The Walking Dead: Warlord

S2E51 – Scolding

Awkward silence. That’s what’s going on right now. Amy came and plopped down beside me in a lawn chair. After I finished eating my food, I look over to her to find her looking me dead in the eyes. I give her a smile and say,


She just stares at me and says,

“Why do you always have to get into trouble?”

I’m slightly confused by this, which is obvious to Amy as she scoffs and shakes her head,

“You don’t get it do you?”

She gets a slight amount of anger visible on her face, and shakes her head while standing up. She speaks with frustration clear,

“I’m done. I can’t do it.”

She begins to walk away, but I follow after her I ask her,

“Amy, what’s wrong? If it’s about what happened, I’m sorry but it was out of my control!”

She doesn’t answer and continues walking away while shaking her head. I continue trying to speak to her,

“Amy, please just tell me what’s wrong!”

She stops in her tracks, just in front of the barn, and puts her hands on her hips while looking up towards the sky. She then turns around, revealing her tear-coated face. She walks up to me and speaks with a shaky voice,

“You don’t fucking get it do you? You just about died a few days ago! You had everyone worried fucking sick! We all saw how bad it was! Even Clem had to watch you lying there, possibly dying! And yet you decide to go ahead and get into even more trouble!”

The tears in her eyes grow more, becoming two glittering pools under her eyes,

“This time, you even managed to rope my sister into it! You have no idea how worried we were! You JUST FUCKING RECOVERED! AND YOU GET INTO ANOTHER SHOOTOUT!?”

She slowly turns to shouting, her emotions running high, and her tears falling down her chin onto the ground below,


She looks down and wipes her eyes while sniffling, trying to bring herself back together. I have a revelation. It seems that in my mission to protect the group, I’ve kinda started seeing my own body as a tool for that quest. As if no injury on me matters. Like I’m just some machine. Even the me from a week ago wouldn’t get into gunfights so easily. I would’ve just marked the town as enemy territory and left…

I walk towards her and put my arms around her, one around her waist and the other on the back of her head, pulling her face into my shoulder. I speak to her with compassion,

“I’m sorry, Amy. Sorry for getting your sister into a dangerous situation… And for getting into trouble myself. I won’t lie to you and say it’ll never happen again. In fact, it’ll probably only grow more common. But you have my word on this,”

I take a step back and put my hands on both sides of her head, getting her to look up at me,

“No matter what I get myself into… I will always come back to you.”

She looks into my eyes, her eyes glistening like two beautiful pearls. Her meek appearance causes my heart to jump, and a desire comes over me. A desire to protect her at all costs. While I stare at her, she looks away, down at my arms. She gently pushes away my arms, using her hands to wipe away her tears. She then moves forwards and suddenly wraps her arms around me in a hug. I return it, feeling the girl burying her face into my upper chest. I hear her whisper under her breath,


We stay like that for a few seconds, no doubt earning some stares from the group. As she pulls away, she asks me a question,

“Uh… Did you get taller?”

I tilt my head in confusion and notice that… I do indeed feel a little taller. Like maybe about two inches or so? I chuckle and say,

“Maybe? Who knows, maybe I stretched a little too hard in my sleep and grew a new vertebrae in my spine.”

I smile at her, but get a bit more serious as I say,

“I’ll try to stay out of trouble from now on. It was pretty stupid to attack those guys when we didn’t even know how many there were. I’m also sorry for getting your sister into danger.”

She nods her head and says,

“I swear if you die I’m gonna kill you.”

I chuckle and say,

“I’m absolutely terrified.”

She slaps me on the shoulder and chuckles as well. I look over towards the barn. I gotta do something about that… Something that doesn’t make Hershel hate us. I guess I’ve gotta work on his view of walkers. In the show, Shane shooting that walker in the heart seemed to kinda be a wake up call, but I doubt me doing it would have any more of an impact. I’ll come up with a plan. Maybe a little… Spark… Could solve the barn issue…


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