The Villain's Wife

Chapter 743 From The Shadows

The Villain’s Wife 743 From The Shadows

"This is what she deserves." Zhou Jingren said.

"I agree," he nodded. Pursing his lips, he stared at the picture of the woman that he once loved. "Now... I understand your actions and I would like to apologize for my previous idiotic behavior. I was a fool back then... a coward who didn’t even understand that Bec was hurt because of my cowardly behavior." He gulped. "Being emotional does not suit me." He chuckled.

Zhou Jingren nodded in response. He would never hesitate to hurt the people that dared to hurt even a hair on Lily. However, this begs the question, why did he not hurt Xuan Hui or even Qin Fei? He could easily kill them, make them suffer for what they had done to his wife.

This was because he respected Lily’s decision. He always believed that being in a relationship with someone did not mean that he could just do whatever he thought was right and just. Zhou Jingren and Lily had mutual respect for each other’s capabilities. Both of them could deal with their enemies on their own and they would not overstep on each other’s boundaries by doing whatever it was that they thought to be right.

For instance, Lily did not enjoy killing her enemies. She liked to make them suffer and live in misery. While he was the exact opposite. Most of his enemies were dead and others have vanished. An excellent example of this was the Qin Family who raised Lily, they were left to live after taking everything from them, Qin Mo, Qin Fei, and Xuan Hui. Even Tang Lingyun was still alive and breathing. While the Zhou Family who betrayed Zhou Jingren and his father are all dead.

Zhou Jingren knew that by killing their enemies, he would save time and effort. However, he would not want to dictate Lily to do that. She was her own person before she met him. And he would not want her to change her belief just to cater to whatever it is that he thinks is the right thing to do.

To Zhou Jingren... this was marriage. It was not about changing yourself to cater to the needs of the other. It was about working together with your partner, despite the fact you two are the exact opposite of each other.

"She’s lucky to have someone like you by her side."

Zhou Jingren smiled. It was actually the other way around, it was him who was lucky to have Lily beside him. "So... I would like to install cameras in Qi Xia’s room." He changed the topic.

"Fair enough. I will do my best to squeeze as much information as I can." Qin Chuan nodded. "From Tang Lingyun’s words, the person that we are dealing with is not from this side of the world. A foreigner. From my analysis, you couldn’t have offended a foreigner because your business is not as big in the west. So... the target might be my daughter."

Zhou Jingren raised an eyebrow at the man’s analysis. He nodded in response. "That was my initial thoughts too."

"Then... you need to be careful. Lily is about to enter her third trimester soon. We don’t want her to carry a lot of burdens or she might give birth before her due date." A sigh escaped his lips. He could not stop himself from rambling about things that he learned when he was reading about pregnancy back then.

"I already planned something." Of course, Zhou Jingren was not dumb enough to tell this man their plans. "I will leave now. Lily is waiting for me to go home. A few minutes after I leave, my people will come here with the cameras."

"Hmmm. One question." Qin Chuan said. "Zhou Huifang is your cousin... are you not planning to do something to him? I mean... this was my major concern. When I decided to take Qi Xia instead of him... I thought about you and your relationship with him."

"My people are watching him. One wrong move and he is dead."

"You will kill him?"

Zhou Jingren met his eyes. "Why not? That man dared to see Lily a few days back. I would not want him near her again."

"Good. Good... or you can send him here? You know... to be interrogated."

"I will think about that offer." Zhou Jingren rose from his seat. He walked towards Qin Chuan and held his hand in front of him. "I will see you soon, Mr. Qin." Seeing this, Qin Chuan also stood up. He held Zhou Jingren’s hands, firmly shaking it before he smiled.

"It is nice to see you, Mr. Zhou... I hope we can still work with each other in the future."

Without waiting for another minute, Zhou Jingren left the study with Secretary Go.


When Zhou Jingren left, Qin Chuan sat back in his chair, his face devoid of any expression. "She found a good man, Bec." He uttered in a gloomy voice. "You should rest well now." A sad smile crept upon his face. "Don’t worry about Yuanfeng... I will make sure to keep them both safe. Even... Even if they don’t recognize me as their father.... I will protect them from the shadows." He then stood from his seat and opened the vault on one of his drawers.

If Lily was here, she would have easily recognized the notebook that was covered in the same leather as the notebook that she found in her grandmother’s secret room. Frowning, he eyed the wordings on the diary that did not make any sense.

’Is watching her’

’I need to do a lot of’

Why would grandmother Ye write something that did not make any sense in her diary? For the umpteenth time, he asked himself before he let out a sigh. He thought that by taking this diary from the Qin’s family mansion, he would read about the things that Bec did with Lily during her time there. He thought he would at least feel closer to his wife.

Another sigh escaped his lips as he looked at the last page of the book. It was a drawing of a ghost. Was Grandma Ye afraid of ghosts? He chuckled to himself. So far, this was the only thing that he actually understood in the entries.

A ghost or a specter.



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