The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 104 – Natural Imbalance

[2009 – September]

Returning to his base in a flash, Erik couldn't help but smile to himself. Pietro had been right in his assessment – Elijah Frost was different.

While the righteous attitude of the young Jean Grey wasn't too much of a surprise, he had clearly sensed that the young Frost wasn't of the same mind. Elijah had been calm and impassive even when his young lover mentioned the terrorist acts of the Brotherhood, seemingly uncaring about the lives of others.

He did however seem very protective of the girl, and his readiness to attack hadn't escaped Erik's eyes.

Naturally, he also could have arranged to meet the boy through Emma though that wouldn't have been half as enlightening. Meeting Elijah in such an unexpectant and slightly threatening manner had been very useful in helping him figure out Elijah's character.

The young man reminded Erik of his older sister, Emma Frost. Uncaring to others' plight as long as his own bottom line wasn't crossed. Not to mention that Erik had also picked up on the suppressed bloodthirst in the boy's gaze.

Elijah had been ready to attack them, even though he knew who he faced, and Erik was sure that he wouldn't have shown mercy in his assault. Elijah was a killer waiting for his chance to strike, ruthlessly at that.

All in all, he would most certainly make a remarkable soldier, should he join the ranks of the Brotherhood. This though wasn't something that could be rushed. Only with patience could he hope to draw the powerful young mutant to his side.

Still, this first meeting had already helped him accomplish what he had set out to do, as he now had a much better grasp on what kind of person Elijah Frost was.

Silently walking side by side for a few minutes, fingers entwined as Jean continued to hold onto my hand, I naturally noticed that her thoughts were still preoccupied with the words spoken by Magneto.

Talk to me, Firefly.”, I spoke up quietly, my thumb brushing over the back of her hand.

Looking up at me, I could feel her grip on my hand tighten as she asked, a complex look in her eyes: “You think he is right, don't you?”

Sighing lightly, I wasn't surprised that Jean had picked up on that.

Still, I hadn't planned to hide my thoughts and views from her either way. If the bond between us was as real as I thought it was, then there was no need to do so either.

"It's not that simple, Jean.", I replied while shaking my head, before turning in another direction, "Come."

Leading her into a shadowy alley, I grabbed Jean by her waist as she looked at me quietly, her gaze still warm and trusting. Creating a shield, I manipulated it so that it attached itself to my legs and torso under my clothes, before using it to fly up with Jean in my arms.

Rapidly approaching the closest high-rise building while shielding her from the cold night wind with another shield, we landed on the rooftop without anyone noticing us.

Swinging my legs over the edge of the building, I sat down at the ledge, gesturing for Jean to move next to me, which she did before taking my hand into hers again, leaning against me quietly and waiting for me to speak up again.

"I do think that Magneto is right about the coming conflict between humanity and mutantkind.", I began, sighing as I continued, "The strong prey on the weak. It's a rather common saying, and while not entirely accurate, I do think it is true.”

"Since age-old, this saying has held true. Empires and Kingdoms fall before stronger adversities, strong men fall before even stronger foes."

"From simple physical strength to war tactics, cunning, and charisma, the 'strong' have emerged victorious by using the many different means at their disposal. This is the natural progression of the world. Even in our time, this hasn't changed."

"No matter if you are a carpenter or a lawyer if you want to get anywhere in life you need to triumph over others. Skillset, charisma, business acumen, professionalism, and many other characteristics decide how successful you are."

"This isn't something unnatural or undesirable. It is natural selection at its core, and it holds true for every aspect of life as this naturally ensures that those capable enough succeed. And their success benefits those close to them, or society at large in the best case scenario."

"The greatest problem of this naturally occurring selection is the malevolent part of humanity, those that are powerful and are willing to do anything to ensure that their own interests aren't harmed through any means necessary."

You could call it corruption, I guess. Though it doesn't really matter,as that is nothing new. Humanity's free will ensures that there will always be those that are inclined to use more nefarious means to achieve their goals.”

"This is the world we live in, one constantly at war with itself. It's natural, yet tragic.", I voiced out quietly, while Jean looked at me with slightly widened eyes, surprise in her gaze.

"And if you think about it clearly, the emergence of mutantkind would naturally lead to conflict.", I continued calmly, "A race consisting entirely of beings with supernatural abilities, some of them powerful enough to wage war against whole countries by themselves. How could this not upset the natural order?"

"Even worse though is the fact that most mutants awaken their powers through states of emotional turmoil, which means those that are recipients of abuse or are just in a state of emotional unrest are much more likely to awaken their powers."

Do you think that someone that has been the victim of abuse and suddenly gains power beyond any reason, would be willing to endure pain and suffering? What about those that find themselves traumatized by the events of their awakening, who amongst them could possibly wield their power with a modicum of control?”

"When strong mutants awaken their power, more often than not, it doesn't happen without them causing harm to normal humans or at least without unleashing destruction on their surroundings.”

Rogue nearly killed someone the moment she awakened while Scott did the same, causing massive destruction in his old school and resulting in multiple injured people. Bobby Drake nearly froze some to death the first time he revealed his power.”

"There are also plenty of mutants that use their ability to actively harm others, the Brotherhood is only one example of such."

"The moment mutants are born, they are strong, while humans in comparison are weak. The natural hierarchy is rather obvious, and this imbalance causes envy and fear amongst humans, which then turns into hate. It is a natural reaction to the threat the mutant race poses as a whole."

"Some might be open-minded enough to see the potential in peaceful coexistence but humanity, for the most part, isn't that generous at heart. At least, I do not think that they are. Thus, conflict seems inevitable.", I ended, looking at Jean as she had her head lowered, her hands holding onto my own tightly.

"I- … I can't really find the words to refute you … ", she whispered as she raised her head, gazing at me with her beautiful eyes, a sad look in them, "Does it make me naive that I still wish for you to be wrong?"

Moving to sit sideways on the ledge, I pulled her close as I cradled her cheek and brushed over her cheek with my fingers, moving aside a few strands of soft flaming hair before placing my hand on the side of her face.

No, my love.”, I answered softly, looking at her with a gentle smile on my lips, “It just means that you have a kind and pure heart. You want to believe in good – in hope. It's something beautiful as long as you aren't blinded by your beliefs and can still see the world as it is.”

Moving closer, Jean placed a soft kiss on my lips as she blinked rapidly, brushing away a tear from the corner of her eye.

I love you, Elijah.”, she whispered before placing her head on my chest, her gaze resting on the bright and bustling city beneath us.

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