The Walking Dead: Warlord

S2E56 – Admission

“Because I like you! Goddammit! I don’t want you to get hurt!”

As the words leave my mouth, I feel a weight lift off of my chest. I almost breathe a sigh of relief before I notice what exactly I just said. My face grows flushed, and I turn away from her before saying,

“A-Anyways… Now you know the reason…”

As I go to walk away, Amy grabs onto my arm and says,


I turn back to look at her and see her cheeks glowing a rosy red. As our eyes meet, she looks away shyly, looking down towards the right. She speaks with a quiet tone,

“I-I like you… Too…”

I feel my heart skip a beat as she says this. I hear the trees begin to rustle, and feel a breeze flow across my face. I look at her lips, their pink glow and soft texture… Her lashes reframe her eyes that almost seem to glow a brilliant blue. Her long, silky blonde hair that flows in the breeze like golden fields of wheat. I find myself unable to speak.

I reach out and put my hand on her cheek, feeling the soft, springy texture of her skin against my palm. She leans into my palm and slightly rubs her cheek against my hand before looking into my eyes. I begin to lean in, watching as the pools of deep sapphire draw me closer. But…

My vision flashes for a second. I see my hand on her cheek, covered in a thick layer of blood. The ground behind her turns into a dark, flaming hellscape. A pile of bodies sits behind her. Rick. Shane. Glen… Clem… V stands over her right shoulder, my axe embedded in her skull. She looks at me with cold, glazed eyes wordlessly, but saying all. 

Amy’s skin has turned pale and stiff. Her eyes grow bloodshot and grey and appear to stare off into the void behind me. Blood spills from the side of her head, coating my already bloody hand in a sickening mixture of crimson, pink, and grey. I stand for what seems like hours, staring into her cold, dead eyes, before she suddenly springs back to life.

Her brows furrow, and her eyes focus on me. She suddenly reaches out, grabbing me with two cold, grey arms. Her mouth opens wide, revealing a gaping maw of yellow, blood spattered blades. I hurriedly yank away my arm and flinch in fear.


As I open my eyes again; I find Amy standing before me holding both of my arms and shaking me. A thin layer of cold sweat drips down my brow as I find her staring at me with a concerned expression. I look around, finding myself to be back on the familiar farm.


I gulp, and try to catch my breath as my lungs burn, aching for air. I wipe the sweat from my brow and turn around, facing away from her.

“Penny, what’s wrong?!”

I attempt to steady my hands, balling them into fists with such ferocity that I nearly break skin. As the anxiety slowly fades, I speak to her,

“I… I’m sorry… Amy… I don’t… Think I’m ready for a relationship…”

I expect her to cry. I expect her to grow angry with me for leading her on. I expect her to call me a liar. She has every right to, after all. As I wrestle with my thoughts and prepare myself for anything, her voice rings out like a sweet songbird,

“I understand…”

I turn back to look at her and find her giving me a soft, yet slightly hurt smile. No tears, no anger, not even disappointment. Just true understanding. She reaches out and grabs my right hand, holding it with both of theirs, steadying the chaotic shaking of before. She speaks again, softly,

“I won’t pry. When you’re ready to talk about it, I’ll be here for you. I always will be.”

She gives me another smile. I feel tears beginning to form, but manage to hold them back. I close my eyes and breathe a sigh of relief,

“Thank you, Amy… Truly…”

And almost immediately, I hear her voice change to a more playful tone,

“I’m still patrolling with you!~”

I chuckle slightly as she leads me by the hand back to camp.


AN: Sorry again for the short chapter, and also for missing yesterday's upload. I've been working quite a bit recently.

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