The Void Wolf

Chapter 219: As For The Loser?

The former Fourth Prince and the current ruler of the Grenitian Kingdom, Leonard Windsor, sat in his throne room with a group of advisors and strategists surrounding him. He currently faced a massive crisis, one of which he would’ve never imagined in his wildest dreams.

“I can’t believe they lost,” Someone muttered lifelessly.

No one was in the mood to correct his lack of etiquette and instead found themselves looking at the floor.

Leonard too was busy with his own thoughts. Even though he was still young the weight of the crown atop his head started to become unbearable. He recalled all knew about Ira during the Summit. If his memory was correct, Ira could either act on a whim and kill someone for a small slight or restrain himself just as easily.

‘Would that apply now?’ Leonard thought. If the news was true, and it clearly was, Ira had killed the Angels and the one they acknowledged as a God, Rythar.

‘If that’s the case then what does that make Ira?’ Leonard pondered while letting out a bitter laugh. What use were Gods when they couldn’t even kill one person? It was a question shared by many who heard the news.

“Your Majesty!” Someone barged in the room and knelt down. “There’s trouble!”

“Speak!” An old man shouted.

“The sky has turned pitch black and a small army has emerged from two strange doorways. They’re marching this way and the one leading them is...”

“Finish it,” Leonard said although he could guess the answer.

“It’s the one who has defeated the Unified Army as well as the Angels...Ira.”

“How does it feel to be back here?” Ira asked Zella and Juliana who followed close behind him.

They ignored the screaming of the citizens who retreated to safety upon seeing them arrive.

“Attachment to a familiar place is no longer something I can say I have,” Zella answered.

“It is the same for me,” Juliana added.

“Would it hurt to lighten up a little?” Ira shrugged away the depressing responses he received and continued forward.

Even though he hadn’t brought many soldiers, none of the guards tried to stop him. After all, they had heard of his exploits and even speaking his name filled them with fear. All they could do was hang their heads shamefully while knowing there was nothing that could be done.

One short and uneventful walk, and Ira arrived at the Grenitian Palace. Standing outside of the palace doors, Leonard had stood with his closest advisors as well as a few palace guards who looked as if they wanted to be anywhere but in front of Ira.

“...Forgive me, but I’m unsure of what to call you now.” Leonard lowered his head as he greeted Ira, his retainers also followed his actions and did the same.

“Since you’re not from the Dark Elf Empire you don’t have to call me Keeper. Just call me Ira, same as you did before.” Ira was unfazed by the display in front of him.

“Well then, please come in, Ira,” Leonard said before signaling to his group and escorting Ira into the palace.

Leonard didn’t even think of sitting on his throne and stood a fair distance away from Ira while waiting for the latter to speak.

“You know…” As Ira began to speak everyone listened closely. “I don't blame you for sending people to fight against me.” Ira began pacing around the palace brazenly but no one thought to stop him.

“Ah! But my people do blame you.” Ira glanced at the Dark Elf Empire soldiers and they brandished their swordspears without the need for instructions. Their blood-colored armor made from Behemoth’s bones only increased the threatening air around them.

Leonard clenched his fist nervously but made sure no one on his side acted aggressively.

“It’s not like I expected you to go against the Angels but the fact that my people died remains.” Ira climbed up the steps of the throne and fell into it before hanging his legs over the armrest. It would’ve been an unforgivable sign of disrespect but Leonard didn’t care one bit. Not when the most powerful being on the planet was the one who did it.

“May I ask what is it you want in repayment?” Leonard cautiously inquired.

“Good question. To start, I’ll take about...let’s see...” Ira contemplated the matter deeply before finally continuing. “I’ll take ten-thousand of your people. Five-thousand children, if they’re infants you can keep them. If they can walk, speak, and understand instructions I’ll be taking them. For the other five-thousand, I’ll take able-bodied men or women, it doesn’t matter. Out of those men and women, I want alchemists, healers, and farmers.”

“A-Are you mad?” One of Leonard’s advisors voiced his thoughts and the Dark Elves immediately rushed forward. Before anyone could even react he was grabbed and tossed to the ground before a swordspear was pressed against his neck.

“Ignorant human!” A Dark Elf spat venomously.

Ira smiled at the commotion and fixed his posture on the throne. “You’re right. My demands were a bit too inappropriate.”

Just as Leonard and the others were about to let out a sigh of relief, Ira spoke once more.

“With all the soldiers you lost there should be a lot of children who are orphans. So with that in mind, I’ll take fifty-thousand human children and fifty-thousand human men and women. The same as I described before.”

“You can’t!” A guard blurted out and the Dark Elves lost their patience and grabbed all of the guards and advisors before throwing them to the ground and placing weapons at their throats.

Leonard was the only who was allowed to stand and face Ira with a horrified expression. He understood Ira’s intentions and the fact that someone else spoke out would only result in something worse.

“You know what? I just thought of something.” Ira smiled and leaned forward with a dark look in his eyes. “Every year for the next, I don’t know, decade or so? I want five-thousand children and five-thousand men and women from this Kingdom. If you refuse I’ll...well, do I really have to threaten you? I mean honestly, I killed a God and an Army of Angels. Shouldn’t that be enough? Was I too soft on all of you?” Ira made a small gesture toward the Dark Elf soldiers. “Kill the ones who yelled leave the rest alone.”

Without needing any more encouragement, the Dark Elves plunged their swordspears into the throats of the two men who raised a fuss before retreating.

Quiet whimpers filled the throne room but Ira ignored them and stood up, walking toward Leonard.

“Now, I know my demands are quite a lot to handle so I’ll give you three days to arrange everything. In three days, two doors are going to appear in front of your Palace and about thirty-thousand soldiers are going to come out to ensure things go smoothly. They’ll stand by while all the people I asked for are transported to my city.” Ira stood in front of Leonard and began to fix his disheveled robes for him.

“Now, listen close, because this is the most important part. I want you to bring me the people I asked for regardless of their background. They can be poor or they can be nobles, it doesn’t matter just don’t send anyone who’s close to death or I’ll be more than a little insulted. Also, don’t you have teleportation arrays? You can choose them from whatever city or town you want, that’ll probably make it easier on you.” Ira adjusted the crown on Leonard’s head as he finished speaking and then let out a short chuckle.

“What about the other nations?” Leonard said in small voice.

“What about them?” Ira replied. “I chose this Kingdom. If I decide I want something from them I’ll get it.”

Ira turned to leave and two black doorways appeared once more.

“I almost forgot.” Ira placed a palm on his forehead. “Hand it over.”

He snapped his fingers and a Dark Elf approached with an urn in hand before giving it to Leonard.

“That’s what’s left of Randolph. I just thought I’d return him to his homeland.”

Ira and the Dark Elves departed immediately after that, leaving a completely dumbstruck Leonard.

The jar which contained the ashes of Randolph was still warm indicating that he was only recently cremated.

“My Liege...What are we to do?” Someone asked weakly.

“What are we to do?” Leonard repeated with a hollow laugh. “We’ll do exactly as he instructed. Gather the remaining soldiers and have them randomly raid one thousand houses. Send word to the other cities to do the same. With the exception of the Lord who presides over the city and anyone related to the Thynne branch families, tell them to treat no one differently, regardless of what status they hold. Prioritize children who lost their parents to the war and widowed spouses.”

And just like that, the instructions were passed down. The Grenitian Kingdom had entered what would soon be called one of the most tragic events in their history. Ironically, it was an event that involved no bloodshed or conflict whatsoever.

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