The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 108 – Midtown Science High School

[2009 – September]

Looking up at the arched gateway, I read the words 'Midtown Science High School' before I stepped into my new school with Jean and Laura at my side, not to forget Arya who hid in my collar.

We were the only ones from the Hellion Mansion that attended this school, as the rest of the inhabitants all went to class in the Massachusetts Academy. I transferred here so that I could go to the same school as Jean, while she and Laura had already been students at this school.

Midtown Science High School was a school that especially focused on nurturing students that planned to have a career in the sciences, which might raise the question of why the Professor would send his students here but from a monetary perspective, it did make sense.

For the school to stay ahead in terms of equipment and ensure that the standard was met to be able to teach more advanced topics, a huge amount of money was needed.

Money that Xavier was undoubtedly willing to donate in exchange for the guarantee that his students could attend this school for a few days every week, while they spent the rest of the time being taught at the mansion.

I had brought us here with a shield that had teleported us to an alley half a mile away, after which we had just walked the rest of the way.

To be honest, it was a very strange feeling to be going to school again. After all, I had been an adult in my last life before I died and hadn't gone to a school in more than fifteen years.

I was strangely excited and a bit nostalgic while I recalled my last life's school life. I had always been a good student, though I was by no means a straight-A student. It just had never really been difficult for me to understand any kind of subject matter, so my grades were always above a C-grade.

In truth, I could have done much better but I had been somewhat lazy. I had lacked the motivation to study for hours as I never really understood why I had to learn ten different subjects when I was only truly interested in two or three of them.

In hindsight, I was still convinced that the way the schooling system was structured many talents were buried, and the budding interest of younger children in a particular subject was extinguished under a truckload of homework that simply did not encourage anyone to take an interest in any subject. I had seen this first hand as I had worked as a tutor for some time.

Still, in this lifetime I only went to school to be with Jean, while she was determined to study and become a doctor. She had even spent a lot of time during the break studying different subjects on that matter.

Admittedly, it was a bit of a time sink for me to attend high school, but I had already decided to spend the time in class studying languages and other materials that I took an interest in.

With an ethereal barrier around myself that 'shielded me from other's perception', i.e. dulled my presence during class, a normal human mind would basically ignore me which was also the reason I didn't hesitate to bring Arya along.

It was only 7.15 am at the moment, and school wouldn't start until 7.50, so there weren't many students present. From what Jean had told me, the other mutants from Xavier's would arrive together around 7.30.

Still, I had to get my ID card from the administration office, along with finding my locker and getting a bit more familiar with the school grounds. Emma had arranged for me to attend this school and I had already familiarized myself with my schedule, which was mostly identical to Jean's.

Though I wouldn't take any unnecessary courses, as I didn't care about extra credits. I had no plans to attend college, after all. Laura was the same in that aspect, so at least I had already found someone to slack off with.

This was mostly a joke though, as even if I wanted to get bad grades, I didn't think that was possible with my enhanced mental capabilities. I could multitask easily enough as things stood, so even if I focused on other things during class, I would inevitably remember everything that was taught.

My left hand in Jean's grasp, she led me to the administration office with Laura following behind for part of the way. Jean carried a light smile on her lips as she explained to me the layout of the school, and I naturally noticed the tender joy in her eyes as she introduced the place to me.

I knew that she was excited that I was attending this school with her, not to mention that this would be the first time she could really enjoy her classes and school in general as she was no longer plagued by her telepathy. She still wasn't yet at a stage where she could replace my mental shield with one of her own makings though, but she was getting there.

I did, however, also take notice of the slight shadows in her gaze and the way she held onto my hand more tightly than usual, while her voice seemed softer and more reserved than normal.

I knew though that this wasn't because she was shy and embarrassed about the fact that we would obviously be recognized as a couple. Jean might be a bit shy sometimes, but I could tell at a glance that this was something different.

I was sure that this was the aftermath of yesterday's visit at Xavier's. I knew it would take more time for her to come to terms with what the Professor had revealed, so I didn't say anything. I just stayed by her side and was extra affectionate with her.

From Laura's gaze and demeanor, I could also tell that she was aware that Jean was hurting, even though she didn't know anything about the why. This didn't surprise me, as Laura was very sensitive when it came to the mood of those around her.

"Here is your ID, all that's left is one last signature here to confirm that you really received it.", an older woman with greying hair and a slender frame stated with a smile, as she placed down a clipboard before me along with a pen.

She already had me sign two other documents, one of them had something to do with transfer and the other was about my locker, which basically said that any damage to school property would be billed, and might have further disciplinary consequences.

Signing the document, I took my ID as I said my thanks, “Thank you.”

"No problem, young man. If you have any questions, you can come by at any time.", she replied with a smile.

Nodding and thanking her again, I said my goodbyes before leaving the administration office, Jean having waited outside for me, while Laura had gone ahead to her own locker for some books.

Did I really see Mrs. Sanders smile at you?”, Jean asked with somewhat wide eyes, obviously referring to the older woman. The walls beside the door were made out of glass so she had seen everything that had happened inside the office.

"Yes, she was pretty nice. She even reminded me to come by any time if I had any questions.", I answered as we made our way to my new locker.

Nearly gawking at me with her jaw hanging loose, Jean took a moment to find her voice as a serious look appeared on her face, which just made her look incredibly adorable in my eyes.

Her lips were pursed and a small frown appeared between her elegant brows, her finger tapping against her lips as she looked at me with shadowed green eyes.

"I may have underestimated your charm, my love. If even Mrs. Sanders was nice to you, then maybe you should wear a motorcycle helmet. Or at least a ski mask.", she stated seriously, though I could spot the mirth hiding inside her beautiful eyes.

Moving fast, I brushed back her hair before nipping softly at her earlobe.

"Kya!", she called out at the unexpected assault while jumping back, a healthy red blush quickly climbing up her cheeks. Her hand quickly came up to seal her lips, as she looked around in embarrassment.

Grabbing her hand, I pulled her back to my side, smiling as I saw her shy expression, which made it considerably harder to control myself than normal. Inhaling the flowery scent of her hair, I left a small kiss on her left cheek while my fingers lightly brushed over her right one.

"If there is someone that has to hide their beauty, it's you, Firefly.", I whispered with a smile, "Though I guess we should hurry up, we promised to meet Pietro, Ellie and Yukio before class and I still have to find my locker first."

Mhm.”, she nodded quietly, leaning into my embrace for just a moment before taking my hand and leading me to where my locker was.

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