The Villain's Wife

Chapter 745 Hacked

The Villain’s Wife 745 Hacked



"This is not complete." Zhou Jingren uttered when he read Grandma Ye’s diary. "This is like a part of a sentence. Do you think... what if there is another part of this diary somewhere? Like the other part where the other part of the sentences was written."

"That is very good logic." She nodded as she opened the diary, reading the entry again. "This is... most of this is about me. My name was mentioned. The last entry was just last year. "It says... ’I, her. Suspicious.’ Now... that was a very, very interesting last word to write in a diary before she died."

"I agree. Do you think she is talking about you?"

"No idea." She shrugged before she yawned. "You know... what if... she was just having fun writing these things and decided... ’oh! I will make my dear Jinghua the heir of my property so she could find this in my study and have fun solving these clues’. I mean... what if she only wanted to mess with me?"

��Now... Why would she do that? When you disappeared, everyone thought that you died, but she never stopped writing about you." Zhou Jingren said. "That means two things. One, she knows that you are alive somewhere and knows that you will come back. Or two, she really just wrote this for the sake of writing. Maybe she wanted to tell you a lot of things, regrets, or words that she never told you when you were still ’alive’."

"Yeah... I guess it’s the first one. She must have known. Or at least... believed that I was still alive."

"Hmmm." He gave the diary back to Lily as he lay down next to her. "I will get some sleep. I have another meeting at ten in the morning."

"Oh! By the way... did you see Qi Xia? You were really fast. Did you get some info about the foreigner?"

"No. Unfortunately, Qin Chuan gave him a powerful drug. But we had a deal, and Bei Tian is already taking care of it."


"You were right about Tang Lingyun, though." He said as he closed his eyes. "She is still alive and still being tortured. Qin Chuan said she had gone insane, but she might be pretending. Well... that would not matter. I asked him not to kill her."

Lily pursed her lips, saying nothing. She then stored the diary in a safe place before she snuggled in his arms. "I will sleep too." She said, smiling.

In response, Zhou Jingren let her use his arm as his pillow as he drifted into a dreamless sleep.


When Lily woke up, she was alone. She immediately checked her phone and read the note that Zhou Jingren left in a sticky note on top of the nightstand. He already left, and he reminded her not to forget her vitamins. Smiling, she checked the time and realized that it was already twenty minutes past ten in the morning. She immediately showered and dressed before she walked downstairs, only to see Qin Yuanfeng eating in the dining room with his laptop next to him. She immediately concluded that he was waiting for her, he must be planning to accompany her to the office.

"How was the news article?" She asked as she sat opposite to him.

"Deleted." He chuckled. "And someone is fuming." He pointed at his laptop and showed Lily that he was actually watching Mr. Li throwing all his things on the floor, in rage.

"Is this live?" It was a silly question to ask. She knew it was a live video. He must have hacked into their CCTV, she thought before she started eating her breakfast.

"Unfortunately, the CCTV did not have any voice access. We can’t hear what they were saying."

Lily only chuckled in response. Who would want to listen to an old man trash talk?

Meanwhile, Mr.Li is not so happy to learn that the news was immediately taken down before it caught the eyes of the masses. Was Lily always watching the web?

"B*tch!" he threw another glass towards the floor. Its loud crashing sound echoed inside his office. "AHHHH! How could this happened?" He yelled when he saw Stephen Li walking inside his office. "What are you doing here? I thought I told you not to see me again!"

"Someone sent me the photo that you have. Did someone hack your computer?" he eyed the mess in front of him before he sat calmly on his father’s leather chair. He immediately opened his computer, only to realize that it was empty.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Li asked. "Don’t touch my computer!"

"Someone hacked your computer. Is that why you are throwing a tantrum?"


"You heard me." Stephen rose from his seat and walked towards the couch, avoiding all the sharp glasses that littered the floor. "Is that why are you so angry?"

"Who would — how dare they do this? Call the IT department! Now!"

Stephen shrugged before he called his father’s secretary and told her to call the IT for him. It did not take too long for the in-charge in the IT department to arrive in Mr. Li’s office. He immediately checked the computer and just like Stephen Li he told him that someone hacked his computer. Moreover, the files were permanently deleted and there is no way to recover it. Unless they know the person who hacked the computer.

"You mean.. You didn’t see it? You did not detect that someone was inside our network?"

The man from the IT department shook his head and informed him that it is not a part of his job.

"That is crazy! Are you sure you are doing your job right!?" You — You are useless! Get out! Leave!" The man did not hesitate. He immediately left. After all, it was pretty well known that Mr. Li is really this frightening when he is angry.

"What did you do father?" Stephen asked the moment he was already alone with his father. "Did you offend someone powerful?"

"What? No!" he hissed.

Stephen lifted an eyebrow in response. "You sure about that? Hacking a company and just deleting the files on your computer? Only someone who hates you would do that."


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