The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 120 – Saturday

[2009 – September]

Waking up slowly, Jean was surrounded by a pleasant warmth and an even more wonderful scent. Instinctively, she tried to burrow even deeper into this warmth as she slowly opened her eyes.

Her hands came into contact with what felt like warm jade that was covered in velvet, and as she opened her eyes, she noticed that she lay in Elijah's arms while her hands were pressed against his bare, well-muscled chest.

His eyes were still closed and Jean lost herself for a moment as she studied the lines of his charming face.

Straight nose, prominent cheekbones, neat eyebrows, soft lips, and long delicate eyelashes, he looked handsome while a hint of boyish charm still remained on his face which softened his demeanor minutely.

Still, Jean knew that it was Elijah's deep green eyes that truly brought his charming features to life, eyes that had unknowingly slowly opened and now looked at her as if she was the only thing that mattered.

Morning, Firefly.”, Elijah whispered, a tender glow in his drowsy eyes while his arms around her tightened a bit and pulled her deeper into his embrace.

She was only wearing an oversized greenish-brown shirt of his and while one of his hands was placed in the middle of her back, the other had slipped beneath her shirt and was softly caressing her naked behind.

Not doing anything to stop Elijah as she loved the feeling of his warm touch on her bare skin, Jean leaned up and pressed her lips against his for a 'good morning'-kiss, breathing some of her inner fire into Elijah's mouth as her small tongue fought a slow dance with his.

Parting lips, her head resting on Elijah's arm, Jean smiled softly as she looked into a pair of loving green eyes and voiced out softly: “Morning, my love.”

You look so beautiful in the morning, how about staying in bed for the day?”, Elijah said softly, his hand moving from her perky behind to her side and down again as his fingers wandered over her soft and warm skin enticingly.

Heat rushed through her veins as Jean's heart started beating a bit faster, the feeling of being desired by Elijah causing a wonderful warmth to spread throughout her whole body.

From the top of her head, down her slender legs which were entangled with Elijah's, who wore only his pajama bottoms, she could even feel this warmth in her small little toes.

Smiling like a flower in full bloom, Jean replied in an equally quiet tone while her hand came up to his face, her fingers wandering softly over Elijah's lips and cheek, ultimately brushing away a stray lock of black hair that had fallen in his face: "Aren't you gonna meet up with Laura and John later for a workout in the gym?"

Turning his head slightly to place a soft kiss on the inside of her wrist, Elijah pulled her closer as he whispered against her lips.

No, I told them yesterday that I won't join them. Today. I. Am. All. Yours.”, he said with a loving smile, accentuating every word of his last sentence with a soft kiss before leaving a teasing bite on her lower lip.

Jean couldn't help but smile back at him before reconnecting their lips for a deep kiss, the taste of his lips something she could never get enough of, while she pressed her body tightly against his.

It was Saturday today, the first week back at school coming to an end after a few rather eventful days. And normally, Elijah would spend most of his day in the gym, given the chance.

She knew that he didn't like neglecting his workouts, especially during the last few weeks as he was working hard to gather enough energy to strengthen himself.

The only reason he did this today was that he wanted to spend time with her as he obviously knew that she was still a bit shaken due to her last talk with the Professor. Jean may have been able to distract herself enough to not think about it during the school week but the long days of the weekend didn't offer this option.

She had been a bit fearful of the weekend because of this, even though she had tried to hide it. And yet, Elijah had still noticed it and realized that she needed him.

Jean wasn't sure how someone without telepathy could be so sensitive to another's needs but she loved him all the more for it.

Breaking up their lip lock, she panted lightly as she gazed up at him with a vulnerable look in her eyes, love overflowing in her heart.

I love you.”, she whispered, and Jean could see the way his eyes lit up as she said those words, heated desire and something much more tender awakening in his gaze.

Shifting from his position, Elijah moved atop her as he pressed her softly into the bedding while still resting his weight on his elbows. Her legs spread instinctively as she opened herself up to him, feeling his hot shaft press against her lower lips even through the fabric of his dark-blue pajama bottoms.

The way her own small body just seemed to be encompassed by his wide and muscular frame, made her feel especially safe and protected as if Elijah's warmth was enough to shield her from every kind of darkness there was.

I love you too.”, he whispered before his lips fell onto hers, the morning sun illuminating the bedroom as they lost themselves in each other.

After their bout of passion, they took a slow and intimate shower together, washing each other with soft hands while Elijah's lips wandered over her jaw, neck, and shoulders lovingly.

Elijah continued his loving ministrations as he dressed her in some simple yet comfortable clothes, though her underwear consisted of a set of rather enticing lacy lingerie, which was something that felt particularly intimate to Jean after they had just made love before showering together.

At this point, Arya had also woken up and was crying for Elijah's attention and care, so he placed her on his shoulders as they went to the kitchen, the tiny owl not hesitating as she snuggled close to his neck.

They prepared breakfast together before sitting down in the large leather armchair to eat it, Jean herself having found her place on his lap as they fed each other small bites of a bagel which was topped with some cream cheese and jam, while small spoons of fruit salad found their way into their mouths.

And whenever something got on their cheeks or lips, they just licked it off each other. At one point, they both started to miss on purpose while feeding each other, mischievous and happy laughter ringing through the small living room as a result.

Afterwards Jean started to work on her assignments for her AP classes that he didn't attend with her while Elijah sat down on the piano and tried his hand at a particularly challenging classical piece, which was from Scriabin if she remembered right.

Elijah had erected an invisible barrier that dampened the sounds of him playing but Jean could still hear it in the background, the light tunes dancing around her like little fairies as she gazed at Elijah's back while he played the piano, strands of morning sunlight falling on his figure through the window beside him.

He had an indescribable charm to him whenever he played the piano, his focus and love for the instrument transforming him in a way that made him seem more unburdened and somewhat 'free'.

Jean knew that this was not an illusion as she could sometimes see it in Elijah's eyes, the burden of his knowledge. His visions, like her telepathy, weren't gifts that came without a price. She was sure that he had seen all kinds of horrors, even though he never talked about it.

Hours passed like this as they each worked on their own stuff, yet never left each other's side. Though when it came to their reading assignments for the language arts class, things were different.

Laying on her back while Elijah's head rested on her chest, his arm wrapped around her side while his hand had snuck beneath the oversized hoodie that she was wearing and was now busy stroking her belly, a blanket draped over both of them as they rested on the leather sofa.

She used her telekinesis to levitate the book at a comfortable distance as she read aloud, her hands busy combing through Elijah's dark locks and caressing his neck and shoulders.

Jean had wanted to find something that they could do together as a hobby for some time now, something that they could both enjoy, even though she loved that they could both just be together while doing their own thing.

It was Elijah who had come up with the idea of reading 'The Great Gatsby' together, as they would have to do it anyways for their class.

She could feel how much Elijah enjoyed her caresses, the psionic energy around them vibrating with love and contentment as he just relaxed while in her embrace. It was a rare and beautiful moment for Jean as she seldom saw him let go like that.

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