "Tang Lingyun told me about a person backing them. And of course... I am very curious about it. Did I interfere with any of your plans?"

"No, we’re good." Zhou Jingren said. "I came here to watch as you interrogate Qi Xia.

"Oh? So you are already aware of this person backing them?"

"Someone told us this a few days back." Zhou Jingren answered.

"And you believe that someone? What if they lied to you?"

"They attacked him a few days after he told me those things. He is struggling to stay alive as of this moment."

"Still alive?" Qin Chuan asked. "Why would you want him dead? He just told you something important."

A flash of amusement settled in Zhou Jingren’s eyes. Qin Chuan actually guessed that he wanted Xuan Hui dead. "He hurt Lily in the past." This was an honest answer. First and foremost, Zhou Jingren did not care about Xuan Hui’s son. This may sound cold-hearted but he honestly did not care whether the child lived or if he died. All he cared about was Lily and their small family. Of course, he could not just say something like this in front of his pregnant wife.

"Eh?" Qin Chuan smirked. "Then... we should kill him." He uttered before laughing. "Don’t worry.... I wouldn’t interfere in your affairs. You can do whatever you like." He finished another glass of his drink before he rose from his seat. "Come... I will show you where I keep them."


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