The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 088 – Trust

[2009 – August]

So Jean agreed to help Selene eliminate Apocalypse?”, Emma asked with a serious tone as soon as I had taken a seat in one of the armchairs before her large desk.

Nodding heavily, I didn't say anymore, my thoughts still plagued by unwillingness and a bit of self-doubt. I was angry at myself for not being able to kill the immortal mutant myself, however unreasonable that may have been.

Obviously, I understood that I had just come to this world and gained my powers a few weeks prior, but that hardly did anything to change the fact that my decision to help Selene go after Apocalypse would endanger Jean.

Naturally, the danger to her was minimal as with the Phoenix Force inside her, it was basically impossible for Apocalypse to seriously hurt or kill her according to what Selene had told me.

The Apocalypse from this timeline was clearly not the one from the comics, he was more of a combination of the movie version and the comic version, which still made him incredibly dangerous but also much weaker.

I knew that my anger wasn't solely because I cared for Jean though as I was honest enough to admit that it stung my pride that I couldn't kill the immortal mutant even though he was currently still in hibernation.

Selene mention that even with her strength being enhanced massively through the devouring of her fellow Externals, she was sure that even if she was able to directly confront Apocalypse without being controlled, her chances were only around fifty-fifty by her own estimate.

That fact alone was enough to assure me that I couldn't defeat him at this point in time, which wasn't a very pleasant feeling considering that Apocalypse was just one of the many threats in this Universe, and not a very big one compared to cosmic beings like Dormammu or Galactus.

I didn't know if the latter existed in this timeline but that was beside the point.

Being confronted with the first real threat made me realize that I still had a long way to go, a flame born out of ambition and determination igniting in my very soul which urged me to push forward – to gain more strength.

I embraced these emotions, knowing that they would serve as motivation to not stop advancing on my path to heights unknown to mortal beings, a path that would lead me to absolute freedom.

I didn't change my plans for my next power upgrade or act recklessly though, as I that this would only have an adverse effect.

Enduring excruciating pain time and time again, my will had been forged into an unbreakable blade, causing me to easily restrain myself and cut away the impatience and brashness that tried to tempt me into acting rashly.

Instead, I used the fire of my ambition to temper my will even further as I gritted my teeth and faced my weakness, knowing that with time and patience I would reach a state beyond weakness, or strength – an absolute state.

"Good. With Jean's help I doubt that there is a possibility of failure, though there is no need to rush things.", Emma replied with a thoughtful nod, "According to Selene, Apocalypse is still in hibernation, and while his state is unstable there shouldn't be a problem for the next few months."

"Both Jean and you have to use this time to prepare yourselves, Elijah.", she continued, her gaze turning stern, though I could easily spot her concern in the small frown on her face and the tightening of her lips, "Your powers are still growing, so don't neglect your training. I will also try and make some more time in my schedule to spend more time on my lessons with Jean."

Seeing Emma like this, her Ice Queen persona basically gone, I pushed aside the thoughts about my power for the moment, as a warm feeling spread in my chest due to the concern and worry the Hellfire Queen showed.

I knew she cared for me, and even though it had been a short few weeks since our first meeting, and I felt the same way about the icy beauty as I felt the same kind of determination from her that I carried with me.

Emma had suffered incredible hardships and sorrows, and while her past had left her with invisible scars that may very well never fully heal, she pushed forward with strength and determination, ruthless in the pursuit of her goals, her spirit unbreakable.

Not to mention that she had been kind to me since the moment we met, and I didn't take such kindness lightly. I truly did see her as my elder sister at this point, and I trusted her implicitly, her willingness to fight against Selene without hesitation during the meeting the day before was still fresh in my mind.

I also knew that relationships were a give and take, and that if I wanted us to be even closer then I had to open up to her as I had done with Jean.

"I won't slack off, I promise.", I replied with a slight smile, before turning serious, "Though there is something I wanted to talk to you about, Emma. It's about my powers … "

Listening to Elijah as he explained to her the inner workings of his 'Self-Creation' as he called it, after he had set up one of his barriers around her office, Emma could hardly stop herself from just letting her jaw drop to the floor.

She had guessed that there was more to his power than he had initially told her about, and the recordings she had seen from his training sessions, had made her aware of his insane improvement speed.

Elijah's powers though were infinitely more incredible than even her wildest imaginations, as he was simply the embodiment of limitless potential.

The fact that he trusted her enough to tell her about his powers just added to her surprise. She knew very well that Elijah was a vigilant and highly secretive person, and like herself, he didn't trust others easily, the fact that she was only the second person he told about his powers being proof enough of that.

Emma couldn't help but recall his confrontation with Selene the day before.

Not only had his power been surprising but his wrath had been equally, if not more shocking to her. The sheer malevolence that she had felt bleeding into the ambient psionic energy had made even her tremble in fright for a moment, even though it hadn't been directed at her.

Though the one thing that had left the deepest impact on her heart was the blackish-transparent barrier that had enveloped her figure the moment Elijah had attacked Selene, his will to protect her even when enraged caused her icy heart to tremble with tender affection.

Looking at the calm green eyes of her younger brother as he entrusted her with secrets that she might have never told another soul if she had been in his position, Emma couldn't help herself from looking at Elijah with a gentle spirit in her eyes, determined to never abuse and prove herself worthy of his trust.

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