The Wanderer – A X-Men Crossover Fan-Fiction

Chapter 155 – Sweater

[2009 – October]

Looking over the screen of her tablet, Emma scanned through the reports of her subordinates, her attention mostly focused on the progress of the projects that concerned the contracts that Frost International had with the military.

Frost International was mostly involved with transportation vehicles, especially the building of ships and aircrafts. Though through her father's and more importantly her own effort, the company had also expanded into other fields, the most noteworthy being electronics.

Emma's influence in the Hellfire Club as the White Queen had naturally been a great factor that her company had been able to steadily rise in value. Using the Club's influence to expand her business and attract more buyers obviously did not come without benefits for the Club.

Supplying the military, and anyone else that was willing to pay the price, with vehicles and electronic components was naturally a good way to widen her intelligence network by simply tempering with the sold goods in a way that allowed surveillance of those that used them.

This information then was used by the Club to further increase its reach and influence. It was truly a cycle of benefits.

Being rather satisfied with the overall progress of most open projects, Emma still made sure to write down a few notes for herself to remind her to take a closer look into a few projects that didn't quite meet her almost impossibly-high expectations.

Emma didn't get too into it though as she was waiting for her younger brother to show up any minute with his lover so that the prepared car downstairs could take them to Cordelia's party.

Naturally, she wasn't in the Academy at the moment but in the penthouse of one of the apartments that she owned in New York City. In fact, she owned the whole building, though only the top two floors were reserved as her personal residence, even though she preferred to stay in her little cottage by the lake on the academy grounds.

Still, her many responsibilities as not only the White Queen but also as the chairwoman of Frost International often required her to travel around and have many places where she could stay and possibly meet potential business partners.

Thankfully, she had Clarice by her side, as the girl's abilities were simply priceless for someone like her. A simple push of her mind and the young mutant could open a portal to her from almost everywhere in the world.

Suddenly a cloud of black mist exploded to her right while she sat in a white leather armchair next to a small glass coffee table, Elijah and Jean appearing through it.

Placing the tablet on the table, Emma smiled lightly as she rose to her feet, though she was taken aback for a quick moment when she really laid eyes on the two of them.

With an all-black suit, deep green eyes, and a bone structure even greek gods would kill for, his tall and athletic frame equally impressive, Elijah's charm was simply devilish.

Inseparable from his good looks was also the subtle aura that her little brother carried with him, the scent of darkness, mystery, and danger surrounding him in a natural mixture of fatal attraction. He was hidden sharpness and traceless calamity personified.

Emma found it almost impossible to describe the presence of her younger brother but she knew that he was a wholly unique existence, as was his spouse.

Long flaming hair, delicate facial features, and a slender frame with womanly curves in all the right places, Jean's beauty was one of a kind, her presence bright and warm like a bonfire on a cold winter's night.

Her bright eyes were green like Elijah's but they seemed wholly different as they shone with a bright gentle light, a tender smile hanging on her lips while she leaned against her lover's side. Her small hand lay in the safety of Elijah's gentle grip, their fingers intertwined.

This wasn't the first time that Emma saw them together but dressed up as they were, the visual impact of their appearance, along with the obvious intimacy and love between them, made for a rather breathtaking sight.

She was quite sure that she was looking at the most monstrous couple on Earth, the power that the two of them held in their hands simply immeasurable.

"You two look gorgeous.", Emma complimented with a sigh and a quiet smile, before her gaze shifted to the tiny featherling on Elijah's shoulder, her eyes lighting up as she saw the green bow tied around Arya's neck causing her to look even more adorable.

But not as good as this little princess.”, she added with a light laugh, approaching to rub the tiny owlet's head.

"Well, we did our best but it's quite hard to contend with a little beauty like her.", Jean giggled as she greeted Emma.

I didn't say anything as I just smiled in response, my gaze sweeping over Emma's figure for a moment.

Her hair was done up beautifully and she wore a pair of diamond earrings as well as a small collier of the same style that drew one's gaze to her graceful neck and her cleavage while her white low-cut cocktail dress hugged her figure tightly.

She looked very beautiful and along with her crystal eyes, she perfectly portrayed the image of 'Emma Frost the White Queen'. The happy smile on her lips and the adoring look in her eyes as she caressed Arya's wings and cheeks made her look much more carefree and less aloof though.

Arya also leaned into her touch, hooting happily as she greeted Emma heartily which only caused the smile on the blonde's face to widen.

Eventually though, we made our way to the elevator, which carried us to the underground parking lot where a long limousine was already waiting to take us to Cordelia's place.

She also lived in a penthouse suite of a large apartment complex that also belonged to our family, or more accurately, it was part of the many properties that were acquired and managed under Frost International.

Housing and real estate were after all one of the most profitable business sectors, the value of property ever-increasing.

"By the way, what did you get Cordelia as a present?", I asked Emma while we were sitting in the car, slowly approaching our destination.

Smiling rather deviously, the pretty blonde replied: "A sweater."

Raising a brow, I was about to follow up with another question but Jean was quicker, as she also sensed that there was more to this and inquired: "Something special about the sweater?"

"I knitted it myself throughout the last year.", Emma stated, the corners of her lips drawn up as she wore a smile that could only be called a 'devil's grin', "Oh yeah, almost forgot. It's very itchy."

Cordelia won't be happy about that, will she?.”, I commented, my lips twitching.

Letting out a short gleeful laugh, Emma replied with her smile not diminishing even a bit: "Well, she won't be happy either way. At least now she won't complain, or she risks me blaming her for never wearing my hand-made 'gift'."

What if she wears it AND complains?”, I asked, still trying to suppress my smile.

In response, Emma just shrugged and replied: "Well, if I have to hear her complain then at least I know that we are both suffering, though I won't be wearing an ugly sweater while doing so."

At this point, Jean and I started laughing.

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