The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 098 – Anchor

[2009 – August]

Turning back to the artifact for a moment, the Ancient One shifted her gaze back towards me as she replied.

Ah yes, the Quantum Tail. It is one of Kamar-Taj's more curious artifacts.”, she stated with a calm smile, “And yes, the name is not a coincidence.”

Standing up, she grabbed the small wooden pedestal on which the cat tail rested before setting it down on the table between the sofa and the armchair while explaining: "After nearly a lifetime of scientific research, Erwin managed to find his way into the London Sanctum."

"Having realized that the Mystic Arts may further his understanding of the Universe, he became a student of mine. He was especially interested in the Quantum Realm, though that is a place even I do not dare travel to as returning from it is nearly impossible. He was rather stubborn though, like one would expect from a man of science, and determined to uncover the Quantum Realm's secrets."

"He created this artifact after nearly two decades of hard work, hoping that it would help him in his explorations of other dimensions. Sadly, even though he managed to finish his creation, age caught up with him despite his rather remarkable proficiency in the field of magic.", she ended with a sigh.

Still shocked by the revelation that one of the great minds in the field of physics had been a sorcerer, it took me a few moments to refocus as I inspected the black cat's tail in greater detail.

What abilities does it have that would allow someone to travel the Quantum Realm safely?”, I questioned seriously, knowing that this was by no means an easy feat.

It would be best explained as a dimensional anchor.”, the Ancient One pondered for a moment before answering, “Though like many other artifacts in Kamar-Taj, using it is not without risks and downsides. In fact, one might argue that it is impossible to use it even.”

Looking at the ancient sorceress, I had a puzzled look on my face as I inquired: “You mentioned that it is a finished artifact. Why would it be impossible for someone to use it?”

Shaking her head with a sigh, the Ancient One replied: "Erwin created it so that he would be able to anchor himself to this dimensional, which would have given him a fixpoint to which he could return to, even from the Quantum Realm. And while he did succeed in a way, anchoring oneself to a dimension isn't as simple as it seems."

"To anchor oneself to a dimension, one must connect with it on a level that goes way beyond the physical realm. In fact, it would require one to establish a connection with the very core of a dimension. But the core of every dimension is basically the source out of which everything that exists within it is born. It is the nexus of all energy that flows through and governs the dimension."

"Erwin was a great sorcerer and even more brilliant scholar, and the fact that he managed to create this artifact at all is half a miracle in itself. Still, our dimension is governed by forces of creation that are much too powerful for an artifact such as this to withstand."

So, while it is indeed capable of anchoring a being to a dimension, it can't be this dimension, which similarly defeats the purpose of this artifact. To even use it one would have to travel to another dimension and be strong enough to survive being connected to its nexus, which in itself is in most cases an impossible feat.”

The real trouble though arises if one wants to return to his original dimension though, as one would inevitably be rejected by the laws that govern said dimension. Because beings that are anchored to one dimension cannot travel freely to other dimensions, at least not without possessing unimaginable power.”

"So, while it is an incredible artifact, it is pretty much without use. Not to mention that it is one of the pickiest among all in Kamar-Taj. It has never chosen a wielder since its creation.", the Ancient One explained.

Shocked, I gazed at the fluffy black cat tail, my hand reaching out to touch it as my heart started pounding much faster.

I understood from the Ancient One's words that no sorcerer would even want to use this artifact, as to even survive the act of connecting oneself to the nexus of a dimension was not something easily accomplished.

Even worse though was the rejection one would suffer by trying to enter another dimension afterwards, as that meant that whoever used the tail would just trap himself in another dimension.

There was basically no benefit in using this artifact while the risks were life-threatening.

And even if someone tried using it, in hopes of gaining power by connecting to a dimensional nexus and could survive the anchoring process, the connection created by an artifact such as this would be incredibly faint, probably imperceptible, so the power gained through this would be minimal at best.

I was sure of this as I could feel the inherent power of this artifact through my Extrasensory Perception, and it wasn't that great in comparison to most other artifacts in the mansion.

So yes, the Ancient One was right in her assessment that this artifact had barely any use, but my heartbeat quickened nonetheless. In my eyes, this artifact was even more valuable than the Eye of Agamotto and so I couldn't help but reach out subconsciously.

What I did not expect though, was for the soft black tail to turn into a thin black chain and wrap itself around my wrist as soon as I touched it, sitting on my arm like a simple and unadorned bangle.

Frozen in my movement, I saw the surprised look in the Ancient One's eyes, though it quickly turned into something akin to understanding as she regained her wits.

Well … It seems that the Quantum Tail has taken a liking to you, Elijah.”, she said with a smile, an intrigued look in her eyes.

Looking at the thin black chain, I couldn't help but frown even though I was somewhat excited. To come across such an artifact, just as I had made plans that could benefit greatly if I possessed it, was this fate?

Was it a mere coincidence that seemed unexplainable because I simply was not capable of fully understanding the intricacies of the happenings before me? Had the artifact chosen me as its wielder because it could sense my willingness and ability to use it?

I wasn't able to understand what had just happened but the Ancient One's words from before had not been forgotten by me. There was no reason to fervently pursue an answer, just because I could not understand this kind of 'luck'.

Sighing to myself, I was sure that this wouldn't be the last time that 'fate' would trouble me, but such was life. Dwelling on such things would certainly not bring me joy or peace of mind, learning to accept the unpredictable - good and bad – however, might.

I am not a member of Kamar-Taj though. Is this okay for me to possess it? And why does it look like a chain now?”, I asked with a slight frown, putting aside my other thoughts for the moment.

Her smile broadening just a bit, the Ancient One answered calmly: "This is its true appearance, it was just enchanted to look like a cat tail before. Erwin had a peculiar taste for such things."

"And not all artifacts in Kamar-Taj are fated to stay in Kamar-Taj. The tail has chosen you for a reason, understanding it or not, you are now its wielder, Elijah.", she stated serenely.

Unsure if she had chosen her words like that on purpose, I just sighed quietly as I nodded in understanding.

Opening the base of the small wooden pedestal that had formerly been the tail's resting place, the sorceress pulled out a small leather-bound notebook.

Passing it to me, she explained: "Everything you must know about the tail, you will find in here. Keep it well, and bring it back as soon as you have unraveled its secrets so that Kamar-Taj can also benefit from the knowledge contained inside."

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